Праздники и обычаи в Великобритании

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: активизация и закрепление лексики по теме “Праздники и обычаи страны изучаемого языка”.

Учебная: развивать навыки устной речи, формирование гибких и вариативных умений говорить, развитие навыков понимания иностранной речи на слух, навыков чтения и письменной речи, расширение и углубление культурологических знаний, повышение общей культуры общения.
Развивающая: развитие навыков языковой реакции, памяти, внимания, мышления, восприятия и инициативы.
Воспитательная: формировать уважение к культуре, истории, традициям, обычаям, нравам страны изучаемого языка, а через это уважение к национальной культуре; формировать умение активно и плодотворно работать в коллективе.

Оборудование: Учебник “English-8”, автор Кузовлев В.П. и др., плакаты по теме “Праздники и обычаи страны изучаемого языка, раздаточный материал (карточки для выполнения заданий по аудированию), магнитофон, аудиокассета с текстом для аудирования, компьютер, проектор, слайды по теме “Праздники и обычаи страны изучаемого языка”, карточки для занесения (баллов), за правильно сделанные задания.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

T.: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. Today we have a revision- lesson. Today we shall speak with you about the most famous holidays and customs of Great Britain and compare with Russian ones. We also revise lexical and grammar structures. I hope that it will be interesting for you during our lesson.

II. Основная часть

1. Фонетическая разминка


Слайд № 1

T.: Look at the screen and repeat after me the following words.

Christmas, Holidays, New Year, tree, Santa Claus,
Presents, First Foot, Remembrance Day, to lay wreaths, to survive, Valentine Cards, Easter, dyed eggs, Victory Day.

2. Речевая разминка

T.: You know that people like to celebrate holidays all over the world. Nowdays different people celebrate different holidays. What about you families? What holidays do you prefer to celebrate and how do they do it? Answer my questions, please.

a) What is the most favourite holiday in your family?
b) What are the most important public holidays in Great Britain?
c) What religious holiday do you know?
d) What is the most important national holiday in Russia?
e) What do Russian people celebrate on the 9th of May?
f) During what holiday do British eat their traditional food: roast turkey?
g) Name the date when English people celebrate Halloween.

3. Говорение

Учащиеся рассказывают о праздниках и обычаях Великобритании, сравнивая их с Российскими праздниками.

T.: Now we are going to have speaking practice. Your hometask was to prepare 5-6 sentences about holidays and customs of Great Britain. The first group will tell us about Christmas and New Year.

Слайд № 2

P1: Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25. People of different countries celebrate Christmas in various ways. Christmas is a time for eating. The traditional food is turkey, Christmas cake? Christmas pudding made of fruits. Over the end of the bed people hang stockings. Children believe that Santa Claus will come down the chimney and fill the stockings with presents. A carrot for the reindeer is usually left on fireplace.

P2: I’m from Russia. The first holiday of the year is New Year’s Day. There are a lot of New Year traditions in Russia. In every home there is a New Year tree with lights and decorations. Children always wait for Father Frost a Snow Maiden to come and give them a present. Many people think New Year’s Day to be a family. But in England not all English people celebrate New Year. A lot of people go to Trafalgar Square to see the Christmas Tree. They have a New Year party at home. When Big Ben Strikes 12 they drink a toast for the New Year.

T.: Thank you for your interesting stories. The second group will tell us about other holidays- they are: Maslenitsa and Easter.

Слайд № 3

P3: People in Russia have many traditions. One of them is Maslenitsa. On this holiday people say good- bye to winter. In some regions people burn the figure of the winter. People in both countries cook pancakes with honey or sour- cream, they sing songs and dance. In England this holiday is celebrated in a different way.

Слайд № 4

P4: Easter is a Christmas holy day in March, April or May when Christmas and his return to life. At Easter people in both countries usually exchange dyed eggs and go to the church.

The Easter Bunny in England is to Easter what Santa Claus is to Christmas. The Easter Bunny has usually a basket of eggs. The East Bunny colors eggs for young children to find on Easter morning. Another symbol of Easter is the white lily, or Easter lily.

T.: Thank you. The next group of pupils will tell us about Women’s day and Victory day- they are celebrated in both countries in Russia and in Great Britain. Are these holidays celebrated in the same way? Listen to your classmates.

Слайд № 5

P5: The 8th of March is a happy and nice holiday. Each family celebrates this spring holiday. In the morning men go to the shops to but some flowers. They try to clean flats and to cook a holiday dinner. Songs help their fathers too: they make a cake? Lay the table and wash dishes after holiday dinner. There is almost the same holiday in England. It is called Mother’s Day and celebrated also in spring flowers and cakes are the traditional gifts for all women in England. All women try to be nice and happy on this day.

Слайд № 6

P6: In Russia we celebrate Victory Day on the 9th of May. On this day, the radio and television broadcast parade. They place a wreath of flowers at the tomb of Unknown Soldier. All stand in silence for a few minutes. In Great Britain people celebrate Remembrance Day on the 11th of November. On this day, the Royal family and political leaders come to the Cenotaph to lay wreaths at its foot. War veterans march past the memorial. An endless line of people wishing to honour the veterans and those were killed in the war follows.

4. Аудирование и письмо

Учащиеся получают карточки для выполнения письменного задания по аудированию.

T.: The next task is to listen to the text. You will hear a conversation about birthday presents. Choose from the following list the items that best match the opinions expressed and write them in the spaces numbered 1 to 5.

Card 1




1… – possibly, but probably not a present she will enjoy that much.
2… – probably has them already.
3… – used this idea at Christmas.
4… – not a very good idea now.
5… – good idea, even if they may be quite expensive.

Woman: Is it your mother’s birthday next week? It’s on the 7th of August, isn’t it? That’s Monday I think…

Man: Monday, Monday, yes, yes

Woman: I’d rather get a present today so we get it in time to put it in the post.

Man: Uh, yes, what do you think she’d like?

Woman: Oh, I don’t know, we have this problem every year. What about perfume?

Man: Perfume? Um, yes, well, she likes expensive perfume but, uh, we gave her some, didn’t we give her some on Christmas?

Woman: Oh, yes, we did. What about books?

Man: Um, well, she’s a is a member of a book club so she’s always likely to have many book you want to give her, I mean she’s,…the house is full of books…

Woman: Yes, yes, that’s true, yes. Um, I suppose we could think about a CD.

Man: Yes, that’s possible, but I don’t know, always feels giving her a CD, she never really plays them very much. I don’t think she listens to music a lot, um let’s remember that idea. Um, I tell you what she does like, um, nice glasses…

Woman: What, you mean wine glasses, (yes) brandy glasses that sort of thing…um, good ones are very expensive, very dear, but I suppose if we could find some at a lower price that’d be a good idea.

Man: Um, what do we call a lower price?

Woman: Oh, I think we’ve got to certainly spend ten pounds, aren’t we? Something like that, or ever a bit more. She’s always very generous to all of us.

Man: Um, yes, I think that’s actually a good idea. Anything else, um, something in the food line perhaps?

Woman: Oh, no, she’s supposed to be in a diet, so I don’t think that’s a very good idea!

Начисление балов за правильные ответы:

1 CD 1
4 FOOD 1

Максимальное количество баллов 5.


“3” – 2 балла;

“4” – 3 балла;

“5” – 5 баллов.

T.: Let’s check your answers. Each answer is one point. If you have 2 points your mark is “3”; 3, 4 points – “4”; 5 points – “5”.

5. Grammar

T.: Look at the screen. You can see 9 sentences. Your task is adding questions tags to these sentences.

Слайд №7

  1. There are a lot of holidays in the world, …?
  2. We celebrate New Year in summer, …?
  3. We celebrate Easter in spring, …?
  4. May Day is not a winter holiday, …?
  5. People like holidays, …?
  6. Christmas is a winter holiday, …?
  7. Halloween is not a traditional Russian holiday, …?
  8. Every Englishman doesn’t like to miss his afternoon tea, …?
  9. People like to celebrate Christmas, New Year and Easter, …?

Учащиеся заполняют карточки.

Card 2

1, ………………..? 4, ……………..? 7, ……………..?
2, ………………..? 5, ……………..? 8, ……………..?
3, ………………..? 6, ……………..? 9, ……………..?

6. Reading

Учащимся предлагается ознакомиться с содержанием небольшого текста на тему: “Why do British like drinking tea”?

T.: You know that tea is the most popular drink in Britain. Focus your attention on this text. You’ll have 2 minutes to read it. Then we shall check whether you understand it.

Card 3

Why do the British like drinking tea?

Everything in Britain, says a popular song, stops for tea. It’s true that tea is the most popular drink in Britain- far more popular than coffee. The Dutch brought the first tea to Europe in about 1610. By 1750 tea had become the principal drink of all the people in Britain. Tea waskept in special containers called tea- caddies, often with a lock. Nowdays, tea- drinking became a fashion able social ritual. That’s why there are a lot of gardens in London, where people could walk in the afternoon and enjoy a cup of tea with bread and butter and cakes. Many years ago tea parties were also popular at home, and soon the “afternoon tea” a real tradition. Today the custom of tea- time continues. Most people in Britain prefer strong cup of tea with milk.

7. Проверка понимания прочитанного (общий смысл и содержание, специальная информация).

T.: Now look at the screen. There are some statements. Your task is to decide whether these statements true or false.

Слайд № 8

  • Coffee in Britain as popular as tea.
  • By 1750 tea had become the principal drink of rich people in Britain.
  • Most people in Britain prefer to drink tea with milk.
  • English people prefer not very strong tea.
  • Tea was kept in opened boxes in the kitchen.
  • Tea became so popular that tea gardens appeared in London.

III. Подведение итогов урока. Оценки.

8. Домашнее задание

T.: Thank you for you excellent work. Count your points and compare your result with the table. Open your dairies and put your marks down there.

The lesson is over. Good bye!
