Урок английского языка "Accidents, disasters and crimes"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи урока:

  1. Автоматизация и употребление лексических единиц по теме.
  2. Развитие монологической и диалогической речи учащихся.
  3. Формирование навыков аудирования связного текста.
  4. Организация проверки навыков чтения с непосредственным пониманием.

Оснащение урока:

  • картинки с изображением стихийных бедствий, аварий, преступлений;
  • карточки со словами по теме;
  • загадки;
  • вопросы анкеты;
  • магнитофон, классная доска

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

- Good morning, children!

Sit down, please. Glad to see you. I hope you are all feeling well today and ready to show your knowledge in English.

2. Цель урока. Вступительное слово учителя.

- Children, we live in the world full of wonders and dangers. Unfortunately, tragedies are a frequent phenomenon nowadays. Tragedies are everywhere around us. They happen every day all over the world. Everybody knows about the terrorists attacks in New York, Moscow and Volgodonsk, the air crash in the sky of Germany, floods in East Europe and in the south of Russia. The list of tragedies is long, we have mentioned a few best known. But why do these tragedies happen? How can we cope with them or prevent them? Lets disscus it during our lesson.

Children, have you ever heard about Rescue Services. Tragedies happen every day. So, there are different Rescue Services in every city. A lot of people want to be rescuers. Our town Rescue Service is looking for strong, brave and clever rescuers. I know, all of you would like to help people. So, Meleuz Rescue Service have prepared some tasks for you. If you cope with them, you can work as rescuers.

3. Фонетическая зарядка.

There are accidents, disasters and crimes in our life.

а) Name them (карточки со словами)

T: flood

Ps: flood

b) Well, look at the pictures and name the accidents, disasters (рисунки с изображением бедствий, аварий)




c) Do you know which of them natural disasters are?

P1: an earthquake

P2: a drought

P3: a hurricane ................

d) Which of them are man-made?

P1: a robbery

P2: a strike

P3: a war ..............

Well done,children. Let’s move on the second task.

4. Автоматизация и употребление лексики.

Children, I listened to the news report on radio yesterday. I’ll tell you. Your task is to say what happened during the accident/disaster/crime.

The phrases on the blackboard will help you, and you can use ex 8, p 20 (SB).

(the phrases are on the blackboard):

  1. A woman drowned.
  2. A robber was arrested.
  3. A car crashed into a tree.
  4. 5 cars crashed into each other.
  5. The train was derailed and crashed into the station.
  6. The coast line of Puerto Rico was destroyed.
  7. A burglar broke into a house.
  8. 50 people were injured.
  9. The building burst into flames.
  10. Building collapsed.

T: —> P1; T: —> P2; T: —> P3

T: There was an earthquake

( The sound of the earthquake )

P1: Buildings collapsed.

T: There was a flood.

P2: A woman drowned. .......

Oh, I see you can differ accidents from each other. Now,another task.

Your homework was to act out some conversations about accidents/ disasters/crimes.

5. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

P1 —> P2, P3 —> P4, P5 —> P6

(dialogues are taken from ex.6, p.19 (SB))

6. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

Who witnessed any crime, disaster or accident? First, I’ll tell you one.

T: Last summer I saw a car crash in Lenin street. Four people were injured and taken to the hospital. I felt very scared. What about you, children?

P1... (the stories are prepared at home)


7. Закрепление лексических единиц.

Here is one more task for you. If you want to be real rescuers, you must know one important thing. What things do you need in case of different accidents?

(SB: ex.9, p.21)

T: I think you need these things.

a) T: a life jacket —> Ps: a life jacket (карточки со словами и картинки)

T: a torch —> Ps: a torch .......

b) T: What do you need in case of an earthquake?

P1: You need a whistle.

T: Why do you need it?

P1: To attract attention. .......

8. Формирование навыков аудирования.

Well, you know what to do in different situations. But, now the most difficult task for you. Open your textbooks on page 27 exercise 37 (SB)

(the lists of words with traslation)

  1. First, look through the words, then look at the pictures. Then use the words in the list to make sentences which match the pictures.
  2. The second task is to listen to the story and answer the question: “What happened in the end?”
  3. The third task is to do ex. 39, p. 20 (самостоятельно)

9. Песня.

Let’s have a rest and sing a song “Bad luck Blues” (p.31)

10. “How safe and secure are you?”

I’ ll give you a questionnaire. Answer “yes” or “no”

  1. Do you often walk in areas which are not very safe? (yes=1, no=0)
  2. Do you often walk on your own in these areas late at night? (yes=2, no=0)
  3. Do you wear a money belt when you go out? (yes=0, no=1)
  4. Do you wear an expensive watch or expensive jewellery? (yes=1, no=0)
  5. Do you check doors and windows before you go out when your home is empty? (yes=0, no=2)
  6. Do you have a burglar alarm? (yes=0, no=1)
  7. Do you leave lights on when you go out? (yes=0, no=1)
  8. Is there someone who protects the building while you are out? (yes=0, no=2)
  9. Do you have a safe in your home? (yes=0, no=1)

Now add up your score: less than 3 – you are very, very safe; 3-5 – you are quite safe; 6 – 8 – you could take a lot more care. More than 8 – you are a dangerous person to know! [2]

11. “Guess the riddles!”

What disaster is being described in each of these sentences?

  1. It lifted a car about ten feet off the ground, and then we saw it disappear down the street.
  2. It was about two metres deep and we watched as most of our furniture just floated away.
  3. The grass turned yellow and most of the crops died.
  4. The walls began to move visibly, and large cracks opened up in the ground.
  5. We could see the lava slowly advancing towards the town just ten miles away.[2]

12. Заключение урока.

Children, it’ s time to stop your test. In conclusion I’d like you to answer my questions:

  1. Can you tell me why these tragedies happen?
  2. How can we cope with them?
  3. How can we prevent them?

13. Итоги урока

You have coped with all tasks. And I think if such brave, clever rescuers work in Meleuz Rescue Service, people can feel safe.

Thank you for your excellent work!

Your homework: ex 37, p 27 (SB)

(retell the story and draw the end of the story).


  1. Virginia Evans – Neil O’ Sullivan “Click on 3”, Express Publishing, 2001/
  2. Michael McCarthy, Cambridge University Press, 1994/