Урок памяти, посвященной трагедии в Беслане (11-й класс). Английский язык

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 11

Decoration: on the board the title “Black September”, the photographs of those events.

Teacher: Children, today is uncommon lesson. It is dedicated to the victims of act of terror in the small city Beslan. Our pupils are going to help me to conduct this lesson. That tragedy we are going to speak about shook the entire world.

(The record of the song “Beslan”)

Student 1: The Ceremonial Assembly dedicated to the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the academic year school №1 in Beslan had only begun. On the area opposite the Assembly was an enormous crowd – well dressed schoolboys in new suits, their parents, some with baby children and theatres. It occurred about 9 hours in the morning, some of them perceived it as a bad dream and it seemed impossible: the truck entered the school yard, out of it the armed people in the masks jumped out. They began to shoot at air and to force crowd into the school.

Student 2: Capture occurred so rapidly, many did not understand what had happened. All this happened during 2-3 minutes. They were going to begin the Ceremonial Assembly- and suddenly shots rang out. And they began to force all people into the school, into the gymnasium.
Gymnasium was closed, but rebels broke windows and forced open doors. Hostages were ordered to sit down on the floor. Terrorists acted completely professionally, in 10 minutes they literally mined entire hall with explosive.

Student 3: In the confusion, which reigned during the seizure of school and later, for the small groups of schoolchildren it became possible to escape. They described that among the hostages there were those who were killed and wounded.

(Video clip “Black September” – 3 minutes)

Student 4: As it was reported, there were 17-25 rebels (lately it became evident that there were much more, they called more than 30 bandits to be killed). Among them there was women-shakhidki, tied round by fatal belts with the explosive. They didn’t talk with the hostages. Even other terrorists spoke little, they transferred ultimatum to authorities by record. This is one of the dark moments in the history of the seizure of that school Beslan. According to the initial information which appeared in the media, the note contained only one word “await”, then information appeared that the bandits required taking the federal troops away from Chechnya.

Student 5: The building of school was surrounded. Rebels did not dispatch to the bilateral contact. In the broken windows of gymnasium they advanced children and women, true to life “panel” in the case of assault by the Special Force of the building of school. Furthermore, bandits threatened that for their each that killed they’d shoot 50 hostages, and for that wounded – 20 people.
The attempts of the negotiations with the bandits were undertaken repeatedly, calling terrorists to liberate at least breast children; however, without any result.

(Video clip- 3 minutes)

Student 6: To the end of the day, the first of September, the official data entered about a quantity of children in the seized school. In the evening of the same day the first version about those who stood behind the seizure of school appeared. American newspaper “New York time” called Shamil Basaev the organizer of the terror act. The fire didn’t stop during the whole day- rebels fired territory around the building.

Student 7: Doctor Leonid Roshal arrived at night began the negotiations with the terrorists. He transferred from the management of staff of the release of hostages, that they guaranteed corridor to Chechnya. It was also proposed to replace children-hostages by the adult. The bandits refused all proposals.
But first of all Roshal, of course, required permission to deliver to hostages by water and food products. And failure again.   
Ruslan Aushev the President of Ingushetia succeeded unexpectedly and not only passed inside the seized school, but also persuaded to liberate 26 women and children. As it was précised lately one of the hostages returned back, after transmitting breast child, to their other children, whom the rebels did not let go.

Student 8: after this doctor Roshal again connected with the rebels, but those cynically stated that all hostages refused to take food and the drugs. As it was known lately during the first day hostages were allowed to drink water out of the crane. During the second and third days, tormented by heat, in the hall where more than thousand people were located, even with the broken windows hostages were out of breath and they had to drink their urine in order to survive.

Student 9: And there was the outcome which no one awaited. When the specialists of MChS [emergency and disaster relief ministry] drove up to building, hell began. Two powerful explosions, one after another, thundered in the school and as the result the parts of the roof was destroyed. Why terrorists set in action the explosive devices, established in the gymnasium, it is unknown. The part of the hostages attempted to get outside. Bandits shot at the backs of the running away children from the guns. The soldiers of the Special Force were forced to open return fire in order to cover hostages. Assault began.

(Video – 5 minutes)

Student 10: Military men left the school carrying children on their hands. Some hostages ran out themselves. Almost all of them wore underwear. People undressed themselves in order to rescue from the intolerable heat of gymnasium. In order to free the hostages the Special Force exploded one of the walls of school. The part of the rebels, meanwhile, tried to mixed with the crowd. In spite of encompassment, several bandits managed to hide. When finally rescuers could enter the building, in the gymnasium, where the majority of hostages were located, they found tens of those who had been killed.

(Video - 3 minutes)

Student 11: The battle in the Beslan continued until the morning. There were 556 people in the hospitals, 332 children were among them. 79 killed were identified. To the last moment the authority hoped to free hostages via negotiations. But it did not occur. To the end of that day according to the data of operational staff, the total number of those who was killed reached 323 people, 156 children among them.

Student 12: On the place of the tragedy the selection of obstructions was produced, and it was discovered the precise number of people, which were located as the hostages- 1181 people. Relatives could not find many of them. 260 people were missed.
In the gymnasium the enormous arsenal of weapon was found, specialists came to the conclusion that the rebels prepared for the seizure of school previously. According to one version major portion of the weapon and explosive terrorists hid in the school still in summer, during the reconstruction, as construction materials.
On the 6 and 7 of September the mourning was declared according to the President’s Putin Decree.
Everywhere the meeting in the support of the people of Beslan took place. No one remained indifferent. The entire world grieved on those who were killed there.

(The record of the meeting)
Minute of the silence.

Teacher: Today it is the evidence of the danger of terrorism. It is not possible to forget. In conclusion I want to read the poem by Nadezhda Sivina.

Просто помолчим, что тут говорить,
Сердце запеклось от людской крови.
И сочится кровь из открытых ран,
И тревожно бьёт колокол – «Беслан!!!»
В доме знак беды – распахнута дверь,
Не придет никто в этот дом теперь.
Не согреет дом звонкий детский смех.
Сиротой стоит на глазах у всех.
И калитки скрип жадно ловит он,
И глядят с тоской, ждут глаза окон.
Не поймет, зачем тишина кругом,
Было так тепло раньше в доме том.
Но хозяев ждет, он как верный пес
От глухой тоски, словно в землю врос.
Не зажжется свет и не скрипнет дверь,
Не придет никто в этот дом теперь…


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