Урок в 10-м классе по теме "Легко ли быть подростком"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи урока:

  • Вызывать у учащихся интерес к жизни сверстников в англоязычных странах.
  • Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по данной теме, по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму.
  • Обобщить лексический материал по указанной теме. Углубить и расширить знания по данной теме.

Ход урока

1. Сообщение темы и задачей урока.

Teacher: Today we are going to talk about the activitics of teenagers in Russia. We will also talk about their problems in these two countries. We will also know some interesting fact from the teenager’s age of American stars.


- Skills development.

Teacher: What is teenager?

Возможные варианты ответов:

Student1: Officially of course a teenager is anyone aged from 13 of 19/

Student2: Children are growing up and these days. And developing more quickly 11 and 12 years old in the like to include themselves in the teenagers group.

Student3: Teens are people, who are in the stage of their life when they are developing from children in to adults.

Student4: it is a period of transformation.

3. Чтение иллюстрированного текста о том как британские подростки проводят своё свободное время.

Задание 1:

How we a going to read a text about British teenagers and how they spend their free time while reading try to find answers to the following questions.

1. What do British teenagers do on a day they they enjoy.

2. How do they spend their pocked money.

3. What kinds of jobs do they have.

Задание 2:

Answer the questions:

Britain has 12 million people under the age of 16-around 20% of the population. If you ask teenagers what they do on a day they enjoy, most say going to the cinema, followed by seeing friends. If you ask what they do on a day they don’t enjoy, watching TV is the top answer – although on average, 11-16-year-olds actually watch 11hours of TV a week! Internet fans might think British teenagers spend all their time online, but surprisingly under 10% of 15-16-year-olds have the Internet at home (just 1 in 13). However, this number is increasing all the time. 11-16-year-olds spend about 12 a week. Girls tend to spend 2 a week more than boys. In the past, pocket money was usually spent on sweets, but now teens are spending most of their money on mobile phone cards. If children are spending so much, that means some of them are working. Its illegal to work if you are under 13, but it is quite common for 15-16-year-olds to have some kind of job. 2 million schoolchildren with part time jobs are earning an average of 14 a week. The most common part-time job is babysitting, followed by newspaper rounds.25% of under-19s living with just one parent. About 100,000 young people run away from home every year, with up to 350 of them sleeping on the streets of London each night. British teenagers and part-time jobs: Between the ages of 13 and 16, children in the UK are allowed to do paid work for a maximum of 2 hours per school day. They are not allowed to start work before 7 am or finish after 7 am. Paper rounds are a popular job with younger teenagers. They deliver newspapers to houses in the early newsagent. Working in a shop or cafe is popular with older teenagers and babysitting is also popular, particularly with girls, who take care of someone’s baby or child while the parents are out (usually in the evening).

Задание 3:

- Do you york during the school year, or during your summer holidays?

Sample answers:

Student 1:

1. No, un fortunately, not would like to but most firm don’t like to employ children and teenagers

2. Yes, I worked this summer I worked at the pioneer camp.

3. I helped my father in our garden/

4. Yes I translated texts for students/

4. Аудирование текста.

  • Cеleb - знаменитость
  • Dazzling beauty - ослепительная красавица
  • Peer pressure - давление со стороны одноклассников
  • Clique - группировка
  • Ugly duckling - гадкий утёнок
  • Naive - простодушный
  • To skip a head - перепрыгивать из класса в класс
  • Immature - молодой, неопытный

Teacher: Celcbs used to be teens too I suppose it will be interesting to know what were they like in school.


Teacher: You should put the names belonging to these statements according to the text. Текст о воспоминаниях знаменитостей о школе.

What were they like in high school? Julia Roberts, Tom Cruise, Sharon Stone, Richard Gere, Demi Moore

1. I wasn’t the popular girl, though I had many friends -

2. At one school I was popular an another I wasn’t -

3. At school usually performed too -

4. I was immature and naive, bat allays -

5. I never planned to so to the college because I was an average student -

6. I washta dazzling beauty, but I did make a finalist in our schools beauty contest -

7. Before l was fifteen id never attended the same school for more thon say months -

8. I wanted to be a vet, because we had lots of animals-

9. To earn spending money, I played trumpet in a dance band at wedding and bars -

Teacher: All these stars had some problems.

5. Беседа о проблемах подростков.

Teacher: no doubt adalt people have many problems. Do you have problems?! You might as well-ask “Do hens lay eggs” Teens are human, so of cour they have problems.

Варианты ответов:


1.Listen the opinions.

2. Find the opinions the problems that worry the speakers and wri be the down.

Comment on them:

Kate: What is home for me? I can say that my home is the best place in the world. It’s a place where I can always meet love and sincerity of my relatives. Only there I can find kindness of my mother and understanding of my father. To me being at home always means being with my family who cares for me and supports me when I need it.

People say “East or West, home is best” and I completely agree with them. Wherever I am, I always feel lonely and miserable, because I can’t stay away from home for a long time.

Nataly: What is home? I know that when people say “ home” they mean their family first of all. I think that they are right. I also believe that home is the place where I can find care and attention of trouble, because I think that they are always the first people to help me.

I like my home because I was born and brought up there and my dearest people live in that place. But now when I am grown-up enough to live on my own I think that I need more Independence and freedom.

I’m grown-up enough to make my own decisions and to build a home of my own.

Olga has a lot of problems with her family. She should put herself in the position of her parents.

6. Чтение текста с извлечением главной мысли.

Teacher I sup pest you the opinion of British psychologist Jeremy Castle.

Your test is main idea and do the conclusion

7 этап. Подведение итогов урока.

Teacher: Is it easy to be teenager?

1.Student one: from one hand it is not to be easy. Some times teenagers have special problems But it great

2.Student teen’s age is the most wonderful

Teacher: Of course it is not easy to grow up and the physical and emotional changes are often confusing and worring. But most young people cope rather well. Be happy my young friends.

Литература: “Исскуство общения ” Е.И.Пассов. Журнал “Speak out ”.