Открытый урок по теме "Рождество" (6-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Тип урока – обучающий с элементами говорения.

Формы работы – фронтальная, парная, групповая.

ТСО – магнитофон, телевизор, DVD/MPEG 4 плеер с USB.(Использование данного технического средства позволяет просматривать видео файлы на экране телевизора, при этом смена слайдов осуществляется с помощью дистанционного пульта, что в свою очередь позволяет учителю проводить урок одному без привлечения помощника для работы с ТСО, кроме того время подготовки данного вида презентации значительно меньше по сравнению с компьютерной презентацией в PowerPoint).

Средства наглядности – слайд-шоу, газеты, новогодние украшения, изображение елки на магнитной доске, раздаточный материал.

Речевой материал - аутентичные тексты и аудио-тексты, песни.

Цели урока


  • развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся через знакомство с культурой и традициями англоговорящих стран;
  • комплексное развитие всех коммуникативных навыков (аудирования, говорения, чтения и письма);
  • систематизация знаний по теме “Рождество” и расширение кругозора учащихся в свете ознакомления с различными аспектами культуры (песни, литературные произведения) англо-говорящих стран в сравнении с культурой России;
  • проведение анализа литературного произведения;
  • развитие лексико-грамматических навыков;
  • развитие орфографических навыков;
  • осуществление межпредметных связей с литературой и географией.


  • целенаправленное развитие психических функций, связанных с речевой деятельностью (внимания, способности к анализу, синтезу, логическому мышлению и зрительной памяти, языковой способности и готовности к коммуникации);
  • развитие эстетических чувств и творческой активности учащихся.


  • повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка на основе интереса к культуре и традициям англо-говорящих стран;
  • воспитание культуры языкового общения, уважительного отношения к культуре и традициям других стран и друг к другу, толерантности, умения слушать собеседника, умения работать в группах и парах;
  • воспитание автономности в учении (использование самопроверки);
  • формирование моральных качеств учащихся: доброты, сочувствия, желания помогать друг другу и творить добро;
  • формирование сознания бережного отношения к своему здоровью с использованием музыки, создающей комфортность при обучении, и дозированности материала, позволяющей избегать перегрузки учащихся, а также физкульт. минутки как средства релаксации.

(На предыдущем уроке учащиеся получили задание прочитать текст из учебника (Unit 12 - “A Christmas Carol”)).

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент и целевая установка урока

(Slide 1 – a traditional Christmas postcard)

2. Warming-up

Teacher (T) – Let’s sing one of the most famous English winter song “Jingle, bells” to feel the atmosphere of the holiday better.

Students (Ss) sing together to the music (Teachers may use either an ordinary recording (см. звуковое приложение к УМК) or a karaoke)

(Slide 2 – a picture of a sleigh ride)

3. Checking the background knowledge:

T - Let’s decorate our Christmas tree.

T hands out (or Ss in turn take) “balls”, coloured paper circles (or teachers may prefer any other shapes), with numbers on the reverse side.

Ss listen to the corresponding question on the tape, answer them, check with the cassette and stick the “balls” on the “Christmas tree” (рисунок рождественской елки на магнитной доске) thus “decorating” it.

Questions (см. звуковое приложение к УМК – записаны вопросы и предполагаемые ответы учащихся):

  1. When is Christmas celebrated in Europe?
  2. Do Russians celebrate that holiday? When do the celebrate it?
  3. Whose birthday is celebrated on Christmas?
  4. What country gave us the tradition to decorate the Christmas tree?
  5. Who introduced the tradition to decorate the Christmas tree in Russia?
  6. When was the custom of decorating Christmas trees with candles and presents introduced in Britain?
  7. Where does the most famous Christmas tree stand in London? Whose present is it?
  8. What do they call Father Frost in the West? Where does he live?
  9. What does Santa Clause look like?
  10. How does Santa Clause travel?
  11. How does Santa Clause enter houses to give children Christmas presents and where does he put them?
  12. What are the traditional Christmas colours?
  13. Why do little children sometimes write letters to Santa Clause?
  14. When did the custom of sending Christmas Cards to friends, colleagues and relatives appear?
  15. What is the traditional Christmas food?

(Учитель может использовать все вопросы или только часть из них по количеству человек в классе. После выполнения данного задания “наряженная” елка помогает создавать еще большую атмосферу праздника)

4. Vocabulary work

T-Let’s check how well you know the main words connected with Christmas. Take mini-crosswords and fill them in as you see the pictures appearing on the screen.

Slide 3 – Santa Claus

Slide 4 – Christmas postcards

Slide 5 – Presents

Slide 6 – Christmas stockings

Slide 7 – Candles

(Ss do this task individually and then check in pairs. After that they are given the keys thus they can self-check their work. If Ss have problems with the choice of the words, T can help them giving the definitions of them as slides appear on the screen).

If everything is correct, Ss will get the word CAROL in vertical column 1.

Keys: 1- Santa Claus, 2- postcard, 3- presents, 4- stocking, 5- candles)

5. T - What is a carol?

Ss find the answer in the text – it is a religious song sung at Christmas.

T – Whom do people remember on that day?

(Ss presumably answer that Jesus Christ, T may help them with some ideas)

Slide 8 – Baby Jesus and his parents

T- Let’s listen to one of the most beautiful Christmas carols ”Silent Night” and describe the song and music. Think of as many adjectives as possible.

Suggested answers: beautiful, wonderful, quiet, touching, nice.

(Ss give their answers in pairs or discuss as a whole class).

6. T –The story we are going to discuss today is called – “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens.

Slide 9 – a portrait of Charles Dickens

T calls out a student and provides him or her with a card where there are some prompts about the life of the writer. The student presents a short unprepared story about him:

Charles Dickens

- an English writer

- born in 1812, died in 1870

- began to write in 1833

- Most famous books: “Oliver Twist”, “David Copperfield”, “Great Expectations”.

(Подобные задания есть в учебниках 5 и 6 классов, поэтому не вызывают трудностей)

T to the whole class, e.g. - Have you read any of his books? In Russian or in English?

- Was it difficult?

- Was the book interesting and exciting?

- Do you advise your classmates to read any of them?

- Have you seen any films based on his books? etc.

(If you have time, you may have a popular vote on this topic writing some ideas on the blackboard).

7. T - Your homework was to read probably the most popular Christmas story “A Christmas Carol” (см. учебник Unit 12), let’s see how well you understood it.

Slide 10 – a cover of the book “A Christmas Carol”

T calls out a S who asks if the sentences that he reads are true, false or there is no information about it. Ss make their choice explaining it where necessary:

  1. At the beginning of the story Ebenezer Scrooge was a nice and kind man, always ready to help people.
  2. Scrooge had a wife and six children.
  3. It all happened on Christmas Eve.
  4. Bob Cratchit got three pounds a week.
  5. The small singer came to the door of Scrooge’s office to ask for some money.
  6. Scrooge learned his lesson and changed completely.
  7. Scrooge gave Bob’s family a Christmas tree as a present.
  8. Scrooge’s nephew was not at home when Scrooge came to visit him.
  9. The story has a happy end.

8. Reading for specific information and practicing verb tenses

Slide 11 – the picture of three ghosts from the story

T – Do you remember that the main character of the story Scrooge met three ghosts? Now you will be ghosts!

T divides the class into three groups by giving each S a small picture of one of the ghosts thus getting 4-5 Ss in each group. They sit at separate desks marked with the bigger picture of “their” ghost. Each group gets a set of 12 sentences describing the events from the story (to make the work easier each sentence is written on a separate slip of paper) and chooses the ones that “their” ghosts will tell Scrooge.

(The T sets a time limit, for example, with a three-minute sand-glass)

1) All the shops in London are busy and there are decorations everywhere. Some people are buying food for Christmas dinner and some people are going to church.
2) When Scrooge was a boy, he went to boarding school. All the boys went home for Christmas but Scrooge had to stay at school on his own.
3) One Christmas, Scrooge will die all alone.
4) Some poor people will still his clothes and sell them.
5) Bob Cratchit is coming home from church with Tiny Tim. Tiny Tim is his youngest child and he is very ill.
6) The Cratchit family are very poor. They are having a very small Christmas dinner but they are happy because they love each other.
7) Nobody will visit Scrooge’s grave because nobody loves him.
8) Scrooge started work. His boss was very kind and gave a big Christmas party. Scrooge had a great time.
9) Tiny Tim will die because the family is too poor to pay for a doctor. Bob Cratchit will be very unhappy.
10) Scrooge fell in love with a girl but he loved money more than he loved her so she left him.
11) Scrooge’s nephew Fred is having a Christmas party. Fred’s family and friends are plying music, singing and playing games.
12) The girl married another man and had lots of children.

When the groups are ready Ss one by one read out the sentences following the logical order of the events from the story.

9. T - After we’ve discussed the story in great detail, let’s think of the moral of it.

Slide 12 – Scrooge McDuck

T – Look at the screen! This is a famous cartoon character. Why is his name Scrooge? Now he is a symbol of a mean and greedy man. But in the story Scrooge changed at the end. Try to guess the moral of it.

Ss discuss the moral in the same or different groups and then the ideas of each group are presented to the whole class. The best variant is written on the blackboard in the form of a short sentence, e.g., “People should be kind and help each other if they want to be happy, give presents to each other” or my students suggested, “People should be kind, caring and cheerful”.

10. T – Very soon New Year and Christmas will come and this is a very pleasant time of presents. What can be a present?

Slide 13 – a Christmas stocking

Ss brainstorm ideas and T (if short of time or Ss themselves) writes them on the blackboard. My Ss suggested: sweets, cards, a computer, a TV, turkey, toys, clothes and pets. Then Ss in the same or different groups choose presents: group 1 – for their mother, group 2- for their friend, group 3 – for their pet and give three reasons explaining their choice (They may use only the words from the board!). After a short discussion (with or without the time limit) Ss from the groups in turn give their reasons using linking words, e.g. firstly, secondly and finally, thus getting prepared for the format of the Russian Unified State Exam.

(For example, the group responsible for the present for the pet was the quickest to finish the task. They decided to buy the following presents for their pet: firstly, turkey – to eat, secondly, clothes – to be warm and beautiful and finally, other pets – to have friends and play with! There is no limit to children’s imagination and they really enjoy challenging tasks.)

Заключительная часть

  1. Подведение итогов
  2. Выставление оценок
  3. Объяснение домашнего задания (design a Christmas card and choose the greeting that you like most of all from your Activity Book (см. Unit 12) – личностно-ориентированный подход, элемент персонализации)

Slide 14 – a Christmas card as an example.

В конце урока учитель может подарить ученикам небольшие сувениры (например, на своем уроке я подарила закладки для книг с таблицей неправильных английских глаголов), а также сделать фотографию на память.