Уровень: Intermediate
Задачи: Развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи в рамках учебной темы. Научить выражать своё отношение к проблеме
Сопутствующие задачи: развивать навыки чтения и аудирования.
Оснащение урока: Подготовленная учителем презентация, проектор, экран, ТСО.
Целевая установка: введение и закрепление активной лексики, развитие коммуникативных способностей на базе аутентичного материала, развитие умений инициировать и поддерживать беседу, задавать вопросы и отвечать на них.
Активная лексика: Biker, to conform to, distinct, Goth, hacker, identity, liberal, option, raver, to rebel, rebellion, rebellious, to reject, rocker, skinhead, subculture, to try out, violent, warehouse.
Использование форм классной работы:
- фронтальная (ответы на вопросы)
- Индивидуальная (аудирование)
- Работа в парах (составление микродиалогов)
Этапы урока
1. Организационный момент – 1 мин.
Good morning! Take your seats, please, and get ready for the lesson. Today we continue speaking about what is hot about young generation. The aim of our lesson is to introduce and practice new vocabulary related to the topic “We are young” and to discuss your attitude towards subculture. Please, go to the next page.
2. Введение в сюжет урока
Цель этапа – настроить учащихся на беседу.
To begin with let’s look at the pictures of different subgroups. What do they have in common? Yes you are right. All these pictures describe members of cultural groupings. How do you feel looking at them? Why do they have such shocking appearance? (учащиеся отвечают на вопросы)
3. Введение новой лексики.
Цель этапа: познакомить учащихся с названиями различных неформальных групп, которые в дальнейшем будут использоваться как стимулы для развития навыков говорения; ввести новую лексику которую учащиеся будут активно использоваться для обсуждения проблемы.
a) Try and name as many subcultures as you can. Some of them are shown in these pictures. What do people do when they join any grouping? How do they express their identity? What is special about it? (учащиеся называют известные им неформальные течения и дают им характеристику)
If you don’t know any of these subcultures you can click on the name of this group and find some information about it. (уч-ся самостоятельно знакомятся с неизвестными им явлениями, используя гиперссылки)
- What subcultures do you know?
- Rocker
- Skinhead
- Punk
- Goth
- Raver
- Tolkienist
- Hippie
- Biker
- Hacker
- Mod
So what new information have you learnt? Would you agree that all of them are violent and aggressive? Are they exciting? Which peculiar features of the groups do you approve or disapprove? Have you have an experience of communicating with any of them? Would you like to join any of the groups? Why? Why not?
Please use language support if you need to express your ideas. (при ответах на вопросы уч-ся могут воспользоваться языковой подсказкой, нажав на клавишу Language support)
Now let’s make sure that you remember the information about subgroups. Mach the pictures to the names of subcultures and explain your choice.
b) Now go to the next page and answer the question: What attracts young people to join subcultures?
Why do teens choose subcultures?
To express themselves; To rebel against the society; To differ from social norms; To reject everything; To develop own style distinct from others; To have own values and beliefs.
Yes you are absolutely right. What other reasons do you think may be?
4. Аудирование. Цель аудирования – дать образцы речевых высказываний и использовать их как стимул монологической и диалогической речи. (Прослушивание текста)
Now you will hear three people speaking about subcultures. We’ll discuss the speaker one by one. Your task is to take notes under the following headings: reasons why people choose subgroups (in general); their own experience; personal opinion about groups.
Do you think that people approve subcultures? Now let’s study information and summarize the arguments for and against subgroups. (уч-ся отвечают и аргументируют свою точку зрения)
Arguments for: They want to change life to the best; They are thought to be violent because our society is not perfect; They are just looking for their own lifestyle; Their groups are open to all are interested in getting involved; They make a lot of new friends and keep communication channels.
Arguments against: Most of them are drug users; Their image seems rather shocking; They are violent and aggressive; They reject everything even their parents who care about them; They are potential criminals;
5. Монологическое высказывание.
Учащиеся формируют собственное монологическое высказывание по теме. Используется логико-синтаксическая схема, а также аргументы за и против. Фронтальный опрос. Контролируется беглость, произношение, грамматическая правильность, объём высказывания.
Now what do you personally think about subcultures? Look at the slide. This model will help you to answer. Thank you, it was interesting. (Use an example about Tolkienists)
It’s nice to wear medieval cloaks and chain armour which contrast with every day clothes | It’s shocking to be dressed in medieval clothes when most teens wear jeans |
I prefer Tolkien’s world to dull reality | When teens escape from reality they start to have problems with their studies |
I would get a kick out of crossing wooden swords in duels | It’s stupid to fight with wooden swords and it has nothing to do with martial arts |
They enjoy impersonating Tolkien’s dwarfs, elves, monsters in role-playing sessions | It’s a cheap game to reinvent one’s own personality – I prefer to stay who I am |
They are educated people, they read books, try to write sequels to Tolkien’s stories | It’s dangerous because some teens choose the atmosphere of the dark force and start to be aggressive |
It’s very romantic to put on a mask of Tolkien’s personage | It’s possible to become mentally sick in an attempt to reinvent oneself |
They combine the fantasy world of Middle Earth with real life activities | It’s eccentric and unnatural to practice character impersonation |
They keep communication channels open for all who want to join their community. | It is only for those who are keen on history and literature |
6. Составление и воспроизведение диалога обмена мнениями. Цель задания - отработать диалог- обмен мнениями. В качестве вербальной опоры к высказываниям используется функциональная модель диалога, которая помогает учащимся в тактическом плане. При необходимости учащиеся могут также воспользоваться языковой схемой диалога, которая подсказывает и речевые средства.
Now let’s go to the next page. I want you to discuss different ways you can express your identity. Make up a short dialogue and exchange opinions with your friend. You’ve got 3-5 minutes to prepare. First, read the task. If it is clear, go to the next page and read communicative task.
Make up a dialogue
Use the communication task below. The dialogue scheme and useful language will help you. Remember to:
- Discuss all the options
- Take an active part in the conversation
- Come up with ideas
- Agree or disagree, give reasons
- Find out your friends attitude and take them into account
- Come to an agreement
Communicative Task: You and your friend are discussing the best way to express your own identity. You would like to have a new experience but your friend is not sure that it’s a good way to join any subculture. Discuss the following options and come to an agreement:
- Skinheads, Goths, Punks, Hippies
While preparing the dialogue you may use dialogue scheme and useful language.
Dialogue scheme:
Tell about your plans Explain the reason to your decision
Ask for another option
Express your doubt
Suggest compromise
Express your attitude and for the reasons Point out the disadvantages and express your opinion
Suggest your own variant and point out the advantages
Think one or more arguments to support your ideas
Useful language:
I’ve made up my mind… I’m going to
It’s rather surprising! Why…
I like to join… It’s exciting!
In my opinion… Personally I am …
What can you suggest then?
I suggest + Ving
That sounds great! But I doubt that… I think…
Not exactly! You can… Besides you will be able to…
Then why not to…
That’s a good idea! Moreover…
Well your time is up. Let’s listen to your dialogues and decide which one is the best.
Учащиеся рассказывают диалоги. Высказывают и аргументируют свою точку зрения. При оценке диалога используется шкала оценивания, принятая для оценивания устной речи на ЕГЭ.
7. Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов, домашнее задание.
Well, our lesson is almost over. Thank you for being active. It was very interesting to listen to your points of view. Your marks for the lesson are the following.
If you want to know more, you can get some information in the Internet. Here are the addresses you can write to. Now let’s write your homework
Choose the task which you like:
1 write an essay
Subculture: pro and cons.
2 make a presentation in Power Point
How I express myself
3 make a speech
Subculture: real life or escape from life?