Урок английского языка в 6-м классе "Do you like your house?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • повторение правил чтения -ture, -ng, a+ll, -tch, -ere,air;
  • предъявление лексики по теме "Мебель";
  • активизация грамматические навыков  – конструкция -there is, there are;
  • развитие речевых умений и навыков.

Презентация. (Приложение)

Ход урока


Warming – up

Have you got a room of your own?
Do you like your room?
What will help to make the room more comfortable?

Teacher; Remember these rules, please.

-ture -picture
-ng- living-room
-tch- watch, kitchen

Pupils write down these rules into their exercise-books and they give their own examples.

Lexical activities

1. Teacher explains the meaning of these words. He shows a lot of pictures with these words. Pupils guess the meanings of these words and translate them.

  1. a chair
  2. a cup board
  3. abed
  4. a TV set
  5. an arm-chair
  6. a carpet
  7. a stove
  8. a stereo
  9. a desk
  10. a table
  11. a sofa
  12. a wardrobe
  13. a wall-unit
  14. a refrigerator
  15. flowers
  16. book shelves
  17. modern conveniencies
  18. central heating
  19. curtains
  20. a video

2) ex.3, p. 108.

3) Every room has special things.Now you can see the photo of the chair. Your task will be- to think, to imagine and make up the story about this chair.

Please,answer these questions:

Where can you find such chair?

(Living-room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, etc.)

Who is the owner of this chair?

How old is this chair and his owner?

Where was made this chair? Who made it?

Is this chair comfortable and modem? Why?

Would you like to have such chair in your house?

Please. Design your own chair or arm-chair if you do not have this one.

5. Grammar activities

there is, there are

Oбopoт – there is, there are употребляется для того, чтобы указать на наличие или отсутствие какого-либо лица или предмета в определенном месте.

Exercise-choose – there is or – there are

  1. – a big table in the middle of the room.
  2. – two green carpets on the floor
  3. – nice sofa near the wall.
  4. – beatiful pictures on the wall.
  5. – two arm-chairs in front of the TV-set.

6. Reading (for specific information) – ex. 1-1), p. 107.

7. Conclusions of the lesson.

Home task – to make up 8 sentences using – there is, there are.

Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over,you may go.

Презентация. (Приложение)