Урок-викторина по теме "Different Landscapes — Different Countries"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: обобщение изученного материала по теме «How different the world is!»


  1. Совершенствовать речевые навыки учащихся.
  2. Развивать навыки работы в группе.
  3. Закрепить грамматические навыки учащихся. (употребление артикля the с  географическими названиями)
  4. Поддержать интерес к изучению английского языка.

Оборудование: физическая карта мира, фотографии с достопримечательностями стран (США, Великобритании, Австралии), учебник под редакцией В. П. Кузовлева для 10-11 классов.

Учащиеся делятся на 3 группы по 5 человек, придумывают название команды.

Ход игры.

I. Организационный момент.

- Good morning, dear students! I’m glad to see you. Today we’ll have a competition on the topic «Different Landscapes – Different Countries». Please, divide into groups and think of the names for your teams. You will do some tasks. Let’s start. Good luck to you!

II. Warm-up. Answer the questions.(Команда получает балл за каждый правильный ответ)

A) Questions for  the first team.

  1. What is the longest river of Australia? (the Darling)
  2. Are the Cordilleras situated in the west or in the east of the USA? (in the west)
  3. What is the flattest of the continents? (Australia)
  4. Where is the Great Sandy Desert situated? (in Australia)
  5. What river is London situated on? (the Thames)
  6. What is the smallest continent? (Australia)

B) Questions for the second team.

  1. What is the longest river in the UK? (the Severn)
  2. Are the Appalachian Mountains situated in the west or in the east of the USA? (in the east)
  3. What is the fourth largest nation in the world? (The USA)
  4. Where is steady rainfall throughout most of  the year? (England)
  5. Where is the Murray? (Australia)
  6. What ocean is the UK washed by? (The Atlantic Ocean)

C) Question for the third team.

  1. What oceans is Australia washed by? (The Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean)
  2. How many parts does the UK consist of? (4)
  3. Where do people suffer from limited fresh water? (in Australia)
  4. Are the Rocky Mountains situated in the west or in the east of the USA? (in the west)
  5. What country is situated south of the Equator? (Australia)
  6. Where is the Great Victoria Desert situated? (in Australia)

III. Odd the word out. Explain. (Команда получает балл за правильный ответ)

A) Questions for  the first team.

  1. The Murray, the Hudson, the Mississippi, the Yukon. (The Murray, it is in Australia)
  2. Australia, the USA, Great Britain, Russia. (The USA, with the article)
  3. The Rocky Mountains, the Urals, the Appalachian Mountains, the Cordilleras? (The Urals, in Russia)
  4. San Francisco, Chicago, Manchester, New York. (Manchester, in Great Britain)
  5. Europe, Asia, Russia, North America. (Russia, it’s a country)

B) Questions for the second team.

  1. The Severn, the Thames, the Darling, the Avon. (The Darling, it’s in Australia)
  2. The Kimberly, the Cordilleras, the Flinders, the Hamersley. (The Cordilleras, they are in the USA)
  3. The Arafura Sea, the Tasman Sea, the North Sea, the Coral Sea. (The Coral Sea, it washes Australia)
  4. The UK, the USA, Europe, Italy. (Europe, it’s not a country)
  5. Desert, plain, floods, mountains. (Floods, it doesn’t describe landscape)

C) Question for the third team.

  1. The St. Lawrence River, the Severn, the Columbia, the Colorado. (The Severn, it’s in the UK)
  2. The Great Sandy Desert, the Great Victoria Desert, the Cordilleras, the Simpson Desert. (the Cordilleras, they are mountains)
  3. Scotland, Australia, Wales, England. (Australia, it’s not a part of Great Britain)
  4. Liverpool, Edinburgh, Atlanta, Manchester. (Atlanta, it’s in the USA)
  5. The Appalachian Mountains, the Flinders, the Rocky Mountains, the Cordilleras. ( the Flinders, they are in Australia)

После 2го тура учащимся можно предложить перерыв. Один из учащихся читает стихотворение.

Let’s have a rest. Will you listen to the poem, please?


What is the life, if full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?
No time to stand beneath the boughs,
And stare as long as sheep and cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see in broad daylight
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began,
A poor life this is, if full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
(W. H. Davies)

IV. Make up 5 wrong sentences.

(Каждая команда составляет по 5 неправильных предложений. Другая команда должна исправить их. Команды называют неправильные предложения по очереди.  Максимальное количество баллов 10: за 5 неправильных предложений и 5 за правильные ответы)
e.g. Team 1: The Murray is the longest river in Australia.
       Team 2: That’s wrong. The longest river in Australia is the Darling.

V. Make up a sentence with each word.

A) Questions for the first team.

  1. Steady rainfall (There’s steady rainfall in England throughout most of the year.)
  2. The Equator (Australia is situated south of the Equator.)
  3. Desert (Great deserts cover the vast territory of Australia.)
  4. The Indian Ocean (The Indian Ocean washes Australia.)
  5. The Rocky Mountains (The Rocky Mountains are situated in the west of the USA.)

B) Questions for the second team.

  1. Severe droughts (Severs droughts happen very often in Australia.)
  2. The Cordilleras (The Cordilleras are situated in the west of the USA.)
  3. Extensive (There are extensive deserts in Australia.)
  4. The Pacific Ocean (The USA is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west.)
  5. The Severn (The Severn is the longest river in Great Britain.)

C) Question for the third team.

  1. Suffer (people in Australia suffer from limited fresh water.)
  2. The Darling (The Darling is the longest river in Australia.)
  3. Useless (Much of the land in Australia is a useless desert.)
  4. The flattest (Australia is the flattest of the continents.)
  5. The Appalachian Mountains (The Appalachian Mountains are situated in the east of the USA.)

Предлагается пауза. Учащийся читает стихотворение.

The Swing.

How do you like to go up in the swing,
Up in the air and over the wall,
Up in the air so blue? Till I can see so wide,
Oh, I do think it’s the pleasant thing
Rivers and trees and cattle and all
Ever a child can do! Over the country-side-
Till I look down on the garden green,
Down on the roof so brown –
Up in the air I go flying again,
Up in the air and down.  
(Robert L. Stevenson)

VI. The or without the? ( Команда получает балл за каждый правильный ответ)

Great Britain, USA, Australia, UK, Darling, Mississippi, Pacific Ocean, Scotland, Great Sandy Desert, North Sea.
(Команды выполняют задание вслух. Затем учитель говорит правильные ответы).

VII. Do the crossword.

  1. They often happen in Australia.
  2. Australia is the flattest...
  3. Much of Australia is a useless...
  4. Australia is situated south of the...
  5. The land in the USA varies from ... forests to deep canyons.
  6. There’s ... rainfall in England throughout most of the year.
  7. People in Australia ... from limited fresh water.
  8. There are severe ... in Australia.
  9. Very large.
  10. There are lots of ... resorts in Great Britain.

VIII. Подведение итогов.

The team «Red Apple» has ... points. Let’s clap to them.

IX. Рефлексия.

Did you like the competition? Was it exciting (boring)? Why? Which of the tasks did you like most of all? Who was the best in your team?
Thank you for your work, my dear students. Everybody was active. You know the material about the USA, Australia and the UK very well.

В заключении все учащиеся поют песню «My bonnie».