"Speaking about the past". План-конспект урока

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Lesson  Plan. Form: 4

Textbook: Biboletova M.Z. «Enjoy English-2» Part2.

Unit 7 «Telling stories» Lesson 67.

Theme: « Speaking about the past».                                                            


  1. To improve grammar skill in Past Simple.
  2. To consolidate the words and grammar of the Unit.
  3. To develop skills in monologue and dialogue spoken language.
  4. To bring up such qualities as independence and initiative using of slides.

Visuals: Textbooks, Workbooks, Power Point slides, screen, notebook, pictures, tape recorder.


  1. Greeting.Aims of the lesson.
  2. Phonetic drills: a song, questions to Hobbit.
  3. A game «Lotto».
  4. Telling stories « In my sleep»
  5. Question « Where were you last night/yesterday/ the day before yesterday? ».
  6. Morning exercises.
  7. Regular and Irregular verbs.
  8. Reading the tale in roles. (Check up the homework)
  9. Questions in Past Simple. (Workbooks)
  10. Morning exercises.
  11. Talking about last summer.
  12. Results. Marks. Homework.

Notes on the lesson. 

1. Greeting. Aims of the lesson.

Teacher: Good morning, everybody! I’m glad to se you. How are you?
Pupils: Fine, thanks. And you?
Teacher: I’m fine too.
The theme of our lesson is «Speaking about the past» What is the past? How do you think?
/ученики высказывают свои мнения/                                                    Приложение 1. Cлайд1.
Teacher: Name the sputniks of Past Simple.                                                          
Pupils: the day before yesterday, last, ago, yesterday.
Teacher: сегодня на уроке мы будем беседовать о ваших снах, рассказывать и читать истории в простом прошедшем времени.                     
Цель нашего урока: совершенствовать грамматические навыки устной и письменной речи в простом прошедшем времени, повторить изученную лексику.

2. Phonetic drills 

Tape recorder

а)We’ll start our lesson with the song about the boy’s sleep. Listen to it and sing: Ex.10, p.44

One, two, three, four, five          
Once I caught a fish alive
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so!
What finger did it bite?
The little finger on the right.

Now, girls stand up and sing the song, please. The boys do the same.

b) Let’s play»Hobbit» Who was the winner? / ученик, победивший в игре на прошлом уроке, выходит к доске?/ 

At first you’ll be a pupil and answer the classmates’ questions about Hobbit’s dreams.           
Class: Was Hobbit in the Zoo (sea, forest…) last night?

Приложение 1. Слайд 2.        

Pupil: Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t.                                                                             
Teacher: Now you are Hobbit. Answer about your last dream.
Class: Were you in the dessert (farmhouse, Russia…) last night?
Pupil: Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.
Teacher: At last you’ll answer about your future dreams.
Class: Will you be in the forest (America, wood…) next summer?
Pupil: Yes, I shall. / No, I shan’t.  

3. Teacher: A game «Lotto». Let’s check up how you know the words of the Unit.

(Каждому выдаётся лист с написанными по-английски словами и жетоны, чтобы их закрывать. Учитель называет слова по-русски, должно остаться одно незакрытое слово)

to let

a lamb

a sheep


a week

to talk


a day

to smile

a hunter


to fall

the day before yesterday

to shout

4. Telling stories «In my sleep»                                                     Приложение 1. Слайд 3-6.

Teacher: Let’s check your homework. You prepared some slides and stories at home. Pupil1: Last night I saw a nice dream. I went to the Black Sea and watched beautiful animals in it: whales, dolphins and fishes.
Pupil2: I was in the desert and saw the camel. Then I swam in the ocean and saw the whale.
Pupil3: I was in the sea and dived. Then my friends and I flew in the mountains and skied.

5. Question «Where were you last night?»  

Teacher: Work in turn (with a ball) Ask each other the question: «Where were you last night (yesterday, the day before yesterday)?»

6. Morning exercises.                                                                        Приложение 1. Слайд 7.
Teacher: Let’s do morning exercises.

7. Regular and Irregular verbs.                                                        Приложение 1. Слайд 8.

Teacher: Read and translate the first and second forms of Regular and Irregular Verbs: help-helped, watch-watched, play-played, need-needed, want-wanted, live-lived, finish-finished, stand-stood, know-knew, sit-sat, sleep-slept, put-put, go-went, say-said, meet-met.
Сейчас проверим, как вы запомнили вторую форму глаголов. Я читаю предложение в настоящем простом времени, а вы воспроизводите в прошедшем простом.

  1. I go to the park every day- I went to the park last week.
  2. I see my grandmother every summer-I saw my grandmother last summer.
  3. She gives me a cup of tea in the morning- She gave me a cup of tea yesterday.
  4. My sister usually gets up at 7 o’clock. My sister got up at 7 o’clock yesterday.
  5. We play football every day. We played football a month ago.

8. Read in roles.

Teacher: Open your textbooks Ex.22, p.49 and read the tale in roles: Author, Sheep, Wolf.
And now tell the end of it using the pictures drawn at home. /Ex.25, p.50/

9. Questions in Past Simple.                                                              Приложение 1. Слайд 9.

Teacher: Open your workbooks Ex.9, p.37, take pencils and mark the words in order. Put questions in Past Simple: 1.Suddenly Matroskin shouted at Sharik. How did Matroskin shout at Sharik? 2. The weather was stormy and cloudy. What kind of weather was it? 3. There were two big armchairs in the room. How many big armchairs were there in the room? 4. He watched TV yesterday evening. What did he do yesterday evening? Finish the work at home.

10. Morning exercises.                                                                  Приложение 1. Слайд 7.

11. Talking about last summer.

Teacher: Let’s speak about your last summer (In turn tell us what you did last summer)

12. Results.Marks. Homework.                                                           Приложение 1. Слайд 10. 

Teacher: Итак, мы побывали во снах, вспомнили прошлое лето, задавали вопросы и отвечали на них в простом прошедшем и будущем времени, читали сказку и рассказали её окончание. Всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается. All’s well that ends well.
The marks for the lesson… Now, write down the home task: Ex.9, p.37 /workbook/, Ex.8, p.53/ textbook/.The lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Raise your head! Jump up high! Wave your hand! Say «Good bye».