Открытый урок в 7-м классе по теме "Man and natural worid"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи урока:

  1. Тренировать учащихся в устной речи с употреблением:
    • новой лексики;
    • степеней сравнения прилагательных;
    • страдательного залога;
    • формул выражения согласия.
  2. Обучать учащихся различным приёмам работы с текстом.
  3. Воспитывать любовь и заботу ребят по отношению к нашей планете, её богатствам и красоте.


  1. Глобус.
  2. Энциклопедия чудес природы.
  3. Иллюстрированный атлас мира.
  4. М/з Чайковский «Времена года».
  5. Плакаты:
    • People started the pollution. People can stop it.
    • How long do these kinds of litter last?
    • Reuse/recycle/reduce.
  6. Яблоко.
  7. На доске слова: “The World Is a Fine Place and Worth Fighting For” /Ernest Hemingway/.

План урока:

  1. You are a part of environment. Beauty is around you.
  2. Beauty is endangered.
  3. Beauty must be protected.

Ход урока

1. Фонетическая зарядка

Tongue Twisters:

  • Parrot Peter picked a peck of pickled peepers.
  • Whether the weather be fine.

2. Объявление целей и задач урока

We are to practise our speaking and reading skills and widen our knowledge about the earth and its problems.

3. Повторение лексики


nuclear war
to solve a mystery
a problem
a riddle
a difficulty
a puzzle
to cause pollution
shortage of goods
destruction of hopes
ozone layer
seas and rivers

2) Упражнение №22 стр. 66.

4. Beauty Is Around Us

1) Look at the globe. This is the planet we live on. The earth is our home. Look at the pictures in this book. The earth looks healthy and beautiful. We love the land, the air, the water and all the living creatures.

  • Do you know any interesting facts about the life of our planet? (Выступления учащихся. Дополнительный материал. Контроль самостоятельной поисковой работы)

2) Now I want you to ask each other questions using the superlative degree of adjectives. Tou may use your S.B. Ex.33, P.70 e. g.

  • Which is the longest river in Europe? The Volga is.
  • Which is the largest park of rest in the world? The Walt Disney World, 122 sq. km.
  • Which country has the largest population? China,1,246,872,000

3) I know that you love your country dearly. So do I. Express your agreement.

  • I can`t do harm to plants. Neither can I.
  • I never walk on the grass in the park.
  • I often feed birds in winter.
  • I will spend the coming summer at the seaside.
  • I have given milk to stray kittens many times.
  • I can explain why it is good to recycle things.
  • I am trying to be green.
  • I never leave waste in the forest.
  • I have read an interesting book about mammals.
  • I hate to see waste dumps in the forests.

4) Do you like to imagine things? Then close your eyes and imagine a special day when you enjoyed being in some place of our planet. Try to remember its smells, the sounds you heard, the things you saw around you. (м/з музыки П. И. Чайковского «Времена года»)

(2-3 рассказа учащихся)

5) There are a lot of songs about the beauty of nature. Let`s sing one of them. (“Home on the Range”)

5. Beauty Is Endangered

1) You have read the text. What is the title of it?

There are a lot of new words in the text. What do these words mean? Answer the questions using Ex.24, P.67.

2) Now guess what I am speaking about:

Acid Rain - the situation when harmful gases from cars and power stations come into the air and then fall back to the earth with rain and snow.

Habitat – an area where an animal or plant lives, gets food and water.

Oxygen – a gas that makes up about 21% of the earth`s atmosphere, all the creatures living on the earth need it to survive.

Ozone Layer – a layer of gas high in the sky which protects us from the ultraviolet radiation of the sun.

Endangered Species – animals and plants in danger to become extinct.

Extinction – the situation when animals and plants die out and are gone from the Earth forever (like Dinosaurs).

Rainforests – tropical evergreen woodlands, they receive a lot of rain every year.

3) Упр.23 стр.66 – ответы на вопросы по тексту.

6. Beauty Must Be Protected

1) Аудирование рассказа учителя.

An Apple As the World.

  • Look at the apple, use your imagination and say what the apple could represent.
  • Cut the apple into quarters: ¾ of the Earth is water, ¼ is land.
  • 1/4:2=1/2 of land is habitable; ½ of land is deserts, mountains, forests, ice and snow.People can`t live there.
  • Habitable land: 4=1/4 of the habitable land, i. e.1/32 of the Earth is where all food comes from.

Question: What would happen if this part of the world were damaged and destroyed? (one pupil eats this piece of apple)

  • <1% of the Earth`s water is fresh and drinkable. Most of this water goes up in the atmosphere (clouds) or underground.

Conclusion: We must protect our planet.

2) Everything comes to us from the ground. But does everything go back into the ground?

Викторина: “How long do these kinds of litter last?”

3) Работа с плакатом: “Reuse/recycle/reduce”.

4) Проверка домашней работы: Your home task was to think which activities do good and which do harm to the environment. I want to listen to you. (A.B. №8/20)

5)* Imagine that all people in the world follow the words of Ernest Hemingway, what the result of it will be. Say it in the passive voice.

  • People keep the country tidy.
  • Children water flowers.
  • Factories don`t pollute the air.
  • People don`t spoil countryside beauty.
  • Everybody puts litter away.
  • Masters keep dogs under control.
  • People don`t damage trees.
  • Countries protect their nature.

Homeassignment: Ex.27 P.68. Think and say if you change your environment for the better or for the worse.