План-конспект урока английского языка на тему "Learning More About Each Other"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Обучающая цель: развитие умений и навыков монологической и полилогической устной речи.

Развивающие задачи: развитие внимания и языковой памяти учащихся.

Воспитательные цели: умение вежливо вести диалог с собеседником, воспитание любви и уважения к своей семье.

Оснащение урока: аудиокассета, раздаточный материал. Лексические единицы, обозначающие черты характера, увлечения и профессии людей.

Ход урока

1. Начало урока: организационный момент. Ответы на вопросы учителя.

Who is absent today? What`s the date today? What day of the week is it today? How many lessons do you have today? What are they? What are you going to do at our English lesson?

2. Обьявление целей и задач урока.

We are going to speak about you families, your hobbies, your parents. Our task will be to help the British correspondents write an article about a typical Russian family.

3. Работа с лексикой к уроку. Фонетическая зарядка.
Look at the blackboard! There are quite a number of words on it. Help me to divide them into 3 groups.

  • Traits of Character
  • Jobs
  • Hobbies

Independent, nurse, responsible, intelligent, office worker, cooking, loving, friendly, shop assistant, naughty, housewife, creative, lawyer, going to the theatre, dentist, cruel, sociable, swimming, collecting coins, curious, talkative, farmer, shy, rude, computer programmer, sports, dancing, playing a musical instrument, librarian.

Now, please, repeat after me in chorus! (поочередивсе 3 группы)

4. Now, try to guess what job (profession) I mean.

  1. She is a person who gives us the books to read.
  2. At present there are many people who work with computers. Some of them write their own programmes. They are ….
  3. When you have problems with your teeth, you must see a … .
  4. In any office you can meet people who are usually dressed in dark suits and white shirts. They are ….
  5. My mum helps sick people in the hospital. She works as a ….
  6. You have to learn a lot of laws and know about social problems if you want to be a ….

5. Now I want you to meet some of the students of our school. They study in the 6th form, too. They are Igor, Ann, Olga. They answered my questions about their families, hobbies and their mothers` and fathers` jobs. Listen to these interviews and complete the charts.

(Используется раздаточный материал и магнитофонная запись)

So, what is Igor`s hobby? What is his mother by profession? Etc.

6. These answers gave us some information about Russian families. And now I want you to meet the correspondents from two popular British magazines “Jackey” and “Shout”. They are going to write the articles about a typical Russian family and they’d like to get some information about the subject. To help them you are to continue completing the charts. You are to work in pairs and then to say what the most popular hobbies are, what jobs are typical for men and for women.

Hallo! We are the correspondents of the British magazines. We would like to ask you some questions.

- What’s your name?

- How old are you?

- What are your hobbies?

- Have you got a lot of friends?

- How would you characterise yourself?

- What would you say your family is like?

- What do your parents do?

- Have you got any brothers or sisters?

- Do you get on well with them?

7. I’ll give you some time to analyse your charts and then you are to say what you think about computers, dancing, listening to music and collecting calendars as a hobby. Why are the typical jobs for men a businessman and a manager? Why do women often become housewives and teachers?

Now let’s ask our correspondents what they will write in their newspapers about a typical Russian family.

8. Подведение итогов. Задание на дом: “An Ideal Family”.