Вечер инсценировок по английскому языку, посвященный Дню Благодарения в США

Разделы: Иностранные языки



Последние годы свидетельствуют о значительном повышении интереса к английскому языку как средству международного общения. В настоящее время ни один учитель не может пожаловаться на отсутствие интереса у детей к изучению английского языка и самая главная задача учителя в том, чтобы этот интерес был постоянным и устойчивым.

Заставить человека свободно общаться на иностранном языке формальным способом нельзя. Необходимо сделать так, чтобы общение стало необходимым условием, чтобы ребёнок захотел говорить, захотел не для получения хорошей оценки, а потому, что для него коммуникация стала потребностью. При этом надо учитывать и естественный страх человека перед говорением на иностранном языке. Одна из важнейших задач, стоящих перед нами это преодоление существующего психологического барьера внутренней зажатости. При ее решении мы учитывали и тот факт, что учебный процесс будет эффективным только при условии превращения каждого конкретного ученика из пассивного учащегося, позволяющего себя обучать, в активного и творческого участника процесса.. Для преодоления этих трудностей и создания позитивной эмоциональной и лингвистической мотивации мы начали использовать элементы театрализации, драматизации и инсценирования.

Драматизация домашнего чтения, текстов по страноведению позволяет соединить несколько компонентов учебно-воспитательного процесса в единое целое, сделав их логичным, динамичным и последовательным продолжением друг друга. Следует отметить, что учащиеся сами пишут сценарии этих инсценировок, выбирают роли, оформляют костюмы
Это компетентностно-деятельностный подход, сущность которого заключается в том, что обновлённое содержание является основой для формирования комплекса компетенций учащихся: а процесс освоения носит деятельностный характер. Драматизация, инсценировка дает возможность каждому учащемуся выразить себя, проявить свои творческие способности, активизировать свой потенциал.

Сегодня уже общепризнано, что овладение иноязычной речью как средством международного общения невозможно без знаний о социокультурных особенностях страны изучаемого языка. Формирование социокультурной компетенции является неотъемлемой частью коммуникативной компетенции в целом.
Для реализации этой цели обучения в лицее проводятся страноведческие конкурсы и справляются праздники стран изучаемого языка. Причём, каждый год мы выбираем один праздник, проводим конкурс газет посвященных этому празднику, готовим сценарий и проводим вечер, на котором инсценируем основные моменты, связанные с традициями и обычаями данного праздника, историей его происхождения.

Данная разработка представляет собой ряд сценок написанных и сыгранных моими учащимися десятого класса после прохождения темы «История США» (элективный курс по страноведению). При разработке инсценировки учащимся захотелось немножко пошутить, а я не сочла нужным вмешиваться и изменять некоторые события, описанные в сценке, посвященной истории создания «Декларации».
В данной разработке представлены три небольшие сценки, посвященные самым основным этапам в истории Америки. «Корабль Mayflower», «Бостонское чаепитие», «Декларация о Независимости». В целом вечер представленных инсценировок явился логическим завершением изученной темы.

I. "The Mayflower."

Actors: 10 Puritans, 4 Indians (with words)

Scene 1

Father, mother, daughter Bathany
(Bathany (the daughter) is running into the room.)

B: father, father!
F: God bless you, child. What's the matter? Oh, dear, I see you have been crying? Who hurt my dearest child?
B: Oh, father, how can I explain?
F: Don't you trust your father?
B: Of course, I do! It's the Woods again. They called me, they called me...a puritan! And the teacher made me go to the church. He said the priest will help me to speak to God. Why do I need a priest, father? Can't I speak to God myself?
F: God be with you, child. Of course, you can. It's those damned
Protestants, (God forgive me!) who think they are the only ones to know God. Do you hear, Nora?
Nora (the mother): I know, Harry. But what can we do? They laugh at your daughter and make her cry, but they throw stones at your wife, too.
F: What? You didn't tell me anything about it.
Nora: Last Sunday, when everyone went to the church in the morning, I stayed at home and did the washing. Later in the afternoon Mrs. Brown came up to me and asked why I didn't go.
F: And of course, you said you didn't need anyone to speak to God?
N: I did. Oh, how angry she was! She called me a witch!
F, Bathany (together): Oh, no!
B: You, mom, so kind and honest!
N: And she was the first to throw a stone at me. See this? (shows a bruise). Harry, I can t stand it any more!
B: I beg you, please, father, do something about it!
F: yes, I should. Tonight, at 9 pm, we are going to have a meeting. Every devoted puritan will come. And together we will find a decision.

Scene 2

Father, Nora, Bathany, 7 other people

F: I gathered you here to discuss a very serious problem.
PI: What's up?
P2: What's the matter?
F: You all know that the Protestants hate us and our religion. They find all the
possible ways to make us suffer. They throw stones at our wives, they make our
children cry.
P3: They say our religion is fake!
P4: And I heard that the government is going to make a law against puritans.
F: The question is: what should we do?
P5: I know what we should do! Let's fight!
Nora: Fight? Are you going to fight against England, the church, the whole society?
P1:Besides, God tells us: "Never hurt another person!"
P2:Look, why don't we move to another town?
P4: Ha, to another town!
Nora: It will be all the same everywhere. There's no such a place in the whole world.
P3:We are lost.
F: Wait! There is such a place! I hear across the ocean lies a magic land. People call it
the New World, the world of freedom. We can start a new life there.
P5: But how do we get there?
P1: Listen, I have the ship "Mayflower", I am ready to give it to you, people. There is
enough space for everyone. We can sail away any time...Even tomorrow!
F: What do you think, people? Are we going?
Bathany: But it's too dangerous, father!
F: Do you want to stay?
B; Oh, no! I am ready to go!
F: Let's vote, then. Who is going, raise your hands (he raises his hand the first).
(Slowly everyone raises his hand.)
F: Off we go!

Scene 3

In America. Father, Nora, Bathany, 7 other people.

F; Here we are. Here is the New World for you.
P1: And this is what you call the happy land?
P2: Where are we going to live? There is nothing here but the rocks and the woods!
P3: What are we going to eat? I'm starving!
Bathany: It's so cold. I'm freezing!
Nora: Let me feel your forehead. Ah, you're all hot! You must be sick. She's sick,
F: Calm down, Nora. It's only a cold.
P4: Why the hell did you get us here? We're all going to die!
P5: Where is an easy and happy life you promised to us?
P1: And we cannot go back now. The ship is broken.
F: Shame on you! Our God Jesus was not afraid of difficulties. Don’t you trust me
any more? We'll find help. I don't know how, but we will be safe. Believe in me
and in our God!
Bathany child: Look, look, there are some funny people over there! Look at the
feathers on their heads! (Everyone sees Indians.)
F: No panic, folks! Take courage! Pray to God. Maybe it's the help that he sends
(Everyone runs to the Indians. They put their arrows against the puritans.)
F (raises his hands, addressing the Indians): No, no, we have no arms. We need
help. Help us, please! Do you speak English?
Indian chief (in his own language): bla-bla-bla
Translator: Hello, Yankees! Where did you come from?
F (showing everything with gestures): We came from England. Do we have a
map? Give me a map, quickly, quickly! You see, this is England. England is
Indian chief: bla-bla-bla
Translator: What do you need?
P1: We are hungry. We need food (shows with gestures)
P2: We have no place to stay, to sleep. It's getting dark and cold.
(Indian chief addressing the other Indians, the translator translates):
What are we going to do? Are we taking the whites with me?
Indian 1: Look at them. They are so poor.
Indian2: I feel sorry for them.
Chief: So, my tribe says yes...
All the Indians: Yes!
Chief: Follow us, Yankees!
P4: Thanks God! We are saved!
F: On your knees! Pray and thank God for sending us these people. We should never forget what they did for us. And one day we'll do the same for them.

The End

I. Boston Tea Party.

Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Smith, salesman, Mr. Smith, 4 other people sentinel.

Scene 1

In the shop. Mrs. Brown, the salesman, Mrs. Smith
Mrs. B.: Two ounces of tea, please!
Salesman: 20 dollars, please.
Mrs. B: 20 dollars!!!!For two ounces of tea?!!! Are you crazy?!!!
S: I'm sorry, mam! It's not me, it's the law. From now on the prices on tea, paint
and paper rise 9 times. Taxes, you know... (whispering) Great Britain, you
Mrs. B: Oh, Lord! What else will come into King George's head?
Mrs. Smith enters the shop
Mrs. B: Did you hear, Mrs. Smith? From now on tea is 600 dollars a kilo!
Mrs. S: It's terrible! I must tell Sam about it.

Scene 2

Mr. and Mrs. Smith are at home.
Mr. S: What's for breakfast today? Where's my tea?
Mrs. S: I didn't buy you any tea. You will not have any tea today. And I'm afraid
you won't have it tomorrow either.
Mr. S: Why? What's the matter?
Mrs. S: Tea now costs 600 dollars a kilo.
Mr. S: Damn that English government and King George with it.
Mrs. S: Quiet, quiet. Even walls have ears.
Mr. S: I do not care. Why do we have to pay taxes for the goods from England and
its colonies? Why can't we import and consume products from other
countries? (Enters Mr. White and Mr. Black with Mr. Grey)
Mr. W: What are you making all that noise about? Is it about taxes again?
Mr. B: I've been to many stores today, wanted to buy 3 gallons of paint for the
house. But I saw the price and I nearly lost my mind.
Mr. G: How long will it go on?
Mr. W: You know what? I heard that the ship "Dartmouth" of East India
Company is entering Boston harbour tonight. It is carrying 342 chests of
tea on board.
Mr. B: Tomorrow the prices on tea will rise again...
Mr. Smith: No, they won't! I have a plan. Listen and I'll tell you.
(everyone is bending forward)

 Scene 3

(On board the ship "Dartmouth". The sentinel is walking on deck. From behind Mr. Black, Mr. White attack him.)
Sentinel: Indians! Help! Help!
Mr. Grey: Come on! Quick!
Mr. Black: Be careful!
Mr. White: Here is the tea. Throw it into the water!
Mr. Smith (throwing the first bag into the water): I hope King George likes salt
in his tea!
(Everyone shakes hands with each other.)

The End

III. The Declaration of Independence.

Tomas Jefferson .His wife, Alison, the boy.
(Tomas Jefferson is sitting in his arm-chair and smoking. His wife, Alison, is knitting.)

Scene 1

- Knock, knock, knock… (at the door). A wire for Mr. Jefferson.
J: Here I am! (signing the letter).
Boy: Thank you, sir.
Alison: What is that, Tomas?
J: Look, honey! This is from the Continental Congress. Can you believe it?
A: Oh, really? What’s in it?
J: July, 3, 1776. To Sir Tomas Jefferson. The Continental Congress has
chosen Sir Tomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence.
Its main point should be that the united colonies are and of right ought to
be free and independent states.
A: I am so proud of you! My heartiest congratulations!!!
T: They have chosen ME! It is such an honour!
A: You deserve it. You are the wisest man I have ever met!
T: But it is such a great responsibility. Just think of it – it is the first document
of new country.
A: The new country? What do you mean?
T: Yes, because the declaration will make us independent from Great Britain.
And “independent” means that we will make our own laws and rules. We’ll
elect our own government and change taxes.
A: We’ll become free citizens of the free country. It is so wonderful. When
should the document be ready?
T: Till the 4th of July.
A: But today is the third. You have only one night left.
T: Quickly then. Let’s get started. Give me a piece of paper.
A: Here we go (giving him the paper).
T: What do you think is the main principle of our new country?
A: I want, we want to be… free and happy. And I want to do what I want!!!
T: Yes, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all men.
(putting it down the paper). Great!
A: And that all are equal before God!
T: Yes, yes: All men are created equal… Don’t you think, Darling, that we
should name all the crimes of King George tour country?
A: Oh, yes. It is a great idea. Can you remember everything he has he done..?
T: He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the
A: He did not let us trade with other countries.
T: He has cut off our Trade with all parts of the world…I am feeling so
sleepy. I am falling asleep. (yawning he falls asleep).
A: Hey, hey, Tomas!! Wake up, Tomas! Wake up now!
T: Life and happiness… tomorrow…
A: Oh, God! What am I going to do? We need the Declaration. We need our
new and free country. Who will save you, America?! ME. Well… the
Prince who is a Tyrant can’t be the ruler of free people. We, the
representatives of the United States of America, publish and declare that
these United Colonies are, and of Right to be free and Independent States.
(She seals the envelope and leaves the room to post it.)

Scene 2

(In Congress. The senators are voting for the Declaration. John Hancock is reading the document.)
John Hancock is reading the document.
John: Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Do you agree?
(Everybody raises his hand).
Crowd: Yes! That’s right! Wonderful!
John: All men are created equal before God.
(The senators agree. After a while)
John: A prince who is a Tyrant can’t be a ruler of free people. Do you agree?
(A minute of hesitation… The senators are thinking…)
Somebody: Why not? Sounds good.
(A shy whisper among the senators): Yes, that’s reasonable…
(They accept it.)
John: We, the representatives of the United States of America, publish and
declare that these United Colonies are, and of Right to be free and
Independent States. (Everybody raises his hand.)
John: So the Declaration has been accepted unanimously. Let's sign it.
Who will be the first? Well, I'll be the first then. John Hancock - large
enough for King George to read without his spectacles....
(Every senator signs it. They begin to applaud and sing the song 'America the Beautiful'.)

The End