План-конспект урока по теме "England"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Данный урок является примером использования компьютерных технологий на уроках английского языка, что позволяет обобщить изученный материал, систематизировать знания учащихся  и делает занятие динамичным, насыщенным. Применение компьютерных технологий рекомендуется в данном случае и для повышения мотивации учащихся к изучению иностранного языка. Такая форма проведения занятия существенно повышает мотивацию учения,  эффективность и продуктивность
учебной деятельности, обеспечивает работу всего класса, позволяет учащимся раскрыть свои способности
Урок по данной теме  проводится с целью систематизации и расширения языковых знаний, развития познавательного интереса, повышения коммуникативных возможностей и творческого потенциала учащихся. На уроке  также был проведен контроль усвоения материала посредством компьютерного тестирования. Для этого используется программа « Создание тестов».

При подготовке к уроку  мною были учтены и возрастные, и индивидуальные особенности учащихся: высокий интерес к изучению данного предмета, развитые на достаточном  уровне  общеучебные умения и навыки, хорошие потенциальные возможности  к овладению иноязычной культурой (развитый фонематический  слух, умение сравнивать и обобщать изучаемые явления, развитое воображение, стремление к самостоятельному высказыванию, независимо от речевой подготовки), достаточно высокая мотивация, которая  стимулировалась  в течении урока.


  • Образовательные:
    • практиковать в устной речи учащихся по теме: “England  ”(повторить и обобщить изученный материал страноведческого характера);
    • развивать  навыки аудирования;
    • практиковать в чтении текста;
    • обобщить изученный материал.
  • Развивающие:
    • формировать коммуникативные и интеллектуальные способности;
    • развивать способность к сравнению, сопоставлению, догадке, распределению внимания;
    • развивать память, логическое мышление, расширять кругозор учащихся, формировать глубокий и устойчивый интерес к предмету.
  • Воспитательные:  
    • воспитывать культуру общения, умение выслушивать собеседника, формировать потребность в коллективной работе, готовность участвовать в межкультурной коммуникации.

Оборудование к уроку:

  • компьютер и проектор
  • раздаточный (дидактический) материал для учащихся


I. Вступительное слово учителя

T: Good morning, friends. You’ve already known a lot about Great Britain and Northern Ireland, its people, and some facts about the capital of this country. So, our task today is to brush up our knowledge about England. We’ll talk about the largest country in Great Britain. Now, read the saying of W. Shakespeare, please: “This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.” We’ll try to prove that England is really the blessed plot, the realm.
And   the words from one main song of England will be the red line of  our lesson. “There’ll always be an England...” (Приложение 1)
I‘d like to begin our lesson with the reminding the general information of this country. Answer my questions: (you may use the words on the screen)

(Работа в режиме T–Cl)

1. What can you tell about the geography of England?
2. How many people do live in England?
3. What regions is England divided in?
4. What are the symbols of England?

II. Основной этап

1. Развитие навыков монологической речи.

T: Guess what region of England it is

  • This region has much farming land but it is better known as an industrial area, one of England’s most productive regions. Birmingham “the Big heart of England” is famous for engineering, especially car production. (it’s the Midlands)

T:  What can you tell us about this region? (Работа в режиме P–Cl)

  • This part was partly covered by the sea. They have a very good harvest there. This region is famous for the well-known University; it is the birthplace of Oliver Cromwell.  (It’s East Anglia)

 T: What can you add to the description of the area? (Работа в режиме P–Cl)

  •  The landscape is varied here. The climate is warmer than in the other areas.  This mild and sunny climate makes this region popular with holidaymakers. Some coastal resorts are located here, Brighton is among. (It’s the Southeast).

T:  What can you tell us about this region? (Работа в режиме P–Cl)

  • The weather is considerably colder. There is almost sow in winter. This is a region of great natural beauty. There is a great contrast here between the beautiful hilly countryside and the industrial towns. Coal is one of the few natural resources found here. It is famous among the tourists because of the Hadrian’s wall  and Lake District. ( It’s The North)

T:  What can you tell us about this region? (Работа в режиме P–Cl)

  • The romantic past of this region makes it popular with artists. People go there to drink a lot of milk, and see the great circle of standing stones that had some religious purpose.(Stonehenge)  it is famous for fertile farmland and quiet beauty of the countryside. (it’s the Southwest)

T: What can you add to the description of the area? (Работа в режиме P–Cl)

T: Good for you. Speaking about the scenery of the regions of England, we’ve proved that England is really the realm, the blessed plot. We can see there not only the plains, valleys, but mountains, hills, rivers, waterfalls and lakes.

2. Практика в устной речи учащихся

T: But, speaking about the country, we can’t say anything about its history. How many early invasions were in England? What were they?
Tell us what you’ve learnt about the Celts. (you may use the words on the screen: 6th and 3rd century, came, from Europe, mixed in with, pagan with priests, Druids, were famous artists, designs, decorated crosses. )

(Работа в режиме P– Cl)

T:  The Celts were technically advanced, they knew how to work with iron. When the Celts arrived in England, the Iron Age began.  The Celts are important in British history because they are the ancestors of many people in Scotland, Wales, and Ireland today.

T:  Now look at the screen. Here you can see the names of invasions. Match the Celtic invasion with the important changes happened during this invasion.   Right you are. Now fill in your table (Приложение 3).

T:  From 55 BC, up to 389 AD was the period of Roman Rule. There were three stages of their invasion. Now we need a Historian who knows a lot about the Roman Conquest.  Let’s ask him/her questions.

Работа в режиме:

P3 <––>    P2

Begin your questions with these words:

  • When … (come) for the first time?
  • Who … (the leader)?
  • How many solders … (bring)?
  • What … (build)?
  • When … (come) for the second time?
  • Who … (rule) the country?
  • How many solders … (bring) to England?
  • Who … (revolt)?

T: Thanks our historian.  He is a well-educated person. He knows much about the Romans.

3. Развитие  аудитивных навыков

а) Аудирование текста.

T: I want you to see the film that reminds you some facts about the history of England. (Просмотр видеофильма 1.) First, let’s learn some new words.

to encourage – подбадривать;
was  surrounded – были окружены;
to give in – сдаться;
a prisoner – пленница;
dishonour  – бесчестие;
bad treatment – плохое обращение.

b) Контроль навыков аудирования.

T: Say true, false or I don’t know. (Работа в режиме T – Cl)   

The Iceni tribe revolted in BC 60.
Boadicea encouraged her men to fight.
Boadicea’s army never burnt Roman cities.
The Roman army surrounded Boadicea’s army.
The Queen poisoned her daughters and then herself.

T: Now make the multiple matching.

  • The war Boadicea fought …
  • The Queen had …
  • Boadicea’s army was …
  • Boadicea gave …
  • The Queen preferred  death …
  • poison to her daughters.
  • surrounded.
  • to dishonour and bad treatment.
  •  a lot of success at first.
  • was against the Romans.

T: I see that you’ve understood the story Julia has told to you.  Let’s return to the Roman empire.

4. Развитие навыков диалогической  речи. Развитие навыков аудирования

T: The Romans conquered England . They brought their language, laws, traditions; they constructed a system of roads. But they also had problems in the northern part of England. (Работа в режиме T – Cl)

  • Who attacked northern England?
  • What did the Romans build?
  • Who decided to build a wall?

Our classmates have prepared a dialogue at home. Let’s listen to them and try to memorize some facts. (Работа в режиме P1– P2)    

P1: Do you know why the Emperor Hadrian decided to build a wall?
P2: Surely, I’ve read about it. He did it because of the tribes Picts and Scots.  They attacked the northern England.
P1: I see. I know that 15000 Roman soldiers guarded this wall. What was the length of the wall?
P2: It was 120 kilometers long and 4 meters high.  
P1: But how could the Romans guard this long wall?
P2: You see, They did it all the time. Every 8 kilometers there was a large fort, which could hold up to 1000 Roman soldiers. If tribes attacked they ran for help.
P1: And I wonder what the word “milecastle” stood for?
P2: Milecastle was a small fort that was in about 1500 meters. It could hold up to 30 soldeirs.
P1: Thanks for your story. I’ve dream to see the Hadrian’s  wall.

5. Контроль навыков аудирования (с использованием интерактивной доски)

a) Контроль навыков аудирования

T: Now, you should complete the sentences, using the information you’ve learnt from the conversation.

______ Roman soldiers guarded the wall, which was ____ kilometers long and about ___ meters high. Every 8 kilometers there was a large ______, which could hold up to ____   Roman soldiers. About 1,500 meters there was a small fort, called___________.  Romans _________ the wall all the time. If tribes__________, they ran for help.

Milecastle, guarded, 15000, 120, 4, 1500, fort, attacked

T:  Now let’s check your work. (Работа в режиме P1, P2, P3 – Cl)
You have done this work perfectly well. We may go on.
T:  Now look at the screen. Here you can see the names of invasions. Match the Roman  invasion with the important events  happened during this invasion.   Right you are. In addition, fill in your table

6. Развитие навыков монологической речи

T:  what invasion was then? Yes, then the Anglo-Saxon came. What can you tell us about this invasion? What important changes were happened during this time?

(Работа в режиме P1–Cl)

7. Практика в чтении текста. Работа с текстом

T:  Now it’s time to read a bit. Reading this text, find words that do not belong to the sentences. If you do everything correctly, you will get the saying about England. It is the first line from the famous English song.
Read the text and find the words that don’t belong to the text. (Приложение 2)

King there Alfred the Great was one of the first kings of England. He will was a great and kind king. He did so much good for the people of England that people called him Alfred the Good.
In the always time of Alfred the Great not many men or women could read or write. Alfred could read and write well. He wanted his people to have schools where they be could learn to read and write. While he was the an king, many people went to school for the first time in their lives.
Alfred was England  a brave man as well as a good one. While he was king, the Danes came in their boats to England and fo­ught their way up the rivers.  They wanted to live in England and make it their own country. Alfred and his people fought hard because they did not want to give up their country to the Danes.  

T: The saying is: “There will always be an England.”

T: Thanks a lot. You have done everything correctly.   Now answer the questions:

  • Who was King Alfred?
  •  What did the people call him?
  •  What did the king do for his people?
  •  Against whom did he fight?
  •  What did Alfred want?
  •  Why did Alfred and his people fight hard?

T: Thanks a lot. You’ve done everything correctly. We may go on, look at the screen. Match the Anglo-Saxon   invasion with the important events happened during this invasion.  Moreover, fill in your table.  Right you are.

8. Практика в устной речи

T: But the Anglo-Saxon invasion wasn’t the last invasion. Britain was a rich prize for different tribes. The Vikings were among them. What do you know about the Vikings? (Работа в режиме P1 – Cl)
T: Thanks a lot. We may go on., look at the screen. Match the Vikings invasion with the important changes happened during this invasion. In addition, fill in your table.  Right you are.
T: The last and the most important invasion for England started in 1066. I’d like you to answer my questions:

  • Who was the last Danish king in Britain?
  • Whom did Edward the Confessor promise the English Crown to?
  • Who was the king then?
  • What happened in 1066?
  • Where did the battle take place? Who won a victory?
  • Why was this invasion the most important? What’s your opinion?
  • What book did the Normans write?

T: Let’s finish filling your table, look at the screen.  Write the most important events during that time. Right you are.

9. Обобщение изученного материала (проведение итогового тестирования на компьютерах, основанного на материале урока)

Программа « Создание тестов» (Приложение 4)

III. Подведение итогов

T: You’ve worked well during the lesson.  I think we’ve proved that England is really a realm , a blessed plot in the world, And England will always be.  What have you learnt during our lesson?   P1, P2, P3   Your marks are …Next lesson we’ll talk about Wales , so try to find the information about the history of Wales in Russian.