Внеклассное мероприятие на ангийском и французском языках "Греция — колыбель мировой культуры"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

I. Вступление. Приветствие на греческом языке.

II. Мультимедийное представление Греции (Приложение 1)

1. Приглашение в страну, географическое положение, климат.

Welcome to Greece!

We live in a sunny, beautiful, warm and hospitable country. Our ancient history, architecture and warm Mediterranean climate attract tourists from many countries of the world;

2. Туризм.

11 million people live in Greece, but every year almost 20 million tourists come to our country;

3. Афины – столица Греции.

The capital of Greece is Athens. It’s the largest city of the country. Its population is about 4 million people. The official language of the country is Greek;

4. Политическая система.

Greece is a Parliamentary republic. The country has the Parliament and the President. Nowadays it’s Karolos Papoulias;

5. Связь культуры Греции с древними культурами других стран.

Greece has a long and eventful history and a big cultural heritage that has the features of cultures of Middle East, Northern Africa and Europe;

6. Греция – колыбель мировой культуры.

Greece is usually regarded as the birthplace of the first democracy, western philosophy, the Olympic Games, Western literature, major scientific and mathematic principles and Western drama;

7. Влияние греческой мифологии на мировую культуру.

Greek mythology has had a great influence on the culture, the arts and the literature of Western civilization. Poets and artists from ancient times to the present have derived inspiration from Greek mythology;

8. Греческая ментальность.

La retenu, la fidelite de la parole, l’honnetete des activites, la resistance physique ce sont les norms essentielles de la societe grec. Ainsi on a fait le respect vers l’homme – le citoyen – l’heros.

La Grece est consideree comme le berceau de la culture europeenne. C'est sur son territoire et dans ses cites que dans l'antiquite seraient nees la philosophie, la democratie, le teatre et le systeme de la structure d’Etat.

Проигрыш с элементами греческого танца “Сиртаки” (Приложение 2)

III. Отрывок из греческого мифа о Прометее

Prometheus - I am Prometheus! Be happy! I brought you the sacred fire from Mount Olympus. The anger of Zeus is dangerous for you! But I want to help you. I’ll teach you the knowledge that the Gods own. Look! It’s metal. It’s resistant. And that is a boat, which will take people over the seas. I will help you to be happy.

Zeus - I am Zeus, the Master of the Gods. In anger, I apply to you, Prometheus. How could you give people the Gods’s gifts, which were stolen. You will be punished cruelly.

Гремит гром и Гефест его приковывает (Приложение 3)

Hephaestus - I am Hephaestus, your friend. Forgive me, but I’ll chain you to the rock forever and ever on Zeus’s will.

Летит орел

The Eagle - I am the Eagle. I’m sent by Zeus to make you suffer all your life.

Появление Геракла

Hercules - I am Hercules, the Hero of Iliada. Who are you the powerful titan?

Prometheus - I am Prometheus. I’m suffering because I helped people and didn’t want to be the slave of Zeus.

Hercules - I’ll break your chains.

Появляется орел

Prometheus - Again the greedy Eagle is flying for bloody dinner.

Геракл стреляет из лука и убивает орла

Hercules - I’m your protector. You will not suffer any more. And now you are free. Herculas saved you!

 Проигрыш с элементами греческого танца “Сиртаки”(Приложение 2)

IV. Спор ученых

Eschyle, tu est le pere de la tragedie. Ta piece est excellente.

Mais ton art est trop haut, tu ecris des Dieux, mais moi, je veux ecrire des gens.

Eh bien, ecoutons des questions qui s’interessent des gens?

Platon - Pourquoi est-ce que nous sommes nes?

Aristot -En quoi est le secret de vivre?

Platon - Et qu’est-ce qui est le debut de tout?

Platon -Ce sont des idees qui font la base de tout. Les choses, qui nous entourent, ne sont que la ressemblance des idees. Les idees font le monde special d’une veritable vie de la perfection et de la beaute.

Aristot -C’est l’esprit, qui a tout commence. L’esprit divin – c’est le premiere du cosmos qui existe toujours. Grace a lui nous avons etudie la nature.

Democrite -Qu’est-ce qui est le debut de tout? C’est l’element. Beaucoup d’elements composent des choses et du ether divin.

Archimede -Mes amis, les philosophes! De quoi disputons-nous? Donnez-moi le point d’appui et je tournerai la terre.

Проигрыш с элементами греческого танца “Сиртаки” (Приложение 2)

V. Из истории Олимпийских игр, связь их с современностью

Journaliste – Bonjour, je fais mon reportage sur le lieu des fouilles en Grece.

Regardons! Qu’est-ce qu’on a trouve ici?

Quels progres avez-vous marque ?

Archeologue – Finalement j’ai trouve le vase anthique! Regarde!

Journaliste – Voyons! Tu peux dire quelques mots a propos de ce vase?

Archeologue – Nous savons exactement qu’on a fait ce vase en 776 avant notre ere. Sur ce vase on a dessine une sceene des Jeux olympoques.

Athlete 1 – I open these sports games in Zeus’s honors, they will be held at Olympia every four years. Let’s all wars during these games will be stopped. I invite the athletes from the whole Greece to take part in them.

Athlete 2 - We will compete in running!

Athlete 3 - In throwing the javelin and discus

Athlete 2 and 3 together – In wrestling and fighting.

Pupil - We pass the baton to sportsmen of future generations.

Pierre de Coubertin - Nous recevons votre estafette ! J’ai fonde les nouveaux Jeux Olympiques! Ce sont les Jeux Olympiques qui nous ont apporte la paix, le bien et la beaute. Vive la Grece qui nous a fait present les Jeux Olympiques!

Pupil - Long live Greece, which gave the world the theatre

Pupil - …arts and philosophy

Pupil - …architecture and sciences.

VI. Гимн Греции (участники исполняют греческий гимн на английском языке) (Приложение 4)

I shall always recognize you
by the dreadful sword you hold,
as the earth, with searching vision,
you survey with spirit bold.
'Twas the Greeks of old whose dying
brought to birth our spirit free,
now, with ancient valour rising,
let us hail you, oh liberty!
Участники уходят со сцены.

Изготовление костюмов сделано по меркам представленного периода в развитии Греции. Костюмы называются “Хитоны”.