Материал для проведения конкурса "Mr Grammar". 7-8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Конкурс “Mr Grammar” проводится в 2 тура:

  1. Письменный (отборочный) – отбираются 10 учащихся, получивших наибольшее количество баллов.
  2. Устный – определяется победитель, который награждается грамотой.

Письменная часть конкурса состоит из теоретических грамматических вопросов. За каждый правильный вопрос участник получает 10 баллов.

Во втором туре участники садятся вокруг стола. Задание дается первому сидящему от учителя ученику. Если он ответить не может, то карточка с заданием переходит к следующему. Если ответил, то следующий участник получает новую карточку. Каждый, кто не ответил на 3 задания, выбывает. И так, пока не определится победитель. Задание состоит в том, чтобы в данном предложении найти ошибку и исправить её (на карточке - 1 предложение). Карточки ученики могут вытягивать сами из заранее подготовленной коробки.

Подобный конкурс я провожу во всех классах, начиная с третьего. Вопросы подбираются в соответствии с пройденным грамматическим и лексическим материалом.

Ниже представлен материал для проведения “Mr Grammar” в 7-8-х классах с углублённым изучением иностранного языка.

I тур

Дата_____ Имя_________

1. Перечислить относительные притяжательные местоимения:

2. Как определяется число сказуемого и местоимения в предложении, когда два слова соединены разделительными союзами either … or / neither … nor:

3. В каких случаях используются абсолютные притяжательные местоимения:

4. В каком случая в предложении собирательное существительное согласуется с глаголом во множественном числе?

5. Перечислите 10 существительных, которые образуют форму множественного числа не по общему правилу (т.е. исключения).

6. В каких случаях употребляется much и many?

7. Какая разница между a little и little?

8. C какими словами- указателями времени употребляется Past Simple?

9. C какими словами- указателями времени употребляется Present Perfect?

10. Перечислите глаголы, которые не употребляются во временах группы Continuous?

11. В каком случае употребляется yet, а в каком already?

12. В каких случаях употребляется Past Continuous?

13. В каких случаях употребляется Present Perfect Continuous?

14. Чем отличается Past Simple от Present Perfect?

15. Чтобы выразить обычные, повторяющиеся действия в прошлом, которые сейчас не происходят, используется

16. Как образуется Passive Voice?

17. Когда употребляется Passive Voice?

18. Если нужно указать кем совершается действие, то используется предлог

19. Чем отличается must от have to?

20. Эквивалентом can является

21. Should выражает

22. Как меняются указатели времени при переходе прямой речи в косвенную?

23. Как употребляется артикль со словами school, prison, hospital, university?

24. Чем отличается for от since?

25. Если речь идет о расписании, то для описания будущего времени используется

26. В каком случае some и его производные используются в вопросительных предложениях?

27. Если нужно сказать о наличии или отсутствии предмета в указанном месте, то используется оборот 

28. Чем отличается older от elder?

29. Чем отличается вопрос к подлежащему от других типов вопросов

30. Как образуется Participle I?

Общий балл_______

 II тур

  1. The students which live across the street make a lot of noise.
  2. Nick is a good friend of me.
  3. Neither of these books are very new.
  4. Either the student or the teacher will give you their book.
  5. Everyone have to use their identification number to activate their computer.
  6. Tigers who live in Africa are endangered.
  7. I get early in the morning and go to bed in the night.
  8. He usually starts work in 9.30, but in Friday he starts later.
  9. My sister live in Washington.
  10. He read when the telephone rang.
  11. We discussed the problem at 10 o’clock last morning.
  12. We knew her for two weeks.
  13. She studied for 5 years.
  14. I worked for an hour before you came.
  15. I think he is going to come tomorrow.
  16. I’ll read this book tomorrow at 10 o’clock.
  17. He will wait here until you will get back.
  18. Your ticket will give to you at the airport.
  19. Sun was getting warmer.
  20. Margaret went to theatre last night.
  21. A chair on which you are sitting is not comfortable.
  22. This is best wine I have ever drunk.
  23. What a nice weather we are having today.
  24. They lived in United States five years ago.
  25. He was sent to the prison for life.
  26. Two thousand dollars are a lot for him to pay for tutorial.
  27. He couldn’t give me many informations.
  28. They said they must do it tomorrow.
  29. We couldn’t to answer the question.
  30. He said his paper will consist of four sections.
  31. He asked not sit down by the window.
  32. The boy said to me his name.
  33. Sally asked how many bedrooms were there.
  34. Nick asked that they had seen him.
  35. What shall I do? I lost my passport.
  36. There are a book and a pen on the table.
  37. Moscow is elder than St Petersburg.
  38. He played more important role there.
  39. Did she has to clean her room yesterday?
  40. Did you meet somebody on the way to the village?
  41. My elder brother is not very good in languages.
  42. Mary has done a lot mistakes.
  43. There is a book on the table, isn’t it?
  44. How many boys did come there?
  45. It was such cold in the room.
  46. I didn’t see nobody.
  47. The cars packed the street were moving very slowly.
  48. It was my son’s and daughter’s room.
  49. All the government agrees that the situation is difficult.
  50. The police is following the criminals.
  51. Where is the money? They are on the table.
  52. I want him come back.
  53. He made her to open her case.
  54. When have you seen her?
  55. Let those who is afraid stay at home.
  56. I don’t know why she has come for?
  57. The children were enough clever.
  58. He didn’t drink too.
  59. He was so tired that he couldn’t hardly walk.
  60. Which of you know English?


  1. The students who live across the street make a lot of noise.
  2. Nick is a good friend of mine.
  3. Neither of these books is very new.
  4. Either the student or the teacher will give you his book.
  5. Everyone has to use their identification number to activate his computer.
  6. Tigers which live in Africa are endangered.
  7. I get early in the morning and go to bed at night.
  8. He usually starts work at 9.30, but on Friday he starts later.
  9. My sister lives in Washington.
  10. He was reading when the telephone rang.
  11. We were discussing the problem at 10 o’clock last morning.
  12. We have known her for two weeks.
  13. She has been studying for 5 years.
  14. I had been working for an hour before you came.
  15. I think he will come tomorrow.
  16. I will be reading this book tomorrow at 10 o’clock.
  17. He will wait here until you get back.
  18. Your ticket will be given to you at the airport.
  19. The Sun was getting warmer.
  20. Margaret went to the theatre last night.
  21. The chair on which you are sitting is not comfortable.
  22. This is the best wine I have ever drunk.
  23. What nice weather we are having today.
  24. They lived in the United States five years ago.
  25. He was sent to prison for life.
  26. Two thousand dollars is a lot for him to pay for tutorial.
  27. He couldn’t give me much information.
  28. They said they had to do it tomorrow.
  29. We couldn’t answer the question.
  30. He said his paper would consist of four sections.
  31. He asked not to sit down by the window.
  32. The boy told me his name.
  33. Sally asked how many bedrooms there were.
  34. Nick asked if they had seen him.
  35. What shall I do? I have lost my passport.
  36. There is a book and a pen on the table.
  37. Moscow is older than St Petersburg.
  38. He played a more important role there.
  39. Did she have to clean her room yesterday?
  40. Did you meet anybody on the way to the village?
  41. My elder brother is not very good at languages.
  42. Mary has made a lot mistakes.
  43. There is a book on the table, isn’t there?
  44. How many boys came there?
  45. It was so cold in the room.
  46. I didn’t see anybody.
  47. The cars packing the street were moving very slowly.
  48. It was my son and daughter’s room.
  49. All the government agree that the situation is difficult.
  50. The police are following the criminals.
  51. Where is the money? It is on the table.
  52. I want him to come back.
  53. He made her open her case.
  54. When did you see her?
  55. Let those who are afraid stay at home.
  56. I don’t know what she has come for?
  57. The children were clever enough.
  58. He didn’t drink either.
  59. He was so tired that he could hardly walk.
  60. Which of you knows English?