Нетрадиционный урок. Урок-праздник "New Year Party"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Особенностью урока-праздника является то, что ведущими являются трое лучших учащихся. Класс делится на три подгруппы. Звучит мелодия новогодней песни Happy New Year. Учащиеся занимают свои места в празднично украшенном классе за партами, предварительно расставленными для трех подгрупп.

Рисунок 1 - трое ведущих.


Part 1:

Pupil 1: Good-morning, dear friends!

Pupil 2: We are glad to see you here!

Pupil 3: Today we are having a New Year Party.

Pupil 1: Let’s introduce ourselves… My name is Dima.

Pupil 2: I am Natasha.

Pupil 3: My name is Anastasiya. You can call me Tasya.

Pupil 1: Let’s try to guess the riddles.

Pupil 2: Do you know what riddles in Russian are?

Children answer: Riddles are “загадки”.

Pupil 3: That’s right.

Pupil 1:Listen to the first riddle:

This is the season
When mornings are dark
And birds do not sing
In the forest and park.
What season is it, children?

Children answer: Winter.

Pupil 2:

Good for you. The second riddle:
What year lasts only one day? (New Year)

Pupil 3: Listen to the third riddle:

What is it?
Without hands, without a head or a body
But it can open a door. (Wind, key)

Pupil 1: Well done, children! And now one more riddle:

It is white, it is cold
You can skate on it.
What is it? (Ice)

Pupil 2:

When I eat, I live,
But when I drink, I die.
What am I? (Fire)

Pupil 3:

You can’t hear me, but you can see me all around,
Falling softly from the sky.
I am white upon the ground.
What am I? (Snow)

За правильные ответы учащиеся получают призы от ведущих.

Part 2:

Pupil 1: And now let’s have competitions. At first, you should do the crossword.

Ведущий раздает кроссворды командам.


Рисунок 2 – Ученики разгадывают кроссворд.

Pupil 2: You should make up a sentence and read it aloud.

Ведущий раздает конверты командам, в которых находятся буквы, предлагает им составить фразу из этих букв и зачитать вслух.

(We wish you – конверт для первой подгруппы)
(A merry Christmas – конверт для второй подгруппы)
(A – N – D – буквы для ведущих)
(A Happy New Year – конверт для третей подгруппы)

Рисунок 3 – Ученики составляют слово из букв в конверте.

 Pupil 1: And now let’s talk about winter.

Pupil 2: Do you know winter months?

Children answer: Yes, we do. December, January, February.

Pupil 2: Perfect!

Pupil 3: You are welcome winter months.

Каждая подгруппа делает презентацию зимнего месяца. (Это было домашнее задание). Принимают участие все учащиеся подгруппы.


December is the first winter month. But December is the last month of the year. December has 31 days. The days are short and the nights are long. The shortest day is the 22nd of December. In December the weather is usually cold, but this December is warm.

“Chill December brings the sleet
Blazing fire and Christmas treat”.

December is the best month of all, because we have two wonderful holidays – Christmas and New Year’s Day.

“This is the season
When children ski,
And Father-Frost
Brings the New Year tree”.

We have a New Year tree at home. We decorate it with toys and I often help my parents to do it. At night on the 31st of December we are usually at home with our family, relatives and with our friends. At 12 o’clock we say to each other: “Happy New Year”! And we answer: “Thanks, the same to you”. We love December very much.


January is the first month of the year. It is the month in which people look forward to the new year. It is usually the coldest month of the year. But a blue sky already begins to show from time to time after many long and cloudy days. That’s why in old Russia January was called a “blue” month. There are 31 days in January. It often snows. Children like skiing in the forests and parks. January, 1 is New Year’s Day. Children like this holiday very much because they get a lot of presents.


February is the third winter month. It is the shortest month of the year. It is considered to be the young brother of January. There are 28 or 29 days in February. The weather signs in February are the following: As in February, so in autumn. A cold and dry February means a hot August. February, 14 is St Valentine’s Day.

“February the fourteenth day
It’s Valentine, they say.
I choose you from among the rest
The reason is I love you best”.

Рисунок 4 – Презентация месяцев.

Выходят двое учащихся и разыгрывают сценку.

Kitty: Dad! Why is it cold today?

Father: Because it’s winter.

Kitty: But why is it winter?

Father: Oh, “why”, “why”, “why”! Always “why”! When I was your age I didn’t ask my father so many questions.

Kitty: Oh, what a pity! That’s why you can’t answer my questions.

Pupil 1: Do you like to play snowballs, children?

Children answer: Yes, we do.

Pupil 2: Let’s play snowballs, then.

Рисунок 5 – Игра в снежки.

Рисунок 6 – Игра в снежки (броски в корзину).

 Pupil 3: Children, tell me please, what man cannot live inside the house? Do you Know?

Children answer: Snowman.

Pupil 3: Yes, you are right. Let’s make a snowman.

Проводится конкурс на лучшего снеговика.

Рисунок 7 – Конкурс на лучшего снеговика.

Рисунок 8 - Конкурс на лучшего снеговика.

Один из учащихся декламирует стихотворение о снеговике.

“I wish I were a snowman,
So nice and big and white.
I’d never have to clean my teeth,
Or go to bed at night.
But maybe Mister Snowman
Is wishing he were me.
For I’ll be here
When summer comes,
But where will the snowman be?”

Part 3:

Учитель проводит конкурс на лучшее чтение стихотворений о зиме, о Новом Годе, подготовленные самостоятельно учениками.

“Children like to skate on a winter day.
Children like to ski on a winter day.
I am running on my skis
White and silver are the trees.
You are running after me
Try to catch me:
One, two, three”.

“The snow is falling
The north wind is blowing
The ground is white
All day and all night”.

“See the pretty snowflakes
Falling from the sky
On the wall and house-tops
Soft and thick they lie”.


“Snowflakes fall on trees and walk
Snowflakes fall as white as chalk
Snowflakes fall into my hand
Snowflakes brighten up our land”.

New Year

“New things to learn
New things to meet
New songs to sing
New books to read
New things to have
New things to do
In this glad new Year”.

New Year’s Day
“New Year’s Day, Happy Day
We are glad and very gay
We all dance and sing and say
Welcome, welcome New Year’s Day”.

A Happy New Year

“A Happy New Year, a Happy New Year
The day is so clear
The snow is so white
The sky is so bright
We shout with all might
A Happy New Year!”

Дети исполняют песню Jingle Bells и We Wish You a Merry Christmas.

Part 4 (Игра):

Учитель проводит игру: приделать нос снеговику, а мышке – хвостик. Обязательное условие игры – глаза у учеников завязаны.

Рисунок 9 – Игра “приделай мышке хвостик”.

Все участники праздника получают небольшие призы.