Урок в 10-м классе по теме "Спорт" с углубленным изучением английского языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Учебные задачи:

  • Взаимосвязанное развитие умений слушать, читать и говорить на английском языке.
  • Развитие у школьников умений принимать участие в тематических беседах о роли спорта.
  • Развитие у школьников умений аудировать иноязычный текст.
  • Развитие умений обобщать информацию при аудировании иноязычного текста.
  • Отработка лексических навыков.

Тематика учебного общения:

  • The role of sport.
  • Extreme kinds of sports.
  • Your personal experience.

Ход урока

Для полноценного проведения урока необходимо пользоваться компьютерной презентацией (Приложение 1), содержащей иллюстративный и учебный материал.

T: (показывает слайд 1) So you’ve already guessed that the topic of our lesson is sport. What is sport to everyone?

Показывает слайд 2 и просит ученика прочитать цитату.

P: So sport matters to us all: to individuals, to families.It brings people together for a common aim. We know sport offers friendship, rivalry, challenge and employment. And we know most of all that sport isn’t just being healthy, sport is fun –one of the good things in life.

T: Do you agree with this statement? Why do people go in for sport?

Учащиеся выражают свои мысли, учитель показывает слайд 3 – фразы-опоры для выражения своего мнения.

I think (that perhaps)
I hope
What I mean is
In my opinion/view
That’s a good idea but I prefer
Yes, that’s a good point. I agree with that.
I am not sure about that
I am not sure, but it seems to me that
You’ve got a different opinion, haven’t you?
To my mind
To my way of thinking
I can’t but agree with
On the one hand………..on the other hand
It goes without saying
I’d like to add that
Personally, I believe that
Well, I feel that
Well, I can’t say for certain, but it seems to me

T: (показывает слайд 4)

  • Sport is health
  • Helps to stay in good shape
  • Makes people’s bodies attractive
  • Keeps them fit, healthy
  • Makes them organised and better disciplined in their life activities
  • Builds the character
  • Entertains people, brings pleasure and joy
  • Provides a certain kind of moral education

What hasn’t been mentioned? Do you agree?

Unfortunately when I was a child I didn’t go in for sport. But my daughter is fond of dancing. People have a chance to choose from a great variety of different sports. By the way what are they? Divide into 2 teams and recall them. You have several minutes.

Учитель дает командам маркеры и ватман. Учащиеся записывают названия спортивных игр на ватмане. (Основа - упражнения 3,4 страница 108 из учебника Сафоновой В.В. English IX.)

Badminton, basketball, baseball, bicycling, billiards, bobsled, bowling, canoeing, chess?, cricket, croquet, darts, dicing, dominoes, draughts, hang gliding, horseback riding, golf, gymnastics, football, ice hockey, ice-skating, jogging, judo, monopoly, ping-pong, rowing, roller skating, Scrabble, Snakes and Ladders, squash, snooker, snow skating, soccer, swimming, target shooting, tennis, volleyball, weightlifting, wrestling, windsurfing.

T: Name your kinds of sports in turn.

Учащиеся называют названия спортивных игр, учитель подводит итоги.

T: You’ve named a lot of kinds of sports. Great! Of course it is not the whole list. What haven’t you mentioned? (Показывает слайд 5.)

T: I am sure that you know not only the names of sports but their rules too. Let’s see if it’s really so.

Проверка домашней работы – упражнение 2 страница 107 из учебника Сафоновой В.В. English IX (Chess, Draughts, Dominoes) P1 ,P2 ,P3.


The oldest of games, the most fascinating and popular of all games, to be played with 32 men, each player, to have 16 men, to have 1 King, 1 Queen, 2 bishops, 3 knights,2 rooks, 8 pawns. To be of opposite colours. To be played on a chessboard, to be divided into 64 squares in 2 colours, chess pieces, to move according to certain rules, the aim, to checkmate.


A popular and well-known game, for young and old, to be played by 2 persons, to take 12 white/black pieces, 1 person, the other person, to be placed, on the back squares, the 3 outer rows, the 2 opposite-facing sides, the board.


A popular and interesting game, to be played with 28 or 52 pieces, from 2 to 6 persons, to take part, to be put on the table, dots, to be put downward and mixed, each player, to take 6 pieces, to be hidden from the other players, the player, to have the highest double value piece, in the middle of the playing surface, to have no double piece, to have a piece with the highest number, the next player, to continue with a piece of, to have to buy a matching piece from the pieces lying on the table, to be played in clockwise direction, to continue the game, to have got rid of all pieces, to be the winner, to announce this with exclamation «domino».

T: To guess what sport we are going to discuss then, you are supposed to solve the crossword. Come to the computers. Look at the slide.

Показывает слайд 6 (кроссворд), слайд 7 (задания к кроссворду), если есть возможность лучше вывести кроссворды на компьютеры. После того как учащиеся разгадают кроссворд, показывает слайд 8. В кроссворде другим цветом выделено слово Surfing.

  1. A pair of sharp-edged steel blades to be fastened to a foot for moving smoothly over ice.
  2. A Scottish game played on ice with heavy, fat-bottomed stones with handles, sent along the ice.
  3. A light bat used for hitting the ball in tennis.
  4. An area of land for playing football, soccer, rugby.
  5. Going head first into water.
  6. A specially prepared sheet of ice for skating.
  7. A game played by 2 or 4 people with small, hard balls driven with clubs into holes.

T: Surfing is a dangerous, extreme kind of sport.Have you ever gone in for surfing? Would you like to try? What other extreme kinds of sports do you know? Open your books at page 110.Have you gone in for any of them? (Упражнение 8 на странице 110 из учебника Сафоновой В.В. English IX.)

Adventure racing, soaring, snowshoeing, boardsailing, ballooming, barefoot water skiing, bungee jumping, climbing an artificial climbing wall, caving, extreme motocross, free diving, hang gliding, jet-skiing, skydiving, mountain climbing, open water swimming, outer climbing, steep skiing, street luge, scuba diving, speed skiing, snorkeling, surfing.

Now listen to the article about surfing and fill in the gaps.

Текст на аудирование взят из учебника “Enterprise 4”by Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley Express Publishing страница 95. Прилагается Tapescipt. Данный текст записан на кассету, прилагаемую к учебнику. Красным цветом выделены правильные ответы к тексту Surfing (Приложение 2). Учащиеся получают распечатки. Данный текст- это summary прослушанного текста.


Surfing is the most exciting watersport there is. Serious surfers must be brave, love 1…………………and have lots of energy. Many surfers travel around the 2 ………………going to surf festivals. Some surfers carry pagers which beep when there are 3……………… reports of perfect conditions. Surfers are always in search of the best waves in an unspoilt 4……………Professionals are in the 5………………every day and do exercises with 6…………………..You don’t need to wear a 7 ………………….in summer, but it can protect you from the hot 8……………as well as from cold 9……………….Professional surfers look as if they learnt to surf as soon as they could 10………………………

Учащиеся слушают текст и заполняют пропуски в текстах (первое прослушивание).

T: Some minutes for you to finish your work. Now exchange your texts, check and put marks to your partner. Look at the slide. (Показывает слайд 9 - правильные ответы.)

1 - adventure
2 - world
3 - weather
4 - paradise
5 - sea
6 - weights
7 - wet suit
8 - sun
9 - water
10 - walk

T: What conditions are necessary to go in for this or that kind of sport? (Показывает слайд 10.)

  • Suitable weather
  • Equipment
  • Skills
  • Wish
  • A suitable place
  • A tutor ( for a beginner)
  • Money

T: Now listen to the story again and tell me what is necessary to go in for surfing. (Второе прослушивание.)

T: So it is necessary... P1, P2, P3....

Why do the people who once experienced the excitement of a ride on top of the waves never want to stop?

T: Why do you think people go in for extreme sports? (Показывает слайд 11.)

T: Have you tried extreme sports? Would you like?

Thank you very much for your work. Your marks are……. At home you will speak about surfing, this text will help you.

Учащимся выдаются распечатки с текстом Surf’s up! для выполнения домашней работы.

Компоненты УМК, используемые на уроке

  1. Учебник «English IX» В.В. Сафонова, И.П. Твердохлебова, Е.Н. Соловова, Москва, Просвещение, 2003 упр.2 стр.107; упр.3,4 стр.108; упр.8 стр.110.
  2. Учебник “Enterprise 4” Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing, страница 95.