Урок английского языка "Русское народное искусство и промыслы"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Состав учебно-методического пакета:

УМП (учебно-методический пакет) предназначен для проведения урока в 10 классе по теме: “Русское народное искусство и промыслы”. Для создания мотивации к изучению темы используются проблемные, исследовательско-поисковые методы, а также репродуктивные и продуктивные упражнения для развития учебных навыков.

Цели урока:

  • Пробудить интерес учащихся к традициям народа в период развития глобализма.
  • Расширить их знания о народных промыслах России. Научить общаться в ситуации выбора и покупки подарков для зарубежных гостей.

Образовательные задачи:

  • Ознакомить учащихся с новой лексикой по теме, развивать навыки чтения, аудирования и говорения, активизировать использование грамматических структур (Passive voice), обобщить словообразование.
  • Органически синтезировать знания английского языка.

Воспитательные задачи: Формирование культурных ценностей, патриотического и эстетического воспитания на основе критического осмысления материала.

Развивающие задачи: Расширение познавательной активности учащихся. Развитие коммуникативных умений, навыков индивидуальной и групповой работы.

Материалы и оборудование: Персональный компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, web-сайт “Folk art and crafts”, видео, русские сувениры, раздаточный материал: тексты для выполнения упражнений.

Дидактические материалы: Тексты, распечатанные со страничек Web-сайта «Folk art and crafts», задание на проверку усвоения Passive voice, русские сувениры, иллюстрационный материал, видеофрагмент.

Подготовительный этап

  • Разработка сценария урока, подготовка материалов для его проведения.
  • Набор иллюстраций по теме: Русское народное искусство и промыслы.
  • Создание Web-сайта «Folk art and crafts», распечатка раздаточного материала.

Этап обучения

Ι. Вступительное слово учителя.

Good morning, everybody! We have a lot to do at the lesson today. We’ll learn some interesting things, we’ll watch a video, we will speak about choosing and buying gifts for a foreign friend.

Today we’ll speak about…Guess what? Here is a riddle for you:

Fine girls of different height
Looking very much alike
Hiding one in one inside
Always bring you smile and luck.

What are they?

Students’ answers. Matryoshka-dolls.

T. You are right. Russia is an ancient country with many traditions , places of interest and genuine folk art and crafts. A lot of tourists visit our country every year. What do you think attracts tourists to Russia?

Students’ answers: (Nature, people, history…)

T. Let’s watch a video. We’ll see if you were right. (Students are watching the video.) Have you enjoyed the landscapes? Are you proud of our places of interest? (Students’ answers.)

-What will remind tourists of Russia? (Students’ answers.)

T. Russia has many skillful artists, architects and workmen .They have produced many masterpieces. Russian souvenirs are of great value and of high quality. They can always tell a story of a history, culture and geography of a place where they were made. Hardly any visitor leaves the country without buying something which will remind them of the country later.

What folk handicrafts do you know? Would you like to know more? What is the most popular souvenir from Russia? (Quiz about origin of M.)

- A present!

Imagine, your foreign friend will come to you. Where would you take him? What Russian souvenirs would you offer your friends?

A) Работа с лексикой

The following words will help you to express your thoughts.

Mind English word-building:


still life

New words:


штука, произведение




рисунок, образец    








промыслы, ремесла

Craftsman (men)

мастер, ремесленник








изделие, вещь





Still life














II. Изложение нового материала (строится на основе Web-сайта «Folk art and crafts», Приложение 1).

1. Matryoshka (Страница сайта)

1) A wooden girl in a brightly patterned sarafan and a kerchief is the most popular souvenir from Russia. The name Matryoshka came from the common Russian woman’s name Matryona. But the idea came to Russia from Japan at the end of XIX century.

The doll splits in two and another girl reveals, then another and another.

Most dolls have 5 to 7 pieces but some sets are really big and have 30 or 50 pieces. The biggest piece is 1 metre high and the smallest is 1 centimeter high.

Some of them represent characters from Russian literature, fairy tales and politics.

The most famous schools are: Polkhov Maidan, Semyonov, Sergiev Posad and others.

T. What did the name Matryoshka come from? How many pieces are there in each doll? What do artists paint on them? When did M. from our republic appear?

2. Lacquer boxes. (Страница сайта)

Lacquer boxes originated in later XVIII century and are among the most splendid and distinctive of Russia’s achievements.

The articles, are made of papier-mache' and are decorated with miniature painting, which brings real value to the boxes.

There are 4 main centres of this art: Fedoskino, Palekh, Mstera and Kholui.

The technique needs a lot of time and efforts. Sometimes it takes two years to produce one box.

Most boxes are decorated with depictions of domestic everyday scenes, but there are also historical and mythological subjects, landscapes and portraits. The most favorite subjects are rides.

T. What makes the boxes valuable? Where are they made ? What do the artists paint on them? (How do the artists decorate them?)

T. shows an album «Русская лаковая миниатюра», Москва, «Согласие» 1994 г.

2. We have a craftsman from Fedoskino. He will tell you about the technique of producing lacquer boxes. (Подготовленные заранее монологи)

Listen to him attentively and answer the question: Why are these items called laсquer boxes?

Tecnique of lacquer boxes.

It takes sometimes 2 months to make a lacquer box of paper-mache. Thin sheets of cardboard are shaped in different forms: oval, round, square, rectangular and glued together. Sometimes craftsmen use 12 layers. Then they are dried for 3 or 15 days, after that they are placed in linseed oil bath for a day. Then masters dry them in oven for 2-3 days at the temperature 100 C. After that each box is covered with 3 layers of oil paints. Each layer is dried for 1 day. Then they are polished and covered with lacquer. They get their names from many layers of lacquer that provide a stunning shine to the box. Boxes are extremely well crafted. Many artists prefer to paint on paper- mache boxes because this material isn’t influenced by atmospheric changes and avoid cracking.

T. Now an art consultant from Palekh will tell you the secret of miniature painting.

Listen to her attentively and answer the question: Do artists of the schools use different oils?

Painting on lacquer boxes.

But it’s the miniature painting that brings real value to the boxes and pins. It sometimes takes a year to paint a miniature on it. Artists must be patient to spend long hours working on small intricate sections of their composition. They use strong magnifying glasses and fine brushes made of squirrel’s tail. Painting is made free-hand. Palekh painters use tempera, an egg yolk and add water with vinegar. Artists from Fedoskino, Mstera and Kholui use oil paints. When painting is finished the gold work begins. Then they polish it with a wolf’s tooth which is remarkably smooth.

One can’t help admiring those beautiful breathtaking miniatures. People call them “small miracle of Russia”. They are charming and attractive.

3. Khokhloma utensils. (Страница сайта)

Khokhloma is one of the most famous crafts and it appeared 300years ago. The word ”Khokhloma” is the name of an ancient trade settlement in Nizhegorodsky region, but the things are made in the town of Semyonov. Inexhaustible treasures of Khokhloma art are based on surface and background painting.

Each work of Khokhloma craftsmen has unique identity.

Pattern of every masterpiece is never repeated. The professional skills of this craft go from one generation to another.. Its technique is genuine and energytaking.

T. Now you’ll learn the technique of Khokhloma from the text and do the task.

“Khokhloma” technique.

Open the brackets and put the verbs into Passive or Active form.

The household utensils (1 produce) in the town of Semyonov but (2 call) “khokhloma” because of the name of a Russian place where fairs (3 hold) many years ago. Each item (4 make) of linden tree. It (5 dry) in a timbre for 2 years. Then pieces (6 cut) and (7 cover) with water and clay. If you come to the workshop you won’t see any gold painting at first, because dishes (8 paint) with tin or aluminium powder and then (9 cover) with lacquer and (10 dry) in the oven for 6 times. After that you can find the famous gold colour. Artists (11 paint) different patterns with black and red oil paints on this background. Gold (12 start) shining from inside. Pattern of every masterpiece never (13 repeat).

Glossary: Fair - ярмарка, Clay - глина, Powder - порошок.

The students are doing the task. Music.

Let’s check it. Look at the screen.

“Khokhloma” technique.

The household utensils 1 are produced in the town of Semyonov but 2 are called “khokhloma” because of the name of a Russian place where fairs 3 were held many years ago. Each item 4 ismade of linden tree. It 5 isdried in a timbre for 2 years. Then pieces 6 arecut and 7 covered with water and clay. If you come to the workshop you won’t see any gold painting at first, because dishes 8 arepainted with tin or aluminium powder and then 9 arecovered with lacquer and 10 are dried in the oven for 6 times. After that you can find the famous gold colour. Artists 11 paint different patterns with black and red oil paints on this background. Gold 12 starts shining from inside. Pattern of every masterpiece 13 is never repeated.

T. Did you know about it before?

4. Zhostovo Trays. (Страница сайта)

Zhostovo is a major Russian folk art center world famous for its painted trays decorated with bright bunches of flowers on the.black background.

Its founder Osip Vishnyakov opened a workshop of tray painted decoration in 1825. The painters accumulated certain traditions of floral ornament and still life painting. They reproduce beauty of nature and convey a sense of joy of life.

There are different shapes of trays: octahedral, rectangular, round, oval, figured and winged.

T. What is Zhostovo famous for? What do the artists show on them? What do you feel when you look at the trays?


T. Stand up! Translate the following phrases:

1. Какая прекрасная работа!
2. Какое прекрасное произведение искусства!
3. Какие красивые цветы!
4. Какой красивый натюрморт!
5. Какой яркий поднос!

6. Я предпочитаю натюрморт.
7. Я ,пожалуй, куплю овальный поднос.
8. Я бы на твоем месте купила поднос с цветочным орнаментом.
9. Я предпочитаю прямоугольный поднос.
10. Мне нравится эта коробочка (лаковая миниатюра). - Мне тоже.
11. Мне не нравится цвет фона. - Мне тоже.

5. Pavlovoposadsky shawls. (Страница сайта)

The shawls from Pavlovoposad are in fashion for two centuries.

Each item is hand – made by plenty of craftsmen: artists, colorists and weavers. All of them are always in creative search that provides producing of modern models which are capable to satisfy the strictest taste. Each shawl has a unique composition and pronounced style of master.

T. I invite here some girls to be my models. (Они демонстрируют несколько шалей.)

Did you like them? Your applauses.

Would you like to buy such a shawl for your foreign friend? And now let’s imagine a situation in a souvenir shop.

III. Развитие диалогической речи. Диалог с целью обмена фактической информацией.

Student’s card#2
2) (1-2 min)

You need to buy a shawl for your foreign friend. You have 300 roubles. Ask a shop assistant about

- size
- colour
- price.

The teacher will play the role of a shop assistant and begins the conversation. Ask her the questions.
Remember to:

- be active and polite
- ask all the questions
- choose the present.

Interlocutor card.

Task 2. (1-2 min)

You are a shop assistant. Begin the conversation.


-I’d like to buy a present for my foreign friend.
-Have you got famous Pavlovoposadsky shawls?
-What size are they?
-Can you show me the red one?
-How much is it?
-Oh, it’s too expensive. Have you got anything cheaper?
-OK. Can I have the small red shawl?
-Here is the money.


-Hello! What can I do for you?
-We have a good choice of Russian souvenirs.
-Yes ,a great amount.

-They are big, medium and small.
-Here you are.
-It is 350 roubles.
-Smaller ones are 280 roubles.

-Certainly. Here it is.
-Thank you. Good bye.

Skills to be tested:

The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:
Ask questions in order to get some factual information;
initiate and maintain the conversation;
make a decision

IV. Развитие диалогической речи. Диалог с целью обмена оценочной информацией.

Imagine, your foreign friend will visit you. Where would you take him? What Russian souvenirs would you offer your friends?

T. Now you must choose a present for your friend.

Student’s card#3


(4-5 min)

You and your friend are thinking of a present for your guest. Discuss the following options and choose one you like most of all.


a lacquer box

a Khokhloma dish

a Zhostovo tray

You begin the conversation. Your teacher will be your friend.

 Remember to be:

  • Active and polite
  • Agree or disagree with your friend
  • Give reasons
  • Take your partner’s attitude into account
  • Come to an agreement

T. Let’s review all the phrases to fullfil the task.

Interlocutor card.

Task 3 (4-5 min)

You and your friend are thinking of a present for a foreign guest. There are different possibilities. This is what you think about each of them.


  • -
  • She has already got it.
  • It’s a very common present.
  • I would rather buy another gift.
  • +
  • It’s the most popular souvenir.
  • It’s really attractive.
  • I’m sure she will like it.

A lacquer box

  • She doesn’t collect them.
  • It’s too expensive.
  • I doubt she will like it.
  • It’s a real masterpiece.
  • They call it a Russian miracle.
  • It’ a genuine art.
  • It’s hand-made.

A Khokhloma dish

  • .The colours are too bright.
  • It’s quite an ordinary present.
  • I have already given her such a present.
  • It’s one of Russian treasures.
  • Each pattern is never repeated.
  • What a fine work!

A Zhostovo tray

  • It’s too heavy.
  • It is big enough.
  • I don’t think she’ll admire it.
  • Floral ornament reproduces the beauty of nature.
  • She likes practical things.
  • The trays convey a sense of joy of life.

Skills to be tested:

The student is expected to demonstrate his ability to

- initiate and maintain conversation;
- come up with suggestions;
- give good reasons;
- invite the partner to come up with suggestions;

Find out the partner’s attitude; -reach an agreement by taking into account the partner’s attitude.

V. Заключительный этап.

T. Today we have spoken much about Russian folk art and crafts. Have you learnt anything new?
What did you like at the lesson? Are you proud of the Russian craftsmen?

Thank you for your activity at the lesson. Your marks are:..

I have found a very interesting poem to sum up the theme of our lesson:

Одной земли огромной дети,
Мы – дети множества земель,
Своя у каждого на свете
Особенная колыбель,
Свои холмы, путей излуки,
Неповторимый свой язык,
Тревоги, горести и муки,
Характер, поступь, посвист, лик…
…Узнать, таков закон природы,
И человек не виноват,
Когда народы и народы
Друг в друга пристально глядят…
И, может быть, проникновенье
В иную жизнь, во нрав иной
Таит надежду на спасенье…
Cпасенья жаждет шар земной.
Л. Васильева ”Встречи с Британией”

Аннотированный список по теме:

http://www.goldengrail.com/suvenirsru/84.html - картинки с шкатулками
http://www.octopus.msk.ru/sp/alexis/process.html - технология хохломы
http://wooddoll.narod.ru/about.htm - история создания матрешки
http://matryona-msk.narod.ru/index.htm - история создания
http://vrn.fio.ru/works/73/5/510/lak.htm - лаковая миниатюра
http://vrn.fio.ru/works/73/5/510/isk.htm - палех
http://www.conceptio.ru/articles/0005.html - душа народа
http://leonova.ru/oootech.htm - технология миниатюры
http://palekh.wm.ru/about_rus.html - технология
http://www.newgulliver.ru/russia/culture/scarf/ - платки