"Проблемы молодежи: Bullying (тюкание, обижание)"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  1. Ввести новую лексику и закрепить ее в речи (to learn new words and train them in speech).
  2. Активизировать употребление существительных и прилагательных, выражающих эмоции (to train nouns and adjectives of emotion).
  3. Воспитание чувства терпимости и уважения к другим людям (to develop tolerance and politeness to other people).

Ход урока

1. Введение


– Как вы себя чувствуете (How do you feel?)

a) Когда люди чувствуют себя плохо? (When do people feel bad? – When they have problems). Мозговой штурм (Brainstorming):

Problems: … ...teens. (who mainly has problems)

b) Послушайте песню. (Приложение 1)

Tell me what you always do?
I always like to smile at you.
Tell me what you never do?
I never let boys bully you.
Tell me what you often do?
I often think that I love you.
Tell me what you sometimes do?
I sometimes dream I’ll marry you.

Встретили ли вы незнакомые слова? Догадайтесь, что оно обозначает. (Listen to a song. You may sing with the tape. Have you come across any unknown words? – bully. Try to guess what does it mean?)

bully (v,n) – стращать, задирать, изводить/ хулиган, обидчик;

bullying (n) – the process when you are bullied (тюкание).


  1. What do you know about bullying?
  2. Is there any bullying in your school?
  3. Has anyone ever bullied you? (your brothers, sisters)
  4. If so, what did you do?
  5. Does bullying only happen at school?

c) Сегодня мы поговорим об этой проблеме (Today we are going to speak about such a problem as Bullying).

– It’s a serious problem in many countries. In the UK, for example, 8 out of every 10 children are bullied at some time. About 10 young people commit suicide every year because of bullying.

2. Управляемое чтение

догадаться о значении слов в тексте, свериться со словарем.(Guided reading. Read the article and guess the meaning of these words and phrases. Check your answers with me or the dictionary):

Victim, at least, likely, commit a crime, call somebody names, trip up, nasty, pick on, posh, weak point, miserable, make fun of, dare somebody to do something, pay back. (Приложение 2)


Don’t let them bully you!

BULLYING: the facts

85% of children in the UK have been victims of bullying at least once.

Bullies are more likely to commit crimes when they are older.

Charlotte’s story

Last year we moved to a new town and I started at a new school. At first I was really happy about the school and I made friends with the popular girls in my year. But soon they started to pick on me because I was too “posh”.

I think they were jealous of me because I had nice clothes. Whenever I walked past them, they called me names or tripped me up and they sometimes hit me. They even wrote nasty things about me on the desk tops. Nobody did anything about it. It was horrible. They made my life miserable. In the end I felt really sad and lonely.


He or she will:

Try to find your weak point – perhaps you are shy, nervous or easily upset.

Make fun of you in front of your friends.

Dare you to do something wrong, like steal something or miss school.

Borrow money then won’t pay you back.

Say nasty things about you for no reason.

Отработка лексики (training the words): Обратный перевод:

  • Дети часто дразнят друг друга и дают клички.
  • Вежливые люди никогда не высмеивают недостатки др.людей.
  • Нельзя ставить подножки даже в игре.
  • Каждый человек имеет свои слабости.
  • Почему она такая несчастная? – Ее сын совершил преступление и находится в тюрьме. Он будет там по меньшей мере 3 года.
  • Давай прекратим этот неприятный разговор.

Ответы на вопросы в парах (Answer the questions in pairs – checking):


  1. When did Charlotte become a victim of bullying?
  2. Why did the girls bully her?
  3. What sort of things did they do?
  4. Did anyone help Charlotte?
  5. How did Charlotte feel?
  6. What is typical of bullies? Is it really a problem?

Работа с лексикой (прилагательные эмоций)

словообразование: найти в тексте прилагательные, соответствующие данным существительным (Vocabulary: nouns and adjectives of emotion). When you look up a new adjective it’s a good idea to check if it has a noun form. This will help you to be more creative in your speaking.

a) Look at the text about bullying and find the adjective related to the nouns above.

Happiness, misery, jealousy, nervousness, shyness, loneliness, nastiness

b) Маленький тест: вставить эти прилагательные в каждую ситуацию. A gap-fill test: write down an appropriate adjective from the board for each situation. (Приложение 3)

4. Аудирование

прослушивание диалога и его пересказ по вопросам (Приложение 4)

Comprehension listening: Listen to a dialogue about bullying and be ready to retell the main idea, using questions.

  1. Who are the people? Where are they?
  2. When did the bullying start?
  3. Who were the bullies?
  4. What did the bullies do?
  5. What did Tom offer?

Pay attention to the words: rental shop, go past, creep, term, sort out.

5. Обсуждение

(работа в группах) (Discussion: work in groups):

  • Look at two reasons why bullies pick on other people:
  • They are from a different race or background.
  • They don’t have any brothers, sisters, friends to defend them.
  • What other reasons are there?
  • List some advice to give to people who have a problem with bullies at school.
  • It’s a good idea to walk to school in a group.

6. Домашняя работа

написать письмо-совет «Как найти выход из этой ситуации». (Homework: write a letter (give advice – way out of this situation)

7. Подведение итогов урока

Let us summarize our lesson :

  • What is bullying?
  • Who are the bullies?
  • What do they usually do?
  • Can we help the victims?
  • Who can help? What mustn’t you do?

8. Песня


Песня – Приложение 1, словарь – Приложение 2, ситуации – Приложение 3, диалог – Приложение 4.