My viewpoints on some problems concerning person centered techniques of language teaching

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Исследование уровня знания о музыке, отношения к музыке.
  • Расширение музыкального кругозора.
  • Закрепление умений высказываться по выбранной теме



  • Закрепить умения и навыки, полученные в ходе освоения учебного материала.
  • Ознакомить учащихся с новым лингвострановедческим материалом.


  • Развивать внимание, познавательный интерес, творческую активность учащихся.


  • Прививать навыки организованности, навыки слушать и высказывать собственное мнение.
  • Воспитывать интерес к творческой проектной деятельности.

Тип занятия: повторение и закрепление полученных ЗУН, усвоение нового материала.

Вид занятия: урок – практикум по аудированию и говорению.

Методы обучения:

  • По источнику передачи и восприятия учебной информации: свободное общение на предварительно обговоренную и подготовленную тему.
  • По степени самостоятельности мышления учащихся: репродуктивные, продуктивные.
  • По степени управления учебной работой: под управлением учителя, самостоятельная работа.

Материально – дидактическое оснащение:

Учебник, проектор, компьютер, экран, доска, DVD, динамики, МР3-плеер.


  1. Орг-ный момент, ознакомление с целями и задачами урока.
  2. Введение в тему “Музыка”
  3. Классическая музыка и всемирно известные композиторы
  4. Интеллектуальная игра “произведение и его автор”
  5. Представление итогов анкетирования проведенного среди учащихся своей группы.
  6. Популярная музыка и любимые поп-звезды.
  7. Другая музыка или стили и течения в музыке (кантри, джаз, блюз и т д). Угадай стиль – тест
  8. Рэп – истоки и современность. (MC hammer и другие).
  9. Заключение.

Ход урока

Music can leave us indifferent or it can provoke powerful and complex feelings. Music makes us think of people and places we love. It can evoke long forgotten events and feelings we thought we forgot.
There is a world of music around us. Is this world large or small? It often depends on how much you know: the more you know the larger the world is.


Different composers from different countries have conquered the hearts and feelings of people all over the world.

Match the names of the composers and the countries they came from. You can add to the list as many names as you want.

Debussy* Bartok* Grieg*
Bach* Ravel* Liszt*
Mozart* Puccini* Shostakovich*
Dvorak* Chopin* Stravinsky*
Mendelssohn* Wagner* Verdi*
Prokofiev* Schubert* Rossini*
Mussorgsky* Vivaldi*
Tchaikovsky* Gershwin*

the Czech Republic, Germany, Russia, Italy, Norway, the USA, Hungary, Austria, Poland, France.

Интеллектуальная игра “произведение и его автор”. Ведущий включает классическую музыку. На экране высвечиваются 4 варианта ответа как на игре “Угадай мелодию”. Сидящие должны дать правильный вариант ответа. За правильный ответ дается фишка. Кто соберет больше фишек получает медаль “Музыкальный академик”.

Interviewing is fun and useful. It helps us understand people's tastes.

Make a musical programme for TV. You may take into consideration your friends' and relatives' opinions. We have interviewed our friends and relatives to find out their tastes in music.

1) Worked out a questionnaire for the interview using the questions below.

  • What is your favourite sort of music?
  • Do the people you live with and your close friends share the same tastes in music as you?
  • Where and when do you listen to music?
  • If you could choose one musical instrument to be able to play brilliantly, what instrument would it be?
  • Do you like having background music while you are working?
  • How often do you go to concerts?
  • Do you buy records, cassettes or compact discs? If so, how often?
  • What usually makes you decide that you want to buy a certain record (disc, cassette)?
  • Do you have one or two favorite performers (groups, orchestras) at the moment? If so, who?
  • What instrument do you most like the sound of?
  • Do you have an ear for music?

The results

  • Show that young people in our group prefer pop and rap music. Most parents don’t share the same tastes as their children. Most people listen to music at their free time, some like having background music while working. The musical instrument they would like to play brilliantly is a piano, then comes a guitar. Most of the group buys the cassettes or CDs with new or favorite songs. Some of the group decides to buy a cassette or a CD if it becomes popular among their friends. Moreover the pupils admit that they have no ear for music. And finally, there are pupils who have one favorite performer and they would like to tell us about them

Популярная музыка и любимые поп-звезды. Этот этап проекта является домашней заготовкой. Учащимся необходимо рассказать о своей любимой поп-звезде, группе или музыке. Как можно нагляднее и креативнее подходить к своей работе.

The world of music is rich and varied, isn't it? The results of the questionnaire show There are a lot of fans of pop music in this group. I want to invite them. They prepared an information about their favourite pop singers and groups.

I want them to tell us about them. Учащиеся представляют своих кумиров.

Другая музыка или стили и течения в музыке (кантри, джаз, блюз и т д). Угадай стиль – тест.

The world of music is rich and varied, isn't it?

1) Match the musical terms and definitions.

a) a musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words

b) an American style of music based on variation. Since its beginning in the black community of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA around the turn of the century, it has continuously been involved into many different styles. The constant elements are improvisation and variation

c) a style of music that was popular especially in the 1950s but is still played now. It has a strong, loud beat and is usually played on electrical instruments
d) music that is popular in and originated from the southern and western United States. It has many sources: traditional ballads, cowboy songs, Mexican music and the like
e) a type of music that has its origins in America's black community. Most songs are about loneliness, sadness or lost love, sometimes the words express a humorous reaction to life's troubles

jazz, country music, rock’n’roll, blues, rap

(Дополнительный материал для учителя использовать в зависимости от хода урока.

a) What styles of music are popular in your country?
b) What are special styles of music that are common for the city/town/village you live in?
c) What are the adjectives that go with this or that style of music?
d) Do you know singers or musicians who are involved in this or that sort of music? Who are they? Why are they popular?)


The questionnaire shows that there are a lot of fans of rap music in this group.

We want to introduce you with an interesting persons’ biography.

The story below tells us about his life. Many young people know that MC Hammer is a famous rap singer. The story below tells us about his life.

Think of the questions you would ask interviewing him.

During the past years MC Hammer had been giving concerts all over the world. Now many people know his catch phrase "It's Hammer time!" Born Stanley Kirk Burrell in Oakland, California, in 1962, MC was the youngest of seven children. As he says, "Boys fight over everything and we did our share." He got a part-time job with his local baseball team and everyone told him how much he looked like the famous baseball player Hand Aaron. Aaron's nickname was Hammer, so MC Hammer took his name and has been using it ever since. After school and college, he joined the Navy but left to become a rap singer. Soon everyone in America was buying his records. They bought five million copies of his second album and he won five of the most important American music prizes.

Now rap music is popular in Sakha republic. The first and well-known rap singer is Gosha Vasilyev. His song “I’m the Sakha” is very popular among the young people. Let’s listen to our groupmate who collected the information about Gosha Vasilyev. (Слушаем информацию).

You know, there is a rap group among us let’s have a talk with them. Let me introduce them to our guests. They are Larik, Iosif and Edik. I think you’ll ask some questions.

The conclusion

  • The group got acquainted with the different styles in music.
  • Had a lot of fun doing the project.
  • Learned a lot of information about each other and about pop-stars.
  • Became more skillful in making reports and creating presentations.

Thank you for co-operation.