The Gerund. Don't be afraid of it! Герундий

Разделы: Иностранные языки

The Gerund. Don’t be afraid of it!

1. What is it?

It’s a non – finite form of the verb that combines the features of the verb and the noun. It is formed by adding the ending –ing to the verb. It doesn’t have a direct equivalent in Russian.

In a sentence it can be used as:

  1. A predicate of the sentence. (It’s translated into Russian with help of the noun or an infinitive) Dancing is my sister’s hobby.
  2. A direct or indirect object. We finished working at 5 o’clock.
  3. A nominal part of the compound predicate. My dream is entering this college.

2. Its forms.

    Forms of the gerund





    (not) telling

    (not) being told


    Having told

    Having been told

Perfect Gerund denotes an action that is prior to the action of the verb – predicate.

We regret our not having rented a car abroad.

Does this man deny his having committed this crime.

My sister complains of not having been praised at the meeting.

My sister didn’t deny her having dropped my mobile phone on the floor.

I can’t imagine your having refused to help these people.

3. The list of the main words after which the gerund is used:


To enjoy I enjoy celebrating Christmas with my friends.
To excuse Does the teacher excuse your being late for lessons?
To forgive My sister didn’t forgive my spending all the money on computer games.
To admit I admit having been shown this document before.
To appreciate The teacher appreciated my preparing for the contest.
To complete They completed building a new ring road.
To finish Have you finished doing your room?
To delay We decided to delay going for a holiday.
To discuss We discussed entering a different university.
To keep They kept laughing all the time.
To mention I’d like to mention his being there before.
To quit He had to quit playing this game.
To risk Why don’t risk trying it once more.
To recommend I recommend giving up this bad habit.
To suggest My father suggests going to Australia?
To deny He denies taking part in the show.
To regret My colleague regrets being away from his family.
To avoid My sister tries to avoid catching cold in winter.
To practice Do you practice playing the piano every day?
To postpone My uncle is not going to postpone publishing his new book.
To imagine Can you imagine shaking hands with this unpleasant person?
To mind Don’t you mind having lunch now?

Verbs + preposition:

To think of Are you thinking of showing this picture in a new way?
To dream of Are you dreaming of becoming a lawyer?
To complain of Do your parents complain of having rather a lot work?
To suspect of Do you suspect the managers of not telling us the truth?
To accuse of A prosecutor is a person who accuses people of committing crimes.
To praise for No doubt you‘ll be praised for being fond of literature.
To blame for This man will surely be blamed for doing harm.
To apologize for He never apologizes for using my computer.
To go on My doctor advised me to go on taking this medicine.
To depend on This agreement depends on finishing our work on time.
To insist on My brother insists on his driving us home.
To congratulate on I’d like to congratulate you on entering the university.
To object to I don’t object to hanging this picture in the sitting room.
To look forward to My sister is looking forward to getting an e-mail.
To succeed in Have you succeeded in getting a driving licence?
To give up Have you given up smoking at last?
To speak of Are you speaking of signing the contract?
To keep on You shouldn’t keep on writing articles in such a way.
To be accustomed to I’ accustomed to your being late.
To be ashamed of He was deeply ashamed of behaving in such a way.
To be concerned about I’ m concerned about meeting him here again.
To be excited about We are all excited about putting on this new performance.
To engaged in I wonder who is engaged in doing this kind of business.
To be in/capable of I feel incapable of lying to her.
To be sure of She is always sure of being right.
To be surprised of I’m surprised at his being so rude.
To be interested in Are you interested in organizing this meeting?
To be responsible for He was responsible for delivering the mail.
To be afraid of He is always afraid of getting stuck in the traffic jam.
To be tired of We are tired of complaining about the service.
To be sure of They were sure of coming on time.
To be proud of I was extremely proud of getting the first prize.
To be fond of She has always been fond of playing the piano.
To be/get used to I’m used to being alone.


After After entering a college she worked as a secretary.
On On ironing a shirt he cleaned his shoes
Before Before getting married he worked for his father.
By He earned his money by working day and night.
Without He translates articles without using a dictionary.
Besides Besides learning English he learns German.
For This medicine is for loosing weight.
In spite of In spite of being sick he came to the office.
Instead of Instead of going home he went to the cinema.

Word combinations:

To be worth This script is worth reading
Can’t help I couldn’t help laughing when I heard that story.
To feel like I don’t feel like doing my room today.
To make progress in Are you making progress in learning English?

4. Verbs that can be followed either by the infinitive or the gerund with the difference in meaning:

Remember + ing – помню как (процесс).

I remember meeting him for the first time five years ago.

- Я помню, как я встретил его впервые пять лет тому назад.

Remember + to – не забудь.

I must remember to meet him at the station next Saturday.

– Я должен не забыть встретить его на вокзале в следующую субботу.

To forget + ing – забыл как / что (действие произошло) (процесс).

Jake completely forgot buying two pounds of sugar the day before.

– Джейк забыл, что он купил 2 фунта сахара вчера.

Forget +to – забыл (действие не произошло)/

Jake forgot to buy sugar although I reminded him twice about it.

- Джейк забыл купить сахар, хотя я дважды напоминал ему об этом.

Stop + ing – перестань.

“Stop talking!”- “Перестань разговаривать!”.

Stop + to – остановиться (с целью что-то сделать).

They stopped to talk the matter in detail.

– Они остановились, чтобы детально обсудить эту проблему.

Regret +to – Сожалеть (о действии, которое происходит сейчас или произойдёт в будущем)/

I regret to tell you that I’m leaving.

– Сожалею, но должен сказать, что я уезжаю.

Regret + ing – сожалеть (о действии, которое уже произошло)

I regret telling you that I’m leaving.

– Сожалею о том, что сказал вам о том, что уезжаю.


I. Finish the sentences:

  1. I’m thinking of….
  2. I’m dreaming of….
  3. Parents often complain of…
  4. He was accused of….
  5. I don’t mind….
  6. I suggest…
  7. I’d like to postpone…
  8. After entering the university….
  9. Before getting married…
  10. On ironing shirts…
  11. Besides visiting museums….
  12. In spite of having good memory…
  13. Instead of going home….
  14. I’d like to go on…
  15. Why do you refuse…
  16. I congratulate you on…
  17. He succeeded in…
  18. We apologized for…
  19. The teacher praised us for…
  20. Are you making progress in….

II. Translate into Russian:

  1. Вместо того чтобы позвонить в Сан-Франциско по телефону, он послал туда сообщение по электронной почте.
  2. По прибытии в Бостон, он зарезервировал комнату в гостинице.
  3. Я не привык, чтобы на меня кричали.
  4. Извините, что я Вас перебиваю.
  5. Я занят тем, что присматриваю за ребёнком.
  6. Он возражает против того, чтобы я здесь курил.
  7. Спасибо, что написали мне длинное письмо.
  8. Ваше предложение нуждается в рассмотрении.
  9. Я помню посещение Рима прошлым летом.
  10. Перестань шуметь, пожалуйста.
  11. Я думал о том, чтобы сменить работу, но потом отказался от этой идеи.
  12. Она признала, что пользовалась машиной, но отрицала, что ехала слишком быстро.
  13. Им пришлось отложить поездку за границу, так как их маленький сын заболел.
  14. Она не ответила на звонок, и продолжала обедать.
  15. Я не мог не смеяться, когда он уронил свою тарелку.
  16. Я помню, что я одолжил кому-то свой калькулятор, но не помню, кому именно.
  17. Нет смысла пытаться убедить меня.
  18. Я с нетерпением жду возвращения домой.
  19. Мне очень хочется сходить на этот фильм именно с тобой.
  20. Кто ответит за то, что письма не были отправлены вовремя.

III. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets:

  1. Don’t forget _________(wear) gloves. It is cold outside.
  2. She remembers _________ (go) to the concert once.
  3. I always regret _________(not, tell) my grandmother how much I loved her.
  4. When I saw him dressed in a funny costume I couldn’t stop ______ (laugh).
  5. Do remember ______(bring) something interesting to read.
  6. I regret _____(tell) you that the airline ticket costs several hundred dollars.
  7. I will never forget ______ (see) you ride a horse for the first time.
  8. Why do you always stop _____ (look) in every shop window we pass?
  9. I can’t remember ______(post) the letter yesterday.
  10. He forgot _____(take) his bag It’s been left on the table.

IV. Choose the correct item:

  1. My mother objected _______ a dog in the house.
    1. to having c) about having
    2. to have d) have
  1. I’m busy ______ for my exam which is next week.
    1. to study c) on studying
    2. studying d) study
  1. His boss blamed him ______ the deal.
    1. for loosing c) lose
    2. about loosing d) to lose
  1. I got used _____ in such a hot country.
    1. live c) living
    2. to live d) to living
  1. I’ve always dreamt ______ my own business.
    1. for opening c) about opening
    2. open d) of opening
  1. He is complaining ______ too much trouble with this problem.
    1. to have c) with having
    2. about having d) have
  1. Students are excited _________ to the party.
    1. of going c) with going
    2. go d) about going
  1. I hope you have good excuse ______ so late.
    1. to be c) of being
    2. for being d) be
  1. She felt tired because she wasn’t used _____ so hard.
    1. to working c) for working
    2. to work d) work
  1. I couldn’t help_____ him.
    1. laugh at c) laughing at
    2. laugh on d) having laughed at

V. Comment on the following proverbs and quotations, state the function of the gerund

Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing him. – Выбирая друга – не торопись, тем более не торопись менять его.

Seeing is believing. – Пока не увижу – не поверю (Cобственные глаза – лучший свидетель).

You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs. – Работая, мы учимся.

Doing is better than saying. – Хорошие дела – лучше хороших слов.

A crow is never white for washing herself often. – Чёрную душу мылом не отмоешь.

It’s no use crying over spilt milk. – После боя – руками не машут.

Clean hands need no washing. – На воре и шапка горит.

What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing. (Aristotle)

The use of travelling is to regulate imagination reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are. (S. Johnson)

Life is one long process of getting tired. (S. Butler)

Here is one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self. (A. Haxley)

It’s wiser being good than bad;

It’s safer being meek than fierce:

It’s fitter being sane than mad. (R. Browning)

There is nothing more tragic in life than the utter impossibility of changing what you have done. (J. Galsworthy)

We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done. (H. W. Longfellow)