Обобщающий урок в 9-м классе по теме "Музыка"


Тема  урока « Музыка» ( По учебнику Кузовлева 9 класс )
Тип урока: обобщающий

Цели: развитие познавательной активности учащихся,  расширение кругозора, формирование  лексических навыков говорения, совершенствование  техники поискового чтения, совершенствование навыков аудирования с пониманием  основного содержания.

Задачи: активизировать  лексику по теме «Музыка», расширить представление учащихся о музыке, развивать навыки  сотрудничества  через работу в паре и группах, учить анализировать и обобщать материал, учить делать выводы. 

На доске: название темы урока, подготовленные вопросы к тексту, задания к аудированию. Все задания закрыты. Тему урока ученики должны отгадать сами.

Questions to the text


  • What is rockabiri?
  • When was it popular?
  • What did the  young men wear?
  • What was rock called in Japan?
  • Why did older people hate rockabiri?
  • What happened?
  • When did  it disappeared?
  • Where can you see and hear it today?

                World  Music
Music is what makes the difference  between  life  and just existence 
Alex, 18,UK




Задания для аудирования


Ход урока

  1. Greeeting

Good morning, boys  and girls. Glad to see you.  Let’s start our English Lesson.

  1. Warming up.

Answer the questions:

  • Who likes  music?
  • What is your favourite  type of music?
  • What is your favourite group?
  • Who is your favourite singer?

Now try to guess about what we are going to speak today. What is the topic of our lesson. Right ! How clever you are ! Of course it’s ‘music’. ( The teacher opens the blackboard )
Look here. Today we will revise everything we have learnt about music,  styles of music, practice our listening, reading, speaking  and writing.  Of course we will play  and learn something new. 

And now it’s time to have a surprise. Sveta wants to sing
( Sveta sings )

  • Do you like her singing?
  • Do you  know what style of song was it?
  • What is your impression? What did you feel?
  • Do you know any other styles of music?
  • Do you want to ask her some questions yourself? Do, please.
  1. Game

Now we shall play a domino game. All of you will be given a card. Read the definitions on the right column  and the  name of the style of music on the left, if anybody else reads about your style ( on the left )  you read  the definition. We shall read one by one. And we shall finish at the very student who begins.


composed by famous composers  for operas, ballet 


choir music  that has religious background 


played  with the help of electric instruments  and steady  rhythm 


music played by military  bands 


music from  the   West Indians, with a strong  regular beat. It develop in Jamaica, especially  1960s, and its best –known  singer  was Bob Marley


composed many years ago  and sung  by people  or choirs [ kwaie]


a musical style  where the singer speaks or shouts the words


a style of music that was popular especially in the 1950s but is still played now. It has a strong, loud beat  and is usually played  on electrical instruments. The best –known singer Elvis Prestley


music that is popular and originated  from the southern  and western  United States.  It has  many sources: traditional ballads, cowboys songs, Mexican  music  and the  like


an American  style of music based on variation. Since  its beginning  in the black  community of New Orleans, USA, in the 20th century. The constant  elements  are improvisation and variation.


a slow, sad style, originally  from  the southern  states  of the USA


both music  and dance  from Latin  America, especially  Argentina

  1. Teacher: Do you like the game? Have you remembered the styles  of music? Are you ready for another task. Look at the pictures  and say what styles of music did the artist draw?

( Картинки взяты из «Рабочей тетради по англ. языку» у чебнику Кузовлева 9 класс под ред. А.В. Смирнова  стр. 43 )

  1. Аудирование

( материал взят из книги “ People Like Us” изд. Macmillian  Урок 3. “ World Music “  задание 1. – определить  стили музыки на слух,  задание 2.  – услышать  рассказ музыканта и ответить  на вопросы )

Look at Amir’s,   Ji-Soo’s,  and  Hasman’s  answers to questions  about music. Write  numbers  in the chat  to show  where  their  answers might go.

  1. Hip – hop  or R&B
  1. Rock’n’roll  and jazz
  1. Rai- a mixture  of folk  and jazz
  1. Instruments  you find  in a jazz band
  1. Modern jazz
  1. Bob Dylan
  1. Songs  for children
  1. Blues,  jazz and folk
  1. Violin, guitar  and piano
  1. Traditional  dance  and modern  music
  1. Violins, gendang  and flute
  1. James  Last  and Santana





most popular type of music




common instruments




personal favourite  music




music with memories




  1. Чтение

Teacher:  Do you know such style of music as  Rockabiri?  Look at the blackboard, this word  is on the  blackboard, look at it  and try to guess, it has the word ‘rock’ may be its …..
Now read the text and answer these questions and see whether you were right. 


What is rockabiri?
When was it popular?
What did the  young men wear?
What was rock called in Japan?
Why did older people hate rockabiri?
What happened?
When did  it disappeared?
Where can you see and hear it today?

In the 1950s rock’n’roll became as popular in Japan as it did in the West and many  Japanese  performers  started  playing  what was called  rockabiri or rockabilly.  Japanese rockers became leaders of fashion. And groups of young men  in leather  jackets  and with  greased –back hair were seen  on  street  corners. At first  they sang American  songs, but  soon  they wrote  their own  material, even  using  Japanese  folk  tales  and children’s  stories.
Soon there  were  rockabiri concerts  and records  all over  Japan, and later , rock, also called  group  sounds , played  by group  like  the Tempters, The Carnabeats, the Jaguars  and the Tigers  was enormously popular.
But as in the West, older  people  hated  the music  because  it threatened ( угрожать ) traditional values  and encouraged  rebelliousness, and even  violence.  High-school  students  were forbidden  to go to the concerts  and the music  was banned  on the radio. Soon  the fashion died away  and by  the end  of the sixties , rockabiri  had almost  disappeared.
Today  you can still  listen to Japanese  rockabiri  bands  and rockers  in the parks  and streets  of Japan’s big cities, surrounded  by crowns  of fans  listening  and dancing  to rock’n’ roll – made  in Japan.

  1. Проектная  работа учащихся

Now children there are a lot of wonders in the  world, there  many legends of music. Our pupils  what to tell you some words about them.  ( презентации учащихся о музыкантах, музыкальных инструментах))

  1. Письмо любимому певцу.

( How to write a fan letter )
Here’s a chance  to write  to your favourite  actor  or pop star. Complete  the letter below. If you need  any help, look at the suggestions  below.  Then  send  your letter  and  wait ….wait… wait …….and may be  one day  you’ll get an answer.
Dear ( 1) …..,
My name  is (2) …………….. I am (3) …………………..years old  and I’m  your greatest  fan. I think  you are(4)  ……………….The thing I like  most about  you is  your (5) ……………. And the way you (6) ……. If you ever come  to (7) …………………..I hope  you’ll come to see me . We could  (8) ……………………..together  and talk  about  (9) …………………… Then  you could  answer  the one  question  I’ve always  wanted  to ask you (10) ……………………………….?
I know you get a lot  of letters  from fans  but just please  answer mine.
Your(11) …………………….fan


  1. Nick, Brain, Britney, Craig, other
  2. Olga, Peter, Natasha, Tanya, other
  3. 14, 15, 16  other
  4. wonderful, fantastic,  drop dead gorgeous, handsome, other
  5. voice, smile, hair, nose, other
  6. move, dance, sing, play the guitar, other
  7. Moscow, Vladivostok, St Petersburg, other
  8. go to a disco, walk in the moonlight, have dinner  at McDonald’s, other
  9. music, money, life, our future, other
  10. Will you marry me?  Will you love me?  Is that your real hair? Are you  tattoos fake?  other
  11. loving, devoted, number one, crazy, other
  1. Подведение итогов (Did you like the lesson? Did you enjoy yourself? Was there anything new for you?)
  1. Домашнее задание  (написать  письмо по аналогии,  не забыть рассказать о своих впечатлениях)
  1. Оценки за урок