Урок в 4-м классе в школе с углубленным изучением английского языка по теме "Школа"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Данный урок является одним из последних в серии уроков по теме «Школа».
Хотя содержание урока построено в основном на материале учебника, урок содержит дополнительный материал, не отраженный в учебнике. Тип урока - закрепление знаний, умений и навыков- позволяет организовать тренировку основного речевого материала в общении, что имеет коммуникативную ценность, расширяет филологический кругозор, позволяет воплотить принцип личностно-ориентированного общения. В течение урока задействованы все виды речевой деятельности, а именно: аудирование, чтение, говорение, письмо.
В ходе урока активизируются лексико-грамматические структуры, ситуативное общение, стимулирующее речевую активность, развиваются навыки высказывания своих мнений.
Эффективность обучения достигается за счет игровых приёмов и проблемных заданий, разнообразия форм речевого взаимодействия, оптимального сочетания видов речевой деятельности, использованием опор, схем.
Для полноценного проведения урока необходимо пользоваться предложенной презентацией, содержащей иллюстрированный и учебный материал.

Цель: Развитие речевых умений МУР.

Сопутствующие задачи: Обучение чтению, аудированию, письму.

Ход урока:

Класс заранее делится на две команды: красные и голубые. Сидят за отдельными столами.

T: Hello, children! Nice to meet you! How are you today? Sit down, please! Are you ready for the lesson? Is everything ready? Let me see. Miroslava, will you help me?
P1: Yes, of course.
P1: Are the lights on?
Ps: Yes, they are.
P1: Is the computer on?
Ps: Yes, it is.
P1: Are the pupils ready?
Ps: Yes, they are.
P1: Is the teacher here?
Ps: Yes, she is.
P1: Is it time to begin?
Ps: Yes, it is.

T: Thank you, well done! Now let’s see if you are ready to start working. Here is the first task for you. Do you like reading poems? Would you like to try writing one? Work in pairs, please!

Появляется слайд 1 со словами стиха. Дети должны придумать окончание строчек.

  • On the very very big planet there is a …
  • In the large country called Russia there is the …
  • In the young town of Dzerzhinsk there is our …

T: Are you ready? What have you got? Дети читают то, что они придумали по строчке.
T: I see you are good poets.

Появляется слайд 2 с полным стихом и интонационной разметкой.

T: P2, will you read the whole poem.

On the very very big planet there is a large country called Russia
In the large country called Russia there is the young town of Dzerzhisk
In the the young town of Dzerzhinsk
There is our gymnasium.

T: So in the young town of Dzerzhinsk there is our gymnasium. But what is our gymnasium like?

Появляется слайд 3 с фото гимназии.

T: I think our gymnasium is modern. What do you think?
P1,P2,P3, P4. Our gymnasium is……(nice, well-equipped, friendly, light, cosy, big)
T: You are right. That’s our gymnasium.

T: Every day many talented pupils from the whole town come to our school. In the morning they are always busy. Here is a task for you. Make up sentences with the verbs suitable for describing our school mornings and arrange them in a logical order.

Появляется слайд 4.

  • Begin
  • Meet
  • Come
  • Take off
  • Ring
  • Go
  • Talk
  • Get ready for

Дети работают в командах.

T: Are you ready? What stories have you got? The red team, begin, please. Thank you. Well done. The blue team, continue, please. Nice. Is it our usual morning? Yes, it is.

T: Pupils gain knowledge in our gymnasium. Pupils of our school have various subjects. Look at the blackboard! Who is the best in solving crosswords?

На доске кроссворд. На слайде 5 появляются задания. Дети отгадывают слово, пишут его на доске, проговаривают, что они делают на уроках. (At the lessons of PE we………) Если правильно - получают фишку.

Задания к кроссворду.

  1. At these lessons we read books. (Reading)
  2. At these lessons we jump and run. (Physical Education)
  3. At these lessons we count. (Maths)
  4. At these lessons we learn our native language. (Russian)
  5. At these lessons we paint pictures. (Art)
  6. At these lessons we speak English. (English)
  7. At these lessons we dance. (Dancing)
  8. At these lessons we study nature. (Nature Study)
  9. At these lessons we sing songs. (Music)

T: Учитель считает фишки. I see that both groups know the words well. But still the red team was a bit better. Congratulations!

T: So our pupils are always busy. But are you happy at school? Why?
Ps: We are happy because………

  • have clubs after school
  • have interesting lessons
  • our teachers are clever and kind
  • we have friends here
  • we have a good library and a good canteen

T: You’ve said that all lessons are interesting. What is your favourite subject?
Ps: называют любимые предметы. Ps: My favourite subject is………..

T: I see. But our school specializes in English. We have English 5 days a week. We work hard at our English lessons. What exactly do we do? Discuss in groups, please!

Детям дают ватман и маркер для рисования паучка.

T: Now I think you are ready. Let’s speak in turn.
I also have my spider. Появляется слайд 6.
T: Did you mention everything? Now make up stories about our English lessons in groups.

  • read and discuss texts, retell stories
  • learn poems by heart
  • learn grammar and words
  • write stories
  • play games
  • make up dialogues
  • write tests
  • sing songs
  • watch cartoons
  • ask and answer questions

Who will speak? Group1, Group 2.
T: I am glad that you like our English lessons.

T: Do you want to learn English? Why? Have a look! It may help you.
Появляется слайд 7.
Ps: I want to learn English because……….-read books in the original

  • watch English cartoons and films
  • understand English songs
  • speak with British people
  • visit countries

T: You are absolutely right. English is everywhere nowadays. Do you know where else except Great Britain and the USA people speak English? Would you like to learn it?
The story you’re going to listen will help you learn it. Listen attentively! Look, please, at the words which can be difficult. Pay special attention to the figures and what they mean.
Появляется слайд 8 с трудными словами (снятие трудностей).

English is the most popular language nowadays. Of course first of all people of Great Britain and the USA speak it. But you can name 30 other countries where English is the main language. There are about 375 million people who speak it as their first language. In 70 countries people have 2 official languages. One of them is English. So about 350 million people speak English as the second language. Besides in all countries there are people who learn English like we do. So all in all there are about billion people who learn it.

T: I hope you were attentive and it won’t be difficult for you to do the task. Match the figures and what they mean. Цифры и объяснения разрезаны и находятся в разных местах класса. (2 комплекта – для двух команд). Дети собирают карточки и приклеивают их на доске в правильном порядке.

1.A billion

a. countries where English is one of the official languages


b. people who speak English as the first language

3.350 million

c. people who speak English as the second language

4.375 million

d. people who learn English


e. countries where English is the main language.

Keys: 1-d 2-e 3-c 4-b 5-a

T: Well done! I see that you are very attentive and really have understood the text.
Now you know how many people speak English. Have a look at the map, the flag shows where English is spoken.
Появляется слайд 9.
T: So you see English is really important and I hope that you will know it well.
T: Thank you for your work. I think you were active and attentive. Your marks are….Your homework is………