Открытый урок "Знаменитые люди"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи учащихся на английском языке;
  • развивать навыки аудирования;
  • развивать творческие способности учащихся;
  • воспитывать толерантное отношение к культуре других народов;
  • воспитывать интерес к изучению предмета;
  • обобщить знания учащихся по теме «Знаменитые люди».

Задачи урока:

  • закрепление знаний, умений и навыков употребления лексики и лексических единиц по теме «Знаменитые люди»;
  • развитие эстетического вкуса у школьников, расширение их кругозора, обогащение внутреннего мира учащихся, обучение уважительному отношению к разным жанрам искусства.

Тип урока: обобщение материала.

Вид урока: интерактивный урок-конференция.

Материально-техническое оснащение: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска, видеомагнитофон, DVD-проигрыватель диск – Образовательная коллекция TeachPro «Английский для школьников 5-9-х классов», DVD video «Певец родных просторов, или слово о Шишкине», видеокассета «MADAME TUSSAUD’S – THE INSIDE STORY», портреты известных людей (Вильям Шекспир, Чарльз Диккенс, Оскар Уайльд, Бернард Шоу, Джон Констебль, Джозеф Тернер, Джордж Гендель, Чарли Чаплин), сборник текстов «Знаменитые люди Сабинского района» (составитель Шакирова Р.С., Б.Сабы,2008), высказывания об искусстве, учебник «Английский с удовольствием» для 5-6 классов .

План урока:

1. Организационный момент

Приветствие. Беседа с дежурным. Постановка целей и задач урока.

Вступительное слово учителя.

We are going to finish the unit “Faces of London”. We have read many texts about well-known and famous people, have done a number of exercises on this theme. Every country has its own famous people and today we are going to speak about some of them. I’m sure that you’ll enjoy the lesson.

2. Речевая разминка

1) проверка домашнего задания – сообщения об известных людях Сабинского района.

Teacher: You were to prepare short reports about well-known people of our region. I think that you are ready.

Учащиеся рассказывают подготовленные сообщения на английском языке.

Davletshina Ilzira: I’m fond of music and that’s why I am going to speak about a composer, Chusnulla Valiullin. Chusnulla Valiullin was born in 1914 in Bogatie Saby. He is the author of 2 operas & more than 100 songs & 30 music performances. The operas “Samat”, “In the bank of Dim” are the most popular musical works. His cousin, Allachieyar, also devoted moreover 17 years of his life to music & created many symphony poems & operas. “Spring winds” is the best of them.

Gasimova Alina: I want to speak about Shaukat Biktimerov, who was born in 1928 in a small village, Mingar. He is one of the famous actors. From 1953 till nowadays he is on the scene of the theatre & creates his best images. He is known as “Almandar” among the people. The inhabitants are proud of him. In 2003 Shaukat Biktimerov’s house was innovated. There is a memorial plague on the wall of the house.

Nazmutdinov Dinar: Makhmut Nigmatzjanov was born in Bolshoy Artash, in 1930. He was fond of music from the childhood & devoted himself to folk music, songs. Makhmut Nigmatzjanov has gathered a lot of tatar folk songs from all over the Europe & Asia.

Shakirov Ravil: Abrar Karimullin was born in the village Chabia Churchy, in 1925. He came to the science very late, but in spite of it he wrote more than 400 articles & one can find 32 monographs on the theme of tatar book, literature, art & so on. He is not alive, but the people remember him. In 2001 the central region library was named after him. Our country-man Kadim Zamitov created a monument & it was put on his grave.

Antonov Artem: Azat Akhmadullin was born in Bogatie Saby in 1932. He is a teacher of teachers. Azat Akhmadullin learns about the history of tatar literature & theatre. He has a lot of scientific works on these themes. Many pupils learn tatar literature using his textbooks.

Abdullina Guzel: I like to read books. Fauziya Bairamova is my favourite writer. She was born in 1950 in the village Sabai. She is one of the best known writers of Tatarstan. We can see her narratives, stories, articles on the pages of literature magazines, newspapers. Her performances are always on the scene of the republic theatres, her books are read by a lot of people with a great interest.

Timergalieva Ilvira: Magsum Chusin was born on the 15th of May in 1930 in the village Teneky, Sabinsky region. He finished Sabinsky school in 1948 & began to teach in the I-IV forms.

From 1949 till 1954 Magsum Chusin studied in Kazan University at the philological faculty. After graduating from the University he began to work as a chief secretary at the local newspaper «Tatarstan yashliyre» ( Tatarstan youth) («MojiodeofCb Tamapcmana»). In 1958-1959 Magsum Chusin moved to Karaganda & worked in youth newspaper, from 1959 till 1969 he worked in our region newspaper, then in Arsk & Baltasi region newspapers. From 1969 he is the chief secretary in the satiric magazine «Chayan» (Чаян). He writes stories about country life, the children who live there. His first book was published in 1961. There are about 10 books which one can find in the libraries & bookshops.

Imamutdinov Bulat: Kadim Zamitov was born in 1946 in the village Bolshoy Artash. He is a sculptor. He creates sculptures of famous personalities, exotic & real animals. One can find models of monumental sculpture composition, such as “Sujumbeki”, “Sak-Sok”, “Jusuf & Zuleikha”, “Tagir & Zukhra” in the foyer of the National Art Museum. His sculptures are presented in Tretyakov gallery in Moscow, the National Museum in Vienne, the Museum of Fine Arts in Tatarstan, the Museum of National culture, in private collections of France, the USA & Germany. And of course, there are some in our region museum. We are proud that he created a monument to Nurgaly Minnekhanov, Abrar Karimullin. K.Zamitov came to our school in 2006 & presented a monument to G.Tukai.

Galimov Ilnur: My hobby is drawing and I like Tavil Chaziachmetov’s pictures, that’s why I’ll speak about him. Tavil Chaziachmetov was born in 1936 in the village Usuph-Alan, Sabinsky region. From 1952 till 1957 he studied in one of Kazan Art schools. In 1963 he graduated from Leningrad Architecture Institute. He learned to draw pictures for books under the leader of professor Taranov M.A. In 1963 he returned to Kazan & began to work in Tatar publishing-house. From 1964 till 1967 he worked in children's newspaper «Yuash Lenintchy» (Яшь ленинчы) and as an artist in the magazine «Yalkin» (Ялкын) & taught in Kazan Art College.

Tavil Chaziachmetov was a well-known artist. He created beautiful pictures. Tavil had decorated more than 200 books. All people admire his pictures, especially children who are the readers of the magazine«Yalkin». He was also the author of Tatarstan coat of arms.

The inhabitants of Sabinsky region are proud of the artist. Last year we visited our region museum and learned more about him.

Gazizova Ilzira: Fasil Achmetov is one of my favourite composers.

He was born on the 20th of May in 1935 in the village Osenbash, Kukmorsky region, Tatarstan republic.

In 1949 the Achmetovs moved to Leshoz which is situated in our region. They lived near the lake in a very beautiful place of the village. His father worked as a bookkeeper & mother was a housewife, looked after the children.

Fasil studied in Leshoz school for 3 years. He was the best accordion player & organized all the parties at school. Fasil studied very well, he used to help his classmates. In 1953 Fasil Achmetov entered Kazan Musical College, then Kazan Conservatoire. He devoted 40 years of his life to music & created a lot of symphonies, romances, songs, which are understandable, full of kindness.

Sosnina Firuza: I’ll tell a few words about Shamil Bariev. He was born on the 14th of November in 1951 in the village – Bolshoy Artash, Sabinsky region, Tatarstan Republic, in the teachers’ family. In 1973 he graduated from 'Leningrad State Theatre, music & cinematography institute & began his career as an actor in G. Kamal Tatar State Academy Theatre. He was also the teacher of young actors, worked in Kazan Theatre College & in Kazan Art & Culture Institute.

Shamil Bariev had a short life, he died on the 11th of March in 1994, when he was only 43. But in spite of this fact he created a lot of beautiful images & the spectators would remember him for many years. The inhabitans of Sabinsky region are very proud of him.

Khasanshina Miliaysha: Gaziz Nabiullin was born on the 15th of February in

1920 in the village - Krenny, Sabinsky region, Tatarstan Republic. His family was poor. Gaziz Nabiullin studied in Arsk Pedagogical college. From 1940 till 1980 worked in the region newspaper «Kolkhoz bairagy» (“Җиңү байрагы”). At first, he was busy with different kinds of work there, then in 1944 G. Nabiullin became the editor of the newspaper. While working there he tried to write poems, which were published in republic newspapers and magazines for children.

His first book «The children of our village» was edited in 1948. In 1957 the second book named «The poem about my brother» had a great success. Gaziz Nabiullin is the author of more than 10 books. His poems, stories are about children's life, about love to the nature & native place, about friendship. He created also a number of performances. There is a memorial plague on the 41st house in School street where Gaziz Nabiullin lived. One of the new streets is named in his honor.

3. Развитие навыков диалогической речи учащихся на английском языке

- read & act out the dialogue – ex.47 pg.94

4. Совершенствование знаний и формирование умений и навыков монологической иноязычной речи

Учитель: Today I can show you a film about Madame Tussaud’s. This cassette was brought for me from England by one of my nieces. Enjoy the opportunity of a unique look behind the scenes of the world’s most famous wax exhibition. Take a journey that begins with the turbulent years of the French Revolution and follows over 200 years of Madame Tussaud’s fascinating development. See the famous and the notorious who have changed the face of history, and those who are making it now. Discover what the future holds in the ever changing world of Madame Tussaud’s.

  • просмотр видеоматериала о Мадам Тюссо;
  • высказывания учащихся о Мадам Тюссо, о музее, о восковых фигурах;

Gazizova Ilzira: The museum of Madame Tussaud’s life-size figures of famous people is one of the sights of London. The figures of famous people are made of wax. This museum has one of the largest collections of wax models in the world. We met here great characters of history and art. Here actors, film stars, pop-singers and sportsmen come face to face with famous politicians.

Abdullina Guzel: There is a special place for the Queen’s family: the Queen, her husband, their children and other members of the Royal family…

  • ответы на вопросы учителя, если учащиеся не дадут основное содержание.
  • знакомство с Интернет материалом о Мадам Тюссо.

Антонов Артём: Музей восковых фигур мадам Тюссо

Музей восковых фигур мадам Тюссо в Лондоне

В музее восковых фигур мадам Тюссо, Вас ожидает встреча не только с членами королевской семьи, со звёздами поп-музыки, но и печально прославившимися личностями, а в комнате Ужасов - с палачами, расправляющимися со своими жертвами. Основательница музея, урождённая Мари Гросхольц, в своей жизни часто сталкивалась со смертью. Она бы известным в Париже мастером восковых фигур, а так же преподавала гуманитарные науки сестре Людвика XVI. Лидеры французской революции поручили ей сделать маски с лиц обезглавленных жертв гильотины. Выйдя замуж за гражданского инженера Франсуа Тюссо, она приехала в Лондон в начале 19 века, и к моменту её смерти в 1850 году (она умерла в возрасте 89 лет) её работы были уже известны. В 1884 году её внук, Джозеф Рэндал Тюссо, поместил фигуры в музее недалеко от Бейкер-стрит, где они сейчас и находятся. С тех пор коллекция шла в ногу с жизнью общества, запечатлевая и хорошее, и плохое, величественное.

Возможно, лучший на планете, музей восковых фигур - более 1000 в настоящее время фигру выдающихся деятелей политики, искусств, выдающихся полководцев и великих учёных. Звуки, запахи и двигающиеся фигуры создают дополнительные ощущения. При посещении этого музея у Вас есть возможность сделать просто потрясающие фотоснимки. Статуи Наполеона и Робеспьера были самолично вылеплены мадам Тюссо с живых оригиналов, когда искусство фотографии вообще было неизвестно… После осмотра основной экспозиции Вы попадаете в Chamber of Horrors - Палату Ужасов, где представлены различные наказания и преступления в истории Англии.

Музей открыт : пн.-пятн. - 10/00-17/30, сб.-воскр. - 9.30 - 17.30 m.Baker Street Station, Marylebone Road, NW1 M Входн.билет - 15 фт. взр., 10,5 фт. - ребёнок. (5-15 лет) (единый абонемент Мадам Тюссо с Палатой Ужасов + Планетарий).

Не рекомендуется особенно впечатлительным людям и людям со слабой психикой.

5. Физкультминутка

6. Развитие навыков аудирования. Диск – Образовательная коллекция TeachPro «Английский для школьников 5-9-х классов»

На интерактивной доске появляются материалы о знаменитых писателях, художниках, композиторах, артистах в чтении диктора на английском языке и учащиеся должны передать содержание услышанного на русском языке.

  • Вильям Шекспир;
  • Чарльз Диккенс;
  • Британские знаменитости;
  • Оскар Уайльд;
  • Бернард Шоу;
  • Джон Констебль;
  • Джозеф Тернер;
  • Джордж Гендель;
  • Чарли Чаплин.

7. Извлечение информации по просмотренному DVD-фильму о великом художнике И.И.Шишкине

(выступления учащихся на английском языке)(используется DVD video «Певец родных просторов, или слово о Шишкине»)

Davletshina Ilzira: I.I.Shishkin was born in Yelabuga in 1832. He was the son of a merchant. Shishkin liked to draw in his early childhood. That’s why he had a nickname ’mazilka’. Shishkin was fond of nature. He was famous for the wonderful colours in his pictures.

Khasanshina Miliaysha: There is a museum in Yelabuga and we can see a number of the artist’s masterpieces here. The museum is situated in Shishkins’ house. It is very nice and comfortable. There are many rooms: a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, the father’s study, the artist’s workshop. The furniture, the curtains are very attractive. I want to visit Shishkin’s museum. We are proud that I.I.Shishkin spent a piece of his life in Tatarstan.

8. Подведение итогов урока

Домашнее задание: написать письмо одному из знаменитостей.

Высказывания об искусстве

Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration.

Handsome is as handsome.

Genius must be born, and never can be taught.

Art is long, life is short.

Seeing is believing.