Урок английского языка по теме "Gegraphy. Trevelling" (Употребление артикля с именами собственными)

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • учащиеся смогут расширить грамматические, лексические и функциональные знания по теме “География. Путешествия”;
  • смогут развивать навыки устной речи, а также восприятия устной речи на слух;
  • тренировать в речи употребление артикля с географическими названиями.
  1. Учащиеся смогут также тренировать употребление лексических единиц по теме “География. Путешествия” (By car, bus, taxi, plane, sea, ship, bike; On a subway, foot, a bike, a plane; In a bus, a train, a car, а также прилагательные comfortable, uncomfortable, expensive, cheap, quick, slow, clean, dirty, safe, dangerous)
  2. Учащиеся смогут обобщить изученный материал, проанализировать и применить в речи полученную информацию.
  3. Учащиеся смогут расширить свой кругозор по теме “География. Путешествия”. Учащиеся смогут учиться коммуникабельности и толерантности, работая в парах и группах.

Оснащение урока: карта Великобритании, раздаточный материал с заданиями, постановочные таблицы с лексическими единицами и грамматическими структурами.

Межпредметные связи: география.

Ход урока

1. Оргмомент. Today we go on studying the theme “Geography. Travelling”

2. Warm up: Do the clustering .Think and add as many words as you can.

3. Работа в парах. Ask and answer the questions (вопросы даны на доске).

Do you enjoy traveling by bus or by car?

  • by plane or by train?
  • by double-decker or by single-decker bus?
  • by bike or on foot?

Give reasons for your answers. Use the adjectives: (на доске)

Comfortable, uncomfortable, expensive, cheap, quick, slow, clean, dirty, safe, dangerous etc.

E.g. Travelling by plane is more interesting than travelling by car.

4. Учебный разговор T —> St.1, St.2 etc. Do you know Geography well?

Answer the questions, paying special attention to articles.

  1. What’s the largest desert in the world? – The Sahara.
  2. Which mountain range lies between France and Spain? – The Pyrenees.
  3. What’s the largest freshwater lake in the world? – The Caspian Sea.
  4. Which river runs through Paris? – The Seine river.
  5. What’s the highest mountain in the world? – Mount Everest.
  6. Which is the smallest continent? – Europe.
  7. Which river runs through Rome? – The Tiber.
  8. Which is the largest island in the world? - Australia, if you consider it islands, otherwise, Greenland.

4.1. Complete the table (раздаточный материал)

The largest islands The longest rivers The largest oceans The largest lakes The largest deserts

4.2. Explain the use of the article in the sentences?

We don’t use The with names of continents, countries, states, regions, islands, cities, towns, mountains.

We use The - in names with Republic, Kingdom, States;

  1. With the names of oceans, seas, rivers, and canals.
  2. With plural names of places: the Netherlands
  3. Groups of islands: the British Isles
  4. Mountain ranges: the Rocky Mountains
  5. The north etc.

The Middle East, the Far East.

4.3. Work in groups and do the exercise. Use the table. (раздаточный материал)

Insert articles where necessary.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Once Britain was part of ____ Europe, but now _______ United Kingdom is an island country. It consists of _______ Great Britain and _____ Northern Ireland. It is washed by ____ Atlantic Ocean, ______ North Sea and _____ English Channel. Its rivers include ____ Severn and ______ Clyde. ____ Cheviots, divide _____ Scotland and _____ England.

The United States of America

_____ United States is located on the continent of _____ North America. Not including ____ Hawaii and _____ Alaska, _____ continental U.S. measures 4,505 kilometers from ____ Atlantic to _____ Pacific Oceans and 2, 574 kilometers from ____ Canada to _____ Mexico. In area, it is the fourth largest nation behind _____ Russia, _____ Canada, and _____ People's Republic of China.

_____ Alaska is the largest of _____ America's 50 states. However, ____ Alaska's population is half that of ____ Rhode Island, the smallest state.

The United States has many rivers and lakes. The northern state of _____ Minnesota, for example, is known as "The Land of 10,000 Lakes." ____ Mississippi River system, of great historic and economic importance to ____ U.S. runs almost 6,000 kilometers from _____ Canada to _____ Gulf of Mexico. _____ Mississippi is the world's third largest river after _____ Nile and ______ Amazon. In _____ north of _____ U.S. lie the five Great Lakes—____Lake Huron,

_____ Lake Erie, ______ Lake Ontario, _____ Lake Michigan, and ______ Lake Superior.

5. Учебный разговор T >St.1, St.2 etc.

Do you know British Geography? Try this Quiz. You may use the map of the UK.

Which group will get more points?

(На каждом ученическом столе карта Британии Приложение 1.)

  1. What separates England from France?
  2. What is the closest point between England and France?
  3. What are the three countries of Great Britain?
  4. What group of islands is located to the northwest of Britain?
  5. Which seas wash the shores of Britain?
  6. What channel separates Scotland from Northern Ireland?
  7. Which island is located in the Irish Sea?
  8. Which mountains separate Scotland from England?

5.1. Work in groups. Go on a treasure hunt. Choose a place on the map.

Write the directions from the red point to the place you’ve chosen.

Use the table with geographical names and phrases: (на доске)

By car, bus, taxi, plane, sea, ship, bike

On a subway, foot, a bike, a plane

In a bus, a train, a car

6. Presentations.

Listen, follow the directions and try to find the place on the map.

7. Подведение итогов урока.

8. Домашнее задание.