Урок английского языка по теме " What Russian films do you like best"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


Цели обучения:

  1. повторить различные жанры кино, познакомиться с русским кинематографом,
  2. формирование лексических и грамматических навыков чтения и говорения
  3. умение понимать речь одноклассников,

Цели воспитания:

  1. воспитание толерантного отношения к мнению других людей, воспитание умения работать в парах,
  2. воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой культуре, к мировому кинематографу.

Цели развития:

  1. развитие качеств ума: гибкости и логичности,
  2. развитие коммуникабельности,
  3. развитие речевых навыков,
  4. развитие внимания за счет смены видов деятельности,

Учебные задачи:

  1. познакомиться с российским кинематографом при прослушивании рассказов учащихся “What Russian films do U like best? And why? What films would U advice your foreign friend to see if he/she is interested in … (different genres of films)? And why?”
  2. научиться вести монолог, диалог по теме “Genres of films”, “My favorite Russian film”, “The best film I’ve ever seen”
  3. повторить использование наречия мери и степени с прилагательными (Adjective modifiers), а также конструкции “I couldn’t help doing smth”

Дидактическая структура.

Этап урока Задания, стимулирующие речевую деятельность Учебный материал Время Примечания
Начало урока 1. Приветствие

2. Определить жанр фильма по контексту.


Используется упражнение из AB

1 мин

5-6 мин

1. Сначала делают самостоятельно, затем обсуждается всем классом.

2. Опросить нескольких учащихся, т.к. могут быть описаны различные жанры.

Центральная часть урока 1. Вводная беседа о фильмах российского производства, самых популярных и интересных.

2. Сообщить задачи урока

3. Учащиеся рассказывают свои рассказы о российских фильмах.


4. Прослушать рассказы 1-2 учащихся “My favorite actor”

5. Составить диалог и рассказать.



Genres: musical, thriller, feature film, comedy, action film, documentary (film), detective (film), adventure film, love story, historical film, melodrama, travel film, science fiction (film), screen version of a novel, cartoon.

I think so… I guess… To my mind…

Таблица с предыдущего урока


См. П. X.

3 мин


2 мин


10 мин





4-6 мин

12 мин

3. создать атмосферу, располагающую к общению и высказыванию своего мнения

4. Написать на доске тему урока

5. проверка домашнего задания

6. Включить фразы необходимые для выражения своего мнения

7. Использовать слова и выражения из таблицы, а также Adjective modifiers

8. Использование компьютерных презентаций.

9. использовать Adjective modifiers, новые слова и выражения из таблицы

10. Опросить как можно больше пар учащихся

Завершение Домашнее задание

Подведение итогов

  3-4 мин Д/З записано на BB

Выставляются оценки

Содержание домашнего задания к данному занятию.

Основное задание: Прочитать текст на стр. 192 и выполнить упражнения после текста Ex. 1-4. Новые слова и выражения записать в тетради с переводом.

План записи на доске:

I think that …

I suppose …

I guess…

To my mind…

As for me I think…

As far as I understand…

What Russian film do You like best? Домашнее задание:

Text on p. 192

Ex. 1, 2, 3, 4.

Конспект учебного занятия:

Название этапа Деятельность учителя Деятельность ученика
I Начальный этап Good morning!

How are U?

Who is absent today?


Fine, thanks.

Thank U, I’m all right.

I’m OK. Thanks.

Everybody is here.

II Центральная часть урока What did we discuss last lesson? Let’s remember the genres’ names.

That’s right. I see U know genres’ names. And now we will check what U know about this or that genre. And for this we will do exercise № 15 on p. 86 of your AB. Kirill, please, read the task.

Thank U, Kirill. Do the exercise. I’ll give U 3-4 minutes and then we’ll discuss it.

Time’s up. Now Ulya read the first text using words from the text.



Thanks, Ulay.

Andrey read the next text, please.

Good. What film did the boy saw?

Thank U. U really know a lot about genres.

And what genres are popular in Russian cinematography? What do U think, Luba?

What about U, Denis?

And what can U say about screen version of a novel? Do we have lots of them in Russia?

Lena, what was the hometask for today?

Good. Now I give U a few second to repeat it. And then we will listen to Ur reports.




Very good report. U have used a lot new words. Thanks U.

Some of ur classmates have prepared special reports. And now we will know who their favorite actors are.

Good work. Children. Have U known any new fact about Vin Disel? Do U like Denis’ report? Thanks. Denis, wonderful.

U have been studying the topic cinema for 4 lessons. And now as the result of Ur work during these lessons U will make a dialogue. I’ll give U a list where a situation is written. Use words and expressions that U’ve learned before, and words and expressions from the table on p. 185 and Adjective modifiers. I give U 5 minutes for preparing. Just a few sentences form each of U.

(to give lists with situations)

OK. Time is up. Now we will listen to some of U ‘coz we are short of time.

We discussed different genres of films.
musical, thriller, feature film, comedy, action film, documentary (film), detective (film), adventure film, love story, historical film, melodrama, western, travel film, science fiction (film), screen version of a novel, cartoon.


Here are the impressions about two different films. Choose the words from the box and put them into the gaps and find out what genres these films are.



I. Yesterday I saw a 1) wonderful film. I've never seen such a 2) mysterious story before. The film was stuffed with the adventures of the unusual things such as 3) vampires and werewolves. They were so 4) true to life that they 5) made me want to scream and hide. But I adore such films.

The girl saw a horror film.

II. Some days ago I saw a 1) magnificent film. It was a 2) romantic story. There were a lot of 3) music and dancing. It was so 4) moving that I 5)couldn’t help crying but the happy end of the film made me feel wonderful too.

The boy saw a love story.


I think that Historical and Detective films are very popular in Russia.

I agree with Luba. But to my mind cartoons are very popular in Russia too.


Yes, we do. I think the best one is “WAR & PEACE”.

The hometask was to make a report about my favorite Russian film.

My favorite Russian Films are Brother and Brother II shot by Sergey Bondarchuk. This is a really outstanding film. As for me it’s the best film of Russian cinematography. They are action films. The main characters of the films are the Bodrovs Brothers, Danil (Sergey Bodrov) and Victor (Victor Suhorukov). Danil and Victor were Russian killers. The brothers help it other whatever happens. The Brother is a history about a man who kills people from MAFIA in Russia. In the Brother II the man comes to the USA ‘coz his friend asks for help. And again his task is to shoot people from Mafia. My favorite episode is an interview with Marlin (Danil’s countryman) and Danil. The journalist asks “Are U gangsters?” and Marlin answers “No, we are Russians.” But I think there are too much shooting and fighting. But it’s worst to see.


Presentation (Children show their presentations).



Yes. We do.




Make dialogues.

Andrew and Lena are planning their evening.

Lena: Andrew?

Andrew: Mmm?

Lena: What do you want to do tonight?

Andrew: Oh, I don't know. Nothing special.

Lena: Is there anything on at the cinema?

Andrew: Here's the paper. Page two.

Lena: Thanks. {Looking at the paper.) There's a new film.

Andrew: Well, I didn't know. What's it called?

Lena: 'Elena.'

Andrew: 'Elena!' - what kind of film is it?

Lena: I don't know, but I'd like to see it.

III Завершение Ur hometask for next lesson is connected with reading section on page 192. U should read everything and make all exercises. Be ready to answer questions about ur hometask. If there are any new words U need to put it down in ur copybooks with translation.

I think all of U can get a five for today’s lesson. U work hard. Especially I’d like to thank …….. I really like to work with U.

Putting it down

Дидактический раздаточный материал

  • A girl and her boyfriend are planning how to spend the evening. They want to go to the cinema but they can’t decide what film to choose.
  • Ms (Mr) Brown came to Perm as a tourist. And now she/he is asking the hotel desk-clerk for information about the films that she/he can see this week at the cinema.
  • Two friends are talking about their last visit to the cinema. One of them like the film so much, but the other is complaining that it’s bored.
  • Two friends are talking about their last visit to the cinema. Both of them liked the film. There were great stars. Acting was perfect. The story line was so exciting.

Диагностика результативности обучения:

  1. Дети должны уметь вести беседу по теме “Genres of films”, “The best Russian film I’ve ever seen”.
  2. Использовать Adjective modifiers при выражении своего мнения о том или ином фильме.


  1. Английский язык: учеб. для 10-11 кл. общеобразоват. Учреждений /В.П. Кузовлев, Э.Ш. Перегудова и др. – М. Просвещение, 1999. – 336 с.: ил.
  2. Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М. Книга для учителя к учебнику английского языка для 10-11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений. – М.: Просвещение, 2000. – 127 с.
  3. Activity book
  4. Everyday English: учебное пособие для студентов гуманитарных ВУЗов и старшеклассников школ и гимназий с углубленным изучением английского языка. – Издание шестое. – СПб.: Антология, 2004. – 656 с.