Интегрированный урок (английский язык + музыка) по теме "The Fabulous Four". 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9

Цели урока:

  1. Познакомить учащихся с популярными песнями и историей создания группы “Битлз”.
  2. Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по данной теме по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму.
  3. Способствовать повышению интереса к изучению иностранного языка.
  4. Развивать музыкальный вкус учащихся.

Оборудование: плакаты, рисунки, пластинки, книги о группе “Битлз”, ноты с песнями.

Ход урока

Т1: Good afternoon, dear friends! Nice to see you. Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. It is a TV-bridge between Russian students of town Zaozersk and members of а fan-club of a famous group "The Beatles" from Liverpool. Today we shall try to know how the group was founded and we shall listen to the most popular songs of the group. "The Beatles" unite people of different generations, ages and nationalities. Their music is catchy, amazing, and exciting, isn't it?

Т2: Yes, you are quite right. This group was founded at the end of the 50s. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr were talented musicians who made a great contribution to pop music. They composed a great number of wonderful songs. Their music and songs are breathtaking. And now let me introduce our interpreters to you. Meet, please, Olga and Alyosha.

P1 Hi, Olga!

P2 Hi, Alyosha!

P1 – What is your favourite hobby?

P2 Music, of course.

P1 – What kind of music?

P2 Modern music.

P1 – Have you ever heard songs performed by "The Beatles"?

P2 Of course, I have.

P1 – Let us begin our programme with the song “Rock-n-Roll music”.

P2 ОK! (Исполняется песня "Rock-n-Roll music")

P1 – And now I want you to listen to our music expert Elena Vladimirovna Luginets. She will tell us how rock-n-roll appeared.

T3 – Рок-н-ролл возник в начале 50-х годов в результате слияния элементов многих музыкальных стилей. От ритм-энд-блюза (необработанной танцевальной музыки долины реки Миссисипи) музыканты переняли тяжёлые синкопированные ритмы и эмоциональную насыщенность пения. А очаровательные и простые мелодии с их наивной сентиментальностью взяты у деревенской музыки белых жителей Апалачских гор.

Этот сплав, в котором драматизм, темпераментный вокал и чёткий ритм важнее музыкальной виртуозности, к середине 50-х стал не только самой распространённой музыкой в Америке, но и стилем, “учителем жизни” нескольких последующих поколений.

Само название “рок-н-ролл” появилось впервые в 1934г. на пластинке негритянской певицы Басуэлл с записью блюзов, выдержанных в танцевальных ритмах. Но пластинка забылась, а термин “рок-н-ролл” снова возник в 1951г. в музыкальных радиопрограммах американского диск-жокея Алана Фрида. Как большинство “ди-джеев” Фрид говорил скороговоркой, отличался темпераментом и страстью к “рок-музыке. Ему даже приписывали изобретение самого термина “рок-н-ролл”, хотя слова эти уже звучали в отдельных песнях предыдущих лет.

“Рок” в справочнике по джазу переводится – “качаться в танце”. Американскую развлекательную и народную музыку того времени можно сравнить с огромным плавильным тиглем, где смешивались танцы, голоса, инструменты, ритмы, расы и стили. От народной музыки других стран американская отличалась размытыми границами между фольклором, рабочими песнями, спиричуэлами, блюзами, инструментальной и популярной музыкой чёрных и белых. Причудливо переплетаясь, множились контрасты между манерой исполнения чёрных и белых. С европейской скрипкой соседствовал афроамериканский инструмент банджо. Акустическая гитара, употреблявшаяся в народной музыке, была усилена для концертного джаза благодаря возможностям электронной аппаратуры. Во всех разновидностях американской народной музыки всегда присутствовал “рок”, но вначале эта музыкально-исполнительская форма называлась “рокинг-энд-рилинг”, что в переводе означает “колебание и шатание”, позже она и стала называться “рок-н-ролл”. Первой звездой рок-н-ролла стал Элвис Пресли.

P2 Thank you Elena Vladimirovna for your interesting information.

Рз – I know “The Beatles” also played rock-n-roll and showed professionalism on the stage. They impressed fans with their perfect appearance. They looked very nice. Could you tell me who their manager was?

P4 Their manager was Brian Epstein. He gave them a new image. They had short hair and wore white shirts with elegant suits.

P5 Hi! My name is Sergey. As far as I know their wonderful songs and a great sense of humour drew people's attention very quickly. Is that so?

P6 Yes, you are right. Many people began to listen to pop music. Girls loved “The Beatles” and young men tried to look like them. With the help of mass media the group became very popular. A hysteria that was called “Beatlomania” soon swept Britain and then America.

P7 Hi! My name is Kseniya. I've heard that the "The Beatles" was not the first name of the group. Is it true?

P8 Yes, you are quite right. Look! There were different names of the group. Here they are: “The Quarrymen”, “ Johnny and the Moondogs”, “The Nurk Twins”, “Long John and the Silver Beatles”, “The Beatles”.

P9 Good day! My name is Roman. I know that the birthplace of the group is Liverpool. What can you say about the city?

P10 – Well you are quite right. The birthplace of “The Beatles” is Liverpool. It is a large seaport with highly developed industry. It is the second largest seaport in England. But first of all it is known all over the world as the birthplace of “The Beatles”. In the "Beatles Story Museum" you can find everything about this famous group. The other Museum is the “Boat Museum” and there is a branch of the Tate Gallery in Liverpool. The largest Garden Zoo is also there. Besides in Liverpool there is one of the biggest football stadiums of Britain.

P11 Thank you! Let us listen to the first song which made “The Beatles” famous. It is "Love Me Do"(Слушают песню).

P12 Let’s talk about the members of the group. What can you tell about the leader of the group John Lennon?

P13 Well, as you know, John Lennon was born on the 9th of October in 1940 in Liverpool. His grandfather was a professional singer, his father often took part in concerts as a singer too. John grew up in the family of his aunt. Her name was Mary Smith. She was a kind and caring woman. At school John was a clever boy, but he has never been a hardworking boy. He often fought with his classmates. In the 50s many young men were interested in playing the guitar. John was one of them. His mother bought him a guitar and gave him first lessons of playing the guitar. John was a talented boy and soon he played everything he heard over the radio. Soon he organized a skiffl-group "Quarrymen." They played everywhere: at birthdays, weddings, on church holidays, in companies. But John constantly looked for new, better performers. John Lennon wrote many simple but beautiful songs. Listen to his voice, please (Слушают песню “Michelle”).

P14 Hello! My name is Kseniya. Could you tell me, how John met Paul McCartney?

P15 Well, they met at one church holiday where group "Quarrymen" took part. Soon they became friends.

P16 Hi! My name is Darina. What can you tell about Paul?

P17 Well Paul McCartney was born on the 18th of June in 1942. His father played the piano very well. When Paul was a school boy he began to interest in music. He always attended concerts of popular singers in Liverpool. After each such concert he played the guitar very hard. One day Paul showed to John Lennon his version of a famous song "Twenty Flight Rock." John liked the song very much and invited Paul to his group "Quarrymen." They wrote music and texts for songs and played the guitars very hard every evening. Let's listen to Paul McCartney's song "Yesterday".

P18 Of course, we shall listen to the song with pleasure. But I'd like to know what it is about?

P19 Well, I shall answer to your question with pleasure. The popular song "Yesterday" by Paul McCartney is a lyrical ballad. To my mind it is really breathtaking and appealing. It is still very popular and you can hear it over the radio very often.

P20 And now let's listen to the song "Yesterday" in the performance of our classmates (Слушают песню).

P21 The song is wonderful! Thank you. I know that the third member of the group was George Harrison. Please, tell us a few words about him.

P22 I’ll tell about George with pleasure. George Harrison was the youngest member of the group “The Beatles”. He grew in a good family. He was born on the 25th of February in 1943. George was not a good student at school because of his behaviour. The teachers didn't like his appearance. He wore tight trousers, blue shoes, yellow shirts and long hair.

George joined to "Quarrymen" in 1958. Despite he was too young he was an experienced musician. Let's listen to his song (Слушают песню “Boys”).

P23 Hi! My name is Mary. As far as I know the last member of the group was Ringo Starr. What can you tell us about him?

P24 WeIl Ringo Starr joined the group in August in 1962 instead of Peter Best.

P25 Hello! I'm Dima. Could you tell me when the group split up?

P26 The group split up 38 years ago, in 1970. But their songs will always live with us. I want you to listen to one of their last songs, "Let It Be". Listen to it, please (Слушают песню).

P27 And now let’s listen to the song "Yellow Submarine." This is a kind merry song about “the land of submarines”. Please, join “The Beatles”. Let's sing together (Слушают и поют песню “Yellow Submarine”).

T1 Dear friends! We hope you enjoyed these wonderful songs of “The Fabulous Four” and they will stay in your memory for a long time. We are sure that sometime you will want to listen to them again.

T2 We believe you liked our lesson because music is a part of our life. Thank you for your participation. Our lesson is over. Good-bye.


  1. “Битлз” – жизнь и песни. Москва. “ Музыка ”. 1990 г.
  2. Музыкальный альбом “The Beatles”. Песни и комментарии. Выпуск № 1. Москва. “ Музыка ”. 1989 г.
  3. Современная энциклопедия. “Музыка наших дней”. Москва. “Аванта” .2002 г.
  4. Полное собрание песен “Битлз”, книги I, II. И. Полуяхтов. Москва. 1996 г.
  5. Песни “Битлз”. В. Скороденко. Москва. 1993 г.