Урок английского языка для 9—11-х классов. Тема: "Экскурсия по Эрмитажу"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи урока:

  • Познавательный аспект – знакомство с Эрмитажем, одним из крупнейших художественных музеев мирового значения в Санкт-Петербурге;
  • Развивающий аспект – развитие познавательного интереса учащихся, развитие воображения, развитие умения высказать свою точку зрения, аргументировать своё высказывание;
  • Воспитательный аспект – воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой культуре, предметам искусства; более глубокое осознание своей культуры;
  • Учебный аспект – формирование грамматических навыков чтения и говорения; развитие навыков аудирования и умения говорить на основе прослушанного.

Речевой материал:

  • лексический – the Hermitage, repository of art, stock, archaeological artifacts, masterpiece, decorative art, applied art; vast collection; to depict; to convey an idea of…; to execute one’s piece in …colors;
  • грамматический – оборот there is/are.

Ход урока

  1. Introduction. Вступительное слово учителя. (См. Презентация. Слайд 2).

The teacher: Well, my dears, you know that one group of our students arrived from Moscow 10 days ago. And the other group came from St.Petersburg a week ago. Let’s imagine their conversation before visiting these cities, in which they tried to decide where to go, to Moscow or to St.Petersburg.

  1. Чтение диалога. (Слайд 3)

Here is their conversation. But to read this dialogue we should fill in the blanks with “there is/are”. You may look at the grammar hint to remember this rule.

(При выполнении данного задания рекомендуется использование интерактивной доски, на которой дети сами заполняют пропуски нужным оборотом).

Grammar Hint

There is the Hermitage in St.Petersburg.

There are a lot of parks in Moscow.

What is there in Moscow?

Is there the Hermitage in Moscow?

There isn’t the Hermitage in Moscow.

- Where do we go? To Moscow or to St.Petersburg?
- What ________ in Moscow?
- Well, let’s read some leaflets (проспекты).
- _________Red Square, the Kremlin, the Tretyakov Gallery.___________ a lot of galleries and museums in Moscow.
- ___________a zoo in Moscow?
- Yes, __________a large zoo in Moscow and ___________a lot of parks there.
- What ____________in St.Petersburg?
- Oh, ___________ a lot of museums there. The Hermitage, Kunst-kamera and many others.
- And what about the zoo? ___________a zoo there?
- Yes, ____________.
- _________ any theatres in St.Petersburg?
- Yes, ____________ a lot of theatres there.
- Well, I don’t know. I want to visit them both.

  1. Высказывание с использованием опор.

The teacher: So, they couldn’t decide what city to choose. May be, you’ll join their conversation and advise them where to go, to Moscow or St.Petersburg. While speaking you may use the phrases. (Слайд 4):

  • I advise you to go…
  • There is/are…
  • You can…there.
  1. Аудирование текста “The Hermitage”.

The teacher: As for me, I would like to visit St.Petersburg and admire the masterpieces of the Hermitage. Will you do me a favour and agree to make a trip to Moscow at the next lesson. But today let it be the Hermitage in St.Petersburg.

To visit this famous museum we should know the days of the week and the time when it is opened. Let us find it out from the advertisement. (Слайд 5).

- What day of the week is it today?
- What time is it now?
- Can we visit it just now?

Before walking around the halls of this well-known museum we should know anything about it.

Now we’ll listen to some information about the Hermitage. While listening try to find the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations. (Слайд 6 и 7):

  • хранилище предметов искусства;
  • археологические артефакты;
  • коллекция западно-европейского искусства;
  • знаменитая коллекция;
  • все ведущие школы представлены;
  • Музей может похвастаться…;
  • шедевр;
  • стоять в одном ряду с…;
  • обширная коллекция;
  • декоративное и прикладное искусство.

The Hermitage

The Hermitage is a world-famous repository of art, whose stocks total nearly 3,000,000 items. These include paintings, sculptures, prints and drawings, objects of the minor arts, and archaeological artefacts produced by different nations at different periods of history. The Hermitage collection of Western European art can vie with the celebrated collections of Western Europe. All the leading schools are represented by the finest and most characteristic of their works. The museum boasts some of the well-known masterpieces by Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Lucas Cranach, Watteau, Van Dyck, Matisse, and other painters. The collection of Western European sculpture contains more than 2,000 items daiting from the Middle Ages to this day.

The superb collection of prints and drawings ranks among the world’s best. The museum also prides itself on its vast collection of superb pieces of jewellery and decorative and applied art which date from the time immemorial to the 20th century.

Listen to the information once again and fill in the necessary words. (Слайд 8):

  1. The Hermitage is a world-famous repository of art, whose stocks total nearly…
  2. These include…produced by different nations at different periods of history.
  3. The museum boasts some of the well-known masterpieces by…
  4. The superb collection of…ranks among the world’s best.
  5. The museum also prides itself on its vast collection of superb pieces of…which date from the time immemorial to the 20th century.
  1. Высказывание с использованием ключевых слов в качестве опор.

The teacher: We know very much about the Hermitage now. What would you tell your friends about this famous museum of art? Let us do it one by one. You may use the key words. (Слайд 9).

  1. Экскурсия по залам Британского искусства. Знакомство с великими английскими художниками (Гейнсборо, Рейнольдс, Морланд и Хогарт).

The teacher: Now it is the time to walk around the halls of the British art and try to know about celebrated masters of English painting: Gainsborough, Reynolds, Morland and Hogarth. In the first hall we can see “The Portrait of the Lady in Blue” by Thomas Gainsborough. Our guide prepared some information about this fascinating portrait painter. (Ученики выступают с заранее подготовленными докладами о художниках).

Thomas Gainsborough. (Слайд 10). (1727 – 1788)

T.Gainsborough was an English portrait and landscape painter, the most outstanding English painter of the 18th century. He was the youngest son of John Gainsborough, a maker of woolen goods.

When he was 13, he persuaded his father to send him to London to study landscape painting. Gainsborough worked as an assistant to Hubert Gravelot, a French painter, engraver and an important figure in London art circles at the time.

Fairly soon he began to be noticed by the royal family. In 1781 he was commissioned to paint the King and Queen.

He died in 1788 and was buried in Kew churchyard.

Gainsborough alone among the great portrait painters of the era also devoted serious attention to landscapes. His comments on his own work and methods as well as on some of the old masters are very revealing and throw considerable light on contemporary views of art.

Sir Joshua Reynolds. (Слайд 11). (1723 – 1792)

Joshua Reynolds was the most successful portrait painter of his day in England as well as a distinguished member of London’s intellectual society.

Reynolds was born on July 16, 1723, in Plymouth, Devon, England. His father, a clergyman, conducted a grammar school. Reynolds was one of his pupils, but he preferred sketching on the margins of his Latin exercises to studying. He also copied drawings at every chance. Apprenticed at the age of 17 to Thomas Hudson, a popular London portrait painter, Reynolds studied with him for three years. The next few years he divided between Plymouth and London. In 1752 he returned to London. There he established himself as a portrait painter, and success came quickly. Nearly every distinguished English family of the time sat for a Reynolds portrait. In 1768 Reynolds became President of the newly founded Royal Academy, and the next year he was knighted by King George III. Reynolds died in London on February 23, 1792.

Reynolds’ portraits give his subjects an appearance of action, though he posed them in attitudes that imitated the Italian masters. His use of vivid colors also reflects his study in Italy. Unfortunately many of his pictures have faded badly with time.

George Morland. (Слайд 12)

George Morland was born on the 26th of June, 1763 in London. He was a son of the painter H.R.Morland, to whom he was first apprenticed for seven years in 1777. He painted sentimental genre scenes. In 1786 he married Anne, the sister of William Ward who engraved sixty-nine of Morland’s pictures and who married Morland’s sister. In the 1790s he turned to rustic genre, but his later years were clouded by reckless self-indulgence.

Morland painted rural life. Nothing quite like his scenes of peasant and country life had ever been seen before. Perhaps another quality of Morland’s art may have contributed to its popularity; it was above all things English; it is quite impossible to mistake Morland’s men and women for other than English men and women, or his scenes for scenes outside England.

William Hogarth. (Слайд 13). (1697 – 1764)

William Hogarth was an English painter and engraver. He trained as an engraver in the Rococo tradition, and by 1720 was established in London independently as an engraver on copper of billheads and book illustrations. In his spare time he studied painting, first at the St.Martin’s Lane Academy and later under Sir James Thornhill, whose daughter he married in 1729.

Hogarth, however, was much more than a preacher in paint. His satire was directed as much at pedantry and affectation as at immorality, and he saw himself to some extent as a defender of native common sense against a fashion for French and Italian mannerisms.

Hogarth was far and away the most important British artist of his generation. He was equally outstanding as a painter and engraver, and by the force of his pugnacious personality as well as by the quality and originality of his work he freed British art from its domination by foreign artists. Because so much of his work has a “literary” element, his qualities as a painter have often been overlooked, but his more informal pictures in particular show that his brushwork could live up to his inventive genius.

  1. Высказывания в микродиалоге – обмене мнениями о картинах английских художниках, выставленных в залах Эрмитажа (Слайд 14).

The teacher: We see all the works of these famous English painters once again. Let us share our opinions about the pictures you like most of all. May be you don’t like any picture. Then you’ll try to explain why.

Use: (опоры можно дать на карточках или, если группа достаточно сильная и это не первый урок по данной теме, использование опор не обязательно)

  • wonderful
  • marvelous
  • impressive
  • just splendid
  • too lovely for words
  •  in the foreground
  • in the background
  • in the middleground
  • in the distance
  • to depict
  • to convey an idea of…
  • to execute one’s pieces in bright colors (dark tones, warm shades)
  1. Подведение итогов урока.



Использованная литература:

  1. В.П.Кузовлев. Английский язык: Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений. М.: Просвещение, 2005.
  2. Сокровища Эрмитажа. Календарь на 1986 год. Санкт-Петербург: Аврора, 1985.
  3. Эрмитаж. Интерьеры. Комплект из 32 открыток. Государственный Эрмитаж. Издательство «Альфа-Колор», Санкт-Петербург, 2006.
  4. Эрмитаж. Шедевры мировой живописи. Набор из 32 открыток. Государственный Эрмитаж. Издательство «Альфа-Колор», Санкт-Петербург, 2008.