Цель: применить полученные знания на практике.
1) Осуществить контроль над пройденной темой в форме ролевой игры.
2) Приблизить общение учащихся к непринужденному иноязычному общению.
3) Проследить взаимосвязь нескольких аспектов познавательной деятельности.
4) Развивать способность учащихся к монологическому и диалогическому общению.
стенды оформлены проектами учащихся по данной теме; постерами различных молодёжных групп; учащиеся одеты в специфическую одежду, свойственную различным группировкам (чёрные кожаные куртки; татуировки; много металлических украшений; банданы; кепки; очки; украшения задействованы при пирсинге; рваные джинсы; ботинки на платформе; много макияжа и т.д.; характерные прически); столики с напитками и угощениями; магнитофон.
Ход мероприятия
Ведущий (учитель роли журналиста) – I am a journalist from the foreign newspaper “Daily News” and I’d like to know as much information about Russian subcultures as possible.
Dear friends! We are glad to see you here, in our youth café which is stuffed today with a lot of popular living subcultures: hackers, goths, mods, bikers, hippies, skinheads and others.
I know it for sure that this famous mainstream appeared in Britain in the late 1950s. A subculture is a way of life for young people.
On the one hand, these groups have much in common: similar clothes, behaviour, habits and nearly the same appearance but on the other hand, they are quite different: they have their own values and beliefs; support their attitude; like to be in a collective and of course, they try to express their individuality. It is all so because tastes differ.
And now we’ll try to prove it all together and I’ll give you all a chance to tell us some words about yourselves.
The first time
While finding out some information about groupings I couldn’t understand some words. Will you help me, please?
1) Give synonyms or try to guess (3 min)
the best – (top)
a group – (subculture)
a concert – (gig)
a catastrophy – (disaster)
a light motocycle – (scooter)
pictures – (graffiti)
sights – (landmarks)
skinhead – (bone head)
protest smth. – (rebel)
a style of music – (reggae)
switch off – (turn off)
say “no” to smth – (reject)
say “yes” to smth – (approve of)
test all things – (try out)
similarity – (identify)
many people of the same group - (gang )
a big shop – (warehouse)
a choice – (option)
Oh, thank you. You gave me a real hand.
2) Collect the sentences from the words using like/as
(задание дается на карточках; слова написаны в разбросанном порядке; детям нужно правильно их собрать)
правильный вариант
1) Hippies in Russia like hippies in other countries wear worn – out jeans. (Is that so?)
2) Bikers in Russia do charity projects as American bikers do. (Is that so?)
3) Mods like all other subcultures like to compete on Scooters. (Is that so?)
4) Goths wear the blackest black clothes as hippies do. (Is that so?)
(10 min)
После слов Is that so? каждая группа, о которой идёт речь, подтверждает это, давая рассказ о себе (hippie – разыгрывают диалог; bikers, mods, goths – монологическое высказывание)
Hippies: - Yes, you are quite right.
- Hello! How are you?
- Hi! I am fine, thank you. Did you go to the park yesterday? There was a big gathering of young people belonging to our subculture.
- Oh, really? Why did you meet there?
- We just wanted to communicate, listen to rock and roll, discuss our problems; you know we do not conform to society standards and support a liberal attitude and lifestyle.
- And we always want to change the world to the best.
Bikers: - Yes, it is so. We are a group of young people who ride two or three wheeled motorized vehicles and who identify ourselves with a particular subculture, wear black leather jackets and high boots, gather together to discuss common topics, smoke, drink alcohol, some of us take drugs, often we disturb people at night.
The second time (10 min)
1) All people in the café hear the knock at the door and some voices. A skinhead appears.(стук в дверь, звучит музыка (тяжелый рок), и появляется бритоголовый и начинает общаться с другими группами)
- Oh, hi! What are you doing here?
- We are communicating with each other!
Далее следует диалог в вопросно-ответной форме. P-s ask →a skinhead answers. (What are you? What group do you belong to? Are you aggressive? What do you like to do when you gather together? Do you like to listen to music? Who is your idol?)
2) Groups continue to know each other (mods, goths) – группы продолжают общаться.
Mods: - Yes, it is so. We developed our own style distinct from others. We have college-style hair, a neat white shirt, a short jacket, or a short blazer jacket, and narrow trousers. The clothes are Italian by choice. Pale faces, plenty of make-up. Scooters are the preferred means of transportation. We like soul music.
Goths: - Yes, you are quite right. The members of our subculture wear the blackest black clothes with a lot of silver jewellery and have very black hair and look as thin and pale as possible. We gather together to read Bram Stoker and talk about being vampires and the end of the world.
Suddenly the door opens and two punks come in (в сопровождении музыки заходят 2 панка) and begin to communicate (начинают со своего диалога, а потом к ним присоединяются другие).
Punks: - Let us colour our hair purple and have a new hairdo. It will be really fantastic!
- Oh, it is a good idea. I know a wonderful place where we can do it. It will help us to express our identity.
- Brightly coloured hair, metal chains will make us look more shocking.
- You are quite right. People know that we reject everything and rebel against the society.
- That is why they are afraid of us.
Hackers finish the story (показывая свои атрибуты – компьютер, диски и т.д.) We are the wizards of the computer community, we have a deep understanding of how computers work, we can do things with them that seem “magical”. We do not protest against our parents.
Well, well, so many interesting facts!
The third time (5 min)
(Задание – на полосках бумаги написаны предложения, учащимся нужно их опровергнуть, используя отработанные фразы)
I’d rather not, the reason is that…………..
I don’t really (actually) want……………..
I don’t really fancy doing it………………
I’d like to, but the thing is………………..
I’m not really willing to do it…………….
1. Let’s join a gang of bikers I think their life is interesting.
2. Why not dye our hair as punks do, this colour is in fashion now.
3. Let’s go to the party tonight. I’d like to meet real hackers. They are to do magical things with their computers.
4. I recommend you to read this book. It’s about vampires and the end of the world.
5. Why not cut our hairs, as skinheads do, it’s very stylish.
6. Would you like to go to the dance club?
The fourth time (5 min)
The journalist (teacher): From my experience I know some statements which are common among usual people.
- Do you agree with them?
1. A subculture is a way of life for some young people.
2. Many teenagers want to change the world to the best.
3. We, subcultures, are potential criminals.
4. The elder generation can’t understand us.
5. I think that all of us are aggressive.
6. I think all gangs should be forbidden.
(Дети соглашаются или опровергают данные мнения, поясняя их)
The journalist (teacher): Taking into account everything we have spoken about, I think that in spite of our agreement or disagreement on some points; despite our difference we can exist, we must exist in order to differentiate our life somehow.
But still you should invent some common rules not to be so aggressive and violent to other people and yourselves (2 min to think) – дети дают свои варианты правил и выносят их на доску (6-7 правил)
Common rules
- do not disturb people and let them live quiet
- be polite and tolerant
- give up smoking, drinking alcohol
- change shocking appearance
- do not rebel against the society
So in conclusion I have a complete image of the Russian youth mainstream and I will be able to write a perfect article about it. Thank you very much.
We all should be friends and we shouldn’t organize fights or wars because people having different tastеs can live in one of the same society.
Do you like our lesson? Why? Is it necessary to organize such “meetings”? Why do you think so? P1, P2, P3, P4
Now you may treat our guests and have a short lunch together.