Методическая разработка темы "Погода и Климат" для работы в начинающих и компенсирующих группах и группах со вторым языком

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Use the words and expressions to describe seasons.

Spring (March, April, May)

  • Mild, dry - мягкая, сухая
  • Sunny, warm - солнечная, теплая
  • Rain or drizzle - моросящий дождь
  • With sunny periods - с прояснениями
  • Cloudy - облачно
  • Rain at times - временами дождь

Summer (June, July, August)

  • Strong winds - сильные ветры
  • Cloudy and cool - облачно и прохладно
  • Sunny at first - сначала солнечная
  • Showers later -позже ливни

Autumn (September, October, November)

  • In afternoon warm - днем тело
  • Dry but rather cold - сухо но довольно холодно
  • Fog later - позже туман
  • Bright periods - ясные периоды

Winter (December, January, February)

  • Strong winds - сильные ветры
  • Sleet or snow - снег с дождем
  • Mainly frosty - преобладает морозная погода

Ex1. Turn nouns into adjectives? (fog - foggy)

Ex2. Answer the question

  1. Does it rain in winter?
  2. Is it cold in summer?
  3. When does the sun shine?
  4. When does a cold wind blow?
  5. Is the weather nice in June?

Ex3. Put the questions

___________________________ - Never. The water is very cold winter.

___________________________ - No, it doesn't. It starts in September.

___________________________ - I play football in spring, summer and autumn.

___________________________ - We celebrate New Year in December.

___________________________ - No, I don't. There is no school in summer.

Ex4. Translate the sentences, using it is, it was.


  1. Солнышко. Идет дождь.
  2. Холодно. Идет снег.
  3. Облачно. Дует холодный ветер.
  4. Морозно, но светит солнц.
  5. Туманно. Сыро. Идет дождь.
  6. Идет снег? - Нет, на улице ясно.


  1. Вчера было тепло, хотя шел дождь.
  2. В прошлую среду было ветрено, но ясно. Светило солнце.
  3. Вчера вечером дул сильный ветер и было холодно.
  4. Вчера утром не было солнца.
  5. Три дня тому назад был легкий туман, но было тепло.
  6. На прошлой неделе шел снег, и было морозно.

Ex5.What types of weather are good and bad for doing these things?

Example: Skiing. It's good to ski on cold, clear, days.

  • Planting flowers in the garden.
  • Making a snowman.
  • Camping out in a tent.
  • Doing the tights of a city.
  • Going out in a small boat.
  • Skating.
  • Taking your little brother or sister out to the zoo.
  • Gathering harvest (crop).

The weather is the most important topic in the land

In England this is an ever interesting even thrilling topic, and you must be good at discussing the weather. Remember a very important rule: you must never contradict anybody when discussing the weather. Should it hail and snow, should hurricanes uproot the tree, and should someone remark to you: "Nice day, isn't it?" - answer without hesitation: "Isn't it lovely?" If you learn some expressions about the weather and just repeat in your conversation, you'll have a chance of passing as a remarkably witty man of sharp intellect and extremely pleasant manners.

Example for conversation:

For good weather

Lovely day, isn't it?

Isn't it beautiful?

Isn't it gorgeous?

Wonderful, isn't it?

Personally I think it's so nice when it's not, isn't it?

I adore such weather, don't you?

They say, it is going to get warmer.

For bad weather

Nasty day, isn't it?

Isn't it dreadful?

The rain, I hate rain and cold.

As for me, I don't line such weather, do you?

Rain, rain, all day long.

Ex1. Learn the dialogues.

A: It's a fine day today, isn't?

B: Yes, it's nice and bright this morning.

A: I think, much better than yesterday. It's good to see the sun again.

B: Let's hope it will keep fine for the weekend.

A: What a nasty day, isn't it? It has been raining since yesterday morning.

B: They say it is going to get even colder.

A: Oh, no! I hate cold and rain.

B: So do I. Let's hope it won't last.

When is the best time to visit your country?

Read the letters:

We live in New England, so the best time is late August and September when the weather starts to get cooler and the leaves on the trees change colour. (Norman, USA)

July and August are fabulous. It might be quit cool but it'll be very pleasant. But don't come in the winter, it'll be dark all day and freezing cold. (Ingrid, Sweden)

We say the spring is the best time to visit us. But it may rain and there are quite a lot of winds, so you may miss the cherry blossom. Come in the autumn, the autumn leaves will be beautiful. (Reiko, Japan)

Have you ever had Christmas dinner on the beach? Come in December, and you won't see a cloud in the sky. (Kevin, Australia)

In the summer, it's very hot and humid on the coats, although you might find it a little cooler in Mexico City because it's high up. (Miguel, Mexico)

Spring and autumn are the best; the climate is perfect on the Aegean. You won't get much rain between May and October. (Yildiz, Turkey)

In December you'll find it a bit like England in July, not too hot. And it'll be rainy and cold in the winter. But it depends where you want to go. It's a big county and very mountainous. (Maria Sara, Chile)

If you want to spend the most exotic holiday, come in winter. The weather is extremely cold, snowy and frosty. You can ski and skate, enjoy riding deer's and tasting national food - stroganine. But the day time is very short. You should take a warm hat and clothes along with you not to get cold. (Tanya, Russia, Komi)

Give your opinion, using conversational formulars, what country is the best to spend your holiday?

I think, To my opinion, To my mind, As far as I know, It goes without saying


Delphine wrote to her friend Benita asking for some advice. Read Deiphine's letter and Benita's reply.

Dear Benita,

At last I'm thinking of coming to Britain. When's the best time to come? Thanks for your help!

Love, Delphine

Dear Delphine,

It's good to hear you may want to visit Britain. I think October is the best time although there may be some rain, and it might be a bit cold in the evening, so bring a sweater. Best of all, there won't be so many tourists. Make sure you bring an umbrella. You may like to stay in a bed and breakfast, which is a private house with a quest bedroom. You won't have to pay much for this type of accommodation. When you arrive in London you may like to buy a railcard to travel around the rest of the country. I hope this is useful.

Best Wishes, Benita.

Find the answers to these questions:

What type of clothes should Delphine bring? Why?

When might be the best time to come?

What might Delphine like to do?

What might the weather be lake?

Number the questions in the order that Benita answers them.

The weather forecast


Every day daily newspapers publish a weather forecast. Both the radio and the television broad cost news about the weather general times each day.

If you read the weather forecast in English newspapers, you can see, they don't give the temperature of the air. May be they do not do that, because the changes in temperature are not very great in England.

When two Englishmen meet they always talk about the weather. It is important, because in Britain the weather changes more often than in other countries. That's why they say other countries have a climate, in England we have weather.

All day and night, weatherman is collecting information from ships, planes weather stations, and space stations. With the help of this information, they can understand what the weather will be like during the next few days.

When a barometer shows high pressure, the weather will be calm. In winter it will be cold and frosty. In summer it usually means misty mornings and hot sunny days. When the barometer shows low pressure, look out for rain and strong winds.

As a result of the weatherman's work we learn about weather.

Answer the questions:

Are weather forecasts important for people? People of what professions are interested in weather forecast? Why?

How often can people listen to daily weather forecasts? Can they get information only on radio?

Where does weatherman usually collect information about weather?

What is the usual weather if a barometer shows high pressure in summer? In winter?

Do members of your family usually listen to weather forecasts or watch them on TV?

Do people have problems because of the weather?

This is what the newspapers published. Read and give reasons why such happenings are bad for people.

December 8, 1952. A thick fog hung over London. Daily Mail. London became today a city of ghosts. Ducks from the Royal Parks, blinded, landed in dozens in the streets. By 10 p.m. there was no public road transport.

Daily Telegraph. There is no traffic at London Airport. Shipping on the Thames has stopped. Only four terrible days killed 4000 people. Some of them died on the streets from the deadly accumulation of oxides of sulphur in the smog air.

The summer of 1816 was the strangest summer in the history of the Northern Hemisphere. There was frost in June and snow in August in Europe and North America, and it was so cold that people had to wear coast in July.

In the annals of meteorology the year 1816 has come down to us as the year without a summer.

Moscow News. This year we have had bad fogs in Moscow. Drivers couldn't see the road. They don't like driving in foggy weather. Passengers had to wait in the airports from 19 of October top to 22 of November hoping that the weather might change for the better.

Auditing. Text: It's November, but it's not cold. There is no snow either, but Christmas is in the air because there are Christmas trees and decorations in every shop. It's funny. The grass is green, there are still roses in the garden, and the weather is very rainy. It's about 15 degrees and I wear my sweater. But you must see the English. They don't feel cold. Some people still wear sandals and T-shirts and don't wear any warm clothes. But it's not summer. At night the house is cold. Central heating is expensive and they don't use it very often. So I go to bed with a hot water bottle (please, don't tell my friends about it).

True or false?

It is not cold on England in November.

It often rains in England.

Christmastime in England starts in October.

The English wear very warm clothes in November.

Short dialogues. Work in pairs. Find out about the weather round the world yesterday.

Athens Sunny 18 oC
Berlin Raining 7 oC
Edinburgh Cloudy 5 oC
Hong Kong Sunny 29 oC
London Raining 10 oC
Los Angeles
Luxor Sunny 40 oC
Moscow Snowing -1 oC

- What was the weather like in Athens?

- It was sunny and warm?

Which city was the hottest? Which was the coldest? Which month do you think is it?

To read regular features from newspapers and magazines about the weather you should learn some expressions and words.

  • with light rain in the north of region - с небольшим дождем на севере области
  • winds moderate NW - ветер умеренный NW
  • there will be occasional snow with possible blizzards - местами снег, возможны метели
  • the relatively warm weather will continue throughout the beginning of May - относительно теплая погода сохраниться повсюду в начале Мая
  • unstable weather throughout the week - неустойчивая погода всю неделю
  • occasional sleet, ice, mist - местами град с дождем, гололед, туман
  • mainly cloudy with clear spells - в основном облачно с прояснениями
  • summer solstice - летнее солнцестояние

Practice the reading features about the weather forecast from the newspaper "Moscow News".

March 28-April 3. Unsettled cloudy in the first half, with some snow or sleet, and then mainly clear. Winds SE, 3-7 mps. Night temperatures between -5o and +7o C. By the end of the period temperatures in the north-east of the region may fall slightly.

August 13-19. At the beginning of the week, the transitional zone between the anti-cyclone over Scandinavia and the cyclone over the Kara Sea spread insistently southwards, sending cold air masses to most of the European USSR. Cold weather with moderate N winds and showers will continue in Moscow for the next 2-3 days. Temperature - 2-7oC at night, with ground frost in places, and 10-15oC in the day. Later the wind will veer round to W and it will become warmer - 8-13oC at night and 16-21oC in the day.

June 14-20. The cool and rainy weather that has persisted since the end of last week will keep on for the next few days. Then daytime temperatures will gradually rise to between +18o and +23oC, approximately normal. Winds light, S. This has been the coolest second week of June in 20 years. (In June there was hall, with some of the hailstones weighing 400 gr.


Over the past century, meteorologists have been looking for reliable ways of forecasting the weather. Research centers have been established in a number of countries and many countries got together to establish the World Meteorological Organization.

The first important success in meteorology came in the 20 when it was found that our atmosphere is divided into a number of different "air masses" - equatorial, tropical, moderate, Artic, continental and marine. The movements of air masses and of the fronts govern the changes in the world's weather.

Climate is the weather a certain place has over a long period of time. Climate has a very important influence on plants, animals, humans and is different in different parts of the world. But recently climate has changed a lot. Winters have become warmer. In Moscow 2006 on the New Years Eve there was little snow, it rained, green leans on the trees began to grow, green grass appeared and may flowers began to blossom. The winter was almost snow less.

Many people say that it is so because of the greenhouse effect. Have you ever heard about it? It works like this: sunlight gives us heat. Some of the heat warms the atmosphere, and some of the heat goes back into space. That's why winter and summer temperatures in many places have become higher.

During the last 100 years people have produced a lot of carbon dioxide. This gas in the atmosphere works like glass in a greenhouse. It lets heat get in, but it doesn't let much heat get out. So the atmosphere becomes warmer.

As we see the climate in different parts of the world changes a little from year to year. These changes can be dangerous for our fragile planet which needs protection.

Complete the sentences

  1. Climate is the weather a certain place has over...
  2. Climate has a very important influence on...
  3. At the same time the coldest place on the planet...
  4. Some of the heat warms the atmosphere, and some of the heat...

Meteorologists have been looking for reliable way of forecasting the weather. Why?

- Atmosphere is divided into a number of different "air masses".

- The greenhouse effect

- Climate changes and their effects.

Ex1 Climate in Russia. Complete the sentences.

Use the right word cold, warm, hot, cool, different, mild, severe and continental.

There are ............. types of climate on the territory of Russia. It is very ............ in the North, even in summer. In the central part of the country the climate is ............ : winters are ......., springs and autumns are ......... and ............., summer are ............. .In the South it is really.............. . The climate of Siberia is .............: summers are................. In the South it is really.............. The climate of Siberia is ................: summers are ................ and winters are....................

Ex2 Continue the sentences

Russia lies on a huge territory from :::::::::.. to ::::::.. The climate of the territory of Russia is :::::. in different parts. In the west the climate is :::and ::::. The coldest place on the world is ::::::::: In the south there is ::::::..and it is :::::::. in summer. In the Arctic the winter temperature is :::::.. In the taiga zone the winters are :::.. and ::::.., the summers are :: Between the Black and Caspian seas it is ::::: in summer.

Audition. The climate of Great Britain.

As you know, Great Britain is situated in the British Islands and washed by the seas. Because of the warm current of the Gulf Stream the climate of Great Britain is temperate (mild). The weather is very changeable in all seasons.

It is not cold in winter and not hot in summer. They don't have the same kind of weather for long.

The two cold months in Great Britain are January and February. But snow never lies on the ground for long, except in the Highlands (Scotland). There is a lot of rain all the year round. British people never go out without an umbrella.

In winter thick fog covers the British Isles. The mixture of fog and smoke is called smog. The mild climate is good for agriculture.

British people never speak about climate, they speak about the weather. The weather is their favorite topic of conversation.

Choose the right variant:

The climate of GB is mild because of :(a. many lakes,b. the warm current of the Gulf Stream,c. much snow)

The weather is changeable in :(a. all seasons, b. in spring, c. in London)

The two cold months in GB are :(a. November and December, b. March and April, c. January and February)

British people never go out without :(a. an umbrella, b. a dog, c. a suitcase)

The mild climate is good for :(a. tourists, b. agriculture, c. sports)

The favourite topic of conversation is:(a. the greenhouse effect, b. the weather, c. the parks)

Eyes and nose on the weather

Weather signs. You can forecast the weather in all king of ways. People have found that a change in the weather announces itself by many sings that can be understood without the use of instruments or maps. A look at the sky, a sniff of the air, even the behavior of a bug can sometimes give you a hint of the weather's coming attractions. Long ago people believed old sayings about the weather. Here are some sayings that they like to repeat:

Rain before seven,
Shine before eleven.
Rainbow in the morning,
Sailors take warning.
Rainbow at night,
Sailor's delight.
If March come in like a lion,
It will go out like a lamb.
Dark clouds in the west
Stay indoors and drest.
When the sunset is clear
A cool night draws near.
When high clouds and
Low clouds do not match together

Prepare for a blow and a change in the weather.

When clouds move down
and turn dark gray,
A rain spell is on the way.

A sunshiny shower
Won't last an hour.

When the days begin to lengthen,
Then the cold begins to strengthen.

Evening red and morning grey
Are the sings of a bonny day.
Evening grey and morning red,
Bring down rain on the farmer's head.

If bees stay at home,
Rain will soon come.
If they fly away,
Fine will be the day.

Weather flags. Weather flags help us to know what the weather condition will be. Each flag has a meaning. The plain white square flag is flown for fair weather. Fishermen along the coast like to see this flag. Sometimes a solid blue square flag is seen flying. Fishing boats and small ships seek the harbor, for this flag means there will be rain or snow. A white flag with a black square in the center forecast a cold wave. A square flag with the upper half white and the lower half blue means there will be local rains and showers.

Weather wisdom. Plants, animals and insects do not actually forecast weather, but they are good weather indicators. Normally, spiders spin their webs between 6 and 7 pm. During clam, clear weather they don't bother to make large webs. But when there high humidity and a drop in air pressure, spiders work overtime building more and large dragnets. They seem to know that insects will be easier to catch when the humidity is high. "When spiders take in their net, the ground will soon be wet". Frogs and toads come out and feast on the easily caught insects when the air is cool and moist. Toads seldom come out when the weather is dry. This is true of frogs, you can hear more of them before a rain. Some people watch ants weather clues. Anytime you see ants industriously building huge mounds around their holes, prepare for rain. Bees are usually active several hours before a rain, but as the humidity increases, they return to their hives. Some American Indians say that the longer the increased activity lasts, the longer the rain will be. Butterflies usually flit from flower to flower all day long. When they suddenly disappear and can be found hiding on tree trunks or on the underside of leaves, they are seeking shelter to protect their fragile wings from a hard rain. Fireflies fly very low when there is a high relative humidity. " when fireflies are about in large numbers the weather will be fair for the next three days. If you hear lots of locusts singing, you can be sure the air is dry, because locusts sing only when it is hot and dry. Plants are also handy humidity indicators. Just before a rain many flowers - like the daisy, dandelion and tulip - close their blossoms, and clover plants draw their leavers together.

Do exercise. Look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should be not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (v). if a line has a word which should not be there, write this word.

  By learning to read weather signs,
  you can to get a few hours advance
  warning if a storm is been headed
  your way. It may keep you from getting
  your the new shoes ruined in the rain,
  from to having a family picnic spoiled,
  or your garden beaten down by a storm.
  If you are be camping, boating or
  doing similar outdoor activities it
  might even to save your life

Key: V, to, been, V, the, to, V, be, V, to.