Тренинг личностного роста

Разделы: Иностранные языки


I swear to be clever
I swear to be kind.
I swear to be honest
That comes to my mind.
I swear to go in for sports
I swear to study hard.
I swear to defend weak
That comes to my mind.

Lesson 1.


  1. Make a circle.
  2. Introduce yourself in English. For example: I’m an English teacher. I love children very much and children love me. I know my subject well.
  3. Say: Why are you splendid? I’m splendid because I’m clever and beautiful.
  4. Choose the partner. Introduce your partner.
  5. Unite in groups. Imagine that you are the family. Introduce each other using different adjectives. Ask questions to other families.
  6. Hometask: write in English 10 positive and 10 negative features of your character.

Lesson 2.


  1. Make a circle.
  2. Read your 10 positive features of your character.
  3. Read your 10 negative features of your character.
  4. Explain some positive and negative features of your character.
  5. Close your eyes. Remember your favourite tale. Choose the role in the tale. Describe the character of the tale.
  6. Hometask: fill in a form:

My roles:

  • I like…
  • I don’t like…
  • I’d like…

Lesson 3.


  1. Make a circle.
  2. Read your forms: “My roles”
  3. Explain: What roles do you like and why?
  4. Explain: What roles don’t you like and why?
  5. Unite in groups. Say about: What do you like? What don’t you like? What would you like?
  6. Describe one of the member in your group.
  7. Hometask: fill in forms:
  • Such features of persons’ character irritate me.
  • Such features in my character irritate me.
  • My ments.

Lesson 4.


  1. Make a circle.
  2. Read the features of persons’ character which irritate you and say why?
  3. Give your opinions. Agree or disagree.
  4. Read the features of your character which irritate yourselves.
  5. Ask questions each other about your ments.
  6. Hometask: “Pack the suitcase” one of the members.
  • Write in English 10 positive features of his| her character.
  • Write in English 10 negative features of his| her character.

Lesson 5.


  1. Make a circle.
  2. Pay a compliment to your neighbour.
  3. Choose the partner. Write 5 general features of your character. Discuss and read the best and correct features.
  4. The game: ”Association”
  • What flower is he| she associated with?
  • What animal is he| she associated with?
  • What weather is he| she associated with?
  • What toy is he| she associated with?
  • What colour is he| she associated with?

Read your “Portrait” Agree or disagree.

  1. Hometask: Interview (write 10 questions).

Lesson 6.


  1. Make a circle.
  2. The game: ”A Magic chair”. This is ”A Magic chair”. Sit down and the members in your group can see all your merits:

The positive features of your character;

  • Behavior;
  • Actions;
  • Appearance.
  1. Interview each other. The rule: you may refuse to take no for answer. But if you answer you must say the truth.
  2. Hometask: answer the questions:
  • Do you want to be rich? Why?
  • You have got 10 thousand roubles. How will you use money?
  • How do you think what is more important than money?

Write your own questions: what is important for youth?

Lesson 7.


  1. Make a circle.
  2. Read your answers to the questions.
  3. Ask your own questions.
  4. Put the numbers according to the importance for you:
  • Tasty meal;
  • A meeting with the friends;
  • A good book;
  • An adventure film;
  • A cassette with the favourite group(singer);
  • A fashion journal;
  • A hike;
  • A cottage.
  1. Read your needs. Discuss the needs and describe the person (according to his| her needs).
  2. Hometask: Write the features of manhood and womanhood.

Lesson 8.


  1. Make a circle.
  2. Read in English the features of womanhood and write them on the blackboard.
  3. Compare these features and draw a conclusion.
  4. Create an image of manhood.
  5. Create an image of womanhood.
  6. Speak about the features of character of a lider -boy and a lider -girl .
  7. Hometask: Write about your plans (future).

Lesson 9.


  1. Make a circle.
  2. Tibets division into periods of age (the teacher). According to these theory people live periodically for 12 years. A person is more active in the middle of a period. During the 1-st period (0-12) we form the features of character; the 2-nd period (12-24) is the period of studing; the 3-d period (12-36) is your course of life. All the great people become famous in the 3-d period of life. So we’ll discuss your plans for future.
  3. Speak about your plans (future).
  4. Repeat it after me: “I’m in the 2-nd period of life. All people are talented and I’m talented too. All are ready to decide their fate and I remember about it.”

Lesson 10.


  1. Make a circle.
  2. Give your opinions about our training.
  3. Listen to the poem, repeat it, learn and recite: The fate gives only chance for us From 12 to 24. All people must decide the fate And study more and more.
  4. A word to conclusion:
  • Don’t worry, be happy.
  • Don’t afraid.
  • Don’t lie.
  • Work hard.
  • Think.