Использование материалов краеведения на уроках английского языка. Легенды Северного Кавказа

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Для человека духовно развитого чувство Родины многогранно. Он ощущает себя гражданином Вселенной, сыном своего Отечества и частицей своей “малой родины”, где он родился, учился, живет и работает. Чувство родной земли, ее облик, ее свет заполняет нам душу и живет в нас, где бы мы ни были, какую работу не выполняли.

Краеведение, как народное знание о своих родных местах, зародилось в далеком прошлом. Объектами краеведческой деятельности являются природа, население и хозяйство, историческое прошлое, искусство и культура.

Основная цель моей работы – пробудить любознательность и интерес к своей малой родине – Северному Кавказу и Ставропольскому краю, помочь детям осознать необходимость бережного отношения ко всему, что их окружает, научить разумно использовать и обогащать природу. Поставленная цель позволяет решить ряд образовательных, развивающих и воспитательных задач:

- учить практически мыслить, активизировать познавательные интересы;

- уметь делать выводы и сравнения; приобщать учащихся к творческой деятельности;

- формировать практические и интеллектуальные умения.

В историческом краеведении можно выделить 4 вида деятельности:

1) познавательную;

2) преобразовательную;

3) ценностно-ориентированную;

4) коммуникативную.

Учащиеся не только усваивают полезную информацию, но и активно участвуют в составлении проектов по темам: “Мой город”, “Знаменитые люди Ставропольского края”, “Памятники Северного Кавказа”. Особый интерес вызывает у учащихся работа над легендами. Вед это мудрость народа, неиссякаемый источник красоты и вдохновения. Край, в котором мы живем, бесспорно, можно назвать уникальным уголком страны. Буквально каждый камень, река, озеро могут поведать о себе удивительную историю, увести в глубь веков, рассказать о том времени, когда жили здесь сказочные богатыри – нарты. Для того, чтобы легенды лучше запоминались и воспринимались я использую современные компьютерные технологии.

На уроках английского языка в 7 классах, например, работая по учебнику Happy English (автор К.И. Кауфман) я использую легенду “Гора Кольцо” при изучении темы “Путешествие в Англию”. Прочитав текст о волшебном кольце друидов, учащиеся узнают, что в нашем крае тоже существует “волшебное” кольцо, дарующее счастье.

Учащиеся 8 классов защищают проекты по теме “Загадочные места”, используя материалы краеведения.

В 9 классах, изучая тему “Привет, Америка!” мы общаемся к материалу о Северном Кавказе. При прохождении темы “Здоровье – лучшее богатство” применяем легенду “Сано нартов”.

Для дополнительного чтения 10-11 классы изучают легенды “Горы и Нарты”, “Проклятие старого Тембота”.


Я уверена в том, что учащиеся, принимающие участие в работе по краеведению, смогут применять полученные знания на практике: написать письмо другу, рассказать зарубежному гостю о своем крае, о кавказских традициях и обычаях. Использование регионального компонента способствует всестороннему развитию личности, воспитанию чувства патриотизма и любви к Родине. (слады 2,3)

The North Caucasus

The main Caucasian mountain range cuts diagonally the isthmus that separates the Caspian and the Black Seas. Along its northern slopes spread boundless fertile steppe lands. The range has such towering peaks as the dead volcano Elbrus (5,629 m. above sea level), which is now the symbol of the Caucasus and the legendary Kazbek, (5,043 m.). But other peaks in the five thousand meter range vie with them for honors and include Dykh-tau, Shakar, Cashtantau, Djanga, Chistola and Ushba. This is the land of mountaineers. In the icy silence of the south stand the peaks Tebulos, Dyklosmta Bogos, Shakh-dag and Bazardiuzo,that comprise the Daghestan mountain chain.

The North Caucasus with its cloud- covered meadows, crystal clear rivers and streams used to be the main road along which tribes of nomads moved. At the same time, it had strategic importance as it controlled the passes to the Black sea. Many invaders tried to conquer this land, including Kymmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Bolgars, Alani, Russians, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Mongol and Turks- they were all here, leaving behind vestiges of their cultures. That is why the historic monuments of the North Caucasus are very varied. It is a virtual treasure house of ancient cultures and civilizations. Here one can learn about the past of many peoples.

Here in the mountains flourished a well developed culture of the Bronze period. It is called "Koban", after the name of the North Osetian village where its remnants were first discovered. The archeologists were greatly surprized by the originality, variety and quantity of the finds. The Koban hunters, cattle-breeders and iron-smiths were very highly developed for their time. For many centuries Koban culture was incorporated into the cultures of the mountain peoples of later generations.

Of the many ancient peoples, who either passed through or settled here, a vivid imprint was made by the Scythians who replaced the Kymmerians. In the 4th century В. С. they were overrun by the Sarmatian tribes, and in the first century A. D. their union was headed by the bellicose Alani. When in the 4th century A. D. the Caucasus was overrun by the Huns, part of the Alani went with them west and part remained behind retreating into the mountains. They gave rise to the Osetian people. After a short rule by the Huns the Alani state was restored. It covered a vast territory from the Caucasian mountains to the steppe lands along the Don River. Lands to the west of the Alani were inhabited by the bellicose tribes of Kosogs, Kabardinians, Adygs and Balkars. To the south were the domains of the Vainakhs, and to the southeast was the multi-tribal Daghestan which until the 4th century. A. D. was part of the mighty Albanian nation. The Alani culture combines the traditions of the Iranians, the Scythians and the Caucasians (Koban) cultures. It was also influenced by Byzantine and Asian cultures. Museum collections are constantly being enriched by items discovered in 4th -6th century Alani burial grounds. They include gold, silver and bronze objects inlaid by semi-precious stones and coloured glass. The Alani have given us the poetic "Nartsk" epos.

The Alani conducted a very wide trade, their towns prospered and agriculture and cattle-breeding flourished. On assuming Christianity they established close with such highly developed countries as Byzantium, Georgia and Russia.

In 1223 the Alani were defeated by the Mongols, who were later routed by Timur's armies. After the fall of Timur's rule the Alani kingdom was not reborn. Another historical cycle was completed. Though separated by mountains and by traditional hostility the tribe had, nevertheless, economic and cultural ties. Very gradually, in a period lasting centuries, a new Middle Caucasian culture was developed. It organically combined elements of ancient cultures and the national cultures of the tribes. Architecture is a vivid proof of this fact.

The similarity in the architecture of the houses and forts and the planning of the towns is the result of the social and economic closeness of the North Caucasian peoples. The houses are usually built along steep mountain sides. The solid walls of the first tier are cut by rifle slits facing the passes. Each house is a small fort. And the village is a well planned defence complex. Variations in architecture are the result of differences in social orders or results of outside influences.

All towns in North Caucasus were founded after the 18th century. Only the port town of Derbent on the Caspian Sea, which was built by the Persians, dates to the 5th- бth centuries. After being captured by the Arabs in the 8th century it became the Moslem religious, trade and military center until the 10th century. Derbent still preserves remnants of the cultures.

The history of the North Caucasus dates to the Middle Ages and is connected with different mysterious legends. Here are some of them.


Once a wanderer went by the bank of the Baksan River. He went for a long time and was very tired. At last he reached the village. The wanderer wanted to knock to the extreme house, but his strength left him and he fell down near the door.

The owner of the house went out and saw a stranger. According to the custom of the mountains he offered the wanderer a shelter. The stranger leant on owner’s hand and entered the house. ”Give me some water”, asked the man with a weak voice. At that time the Baksan land was devastate by drought and enemies. There was no bread and people were dieing of hunger. There was no water in the wells and brooks. The jug of water which the owner of the house brought and gave smiling to the wanderer was the last in the village. So the law of hospitality was not infringed.

The wanderer made one gulp and water returned him his strength, because it was offered from the heart. “Peace to your house”, said the man. “And now take a spade and come with me”.

The owner of the house took his spade and followed the wanderer. They entered the gorge and climbed the mountain. “You helped me and I will help your people”, said the wanderer. I can entrust this secret only to you. I see you are kind and honest. You will not conceal from people what you will get. Dig here, under this rock.”

The man thrust his spade into the ground, and suddenly the rock split and cold clean water ran out. “And now, farewell !”, said the wanderer. “Wait! Tell me your name”, asked the man. He suddenly guessed that the wanderer wasn’t a simple person. He was a jinni. Without saying a word he disappeared in a moment. Nobody saw him again in that village.

People named the water of that wonderful spring “narzan” or “nart-sano”, the narts’ drink. People say that a person who drinks narzan can live seven lives. (слайд 4)


Long ago there lived a nart Araf by name at the Pyatigorsk valley. He fought with malicious jinnies. He had a wife, a son and a horse.

He hunted and gathered crops in the field and fruit in the garden. So he fed his family.

Once at night he woke up because of a loud boom in the mountains. He got up and went to his horse. The matter was that his horse could speak. Araf always consulted with his horse.

"What had happened?", Araf asked.

"Malicious jinnies invaded your country", the horse answered.

"Let's help people to set free", Araf said.

He returned home, put on special clothes, took his arms and was ready to go when his horse said, "You put on special clothes but you have forgotten to put in irons your heart. If enemy's sword will wound you, your wound will heal. But if melancholy will wound your heart you will die. There is the Ring Mountain on our way. If you want to have a success you must rush through it. But you must think only about the victory or the Ring will not let you go through it. Now let's go".

Araf sat on his horse. The wise horse struck seven times with his hoof and they reached the Stone Ring. They waited for the dawn and the horse said, "Now let's jump".

They made the first attempt. But at the last moment Araf remembered about his wife. He got caught on his helmet and couldn't go through the Stone Ring.

They stayed one more night at the mountain Ring. Early in the morning when the edge of the sky became lighted with the dawn the horse said, "It's time to go".

And they tried again. But this time Araf remembered his son and their second attempt failed.

Again they spent a night near the mountain.

In the morning they tried again. This time the horse moved like an arrow, but he touched the Stone Ring with the hoof and the horseshoe fell down.

"I see your gardens and crops disturb you. We'll stay here for one more night. And if tomorrow we can't pass the Ring we’ll return home", said the horse.

Their last attempt was a success. Like the wind the horse moved. Araf saw the land damaged by jinnies. The wise horse helped him to find enemies in the rocks. Araf overwhelmed bravely. He killed nearly all of jinnies when the eldest of them took the rock and threw it at Araf.

It wounded heavily the nart. The eldest jinni hid behind Elbrus.

Araf was seriously wounded.

His true horse took him to the spring. The brave nart drank some water from it and washed his wounds. They immediately disappeared and his strength returned to him. The horse said, "You must cleave those stones on the top of the mountain with your sword and your arrow must reach the top of Elbrus. Only then you can win a victory over that old jinni". Araf struck with his sword and sparks came under it. They burnt the stones and they became red. Araf’s arrow struck the top of Elbrus and cut it into two parts and ran through jinni’s heart. Araf and his horse returned home. They lived happily for a long time. The Stone Ring you can find nowadays not far from Kislovodsk. It gives good luck for everybody who thinks not only about himself, but also about people’s happiness. (слайд 5)


The world had changed slightly from its origination. But nevertheless it is not the same.

Let’s turn our eyes to the land named the Caucasus...

Everybody can see mighty mountains standing on this land, but it was time when there were no mountains here. This land was flat. People who lived here were called narts. They were strong, mighty and brave. There is a serious reason for everything: for love, death, birth, hatred, leaving and returning. Northing in this world disappears without leaving a trace. The day was changed by the night, the night, was changed by the dawn of a new day. Warm summer was followed by rainy autumn, after it came cold and frosty winter.

People lived friendly with joy and happiness. They did not know anger and hatred. Only laughter and songs one could hear at this land. This golden period could be eternal. But there lived predatory Ebliz. He was a creation of the hell. He was afraid of the power and grandeur of narts. He decided to direct the edge of his perfidy on the narts’ friendship. He took the liver of a mad wild boar, the brain of the bones of an old billy-goat, the gall of a predatory wolf, mixed all these ingredients with a snake’s poison and spoiled narts’ food.

From that time the anger of a snake, the jealousy of a billy-goat, the fury of a wild boar

and the greediness of a wolf settled in the narts’ hearts. Narts’ leader, grey-haired handsome man, was the first to eat spoiled food. He felt in love with Mashuka. She was the bide of his son. Mashuka loved grately her fiance, the only son of the leader. He made his son go to the steppe to hunt and tried to make Mashuka his wife. But the young beauty ran away from him and lost the ring which her fiance gifted her. The old man threw away the ring and began to fill with hatred to his own son. The young man found the ring in the steppe and on the wings of anxiety he returned

home. Their fight was terrible. Some of the narts were on the young man’s side, others were on the side of his father. The old leader brought down the helmet from his son’s head and clove his body on five parts. So he took away the life once gifted by himself.

But he didn't manage to protect himself. The only blow of his son clove his grey head into two parts. So he went to die. Mashuka couldn't bear the death of her sweetheart. She rushed along to his disfigured body and by the blow of his dagger she stopped the ache of her loving heart. But the battle didn't stop. The narts-giants desperately fight with each other, the land shaked under their feet making fathomless precipices.

But there are no endless battles. In the morning when the Sun rose, the field was striven with narts’ bodies. Only two dogs were whimpering near their master, the old leader. But soon they also died. The blood which could shed, had been shed, the hearts which could stop, had stopped, everything died. So narts disappeared from the Caucasus and so the mountains emerged. Mountain Ring appeared on the place where the golden Mashuka’s ring had fallen down. Mountain Zheleznaya is the helmet brought down from her fiance’s head. Her fiance minced by his severe father turned into a violet mountain with 5 tops. People called it Besh-Tau. Not far from Besh-Tau there is his sweetheart Mashuka. On one side of it there is of trace of a dagger which is called Proval. There was a great number of narts so many mountains appeared.

The most powerful among them is the mountain with two tops. It is called Elbrus. At the foot of it there are two true dogs- Big and Small Burmabut. Elbrus is always severe. It is covered with ice and snow in all seasons of the year. Its snow doesn’t melt even in hot summer. In winter its breathing becomes terrible and chilling. Sometimes tears of remorse are born in its depth. But they can’t revive stone Narts. Some day Mashuka’s hot tears will do it. They’ll spring out of bowels of the earth by magiс springs which cure wounds and diseases. People who built white towns near these springs will become as strong as Narts were. (слайд 6)


People live on the Earth only once and than they die. What remains after person's death? Rumour remains. If a person was kind and brave, people remember him for a long time. There are many legends about people who lived before us. There is a cliff called the Castle of Perfidy and Love in the canyon of the Alikonovka river. Perhaps you have heard a legend about tragic events which happened here long, 1ong ago.

Come to the bank of the Alikonovka river at the dawn, listen to the noise of the water, look at grass covered with dew. You will distinguish man's voice, girl's laughter, somebody's complaint. Look narrowly at the rock. It looks like an old castle with cogged towers and narrow windows. Steep stairs lead up. Long ago there was a castle here. The master of this castle was prince Kasay. He was the richest person at the territory from Elbrus to Kazbek. He lived in a village at the foot of Besh-Tau and many people worked at his fields.

His wife died, so he lived alone. He had a daughter, Dauta by name. A herdsman Tembot lived in the same village. He brought up a boy, whose father was killed by Kasay. His name was Ali Konov. Tembot loved him as his own son. The life in the castle was dull. Kasay never smiled. Nobody knew what he was thinking about. He looked like a vulture. His eyes were grey without any shine and his look was always cold.

Joy came to the castle when Dauta grew up. She was a real beauty like her mother. Only her eyes were grey and cold like her father. She was like snow at the top of the mountain. It sparkles with diamonds but doesn't give warmth. Father loved her and fulfilled all her wishes. The girl grew up cruel. People said," Perhaps she had a piece of ice instead of the heart".

Ali Konov was a strong young man. He was a very skilful shot and horseman. Nobody could ride a wild horse like him. He was the favorite among young boys and girls of the whole village. Many girls loved him, but Ali didn't look at them. He loved only one girl-Dauta.

Once during a special holiday "Bairam" Kasay decided to invite guests from everwhere. According to the old tradition people were not divided into poor and rich during this holiday. So many guests were present. Ali was among them. After the feast young man took part in different competitions. Ali was the best in everything. Dauta's heart began to thump, her cheeks became rosy and she wanted Ali to notice her. At last the music sounded and all boys and girls began to dance. Ali danced with Dauta and there was no better pair than this one.

So after this holiday they began to date secretly. Ali knew that Dauta's father would never agree with their marriage. He said, "Dauta,what shall we do? Your father is against me. I'm poor. Let’s run away together". But Dauta didn't agree with him and promised to speak to her father. Spring came. All herdsmen went to the canyon. Soon Kasay and Dauta came to their castle. Again young people began to spend evenings together at the bank of the river. But once, the son of a rich prince came to the canyon. His name was Zulkarney. He heard about Dauta's beauty and came here from Teberda. He visited Kasay's castle and Dauta felt in love with him. She was happy and agreed to become his wife. But she didn't know how to tell Ali about it.

One evening she came as usual to the bank of the river. Ali was waiting for her. They sat near each other and Dauta said, "I came with bad news. Zulkarney asked me to become his wife and my father agreed. I love you and I can't live without you. We can't run away. My father will catch us. He'll kill you. Let's jump down this precipice and die together". These were the worlds of a sly princess. Ali believed Dauta. He was shocked with the news. He looked down at the river running over the stones. He was not a coward but he didn't want his death to be so senseless.

But Dauta had a perfidious plan. She embraced Ali and kissed him. By that time she got a dagger hidden under her dress and thrust it into Ali's chest .Young man fell down on the ground. He was dead. Dauta pushed him into precipice and went back to the castle. People were right saying that she had a piece of ice instead of the heart. In the morning Kasay and his daughter returned to their village. They began to prepare for marriage.

The old man was waiting for his son but in vain. All herdsmen began to search for him. They looked everywhere and at last found him. The wound from the dagger answered all their questions. They brought Ali to Tembot. The old man was so shocked that he became blind and mad. He cursed the place and those people who killed his son.

The Sun disappeared. Everything turned dark and wild wind began to blow. People heard boom from underground. When the darkness dispersed people saw that the castle disappeared and only a cliff reminded by its outlines the ruins of the building. Then it began to snow though it wasn’t winter. Herdsmen tried to save Kasay's herds but in vain. When the prince got to know about it he became angry. He promised to kill all of them.

At that moment Tembot went out of the crowd and said, "Don't cry, Kasay. We are not afraid of you. Your fate will revenge you. Where is your daughter? Let her tell us why she killed my son". "Keep silence!” Kasay cried and lashed Tembot with a knotted rope. The old man fell down without any signs of life. People were angry and ready to kill hateful Kasay. The prince understood that it was his death. Herdsmen executed their master and burnt his house together with his body.

Ali and Tembot were buried in one grave. The place where Dauta lived with Zulkarney was destroyed by a serious disease. All inhabitant of Teberda valley died.

So Tembot's curse was carried out. The river which flows over the canyon where Ali Konov died is know today as Alikonovka. (слайд 7)