Урок по английскому языку в 11-м классе по теме "Choosing schools"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели и задачи урока:
Образовательные задачи:
- Учить детей использовать лексику по теме при обсуждении темы урока
- Повторить грамматический материал по теме “Conditionals”
- Обсуждать проблемы образования и сравнивать образовательные системы разных стран
Воспитательные задачи:
-Прививать учащимся чувство уважения к культуре стран изучаемого языка, а также чувства любви и гордости к культуре своей страны
- Воспитывать в учащихся активную жизненную позицию, готовить к выбору будущей профессии и учебы в высших учебных заведениях
Развивающие задачи:
- Развивать навыки говорения, монологической и диалогической речи.
- Учить детей самостоятельно решать проблемы на базе изученной темы
- Обучать детей делать выводы и обобщения по основным проблемам темы

Оснащение урока:

  • Учебная кассета с записью релаксирующей музыки
  • Кроссворд
  • Карточки для работы на доске
  • Индивидуальные задания, раздаточный материал

Ход урока

1 этап: Приветствие

a) Teacher: Good morning everybody!
Class: Good Morning Miss!
T:  Please sit down. I’m very glad to see you today. Is anybody absent? Nobody is? That’fine.
b) Задачи урока
T: Children, today we continue working on the subjects of our module: schooling, learning, education. Last lesson we were acquainted with the educational system of Great Britain. Today we will talk about the educational system of another English-speaking country –the USA. We will compare the educational systems of these English-speaking countries with the system of our country. Besides, we‘ll review the grammar point of our module-Conditionals.

2 этап: Повторение грамматического материала
T: So let’s begin our lesson with Conditionals. Your homework was to review the grammar material and make up the examples, which are connected with the subject of our lesson –‘Education’
P1 tells about the 1st Conditional and gives an example.
T asks questions: 1) Have you already decided where to go after finishing school? Where will you go if you finish your school successfully? 2) I’ve heard that you are going to write a final test on mathematics next week, aren’t you?  Will you get a good mark for the first half- year if you do it well? In addition, if you don’t? What will you do if you don’t do it well?
P2. tells about the 2nd Conditional and gives an example.
T. asks questions: 1) I know nobody of you is going to study abroad because you don’t have enough money for studying and living abroad. However, if you had a chance to study abroad where would you like to study? Why? 2) Would you stay abroad or come back to your country after finishing your study? Why?
P3.  tells about the 3rd Conditional and gives examples.
T: Thank you, it was a good job.

3 этап: Активизация лексического материала темы
T: Now children, we begin to talk about the educational systems of different countries. However, before doing it let’s]review the vocabulary of the subject.
Look at the blackboard. (На доске висит плакат с кроссвордом)  Here is the crossword . I’m going to read the definitions of the words now. And your task is to guess the words and solve the crossword.
Ученики выходят к доске и записывают слова на плакате при помощи маркеров.

1)  an adjective  A state school for pupils of
different abilities
2)  a noun  (amer)  A school or class for young children aged 3-5 that prepares them for normal school
3) an adjective  This word means obligatory
4) an adjective  The educational teaching of children between the ages of 11 and 16(17)
5) a noun  It’s a kind of school or a special room for doing physical exercises
6) an adjective  Education for children between 5 and 11(primary in Britain)
7) a noun  The universities of Oxford and Cambridge in one word
8) a noun  A place where children learn(are taught)
9) a noun  A spoken or written test of knowledge especially an important one

4 этап: Обсуждение

 На доске:
T: Let’s first remember the educational system of Great Britain. (На столе учителя находятся карточки. Учитель и ученики обсуждают и собирают домик- образовательную систему Великобритании.) Идет фронтальная работа.

In Great Britain, schooling is compulsory for children of 5 to 16 years of age. Over 90% of children of   compulsory school go to state school. They are usually free. 7% private schools exist in the UK. They are called public schools and they are fee-paying. There are 3 stages in education: 1) Primary education 2) secondary education 3) Further education at universities
Before going to primary school children receive nursery education (playgroups). They begin pre-school at the age of 3.
Compulsory primary education begins at the age of 5 in Great Britain. They start in infant schools and move to a junior school at 7 years old.
From 11-16 children go to a secondary school. At the age of 16 pupils can leave schools. But a lot of them want to continue their education. They have the optional 6th form (from 16 to 18 years old)

T: Do English children have to take any exams?
P: Yes, they have. At the end of secondary school at the age of 16 they have to take GCSE (General Certificate for Secondary Education). At the age of 18 they have to take A or A/C levels(University entrance exams)
T: Yes you are right. In addition, they can enter colleges or universities without any exams. What universities of Great Britain do you know?

Cl: Cambridge, Oxford, London University,
T: If children want to enter private well-known universities as Oxford or Cambridge universities, they have to take special exams.
T: And now you’ll learn about the educational system of another English speaking country –The USA. I’ll tell you about it and you can add something, because you learnt about the system of the USA when you used the book “Happy English-2”, do you still remember it? So, let’s begin. Учитель рассказывает, задает наводящие вопросы, ученики добавляют, идет фронтальная работа.

The educational system of the USA
The system of school education in the USA differs from the system in some countries. Here each of the 50 states controls and directs its own school. In most states, children begin attending schools at the age of 6-7
until they are 16 or 17. Pre-school is a part of elementary school. Children first go to nursery
at the age of 3(study 2 years) and at the age of 5 to 6 they attend kindergarten where they begin reading and
writing. Traditionally elementary school begins at the age of 6 and it lasts until a student 12 years old.
So, 6 years of elementary school followed by a 6-year High school . In some states High school can be
divided  into 2 parts : 2 years of Junior High school and 4 years of Senior High school.
In American school there are 2 kinds of school subjects which are compulsory for all students and
elective subjects such as typing, economics, technical education, home education.
Do they take exams? At the end of every school year, the child takes a test. If he does well he
receives A or B grade and goes into the next grade . If he doesn’t do well he has to repeat the
grade. American children finish school without any exams. At the end of their time at school most
students get a high school diploma and can enter college or university. If they have good grades
A or B they can enter college or university without any exams.

T: Which famous universities of the USA do you know?
CL: Harvard, Princeton, Yale….
T: To enter these private universities children have to take exams.
T: Now look at these two systems.
 What advantages and disadvantages does each system have?
T: And now let’s talk about the educational system of our country. We know this system very well because I’m a teacher, you are students and we are in this system now. (учитель задает вопросы ученикам и собирается 3-ий домик )

T: And now let’s talk about the educational system of our country. We know this system very well because I’m a teacher, you are students and we are in this system now. (учитель задает вопросы ученикам и собирается 3-ий домик )
T: How many levels of education do we have?
P1: There are 3 levels: elementary, secondary and higher  education.
T:  Is there pre-school ?
P2: Yes there is. There are a lot of kindergartens, where children prepare for
 elementary school. Children from 3 to 7 attend kindergartens every day except
Saturdays and Sundays.
T: Everybody has a right for secondary education, which is free or charge.
Comprehensive secondary education consists of 2 stages. Can you name them?
P3 : Yes , elementary and secondary education.
T:Tell me please about elementary education.
P4: At elementary school students study 4 years, from 7 to 10 years old. At the age
 of 10 children move to the 5th form, which is the beginning of secondary
T:In Russia there is a nine-year compulsory education , but to enter the
university students have to study 2 years more. Do children at school have to take exams each year?
P5: Children don’t have to take exams at the end of each year, but they have to do it at the end of 9th  and 11 form
T: Having passed the leaving exams successfully the 11th graders gets a Certificate, which makes it possible to enter a college or university.
Now look at these systems of education .Which of them is more similar to our country’s? Why? Where would you prefer to study if you could choose?

5 этап: Отдых, расслабление

T: I think you are tired, aren’t you? Don’t you want to rest a little? Now we’ll listen to a wonderful piece of music. Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and try to relax. (Звучит расслабляющая музыка -3 мин.)

6 этап : Закрепление пройденного материала
T:I hope you’ve had a little rest. All right, look at the blackboard, at these educational systems again and now I want to check how you have remembered them. I’m taking the cards out of the blackboard and mixing them on my table. 3 of you should come to my table and put these cards into their correct places. (На доске остаются только крыши домиков, ученики собирают их правильно.)
That’s right, thank you.

7 этап: Парная работа по индивидуальным карточкам. Ученики находят различия между образованием в России и нашей республике Татарстан.
T: The school system in Tatarstan is determined by the All-Russia Educational Law . There are some differences between schools in Russia and Tatarstan . Work in pairs. I want you to complete this table. Each pair should tell its ideas. (Ученикам раздаются карточки с таблицей, после заполнения, которой идет обсуждение между парами.)

Education in Russia VS. Education in Tatarstan


Возможные ответы:

  1. There are 2 official languages in Tatarstan. Tatar is optional in Tatarstan’s schools
  2. Both Tatar and Russian are languages of education in Tatarstan. There are a lot of schools and gymnasiums, which provide secondary education when all subjects are taught in Tatar
  3. Islam is one of the two main religions in Tatarstan. Children can get religious education at mosque schools.
  4. Tatarstan is a national republic with its own customs and traditions. All schools in Tatarstan pay much attention to the history of the Tatar nation. Schoolchildren take part in national holidays

8 этап: Домашнее задание
Children, next lesson we’ll discuss some problems of school education in our country. Write down some questions and think of them at home.

  1. What are the advantages of the 12-year secondary education?
  2. Is it necessary to learn Tatar in our schools?
  3. Do you like your school uniform? Is it necessary to wear school uniform? Why?