Урок английского языка по теме "At a food shop"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Учебные задачи:

  • активизировать в речи учащихся новую лексику,
  • практиковать учащихся в диалогической речи;

Развивающие задачи:

  • развивать у учащихся навыки устной речи,
  • формировать умение сравнивать, классифицировать,
  • делать выводы на основе изученного материала;

Воспитательные задачи:

  • поднять тему здоровья и здорового питания,
  • активизировать на уроке воспитательное значение пословиц.

Оснащение урока: наглядные пособия (макеты фруктов и овощей, изображения продуктов питания), раздаточный материал (пословицы, загадки, тестовые задания).

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Good morning! I’m glad to see you!

Pupils: Good morning! We are glad to see you too!

Teacher: How is your life? Are you OK?

Pupils: Life is fine! Thanks, not bad! So-so!

Teacher: You are looking fine today! So let’s begin our lesson. Who is on a duty today?

Pupil: I’m on a duty today.

Teacher: What date is today? Isn’t it January?

Pupil: I am afraid you are mistaken. It’s December now.

Teacher: Oh, thanks. Who is absent?

Pupil: All are present.

II. Фонетическая зарядка

I have two legs

With which I walk

I have a tongue

With which I talk,

And with it too,

I eat my food

And tell

If it’s bad or good.

III. Речевая зарядка

Teacher: What can you say about today’s weather?

Pupils: It’s snowy! The sun isn’t shining. It’s cold.

Teacher: What do you think about it?

Pupils: I think it’s good winter day today. I suppose it may be better.

Teacher: Is it good day to go shopping?

Pupil: Yes, of course.

Teacher: Do you like shopping?

Pupils: Yes, we do.

Teacher: But it is too cold. What will you wear?

Pupils: I will wear warm coat, trousers, scarf, hat and mittens.

I will wear jacket, jeans and gloves.

Teacher: OK. Now you are ready! Let’s go! What’s the matter?

Pupil: Excuse me. How can I get to the shop? Please explain me the way.

Pupil: The nearest shop is on Lenin street. Go straight along the street. Cross the road and here it is.

IV. Физкультминутка

Teacher: Now we know the way to the shop. Let’s go!

Stop! Look! Listen!

Before you cross the street.

Use your eyes, use your ears,

And then use your feet!

Nod your head

Bend your knees

Stamp your feet

Now say please.

V. Развитие навыкoв диалогической речи.

Учащиеся делятся на три группы и разыгрывают подготовленные в группах диалоги, во время выступления одной группы, другие должны отгадать название магазина.

Group 1:

Pupil 1: Hello!

Pupil 2: Good morning! Can I help you?

Pupil 1: I’m looking for sausages and steaks. Have you got any?

Pupil 2: Yes, I have. How much would you like?

Pupil 1: I’d like two pounds and three steaks.

Pupil 2: Here you are.

Pupil 1: Thanks a lot. Bye!

Pupil 3: Good morning! It’s lovely weather, isn’t it?

Pupil 2: Yes, it is. What would you like?

Pupil 3: I’d like 5 pounds of beef, please.

Pupil 2: Do you need anything else?

Pupil 3: No, thanks. How much is it?

Pupil 2: 45 pounds. Thank you for your custom.

Pupil 3: Thanks. Bye.

Teacher: What kind of shop is it?

Pupils: It’s Butchery.

Group 2:

Pupil 1: Good morning! What would you like?

Pupil 2: Good morning! Give me, please, ten rolls. I like them so much.

Pupil 1: Here you are.

Pupil 2: That’s just what I want.

Pupil 1: Something else?

Pupil 2: Thank you that’s all. Do you accept credit cards?

Pupil 1: I’m sorry but we don’t.

Pupil 2: I will pay cash. Bye.

Pupil 1: You are welcome. Can I help you?

Pupil 3: I’d like a loaf of white bread.

Pupil 1: Here it is. 2 pounds, please.

Pupil 3: Thank you. Goodbye!

Pupils: It’s Baker’s.

Group 3:

Pupil 1: Good afternoon. What are you looking for?

Pupil 2: Hi, I’m just looking, thank you.

Pupil 3: Do you have fresh milk/

Pupil 1: Yes, of course.

Pupil 3: That’s good. I’d like a bottle of milk, a jar of honey. How much is that?

Pupil 1: 2 pounds, please.

Pupil 3: Thanks a lot.

Pupil 1: Have you chosen anything?

Pupil 2: How much are these bananas?

Pupil 1: They are 7 pounds a pound.

Pupil 2: Oh, it’s so expensive. I’d like a pound of oranges.

Pupil 1: That’s 1 pound.

Pupil 2: Thank you. Bye!

Pupil 1: You are welcome!

Pupils: It’s A Food Shop.

VI. Тренировка лексических навыков.

Teacher: Now try to guess my riddle.

It’s orange

And it’s round

And it’s so sweet

Can you name it?

Pupils: It’s orange.

Teacher: You are right. What fruits and vegetables do you know?

Учащиеся классифицируют фрукты и овощи в группах.

Pupils: It’s green. It’s cucumber. It’s vegetable.

Teacher: You are so clever! That’s great. Here’s new task for you. Please, make the proverbs.

Учащиеся в группах собирают слова в следующие пословицы:

1. The appetite comes while eating.

2. Better a small fish than an empty dish.

3. An apple in a day keeps the doctor away.

Teacher: What proverbs do you know else?

Pupils: Honey is sweet but the bee stings.

A hungry belly has no ears.

Teacher: You are surprising me! Thanks.

VII. Активизация лексики в речи.

Teacher: How is your health?

Pupils: No bad. Fine.

Teacher: We know one proverb about health. Remember it.

Pupil: Early to bed and early to rise makes people healthy, wealthy and wise.

Teacher: And you must eat healthy food. Let’s talk about your favourite food. What do you like to eat?

Pupils: I like to eat sereals, fruits, ice- cream and etc.

Teacher: Let’s sing the song “Little teapot”

VIII. Рефлексивно-оценивающий этап.

Teacher: Now we’ll check our knowledge.

Учащиеся выполняют следующие задания:


I. Fill in the one of the following words

tea coffee

A: soup

B: lemon

C: peas

D: juice

plum pineapple

 A: cucumber

B: pear

C: pork

D: lamb

II. Translate into English

1 Я ищу клубнику

2 Вам нужно что-нибудь еще?

3 Сколько это стоит?

4 Сдача.

 IX. Домашнее задание.

  • 1 программное: упр.19 на стр. 189 читать
  • 2 полутворческое: упр. 18 на стр. 188 выучить
  • 3 творческое: составить мини-диалог.

X. Итоги урока. Оценки.


Our lesson is over!
Raise your head!
Jump up high!
Wave your hand!
And say “Goodbye”.

Pupils: Goodbye!