Интеллектуальная игра "Цвети, моя Хакасия"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

О, Хуртуях!
Я пред тобою встану на колени,
Чтобы в грядущих, будущих веках
Не иссякала вена жизни поколений!
О, стой вовек в долине той
И на заре неведомой нам эры
И пусть к тебе извечною тропой
Идёт народ с надеждою и верой!


  1. Расширение кругозора учащихся по краеведению;
  2. Приобщение молодого поколения к этнокультурным ценностям.

Описание игры:

В игре участвуют 3 команды. В первом раунде 2 темы, во втором - 3 темы, к каждой теме 5 вопросов, во втором раунде цена вопроса увеличивается. Во всех раундах есть вопрос «кот в мешке». Этот вопрос отдается по желанию команды, которая его выбрала. В каждом раунде есть вопрос-аукцион, где можно увеличить стоимость вопроса, если у участников достаточно очков. В финальном раунде участники делают ставки, исходя из количества набранных очков. Жюри подсчитывает очки и записывает их каждому участнику. В конце игры команды и лучшие игроки получают призы.

The first round

Geography of Khakasia

  1. What is the total area of the Republic?
  2. How many towns are there in Khakasia?
  3. What are the largest lakes in Khakasia?

  4. 4. What is the highest mountain in the Republic?

  5. A question – auction:
    How many Khakas live in Khakasia?

The culture of Khakasia

  1. Who is the author of a novel “V Dalyokom Aale”?
  2. Name the most popular film about Khakasia.
  3. How many theatres are there in Khakasia?
  4. “A pig in a poke”
    Name the outstanding Khakas playwrights, actors and actresses.
  5. A question – auction:
    When was the Orthodox Church in Chernogorsk built?

The second round

Tourist Khakasia

  1. Where is the memorial museum “V.I. Lenin Exile in Siberia”?
  2. What is the most outstanding place of interest in Sayanogorsk?
  3. What highway in Khakasia do people call “Highway of courage”?
  4. “A pig in a poke”
    Name the Khakas monuments of ancient
  5. A question – auction: What district of Khakasia does the tourist riding tour run in?


  1. When was Chernogorsk founded?
  2. Who was the founder of Chernogorsk?
  3. Name the Coal fields of Chernogorsk.

  4. “A pig in a poke”
    Where does the granddaughter of Vera Arsenjevna Balandina live?
  5. A question – auction:
    Call the number of Siberian division which defended Moscow. Do you know the soldiers from Chernogorsk who were in this Siberian division?

History of Khakasia

  1. Who was the first scientist of Khakasia?
  2. Who painted pictures about Khakasia such as “Khakaska and Selo Tashtib”?
  3. What are the instruments of Shaman?

  4. “A pig in a poke”
    What are the Khakas musical instruments?
  5. A question – auction:
    What was the name of Khakas houses in the 18’th and 19’th centuries?

Final round

There is a Stone museum under the open sky in the village Kazanovka on which are marked three flowers: one of them is Lotos – the holy flower of the East. The second flower is Baniyan which is the magic tree of Africa. And there is the third flower which is the holy flower of Khakasia. Name this flower.


The first round

Geography of Khakasia

  • 100 – 62.000 square km.
  • 200 - There are five towns in Khakasia. They are: Abakan, Chernogorsk, Sayanogorsk, Sorsk, Abaza.
  • 300 – Shira and Belyo
  • “A pig in a poke”. 700 – Karagosh (about 3000 metres)
  • A question – auction. 500 – 60.000 people

Culture of Khakasia

  • 300 – Domozhakov
  • 400 – “The last year of Golden eagle”
  • 500 – The Khakas National Theatre, The Russian Drama Theatre named after Lermontov, SKAZKA (Fairy Puppet Theatre)
  • “A pig in a poke”. 800 – Playwrights: Kilchichakov, Domozhakov; Actors: Kuchev, Shchukin; Actresses: Todikova, Charkova
  • A question – auction. 1000 – in 1992

The second round

Tourist Khakasia

  • 400 – at Shushenskoye
  • 500 – Sayano – Shushenskaya Hydro
  • 900 – The Abakan – Taishet highway
  • “A pig in a poke”. 2000 – Burial – mounds and mediaeval fortresses
  • A question – auction.3000 – It runs through the Askiz district in the mountains with the name Saksaar


  • 700 – 1936
  • 800 – Vera Arsenjevna Balandina
  • 1000 – Razrez Chernogorsky, Razrez Stepnoy
  • “A pig in a poke”. 4000 – in Moscow
  • A question – auction. 5000 – Ninety – one division

History of Khakasia

  • 1000 – Nikolai Fyodorovich Katanov
  • 2000 – Surikov
  • 3000 – tambourine and beetle
  • “A pig in a poke”. 5000 – Chatkhan and Khomis
  • A question – auction. 6000 Yurta

The final round

  • Iris





A pig in a poke

A question-auction

Geography of Khakasia






The Culture of Khakasia






Tourist Khakasia












The History of Khakasia