Урок английского языка по теме "Shops and shoppinj" (6-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6


  • образовательная:  закрепить изученный лексико–грамматический материал и расширить знания по теме “Shops and shopping”, расширить активный словарь английского языка;

  • развивающая:  развить способность учащихся к говорению и аудированию, развить самостоятельность мышления и умение работать самостоятельно и в группе;

  • воспитательная:  воспитать вежливость и уважение в общении.


  • аудиокассета;
  • доска;
  • проектор;
  • экран; 
  • раздаточный материал: картинки с изображением магазинов; 
  • картинки в виде корзин; 
  • карточки с названиями магазинов;
  • красные карточки.

Ход урока

  • Организационный момент.

    Teacher: Hello, dear boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you?  Well, let’s start. I hope this lesson will be interesting and funny. First of all, look at the blackboard and say: “What is the theme of our lesson?”

    Student: The theme of our lesson is “Shops and shopping”.

    T: Good. Thanks.

  • Закрепление лексического материала. 

    T: Now, put up your hands if you like doing the shopping. Fine, I see, practically, each of you likes doing this. Who do you do the shopping with?

    St.1: I do the shopping with my mother.

    St.2: I do the shopping with my parents.

    T: OK. At the previous lesson we learnt some kinds of shops. Could you name them?

    St.: The florist’s, the bookshop, the newsagent’s, the butcher’s, the shoe shop, the greengrocer’s.

    T: Let’s listen to the cassette and label shops in the picture.

    (Teacher gives out sheets of paper with pictures)

     Students’ answers: 1- the bookshop, 2- the newsagent’s, 3- the florist’s, 4- the shoe shop, 5- the butcher’s, 6- the greengrocer’s.

    T: You are right. Thank you. But now look at the screen. Here you can see some words. Your task is to choose a shop and to match these words to the shops.

    (Приложение 1).

    Are you ready to answer? Let’s start.

    Students’ answers: the florist’s - a rose, a daffodil, a cactus, a peony; the newsagent’s – newspapers, magazines, a program; the shoe shop – shoes, boots, trainers; the bookshop – travel books, adventure stories, a detective, a historical novel, a fairy tale; the butcher’s – sausage, meat, beef, veal, pork; the greengrocer’s – carrot, onion, tomato, apple, pear, melon.

    T: It’s great.

  • Закрепление грамматического материала.

    T: What products do you buy more often?

    Students’ answers: bread, meat, sugar, oil, potato, onion, salt …

    T: And now let’s remember countable and uncountable nouns. Give me some information about them.

    St.1: Countable nouns are nouns which can be counted and have a singular and plural form.

    St.2: Uncountable nouns are nouns which cannot be counted and they usually have no plural.

    T: Thank you. Would you like to play?  I offer to divide you into two teams and choose captains.

    I’ll give you two baskets. Now look at the screen. Here you can see some products and things. The captains of your teams must choose products and things and match them to the names of their baskets.

    (Teacher gives out 4 paper baskets: 2 “Countable”, 2 “Uncountable”, 2 red cards).

    The participants of the “Uncountable” team must match the words to each category: dairy products, meat, poultry, fish. The participants of the “Countable” team must write the plural form. The game will stop when one of the teams shows the red card. Let’s start.

    (Приложение 2).

    Let’s check up your answers.

    Students’ answers: the first team “Uncountable”- beef, pork, bacon; salmon, tuna; chicken; milk, cream, yoghurt, butter.   

    the second team “Countable”- carrots, oranges, bananas, apples, potatoes; T-shirts, shoes, top-boots, books, dresses.

    (Each correct answer is one mark)   

    T: The “Countable” team, for ex., is the winner.

  • Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

    T: You are good. Now let’s see how you can use vocabulary and grammar in your speech. You’ll work in pairs. I offer you to pull one of these cards. (Students pull cards with the kinds of shops). Please, sound them. Thanks. Look at the screen. There are some words and phrases in here. Make up and act your dialogues. Use them according to your shop. I can afford 5 minutes.

    (Приложение 3)

    Are you ready? Let’s start.

    (Students act their dialogues)

    T: Your dialogues are good and interesting. Thank you. Now, write down your home task.

  • Домашнее задание.

  • Подведение итогов.

    T: I think our lesson is successful. All of you are good. Your marks are … Goodbye. Good luck.