Урок английского языка "Англичане. Какие они?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

  • Students will give oral presentation of the materials they prepared while working on the unit “Traditions”;
  • practise exchanging options;
  • develop skills of speaking, listening, writing, reading.




Classroom management

1) Introduction to motivate students for further work whole class
2) Activity: who is who? to review the materials individual
3) Vocabulary: mentality and its features to start collecting ideas for the final product of the lesson small groups pairs
4) Listening: “What is a tradition for the British?” to practise listening for specific information whole class
5) Interview to practise asking the question group work
6) Creative work
  1. to reconstruct the poem for the final product of the lesson
  2. to practise working with the advertisement
  1. individual
  2. group work
7) Reading
  1. to practise reading for gist and specific information
  2. to practise summarizing opinion
whole class
8) Writing to practise in spelling words connected with the English mentality whole class
9) Evaluation to evaluate the results of the presentation whole class individual
10) Homework.

Essay: ”Are we similar?”

feed back to the students whole class

Ход урока.

… шум моря, крики чаек (запись с ауди-кассеты).

Учитель: “Britain is a precious stone, set in the silver sea” – said W.Shakespeare one day. And what are the Englishmen: what kind of people are they?

It is the theme of our lesson.
It is the topic of our conversation today.
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise.

1) Activity

Учитель: Who is the author of these words?

Ученик: It is Rudyard Kipling. He became the first English writer to win the Nobel prize for literature in 1907. Kipling achieved enormous popularity for his poems and short stories.

Учитель: I'll show you some portraits, you should say who is who?

(Учащиеся узнают портреты Шекспира, Байрона, Бернса, Шоу, Гейнсборо, Тетчер, Черчилля и Елизаветы II и дают о них информацию , подготовленную дома)

Учитель: I suppose if the nation has such representatives it is worth respecting and learning.

Every nation has its customs and traditions. Every nation has its mentality. What does it mean?

Ученик: Mentality is the main features of the nation: their life style, their traditions, the way of thinking, values and wisdom.

2) Vocabulary

Учитель: What English proverbs do you know, which characterize them?


  • my house is my castle
  • other contries have a climate, in England we have weather
  • love me, love my dog
  • he laughs best who laughs last
  • business before preasure
  • first deserve and then desire
  • all is well that ends well
  • never put off till tomorrow what you can do today etc.

Учитель: These proverbs and saying show (reflect) the English mentality quite right. You see.

3) Listerning

Учитель: What is a tradition for the British? Let's listen to the tape-recorder, it's not an ordinary point of view.

На доске:

Language support: a way of defining themselves, slightly unique, a link with …, a kind of reassure themselves.


  • Why are traditions very important in Britain?
  • Is Britain a unique country?
  • Britain is a declining country, isn’t it?
  • How long have some customs and traditions taken place?

Учитель: Some traditions date back to the ancient times. Traditions are carefully, thoroughly kept. To my mind it’s a power of the nation.

4) Interview

Учитель: Your classmate has been to England for a week. She’ll give you some information, you may ask her questions.


  • Is Britain a Welfare State?
  • What are the most readable newspapers?
  • What is the difference between tartans and kilts?
  • What is the English attitude to the Russian people?

Учитель: Thanks for your speaking. It was rather interesting.

5) Creative work

Учитель: Reconstruct the poem “The English”

The English

They _________ in what they like;
They are _________ in sport;
They _________ in all activities
If they _________ they ought.
They all _________ in doing
Their _________ in five short days,
Which leaves them the two longest ones
To _________ in different ways.
Then some indulge in _________ ,
Or ________ in the rain.
And some delight in cricket,
Or in riding in the plain.
In spite of what’s around him
The average Englishman
Does crosswords in the newspaper
In pencil – if he _________ .
Involved in any accident
The English take a pride
In being _________;
They take things in their stride.
In any circumstances –
Whatever they may be -
The English _________ their problems
With an English _________ of tea.

Words: cup, solve, may be, unemotional, can, walking, gardening, spend, work, succeed, think, partake, interested, dress.

Учитель: Some English companies have representative firms in Moscow, in Russia. I’ll give you the advertising lists. You should find as much information as you can.

  1. What is the name of this company?
  2. What vacancies does it offer?
  3. What are the main demands for the Russian candidates?
  4. Whom is it necessary to be bright, good-humored, dynamic?
  5. In what city is this company situated? Why do you think so? (the code of the city is 095)

6) Reading

Учитель: I wonder how a typical average English family lives.

Идет обсуждение прочитанного дома текста “The average English family”.


  • What kind of house does the average family live?
  • They prefer to live in the suburb of a large city, don’t they?
  • How much does the average family earn?
  • Does the British woman work or is she a house wife?
  • How long are the children at school?
  • What is the most popular entertainment for an average English family?

Учитель: To sum it up let’s fill in the paper “The English characteristics”

I suppose if you have a chance to meet with an Englishman you will be able to be not only a good listener, but a good speaker.

Let it be only the first line of long essay on Britain. Go on studying England and the Englishmen.


  1. Пассов Е.И. “Коммуникативная методика” М. 1999 год.
  2. Соловова Е.Е. “Методика преподавания английского языка” М. 2002 год.
  3. Сафонова В.В. Соловова Е.Е. “English X-XI, part I, II” М. Просвещение 1997 год.
  4. Галина Выборнова и др. “English (базовый курс)” М. АСТ пресс 2000 год.
  5. New Millennium 10. Изд. “Титул” 2002 год.