Пресс-конференция по английскому языку "Добро пожаловать в Баунтовский район"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: развитие навыка монологической речи и перевода по теме.

Задачи урока:

  • активизировать ранее изученную лексику по теме;
  • способствовать расширению общего и страноведческого кругозора;
  • развивать умение логично и последовательно излагать свои мысли на английском языке, анализировать, обобщать и сравнивать;
  • воспитывать культуру речи;
  • способствовать развитию социокультурной компетенции.

Оборудование урока: карта республики Бурятии (приложение), картинки по теме животный и растительный мир.

Ход урока

1 .Organization

Hello dear boys and girls! Nice to meet you. How are you today? What country do you live in? Do you love your Motherland? Why?

P1, P2, РЗ, Р4.....

I am glad to hear such good words about our Motherland. It seems to me that you must be real citizens of our region.

Our lesson today is not a traditional. We need to advertise our region to people visiting Buryatiya. As you know our republic is a tourist zone.

The aim of the lesson is to discuss some problems concerning the life, the economy, traditions in the form of the press-conference. Some of you will be experts, the others journalists.

Who will show our area on the map?

2. Основная часть урока

Imagine: the delegation from the English- speaking countries came to our school. They are interested in our area. Please, answer their questions.

Mr. Smith (a correspondent): Hi, I am the correspondent from the « New York Times». What is the geographical location of your area?

PI: Bauntovsky Evenkiisky region is a part of Buryatiya and is located in its northeast part. The area of the region is 66816км. In the north it is borded on the Muisky region, in the west on the Kurumkansky and Barguzinsky , in the south on the Pribaikalsky, Chorinsky regions of the republic Buryatiya.

The population of the region is multinationally. The majority of the population consists of Russian-76,2 %, the Buryat-13,3 of %, the Evenk-4,7 %.

Administrative centre is Bagdarin.

Mr. Brown (a scientist): Hello, I am John Brown from Great Britain. As you know my country is an island. What is the landscape of your region? P2: The landscape varies from the north to the south. The highest mountains are found in the North (Zipikansky Mountains 2300-24000 m above sea level); in the north-west there is the South-Muisky ridge (2700 m). As local sight of a relief, we shall note a cave «Dolganskaya Hole ". It is one of the largest caves of Siberia.

P3: There are many rivers in the region. The Vitim is the largest river. (1887 km). On hydropower resources the Vitim is one of the largest rivers in the country. The Zipa is the second large river in our region (692 km).The region has many beautiful lakes (Baunt, Busani, Kapilushi). The biggest lake is the lake Baunt (33 m deep.) There are mineral sources such as carbonic and hydrosulphuric. The main settlements are Bagdarin, Malovsk, Romanovka, Severni, Uakit, Mongoi Rossoshino and others.

Mr. Johns (a meteorologist): Nice to meet you. I am Mike Johns from Great Britain too. You know that the British Isles are called « The Foggy Albion» .Let us discuss the climate and the weather of your region. P 4: The climate is sharp-continental, that's why our region is equaled to regions of the Far North. The mid-annual temperature is -6 degrees. Mrs. James (a geography teacher): I am interested in minerals. What can you tell about it?

P5: Our region has many minerals. The area is rich in set of deposits of various metal and nonmetallic minerals, that's why our region is one of the major mining areas of republic.

Our region is gold-bearing. There are deposits of aluminum, asbestos, iron, uranium, manganese, coal and many others.

Mrs. Brown: Hi, I am a biologist and it is interesting to know about fauna and flora of your region.

P6: Severe climatic conditions narrow frames of conditions of existence flora and fauna. About 94 % of the area is covered with the wood. TheTsarina of the wood is Daurskaya larch. Except it there is a pine, a fur-tree, a cedar, a birch, an aspen, a poplar, a willow, a mountain ash. In the spring it starts to blossom a Labrador tea-the most beautiful plant of the Bauntovsky region.. In the Bauntovsky taiga are found predatory and artiodactyls animals. The largest predator is a bear. There are wolves, a fox, a lynx, a marten, a sable, deers, a wild boar and others. There are many birds and fish. Mr. Smith: The most important aspect of each country is the national traditions. What can you tell about national peculiarities of your region? P7: Yes, you are right. I think traditions are very important way of defining who people are.

The aborigines of the area are the Evenk belonging to the Baikal version of continental race. They have their own culture but occurrence of Russian in Siberia has changed a life of its natives. Culture, customs, a way of life, language were perfected as precious stones during centuries. As multinational region our culture is mixture of cultures different nationalities. We celebrate the Evenk, Buryat, and Russian holidays such as Boldjer, Sagalgan, Fashing, Easter and others.

The main thing that unites all traditions is friendship and respect of people living here to each other.

P 8:1 would like to tell about the old Evenk holiday « Boldjer». It means meeting of friends. Originally it was spent after the termination of a season of hunting. On the fields it was a lot of nights burned fires and all people danced the Evenk dance «Odera». This holiday was the soul of the Evenk people. Nowadays this holiday has the new contest and forms. Now in programs there are conference, seminars, concerts, exhibitions, sport competitions, fairs.

Р 9: I think you were greatly impressed by Bauntovskys beauty. It was really an exciting experience, wasn't it?

Mr. Smith: Yes, I loved this tour in your region.. I had a really great time. Mr. Brown: Yes, it was so interesting to know some facts about your region. Iwill tell all my friends about your area. 3. Завершение урока. Подведение итогов.

Teacher: Dear friends! Thank you very much for your preparation and you activity at the lesson.

Well, I think our work today was very successful. You showed your excellent knowledge of the topic. But the main idea of our conference is our love to Motherland.

You may choose a friend and a brother
But you can never choose your native land!
You may choose everything in the world
But you can never choose your Motherland!

Do you know some poems about your Motherland?
Who can retell these poems?


Но в жизни тот лишь побеждает,
Кто помнит край, в котором рос,
Кто помнит предков все заветы,
Кто смел и яростен в борьбе.
Иди! Другой дороги нету,
Лишь сам не изменяй себе!

(Н.К. Оегир, эвенкийский поэт)

Таежные мы с детства видим тайны,
Но редко кто их в жизни разгадал.
Поселок Багдарин необычайный
Зачем-то у горы у Белой встал.

Нередко уезжаем мы из дома,
Возможно, с пользой, а бывает зря.
Как будто бы косынкой машет долго
Нам на прощанье Белая гора.

(П. Лосев)

Домашнее задание

Teacher: At home, please write a letter to your friend in Great Britain about our conference. Good-bye!

Список литературы

  1. Зотов А.П. Козулин В.Н. Баунтовский эвенкийский район. – Улан-Удэ, 2005.
  2. Поэтический сборник. К радости светлой зову. – Багдарин, 2006.
  3. Судьба моя Баунт. Сборник документальной и художественной публицистики. – Багдарин, 1997.