Обучение грамматике на основе диалогов

Разделы: Иностранные языки

В процессе формирования грамматического навыка такие виды тренировочных упражнений как имитативные и подстановочные играют немаловажную роль, а именно являются «мостиком» между формированием формальной и функциональной стороной грамматического навыка.
Основные положения функционального подхода, который стимулирует развитие как рецептивных, так и продуктивных речевых действий,  нашли отражение в разработанном нами комплексе упражнений на основе диалогов, используемом при изучении Present Simple и Present  Progressive .

Present Simple

1. Read the dialogue in pairs

                    1                 2                  3
– Do you always do housework on Sunday?
– Yes, I do.
– What do you do?
– I dust the furniture and clean the rooms.

2. Replace the underlined words








in the evening


enjoy detective stories


watch TV

at this  time of the day


like soar operas


walk in the yard

in the after noon

do there

play with may friends


listen to the radio

in the morning every

listen to

prefer news

go to the club


do there

play computer games

3. Read the dialogue in pairs

               1            2                    3
– Does Ann go to school in the morning?
– No, she doesn’t.
                            4        5    
– So, when does she go there?
     4        6                    7
She leaves home at 1 p.m.

4. Replace the underlined words








your sister

play the piano

in the evening

do it


in the afternoon

Mr. Smith

go abroad

every month



twice a year on


meet his friends

on Sundays


meet them

meets them


aunt Joan


only in Summer


visits us

in winter too

5. Make up a dialogue

a) Ask your friend if he/she studies a foreign language. He/she answers that he/she does. Ask your friend what language he/she studies. He/she answers that he/she studies English.

b)  Ask your friend if he/she paints pictures. He/she answers that he/she does. Ask him/her what he/she likes to paint. He/she explains that he/she likes to paint portraits.

6. Put the words in the correct order

a) – go, day, do, shopping, you, every?
– I, don’t, no, the, Sundays, I, shops, go, on, to.
– who, and, bread, buys?
– My, does, granny.

b) – Ann, the, does, play, piano?
– yes, does, she.
– very, she, she, well, plays, doesn’t?
– oh, yes, composes, and, music, she, nice.

7. Fill in the missing remarks. Reproduce the dialogues

a) – Do you often go to the theatre?
– … … .
– What plays do you like?
– … … .
– And as for me, … … … .
b) – Does Pete play chess?
–  … … … … .
– Whom does he play with?
– … … … ….
– …  … … …?
– They play on Tuesday and Wednesday after school.

8. Make up your own dialogue. Use the following words. Act it

a) meet, friends, school problems, discuss
b) (tennis) club, Andrew, go(es), play(s).
c) they, swim, swimming-pool, river, with cousins, in summer.
d) Mr. Anderson, work(s), at an office, in the centre of the city, do(es), important work.

Present Progressive

1. Read  the dialogue  in pairs

             1                       2
–   Is Ann doing her homework now?
–  No, she isn't.
–  What is she doing?
–  She is watching TV.

2. Replace the underlined words





helping her mother

walking with her friends

your brother

working in the garden

listening to music

Mrs. Anderson

reading a book

writing a letter


roller skating

playing tennis

3. Read  the dialogue  in pairs

– What time is it?
– It's 5 o'clock.
– What are your friends doing now?
– I think they are preparing for exam.

4. Replace the underlined  words




half past two

Ann and Natalie

cleaning their rooms

a quarter to five

Tom and Nick

Playing computer games

10 h. m.

the children


9 a.m.

the pupils

having a test

5. Make up a dialogue

a) Ask your friend if he/she is writing a composition now. Your friend answers that he /she is. Ask your friend if his/her sister/brother is helping him/her. He/she answers that she/he isn't because she/he is having a party with her/his friends.

b) Ask your friend if he/she is watching TV now. Your friend answers that he/she is; he/she is watching a concert. Ask your friend who is singing. Your friend answers that Russian pop singers are. Ask your friend where they are singing. He/she answers that they are singing in “Russia” concert hall in Moscow.

6. Put the words in the correct order

a) – the Browns, holidays, are, now, having?
– Yes, are, they.
– they, their, where, spending, are, holidays?
– I, think, visiting, they, parents, are, the, their, in, country.

b) – still, raining, is, it?
– No, isn't, it
– wearing, and, are, umbrellas, people, raincoats.
– No, aren't, they, sky, the, blue is, and sun is, the , shining.

7. Fill in the missing remarks. Reproduce the dialogues

a) –  …  ?
– She is in the reading-hall.
–  …  ?
– She is writing a report on history there.

b) – What's the time now?
– … .
– What is your family doing now?
– I believe, my parents …
and my sister … .
– And as for us, we … .

8. Make up your own dialogue. Use the following words and Present Progressive. Act it

a) Ann, have dinner, eat, soup.
b) John, and Jane, do, have fun, play, in the yard.
c) mum, in the shop, buy products, sisters, talk on the phone.
d) children, walk in the park, Pete, play football, friends, at the stadium.

Present Simple and Present Progressive.

1. Read the dialogue in pairs

                              1                        2
– Do you wear a school uniform at school?
– Yes, I do.
– Are you wearing it now?
– Oh, no. I’m not wearing it today, because. I’m taking part in a sport competition.

2. Replace the underlined words





operate a computer

working on

writing  an article for a wall newspaper

listen to music

after school

listening to it

preparing for a test

drink juice

in the evening


eating yoghurt

go in for sport

after lessons


watching a football match on TV

3. Read the dialogue in pairs

                1            2
– What is she looking at?
      1         2                  3 
She is looking at the picture.
              1    4     
– Does she see it well?
             1             1     5
– Yes, she does. She sees it quite well.

4. Replace the underlined words







listening to

the radio





a rule




talking about

English grammar



Mr. Stock


modern art



5. Make up a dialogue

a) Ask your friend if Joan always has lunch at school. Your friend answers that she does. Ask your friend if Joan is eating there now. Your friend thinks that she is because it’s lunch-time.

b)  Ask your friend if he/she likes winter. Your friend answers that he/she doesn’t. Ask why he/she does not like it. Your friend explains that it is cold in winter ant usually snows. Ask if it is snowing now. Your friend answers that it is.

c) Ask your friend if his/her cousins often come to see him/her. Your friend answers that they do. He/she explains that they come in summer. Ask your friend if they are visiting his/her family now. Your friend answers that they are staying at their house.

6. Put the words in the correct order

a) – always, evening, the, do, in, you, read?
– Yes, do, I.
– are, reading, what, you,  book, now?
– reading, story, I, a, am, detective.
– like, do, it, you?
– I, yes, do.

b) –  knows, family, your, who, in, English?
– sister, does, my.
– she, it, studying, now, is?
– she, no, isn’t. is, German, she, studying.
– like, it, she, does.
– do, know, I, not.

7. Fill in the missing remarks. Reproduce the dialogues

a) – What book are you reading now?
– …
– Do you often read poems?
– …
– And what poet do you prefer?
– …

b) – …?
– We are discussing plans for the coming week end.
– … ?
– Ann is writing a list of necessary things.
– … ?
– Oh, yes sometimes we spend weekends in the country and we take many things there.