Методические рекомендации и презентационные материалы к уроку английского языка по теме "What Makes a Friend?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: развивать основные учебные умения учащихся в области аудирования, говорения, чтения, письма.



  • активизировать лексику по темам "Формирование взаимоотношений. Личные качества человека";
  • максимально активизировать пройденный языковой материал в связных высказываниях, с личной оценкой;
  • учить умению вести дискуссию и воспринимать речь на слух.


  • помочь учащимся осознать свои уникальные и культурные особенности, позволяющие гордиться собой и семейными традициями;
  • моделировать различные типы поведения и отношений;
  • учить детей критически мыслить.


  • научить уважать и ценить людей, независимо от цвета кожи, физических возможностей или языка, на котором говорят;
  • формировать толерантное сознание и соответствующие поведенческие характеристики.

Основные этапы урока:

1. Организационный момент.

2. Речевая зарядка.

3. Основная часть урока:

  • мозговой штурм на определение самооценки " Будь звездой";
  • поисковое чтение (деятельность) на выявление основных характеристик, присущих другу "Рецепт для друга";
  • разгадывание кроссворда с использованием активного словаря по теме и развитие критического мышления учащихся " Стань другом";
  • ролевая игра по развитию коммуникативных умений "Конструктор";
  • проектно - исследовательская деятельность "Создание персонального контракта" на выявление личностного отношения к обсуждаемой проблеме.

4. Оценивание и рефлексия. Заполнение оценочно - информационных карт.


  • листы ватмана формата А1 для групповой работы, фломастеры;
  • рабочие листы с приложениями;
  • оценочно-информационные карты;
  • наборы цветных фигур для ролевой игры "Конструктор";
  • мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, экран.

Lesson Plan.

1. Greetings.

Hello, everyone! Today we are going to do some research work on how to be a star or an ideal friend. Isn't it excited? Of course it is. And what do you think I mean speaking about stars? Who are they? (Possible answers: famous people - pop stars, actors, artists, scientists, politicians etc.; people we are proud of, people who contribute to the fame and prosperity of the country, etc.) On the whole: stars are people who distinguish themselves as individuals. And can you be a star? What should be done for it?

2. Warming up.

Objective: to create positive attitude and motivation to the lesson; to develop critical thinking activities.

Procedure: to use the target language when creating a Friendship Name.

Slide 2. (See the Presentation)

First of all, at the lesson you should act like a star and it means the following:

S - start

T - to be

A - active to achieve a

R - result

Everyone on the Earth has his/her own identity which starts, of course, with the Name. The next task is to name yourself and sign your worksheets. Here's how to pick your Friendship Name. Try to think something in Friendship that starts with the same letter or sound of your first name, like Sasha Serious , Anton Understanding, etc. Or think of something that rhymes with your first name like Yura Humour or Kolya Loyal. Lastly, you can just pick a unique name like Alyona Kind, Sveta Playful and so on. Most of all make sure that you like your Friendship Name and it seems to fit you.

Приложение 1.

3. Brain storming activity "Be a Star".

Objective: to distinguish oneself as an individual.

Procedure: to think over and write down five traits which make someone a good friend; to use the target language.

You have chosen your Friendship Name. The Names are rather individual. Try to think over and write down five traits which you think make you a good friend.

Slide 3.

4. Jigsaw activity "Recipe for a Friend".


  • to learn working in a group;
  • to specify the necessary information;
  • to use target vocabulary and grammar.


  • to form a group of 4-5 students;
  • within the group to share the information of a self-esteem activity "Be a Star"; to fill in the chart;
  • to find out what traits are the most frequently used, describing good relationships; discuss and present your opinion to the class;
  • to make out recipe for a friend, using the target language.

Приложение № 2.

Slide 4.

Making friends isn't always easy. Making friends is kind of like making cookies; you need to know the right ingredients and how to combine them. Have you ever made cookies or watched someone make cookies? Start making friends now! Put everything you have into it. Use the chart below to write a recipe for a friend.

5. Making a wordsearch "To Make a Friend, Be a Friend".


  • to learn to work with information;
  • to develop critical thinking.


  • find friendship words in the wordsearch;
  • circle the words you find;
  • do some critical thinking work

How many friendship words can you find in the wordsearch? Try to find all the words listed below. Remember, the words can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, or even backwards. Good luck! If you can't find some things, ask a friend!

Приложение № 3.

Slide 5.

6. Highlights and Reflection.


  • to develop critical thinking;
  • to promote friendly relationships in the classroom community


  • to answer the questionnaire.

School is a great place to make friends. Think of the classmate you want to be a friend with.

Приложение № 4.

The suggested lesson break.

7. A role play game "Block Building".


  • teaching communication skills;
  • teaching building good relationships.


  • in "Block Building" two students sit in desks, back to back, with identical sets of small, multicoloured blocks. One student is s "communicator" and the other is the "builder". (The builder can ask questions for clarifications). The goal is for the two students to build identical structures.

Do you always listen to what other people ask you? Is it easy to do it? Have you ever heard that "Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens" (Jimi Hendrix). Have a try to be a perfect listener as it helps much to create good relationships with the people around you.

Slide 6.

8. A research activity "Creating Personal Contract".


  • to develop critical thinking and self esteem;
  • to work with the information.

Having a good time depends a great deal on how you treat your mates and how they treat you. How do you want your mates to treat you?


  • circle the words with a pencil that you hope will best describe your classmates;
  • write the words you've circled (good traits) inside the box, and write the traits you don't want outside the box;
  • go through the list again and circle the words with a pen that you hope will best describe the way you will act in class;
  • write the traits you hope will best describe you(circled in pen) inside the mirror and write the words you hope would never describe you in the class outside the mirror.

Slides 6, 7.

Having fun in Friendship depends on you and how you act.

Work hard to follow your own advice.

9. Highlights and Reflections. Filling in evaluation forms.


  • to develop critical thinking;
  • to promote friendly relationships in the classroom community.


  • do the tasks in the questionnaire suggested;
  • comment on some issues you are interested in.

Slides 8.

10. Home assignment.


  • to sum up the key ideas of the lesson; to develop critical thinking.


  • to follow the instruction of the activity.

Slide 9.