Методические рекомендации по теме "Sport in our life"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

3 этапа работы по теме:

1. Предтекстовые упражнения заключаются во введении и отработке лексики. Здесь же выполняются кроссворды, задания типа “Составь слова”, “Найди слова”. Отработка лексики не должна происходить изолированно, вне коммуникации, поэтому неотъемлемой частью предтекстового этапа является составление диалогов на заданные ситуации.

2. Работа над текстом предполагает следующие виды работ:

А) чтение текста;

Б) проверка понимания прочитанного

В) развитие навыков говорения через вопросно-ответные, репродуктивные упражнения.

Каждый учитель берет текст о спорте за основу, который более приемлем для его учеников. Слабые учащиеся могут работать с упражнениями на понимание текста типа: “Ответь на вопросы”, “Правда-ложь”, “Вставьте слова по смыслу”, “Обратный перевод части текста”, “Составь вопросы”. Сильные учащиеся могут продолжить работу по теме, изучая тексты типа: “Sport in Great Britain”, “Sport in Russia”, “Olympic Games” (по усмотрению учителя). В качестве познавательного материала приведены тексты о происхождении спортивных игр. Учащиеся могут подготовить сообщение о своем любимом виде спорта или спортсмене. Ребятам необязательно отрабатывать тексты об играх, которыми они не интересуются, они могут быть использованы для ознакомительного чтения. Познакомив ребят с основными видами спорта, учитель проводит аудирование, при котором учащиеся должны определить вид спорта. Далее предлагается чтение художественного текста “Mr. Winkle on the Ice” (Приложение 1). Интересным моментом в работе с этим текстом может стать его драматизация.

3. Послетекстовый этап

А) работа с ситуациями “Imagine”.

Б) выполнение описательных упражнений по картинкам (подобные упражнения есть в учебнике Старкова А.П.), дискутивных по картинкам и текстам.

В) заключительный урок может быть проведен в виде конференции у знаменитого спортивного клуба, заседания корреспондентов спортивной газеты и т.д.


track-and- field
all-round champion
medal (gold, silver, bronze)
outdoor games
indoor games
to train
to spend
to enjoy to shout for
to be exiting


to play chess (football …)
to keep fit
to spend time on sports
to kick at the goal
to win the game with the score …
to be fond of …
to be good at …
to be keen on …
to go in for sports (football)
to have a lot of fun in …
to watch … with great interest
to be successful in …
to score … points
to be a champion
to end in a draw
to win a match
to win the first prize


Exercise 1

Make up sentences using the table.

A. Example: Alex is keen on skating.

Alex and Jack are keen on basketball.

  skating football swimming basketball tennis athletics skiing








B. … to go in for …

Example: Father goes in for …

Exercise 2

Insert the necessary words.

1. We usually skate at the … .
2. I … fond of playing hockey.
3. He is the best … in our team.
4. We play football at the … .
5. He has won this … .
6. We have a good basketball … in our school.
7. They’ve lost the last .. .
8. Peter scored three … .
9. Running, jumping are the kinds of … .
10. Bob’s got a … medal for the first place.

Exercise 3

Read and learn the dialogues

A. – Did you watch the last championship?

– Yes, I did. To my great surprise our team didn’t even kick at the goal.

Words for substitution:

1. Match.

2. To score 5 points.

B. – Do you go in for football?

– No, I don’t. I’m keen on swimming.

Words for substitution:

1. To play

2. Skiing

To like Fencing

C. – What do you think about taking part in the competition?

– A good idea! I’m going to win the first prize.

Words for substitution:

1. Match

2. Gold medal

Event Cup

D. – What will you do on Saturday?

– I haven’t decided yet.

– Let’s spend time on sports.

– A good idea! I’m keen on gymnastics.

Words for substitution:

1. To go in for

2. To be fond of

E. – Will you go with me to the stadium?

– What for?

To play volleyball, of course.

-I’m sorry, I have to stay at home.

Words for substitution:

1. Skating-rink

2. To skate

swimming-pool to swim
gym to play tennis

Exercise 4

Act out the following situations

1. You are a famous sportsman. Yesterday you played a game and now you are discussing it with your friend.

Words for help:

To be in good (bad) shape
To be good at
To win
Score … points
To kick at the goal
To break the rules

2. You are a fan of the team “Dinamo”. Your team’s lost the last game. You are discussing it with another fan.

Words for help:

To be in bad shape
Score … points
To kick at the goal
Shout for

3. You played tennis with your friend but he won and began to boast.

Words for help:

The best player
To score … points
To be a champion
To train
To go in for

5. You want to be a sportsman but your father wants you to be a lawyer.

Words for help:

To be a champion
To win the first prize
To be good at
To go in for
To like best
To be suitable
To have abilities
To be better
To have a lot of fun in



My favourite sportsman is Pele. He is one of the famous sportsmen in the world. Having played 21 years he had 1363 matches and kicked at 1281 goals. He kicked at the goal almost each game. Pele won three world championships.

His real name is Adson Arustis du Nasimentu. But the name is too long and it is difficult for the fans to shout for.

I believe that Pele has a special football talent; he hasn’t weak points at all. He runs faster and jumps higher than the others. I can’t describe all the advantages because they are innumerable. When he appeared at the stadium everyone knew that he would win.

Nowadays he doesn’t play; he is the minister of sport of Brazil. Pele opened sport clubs for poor children. He wrote a book “I am Pele” and many illiterate people began to study because they wanted to read the book of their favourite sportsman.

Pele was recognized the best sportsman of the 20th century by the Olympic Committee.


Everyone is sure that football was originated in England. But Greeks say that they have at least four kinds of ball for similar games. In 2650 B.C. there was a game like football in Japan. But the ball wasn’t passed on the ground. Some people say that football was brought to England from Rome. But the mother of modern football is really England; and it has its birthday on the 26th of October, 1863 when all the rules were discussed. Nobody could touch the ball, but the goalkeeper after 1871.


There are several versions of basketball’s origin. According to the most known, basketball was introduced by American college teacher James Naithsmith. It is said to happen unexpectedly. His students (it was a sport training college) needed different and interesting exercises. So once they saw the following situation: their teacher placed fruit basket on the walls at the opposite ends of the room and threw a ball used for football into the basket. When he managed to hit it, he took out the ball and went on.

James Naithsmith organized a nine-men team each of which tried to throw the ball into the other team’s basket and keep that team from throwing the ball into their basket.

So in 1891 basketball appeared in Springfield College. The name was given to the game by one of Naithsmith’s friends. By the way, people say that first J. Naithsmith thought to use boxes instead of baskets so in this case the game would be boxball.

Years passed, many rules changed but the game remained. And in 1936 basketball teams began to take part in the Olympic Games.


Volley-ball was invented by William Morgan, a teacher of college as well. It happened in 1895. Naithsmith had baskets at hand, and Morgan took a net used for tennis, placed it two metres high above the playground and asked his students to throw the ball into the other part of the playground behind the net. The game wasn’t popular. Only at the beginning of the 20th century European countries admitted volley-ball.

In 1907 the first competition was held in Czechoslovakia. Beginning from 1964 volley-ball became Olympic kind of sport.


It appeared in Paris. Knights used to take part in duels, so other aristocrats had to ‘entertain’ themselves. First balls were returned by palm, but in the middle of the 15th century rackets were made. In 1875 Englishmen worked out rules. Firstly it was called lawn tennis because it was played on lawns. Beginning from 1877 in London suburb- Wimbledon – Wimbledon championship takes place. They are not official but they are very popular. Tennis took part in the Olympic Games but after 1924 it stopped its history in Olympiad. It became a member of the Olympic family again only in 1980-s.


It is the only game which got its name due to the sounds it produced.

We know the history of lawn tennis, but we can play it only when the weather is fine. So the real fans decided to change everything, they made “a small version” of lawn tennis: the rackets became smaller, so did the balls. Tables appeared instead of lawns.

The history of ping-pong began at the end of the 19th century in England. The first official competitions were in England in 1900. But it still remained a game of privileged classes. Several years later it spread among other classes.


In 1866 soldiers of England were in Canada. They saw a beautiful lake and decided to play a game like hockey. But instead of puck they used an empty can.

In 1875 Canadian students showed several matches. They hadn’t a can already. They took half a rubber ball. But only in 1879 the first rules were formulated.



Exercise 1

Act out the following situations.

1. Imagine, your classmate became a famous sportsman. Ask him questions to know how he managed to do it.

2. Imagine that a new sport club is opened in your school. You want to attend it that’s why you want to know as much information as possible. Ask the director about everything you want to know.

3. Imagine, you have missed the game of your team. Ask your friends about it.

4. Imagine, you are a famous boxer. Tell the reporter about your career.

Exercise 2

Read the text answer the questions.

Приложение 1

Exercise 3

Translate the following texts.

В Древней Греции женщинам было запрещено заниматься спортом и принимать участие в Олимпийских играх. Нарушивших этот запрет предавали смерти. Но однажды некая Галипатейра решила обойти закон и принять участие в Олимпийских играх. Она переоделась в мужское платье и выступила в одном из состязаний, но ее не приговорили к смерти благодаря заслугам мужа и сына. С того времени все выступали обнаженными.

* * * * *

Футбольным сувенирам Пеле мог бы позавидовать и король. Сам Пеле дорожит футболкой, мячом, кубками, хранящими память о пройденном пути.

Один из самых первых призов – кубок, полученный им в 1958 году на первенстве Мира в Швеции. А вот сувениры, напоминающие о тысячном голе. Мяч, которым был забит гол. Футболка, в которой он играл. Золотой мяч – подарок бразильской телекомпании. И “лавровый венок” из золота и драгоценных камней, преподнесенный Пеле населением штата Минос – Жеране.

Один из королевских сувениров – корона, увенчанная серебряным мячом, подарок мексиканского футбольного клуба “Америка”.

В 1970 году Пеле сыграл сотый матч за сборную. В память об этом ему подарили серебряное сомбреро.

Exercise 4

Read the text and tell it.

Two championships

Once a famous boxer went to a restaurant to have dinner. He took off his coat at the door but he was afraid that somebody would take it. So he took a piece of paper and wrote on it: “This coat belongs to Tom Brown, the famous boxer; he will come back in a few minutes”. He fastened the paper to his coat and went to have dinner. When he returned, however, his coat wasn’t there, but he found a piece of paper in its place which said: “Your coat has been taken by a famous runner, who will not come back at all”.

Exercise 5

Read the texts and discuss.

Математик и философ Пифагор прославился в спорте. Он часто участвовал в атлетических состязаниях. В кулачных боях, которые входили в программу древних Олимпийских игр, он не знал себе равных. Пифагор был дважды увенчан венком (лавровым) за победу в кулачном бою.

Знаменитый английский поэт Джон Ноель Гордон Байрон был выдающимся пловцом своего времени. В мае 1810 года он переплыл Дарданельский пролив шириной в 7,5 км, который отмечался быстрым течением. Байрон мужественно преодолел все трудности и достиг берега малой Азии.