Урок английского языка в 9-м классе по теме "Здоровье"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи урока:

1. Учебные:

  • продолжить формирование у учащихся представления о менталитете и культуре британской нации, познакомить учеников с тем, как британские подростки заботятся о своем здоровье.
  • повторить степени сравнения наречий.
  • закрепить, обобщить, систематизировать знания учащихся по теме "Здоровье" и тренировать учеников в творческом использовании изученного материала в новых ситуациях общения.

2. Развивающие:

  • развивать у учащихся навыки работы в группе.
  • развивать у учеников способности к целеустремленной работе, к самостоятельному труду, к импровизации, к планированию своего высказывания.
  • учить детей делать интерактивный опрос, обрабатывать полученные данные.

3. Воспитательные:

  • воспитывать здоровые привычки, показать учащимся важность здорового образа жизни.


  • Компьютерные презентации
  • Аудиокассета

Ход урока

Организационный момент:

Good morning. I am very glad to see everybody. Today we have many guests but don't be excited. You are very clever and smart. I am sure you will do your best today. It seems to me it will be a good: idea to inspire each other, to say pleasant words to your friends.

Turn to your friends, don't forget to smile and say compliments.

P1: Kate, you are very smart!

P2: Denis, your English is perfect!

P3: Roman, you are always good at English etc.

P4: Masha, you speak English fluently and correctly.

P5: Vika, you are always good at English.

P6: Katya, you are a top student at English. I hope you will do you best today.

P7: Egor, I hope you will be great at the lesson.

P8: Dima, I am sure you will make a great progress at your English today.

T: Good students. You are very polite. Now you are not excited and we are ready to start.

Guess the title of your lesson.


And the motto of the lesson will be:

Health is above wealth!

Do you agree with this proverb?

Why do you think that health is above wealth?

P1: If you have health you can earn money and become a very rich person.

P2: Health is more important than wealth because a healthy person is a successfull person.

P3: If you are healthy you are in a high mood and you can work well and get much money.

P4: It is better to be healthy than wealthy because a healthy person has no headache and he can work hard and become wealthy.

Teacher: I agree with you. It is easy for a healthy man to earn money. If a person has good health it is not difficult for him to make a career. Health is very important for everybody. So, our topic is "Health", our motto is "Health is above wealth"

What are your goals for today?

People 1: I'd like to develop my writing and speaking skills.

People 2: I'd like to discuss health problems with my friends.

People 3: I'd like to learn my friends' opinion about bad health habits and to develop my interviewing skills.

People 4: I'd like to develop my memory and imagination at the lesson

P5: I'd like to practice English.

P6: I'd like to get new information about healthy way of live.

P7: I'd like to speak English with my friends.

P8: I'd like to get new information how to keep fit.

P9: I'd like to play English games at the lesson because games help us to learn English.

P10: I'd like to develop my auditory skills.

P11: I'd like to get new information how bad health habits influence our health.

T; Great. Now let's write our common goals on the blackboard.

  • to develop writing and speaking skills.
  • to get new information how to keep fit.
  • to learn how British children care about their health.
  • to learn our friends' opinion about healthy way of life.
  • T; Great. Now let's write our common goals on the blackboard.
  • to develop writing and speaking skills
  • to get new information how to keep fit
  • to learn how British children care about their health
  • to learn my friends' opinion about healthy way of life

Интерактивный опрос.

Каждый ученик приготовил вопросы по теме "Здоровье", которые он бы хотел задать своим одноклассникам.

T: People have different health habits .I think it will be interesting to learn what habits your classmates have. Now you will ask your classmates questions from your questionnaires and we shall make a portrait of the average student in our class.

Ученики становятся парами лицом друг к другу, образуя 2 круга - внутренний и внешний. По сигналу учителя ребята начинают задавать друг другу свои вопросы. Учащиеся внешнего круга, ответив на вопрос одноклассника и получив ответ на свой вопрос, меняют партнёра, и интерактивный опрос продолжается дальше. Ученики двигаются по часовой стрелке.

P1: How many hours do you usually sleep?

P2: Do you often skip breakfast?

P3: Do you smoke?

P4: Do you drink alcohol?

P5: Do you often eat between meals. Etc.

По окончанию интерактивного опроса учащиеся садятся за парты и пишут отчеты.

P1: My question is "Do you play any sport?". I have asked 13 of my groupmates. 10 of my classmates like sport and go in for sport. 2 of my classmates go in for sport occasionally. And 1 of my groupmates doesn't play any sport. I think the average student in our group likes sport and goes in for sport. It seems to me it is very important for everybody to go in for sport.

Выводы по своему интерактивному опросу каждый ученик записывает на доске.

The portrait of the average student in our class.

  1. The average student in our class doesn't smoke;
  2. The average student in our class doesn't drink alcohol;
  3. The average student in our class sleeps 8 hours;
  4. The average student in our class skips breakfast quite often;
  5. The average student in our class goes in for sport etc;

Обсуждение результатов интерактивного опроса.

Класс делится на 2 команды. Каждая команда выбирает себе название и девиз. Лидеры групп представляют свои команды.

Team: "Apples" Team: "Vitamins"

Motto: "An apple a day keeps Motto: "Vitamins make us strong a doctor away" and healthy"

При проведении конкурсов использовалась компьютерная презентация.

Конкурс1. Complete these healthy eating tips using much, many, little, a lot of.

Too . . . food makes you thin.

Too . . . food makes you fat.

Too . . . sweets are bad for you, especially for your teeth.

Walking . . . makes you fit.

Eat . . . high fat food and . . . fibre.

Sleeping too . . . or too . . . can make you nervous and restless.

Конкурс 2. Correct the mistakes.

  • Eat more sugar.
  • Don't eat vegetables.
  • Eat many fat.
  • Eat the same things every day.
  • Eat less fresh fruit.
  • Eat a lot of salt.
  • Eat a lot between meals.

Конкурс 3. Read the words and explain. What they mean.

B a e d a l n e c t d e I - balanced diet

U n e a h t l y h o o f d - unhealthy food.

Конкурс 4. Name at least 5 good habits/bad habits.

Конкурс 5. Give at least 5 arguments to convince your friends or parents to stop smoking/drinking alcohol.

Конкурс 6. Give examples of the influence of pollution on people's health.

Конкурс 7.

Read the proverbs:

1) a, keeps, day, an, apple, away, a, doctor

2) above, is, wealth, health.

3) measure, eat, with, drink, pleasure, with.

4) health, has, who, he, and, hope, has, everything, has, hope, a he, who, hope, a, was.

Подведение итогов конкурса.

Now listen to the tape and you will learn how British people care about their health. Ex 2, p105.

Обсуждение прослушанного.

Итоги уроки: Have you achieved your goals today. What do you fell at the end of the lesson.