Урок английского языка "Выдающиеся люди Белгородчины"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Мультимедийность облегчает процесс запоминания, позволяет сделать урок более интересным и динамичным, «погрузить» учеников в обстановку исторической эпохи, создать иллюзию соприсутствия, сопереживания, содействует становлению объёмных и ярких представлений о прошлом. Центральное место в медиаобразовании отдаётся так называемой презентационно-художественной технологии, которая используется на данном уроке.

Преподнесение знаний в образной, а не в текстовой форме является мощным инструментом обучения и воспитания. Это позволяет достигнуть не только информационного воздействия на ученика. На основе этого материала организована ролевая игра, в схеме заочной экскурсии.

Подача материала в форме заочной экскурсии приобретает сегодня новую жизнь на уроке английского языка. Заочная экскурсия - это рассказ с использованием зрительного ряда, который помогает представить место, где жил и трудился герой. Это путешествие по воображаемому материалу с остановками у «объектов» экскурсии. Такие остановки, демонстрации экспонатов, находящихся в данном месте, помогают раскрыть различные стороны выдающегося человека.

Презентация урока оживляется фотографиями, найденными на сайтах интернета. Подобные заочные экскурсии вызывают интерес у учащихся, расширяют их кругозор, воспитывают любовь к родному краю.

Таким образом, с помощью ИКТ усиливается информационное взаимодействие между субъектами информационно-коммуникативной предметной среды, результатом которой является формирование более эффективной модели обучения, повышается мотивация к изучению иностранного языка, возможность проявить творчество, индивидуальность.


  • формировать у учащихся умение делать устное сообщение по опорным конспектам;
  • создать мотив к иноязычному общению через ролевую игру («экскурсия»);
  • воспитывать учащихся на примере жизни людей, прославивших нашу Родину.

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, презентация, карта Белгородской области, опорные конспекты-схемы.


I. Организационный момент. Объявление темы урока.

T: Today we’ll speak with you about famous people.

Tell me please , what traits are typical for famous people?

Please, fill in the chart.


(Kind, helpful, hardworking, selfless, creative, honest, talented, skilful, … )

(Заполняют поочередно.)

T: Thank you.

II. Проверкадомашнегозадания.

Your home task was to study the biography of famous people of Belgorod region and be ready for discussion.

Фонетическая разминка. (Прослушивание аудиозаписи слов по теме дом. зад.)

III. Ролевая игра «Экскурсия» с использование опорных схем и конспектов.

T: You know a great number of outstanding and talented people. Now I want you to speak about two of them - prelate IOASAF Belgorodski and the theologian MAKARI Bulgakov.

(Двум уч-ся дается индивидуальное задание – подготовить диалог о жизни и работе Макария Булгакова.)

Please, look at this map. A new tour is organizing for people who are interested in sacred places. A route is Belgorod – Zimoven’ka – Surkovo. We hope that among Russian pilgrims there will be gests from another countries. Imagine that a group of the British students is our guests now. I want you to play the roles of guides, guests and an administrator. Choose the badges. (Учащиеся выбирают бeйджи с флагами России или Британии, администратора.) Администратор встречает и приветствует гостей. (опорная схема)

Guide: Look! Here you can see Preobrazenski Cathedral where the relics of Ioasaf Belgorodski are.

- Have you ever heard this name?

Guests: - No, we haven’t. What was he?

Gd. – He was a bishop of Belgorod.

Gst.- Really? When did he live?

Gd. – He lived in the 18th century.

He was born in 1705 on the 21st of September in the village of Zamost’e near Priluki of Poltavskaya guberniya. He was the first child of the family. While christening, the first-born was given a name of IOAKIM in the honour of the father of the Most Holy Virgin. The family lived not far from the monastery.

Gst. – Was he from the rich family?

Gd. - Not very rich, his father was a colonel – Andrei Dmitrievich Gorlenko. The family was distinguished and devote, his father and his grandfather were the philanthropists of the monastery.

Gst. – How did he become a monk?

Gd. - As you know the family lived not far from the monastery and the first boy’s impressions about monks and monastic life were formed here. From the childhood the boy was strongly drawn to the labour and feat to the glory of God.

Gst. – What kind of education did he have?

Gd. – Well, he started his education from the age of 9. It was ecclesiastical school in Kievo-Bratski monastery. On the 25th of September 1725 Ioakim became a monk with the name of Illarion. In 2 years he was given a name of Ioasaf. He was 20.

Later the Hieromonk was a teacher of Kiev ecclesiastical Academy, then he became the Father Superior of Lubenski-the Savior-Preobrazenski monastery, then the Superior of Svyato-Troitsko-Sergieva Lavra. In June 1748 archimandrite Ioasaf by the command of the empress Elizaveta Petrovna was raising to the bishop.

Gst.- Tell me please, why do you call him Ioasaf Belgorodski?

Gd. – The Bishop Ioasaf came to Belgorod on the 19th of August 1748 on the day of the Trasfiguration of the Lord. About 6 years he did his duty in Belgorod. He helped people in need, gave money to the poor people, he chopped firewood.

Gst. – I see he was disinterested and patient.

Gd. – Right you are. All people loved him very much for his ascetic life and prayer feat. In May 1754, waiting for decease, Ioasaf had made a command to make a crypt for him in Troitski Cathedral. Then he celebrated his last Liturgy here and went to his birthplace to see his parents for the last time. (Слайд 8,9) On a return journey to Belgorod he became seriously ill and on the 23rd of December 1754 he died in Graivoron. When in 1756 the crypt of Ioasaf was opened his relics were mperishable.

Our tsar’ Nikolai the Second came to the relics of Ioasaf Belgorodski. (Слайд 14)

Gd.: The next point of our tour is Zimoven’ka. Here you can see an old church. It’s Svayto -Voskresenskaya church. And Voskresenskaya convent is here.These are the Fathers Aleksander and Evgeni. The pupils from our school often visit this convent and help the nuns.

You may stay here for some days.

Gst. – Thank you. Is Surkovo far from here?

GD. - No, it’s near Bel’anka.

Gst.: - Why are we going there?

Gd. – It’s a birthplace of Makari Bulgakov- the Russian theologian, and an outstanding scientist of the 19th century.

V. Teacher: Заслушивание диалога, который два уч-ся готовили индивидуально.

Now I want two our students to speak about Makari Bulgakov.

P.1 : Look, Surkovo is the village near Zimoven’ka. And I’m proud that Makari Bulgakov was born here.

P.2: - Because of that fact our Orthodox Center has a name of Makari Bulgakov. And at the lessons of Orthodox Culture we study the life of this Russian theologian and an outstanding scientist of the 19th century.

P.1: - Let’s tell our guests about his childhood.

P.2: - Well, he was born in the family of a priest of Florovskaya Church in Surkovo. He was sick at birth and because of it he was quickly christened with the name of Mikhail.

P.1: I want to add, there were 6 children in the family and Mikhail was 7 years old when his father died.

P.2: - Well, there were hard years for the family, they lived in poverty and they had to work hard.

P.1: - In spite of this, his mother decided to give her son a good education. And at the age of 8 the boy was taken to the parish school in Korocha. Teachers liked his linking for hard work. Do you remember when he became a monk?

P.2: - Yes, he entered Kiev Academy and when he was 25 he became a monk with the name of MAKARI. Where did he study and work then?

P.1: Then followed St Petersburg Testement Academy; the degree of Master; the dignity of Archemandrite; and the inspector of Academy. In 1850 he became a rector of Academy, then he was a Bishop of Vinnitsa; in 1879 he became a metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna.

P.2: It’s amazing, but by the age of 28 Makari BULGAKOV became the famous creature of a grate number of works in theology, the history of church and canon low.

P.1: Well, he had a title of the doctor of theology. When did he die?

P.2: -On the 9th of June 1882. I can add that in our library we have collected works of “The History of Russian Church” by Makari Bulgakov.

P.1: They help us to study our history. Thank you.

VI. Итогурока.

Уч-ся дописывают черты характера людей, присущие православным людям. Сравниваются схема 1-я и 2-я. (patient, disinterested, humble, ascetic, devote,…).

VII. Рефлексия. What have we done at the lesson? Was the lesson useful for you?

VIII. Домашнеезадание.


The next point of our rout is village Surkovo.It’s famous as a birth-place of Makari Bulgakov- the Russian theologian and an outstanding scientist of the 19th century, Moscow and Kolomenski metropolitan. He was born on the 19th of September 1816 in the family of a priest of Florovskaya Church in the village of Surkovo. He was very sick at birth and because of it he was quickly christened with the name of Michail.There were 6 children in the family. When Michail was 7 years old his father died. The family lived in the poverty and they all had to work hard. In spite of the poverty, the mother decided her son to have a good education.At the age of 8 the boy was taken to the parish school in Korocha. Teachers liked his linking for hard work. In August 1837 he was entered Kiev testament Academy. In February 1841 he became a monk with the name of Makari. Then he lectured about the Russian church and the civil history. In summer 1842 he, as an outstanding scientist, was transfered to St.Petersburg Testement Academy. In 1843 he became a master’s degree.By the age of 28 he created and published a lot of works in theology, the history of churce and canon low.Then he got a dignity of Archimandrite and became an inspector of Academy.In 1847 he got a title of the doctor of theology.In 1850 he became a rector of Academy.Then he was a bishop of Vinnitsa. In 1879 the bishop Makari was appointed a Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna.On the 9th of June he died. People loved him for his dignity and disinterested attitude towards everything.


Here in Belgorod there is Troitski Cathedral where the relics of Ioasaf Belgorodski are. He was born in 1705 on the 21st of September in the village of Zamost’e near the town of Priluki in Poltavskaya Guberniya in the distinguished and devout family of a colonel Andrei Dmitrievich Gorlenko. While christening, the first-born was given a name of Ioakim in the honor of the father of the most holly Virgin . The family lived not far from the monastery. His grandfather and his father were the philanthropists of this dwelling place. The first boy’s impressions about monks and monastic life were formed here.    From the childhood the boy was strongly drawn to the labour and feat to the glory of God. At the age of 9 he entered the ecclesiastical school of Kievo-Bratski monastery. On the 25th of September 1725 Ioakim became a monk with the name of Illarion. In 2 years he was given a name of Ioasaf.

Later, the hieromonk was a teacher of Kiev ecclesiastical Academy, the Father Superior of Lubenski-the Savior-Preobrazenski monastery, the superior of Svyato-Troitsko-Sergieva Lavra. In June 1748 archimandrite Ioasaf, by the command of the empress Elizaveta Petrovna, was raising to the bishop.

The bishop Ioasaf came to Belgorod on the 19th of August 1748 on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord. About 6 years he did his duty in Belgorod. He helped people in need, gave them money, he chopped the firewood . Doing this he always hid his dignity. People loved him very much for his ascetic life and prayer feat. In May 1754 waiting for decease, he commanded to make a crypt for him in Troitski Cathedral. Then he celebrated his last Liturgy here and went to his birth-place to see his parents for the last time. On a return journey he became seriously ill and on the 23rd of December 1754 he died in the town of Graivoron. By his coffin a lot of people were healed. In 1756 when his crypt was opened, the relics were imperishable. Our tsar’ Nikolai the Second came to relics of Ioasaf Belgorodski. After 1917 the reliks of prelate were saved on the attic of Kasanski St Petersburg Cathedral. In September 1991 the relics of the prelate were brought to Belgorod.

Makari Bulgakov was born

In …. .

He was christened with the name

……………. .

There were

…. children in the family.

Michail was

… when his father died.

At the age of 7 he studied at

… school in ……….. .

He became a monk

at … years old.

By the age of

…. he became famous.

Это Троицкий Собор. Где находятся мощи святителя Иоасафа.

-… where the relics of … is.

Он жил в 18 веке.

  • …lived in the 18th century.

В честь отца Пресвятой Богородицы.

  • …in honor of the Most Holly Virgin.

…родился в именитой и благочестивой семье.

  • was born in distinguished and devote family.

…они были благотворителями монастыря

  • …they were the philanthropists of the monastery.

…первые впечатления о монахах и монастырской жизни

-… the first impressions about monks and monastic life.

Духовная школа

- … ecclesiastical school

… стал монахом

…became a monk

Духовная Академия

 Ecclesiastical Academy

Был возведен в епископы

Was raising to the bishop

В день Преображения Господня

On the day of Transfiguration of the Lord

Выполнил свой долг

did his duty


…helped people in need
…gave them money
…chopped firewood

На обратном пути

…on a return journey

Стал серьезно болен

…became seriously ill

Мощи были нетленны

…his relics were imperishable

Царь…приезжал к мощам

Tsar’…came to the relics

Аскетическая жизнь и молитвенный подвиг

Ascetic life and prayer feat

Приказал сделать склеп

…commanded to make a crypt

Отслужил последнюю Литургию

Celebrated his last Liturgy

Отправился на Родину

…went to his birthplace


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