"Солдаты Отчизны"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

This year our country celebrated the 65th anniversary in the battle for Moscow.

It was a great battle. At the end of September the operation “Tajphun” began. The German fascists went to Moscow. They took Bryansk and Vyasma.

Zhukov was the Commander of that front. At the end of October the enemy’s attack was stopped. The mobilization of people in Moscow began. But on the 15th of November the fascists again began their attack. All our people – young and old, heroically fought against fascists.

Our commander together with Stalin decided to organize a historical parade and in 1941 on the 7th of November that parade was organized at the Red Square.

The German fascists were very surprised at it. They had known about parade by the radio. It was a traditional parade for our people.

There were not enough tanks and forces. So Zhukov decided to defend the main roads to Moscow. It was a great risk. He thought that Germans tanks would go to Moscow on the motorways. The German fascists were afraid of the Russian frosts. And on the 13th of October the great battle began. It was the first fascists attack.

There were many volunteers in our country to defend our capital. The people of the peaceful professions went to the Front for their Motherland. The children and old people of Moscow went out using carts and machines. All shops were closed. On the 15th of October the most part of the members of our government went to Kujbyshev, but Stalin was with the people of Moscow, with his soldiers. He took part in the Historical Parade in 1941, which was at the Red Square.

… The road goes to the west. Cars, buses and lorries move along it. Some 85 kilometers from Moscow, if you look to the left, you’ll see a pedestal, and on the pedestal the figure of a girl. Her hands are tired, but she stands proudly. This is a monument to Zoya. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was a Moscow schoolgirl and a member of the Komsomol. The fascists were not far from Moscow, and Zoya became a partisan. She was given the pseudonym “Tanya”. She was brave and never afraid of the enemy.

Nowdays people come to Zoya. She stands proudly in the bright sun. Green fields and forests are around her. Flowers are at her feet.

The names of our veterans will never be forgotten. They have become a symbol of heroism to the young people of today. Poems have been written and songs are sung about them. All people who took part in the Great Patriotic War loved people and understood what their work meant to them and to the country.

Nowdays we are proud of our soldiers, we are proud of our Veterans. We read many books about The Great Patriotic War. We are proud that we have a good friend, a great person at our school. He is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. He is Bondarev Ivan Timofeevich (Рисунок1). Ivan Timofeevich works at our school, he is 82 years old. He is very energetic and active in his life. He is an interesting person for all of us: pupils and our teachers. I think that Ivan Timofeevich is a great patriot of our country.

He was born in 1922 on the 5th of September. There were 3 children in their family. His childhood was not easy. He had no father – he died when he was a little boy, so only his mother tried to help him in his life. She worked hard. When the Great Patriotic War began Ivan Timofeevich’s mother said: “Go and defend our Fatherland”. She said that her son had to serve their Motherland. When Ivan Timofeevich was 18 years old he was called up to the Soviet Army. His service was in the Ukrain. In 1941 he was sent with many soldiers of his age to Bryansk. There were not enough rifles for all soldiers. So unarmed soldiers went to the Front line.

Ivan Timofeevich often remembers those difficult days. He often speaks with us about the Great Patriotic War. He had never thought about military career. More than 60 years Ivan Timofeevich lives in Vaktsina, now Sergiev Posad-6. He works at our school as the leader of the circle of the artistic straw. Many years ago his wife, Nina Vasilevna, worked at our school too. It was the first small school in Vaktsina and Nina Vasilevna was the director of that school.

From June 1941 till May 1945 Ivan Timofeevich took part in the Great Patriotic War. His wife took part in the Great Patriotic War too. Nina Vasilevna was the participant of the partisan movement.

Ivan Timofeevich was wounded at the Front. He had many contusions. Ivan Timofeevich has many medals and many gratitudes from the Supreme Power. He has also many anniversary medals.

In 1946 on the 15th of November Ivan Timofeevich was demobilized and he began to work in Vaktsina. In 1948 he got married with Nina Vasilevna. Nowdays Nina Vasilevna and Ivan Timofeevich are pensioners.

We have a museum at our school and Bondarev Ivan Timofeevich takes part in it’s decoration. He works as a teacher of the additional education.

The pupils of our form took part in the celebration of the anniversary. We decided to go to the Red Square (Рисунок2). After visiting of the Red Square we went to the Historical Museum. There are 44 Halls in it. But now I want to tell you about some of the Halls.

(2,5 min -40 thousand years ago)

Hall 1

The ancient history of mankind covers a tremendous period of time - from the appearance of a man on the Earth to the beginning of the first class societies.

It begins with the origin of fore communes - unstable fellowships of ancient people making primitive stone tools. Fossilized remains of the first people were found in Eastern Africa and have the age of 2,5-1,8 mln years.

Scientists point out three main stages of the development of the ancient society, certain archaeological epochs being characterized by the differences in the material and art of manufacturing the labor tools used by the man, correspond to each stage.

1. The epoch of fore commune. Early and middle Paleolithic period (ancient Stone age).

2. The epoch of the ancient commune

  1. the early ancient commune; late Paleolithic period, Mesolithic period (middle Stone age);
  2. the late ancient commune; Neolithic period (New Stone age).

3. The decay of the ancient commune. Copper - Stone age, Bronze age. The epoch of fore commune is the time of coming into being of Man and ancient society. The biological development of Man is completed by the end of this period; ancient clans arise. Man settles on the vast territories in Africa and on the Eurasian continent, about 400-300 thousand years ago penetrates into the Southern regions of the Russian plain. This settlement takes place on the background of the repeated changes in the environment caused by the alternation of the cold ice age and warmer time between ice ages.

  1. The ages and the stages of the development of Man.
  2. Early Paleolithic period. The Caucasus.
  3. Middle Paleolithic period. The Caucasus, the Crimea, the Russian plain.
  4. The landscape of Ice age.

(40 -11 thousand years ago)

Hall 2

Late Paleolithic period is the time of the man of the present physical type. Large changes in the development of productive forces and human society on the whole take place. There appear the first regulated forms of the social organization of the society. Collectivism in the production and consumption, common property and equalizing distribution become typical features of the ancient society.

The development of material and spiritual culture of the man is quickly accelerated. Methods of stone treatment are essentially changed, bone becomes to be used everywhere. Hunting is still the only means of subsistence. Mass battue hunting big animals is widely used.

The improvement of abodes, hearths, clothes, labor tools makes it possible for the man to open up extensive territories of the Northern Eurasia under the conditions of Ice age.

  1. Stand of Zaraisk. Stand of Kokorevo.
  2. Burial on the Sungir stand. 25 thousand years ago.
  3. Stand of Malta. 23 thousand years ago.
  4. Monuments of the Russian plain and the Caucasus.

(MESOLITH (9-6 thousand B.C.)).
(6-3 thousand years B.C.)

Hall 3

The beginning of mesolith coincides with sharp warming that resulted in thawing ice and gradual slip of the landscape zones to the North 11-10 thousand years ago. The recede of ice was followed by the systematic settlement of the man on the new territories up to the Far North.

Hunting remained the only means of subsistence of the man. Long-range arms such as a bow, devices for throwing spears and javelins began to be widely used. Fishing becomes purposeful but not occasional as it was during the Palaeolithic time.

Neolith is the highest and the last stage of Stone age development. Methods of stone and bone treatment are exceedingly improved. Stone tools achieve perfection. Almost everywhere the beginning of Neolith coincides with the appearance of clay baking utensils (earthenware).

The centers of the producing economy with the leading role of agriculture and cattle-breeding arise in the Southern regions of Eurasia already 7-6 thousand years B.C. In the forest zones where there are still full natural resources the appropriating economy of hunters, fishermen and collectors continues to develop intensively. The numerical growth of the population and its advancement to the new territories promotes the formation of various cultural communities and archaeological cultures.

  1. Mesolith of the centre of the Russian plain and the Crimea. 9-6 thousand B.C.
  2. Neolith of the Caucasus. 6 thousand B.C.
  3. 3,4,5. Ceramic production of the forest and forest-staple zones of European Russia. 4-3 thousand B.C.
  4. Nickolo-Perevoz settlement. 7-2 thousand B.C.
  5. The North of European Russia. 4-2 thousand B.C.
  6. Black mountain settlement. 7-2 thousand B.C.
  7. Volosovskaya culture. 3 thousand B.C.
  8. Volosovskaya stand.
  9. Ritual “hoards” of Volodars stand.
  10. Volosovsky “hoard”.
  11. Kitoiskaya, Serovskaya and Glazkovskaya cultures (5-2 thousand B.C.)
  12. Boat. 3 thousand B.C.

(5-2 thousand B.C.)

Hall 4

Eneolith and Bronze age are signified by the violent development of all the branches of the economic activity of the man, by the complication of the social structure of the society and ethnic and cultural processes. First wares made of pure copper appear in the eneolit and alloys made on copper base called bronze spread during the next epoch.

The development of early agricultural societies continued on the fertile lands of the big river valleys of the Caucasus and the South-West of Eastern Europe. At the same time vast historical and cultural formations spring up in the wide steppe belt of Eurasia in the economy of which cattle-breeding prevails. Mass domestication of horses takes place here, nomadic cattle breeding arises. Property and social differentiation of the society increases, tribal bosses stand out and become rich.

The spreading zone of the producing economy and metal gradually moved to the forest zone of Eurasia during the period of eneolith and Bronze age. However stone tools continue to be used here for a long time, hunting and fishing still being of great importance.

  1. Ancient agricultural cultures of the Caucasus and South-West of Eastern Europe. 5-3 thousand B.C.
  2. Hvalynskaya culture. 4 thousand B.C.
  3. Maikopskaya culture. End of 4 - middle of 3 thousand B.C.
  4. Yama culture. 3 thousand B.C.
  5. Catacomb culture. Second half of 3 - the first half of 2 thousand B.C.
  6. North Caucasus culture. End of 3 - middle of 2 thousand B.C.
  7. Burial ground of Syntashta. 17-16 centuries B.C.
  8. Abashevskaya culture. Middle of 2 thousand B.C.
  9. Borodino hoard 17-16 centuries B.C.
  10. Monuments of the North Caucasus. Second half of 2 thousand B.C.
  11. Metallurgy of Eurasian steppes. 2 thousand B.C.
  12. Andronovskaya culture. Middle - second half of 2 thousand B.C.
  13. Afanasievskaya, Okunevskaya, Karasukskaya cultures. 3-2 thousand B.C.
  14. Monuments of Gorbunkov peatbogs. End of 3-2 thousand B.C.
  15. Monuments of Seiminsk and Turbine type XVII-XV centuries B.C.
  16. Culture of the middle Dnieper. Middle of 3-first half of 2 thousand B.C.
  17. Fatyanovskaya culture. End of 3 - first half of 2 thousand B.C.
  18. Balanovskaya culture. End of 3-2 thousand B.C.
  19. Monuments of Lake Meshchera. End of 3-first half of 2 thousand B.C.
  20. Pozdnyakovskaya culture. Middle - second half of 2 thousand B.C.
  21. Culture of the textile ceramics. Middle-the second half of 2 thousand B.C.

(1 thousand B.C.)

Hall 5

At beginning of 1 thousand B.C. Iron Age begins on the most part of the territory of Eurasia. The variety of economy and culture of different territories can be presented as three big historical and cultural communities formed in three kinds of natural zones. Each of them in its turn includes a number of archaeological cultures.

The community of nomadic cattle-breeders inhabiting all the steppe zone of Eurasia and adjoining forest-steppe districts developed most dynamically. There is much in common in the culture of Scythian and Siberian worlds. This is clearly seen in the burials of horsemen warriors with similar kinds of armament and harness. The so-called animal style is established in the art of Scythians.

Life conditions of the people inhabiting foothills and mountain districts of the Northern Caucasus and Transcaucasia were quite different. They were busy with cattle breeding and subsidiary agriculture and had a long, since Bronze Age, tradition of non-ferrous metallurgy and metal work on the base of local ores, numerous bronze articles from the monuments of the Northern Caucasus and Trancaucasio being the best evidence of this.

Finns and Ugrians inhabited the forest zone of Eastern Europe. They lived more isolatedly than the population of the other districts, through in their culture one can see the features connecting them with each other and more Southern territories.

  1. Dyacovskaya culture. 1 thousand B.C.
  2. Pyanoborskaya historical and cultural community. 2 century B.C. - 3 century A.D.
  3. Gorodetskaya culture. 1 thousand B.C.
  4. The culture of Baits tribes. 1 thousand B.C.
  5. Ananinskaya historical and cultural community. 7-3 centuries B.C.
  6. Transcaucasia in the early Iron Age.
  7. Kobanskaya culture of the Northern Caucasus. 1 thousand B.C.
  8. Kazbeksky hoard. 5 century B.C.
  9. Tasntikskaya culture. 1 thousand B.C. - 5 century A.D.
  10. The Altai highlands in the early Iron Age.
  11. Ceremonial clothes from Katandinsky barrow.
  12. Tagarskaya culture. 7-2 centuries B.C.
  13. The Aral side. 7-5 centuries B.C.
  14. Ancient Khorezm. 5-2 centuries B.C.
  15. Nomads of the lower part of the Volga and the Southern Urals side. 6-4 centuries B.C.
  16. The culture of Scythian steppe view of the Northern part of the Black sea and of the Kuban side.
    7-5 centuries B.C.
  17. The culture of Scythian forest - steppe view of the Northern part of the Black sea. 7-5 centuries B.C.

(4 century B.C. - 3 century A.D.)

Hall 6

4 century B.C — 3 century A.D. is the time when the population of the South of Eastern Europe comes into a close contact with antique culture.

In 4 century B.C. powerful Scythian kingdom in the steppes of the Northern part of the Black Sea supported connections with antique cities on the coast of the Black Sea. Ceramics and metal articles were brought from Greece in the result of the exchange and trade and by the order of the Scythian aristocracy Greek craftsmen made silver and gold goods of luxury. All this gave special Hellenistic look to the culture of nomads. Skythians had their own developed handicraft too: in the lower stream of the river Dnieper there is an excavated site of an ancient settlement with the remnants of various productions.

In 2 century B.C. new nomads — Sarmats arrive in the steppes of the Northern part of the Block Sea. Sarmation culture was formed along the Volga river and near the Urals from where these nomads moved to the other districts of the steppe. On the European part of it they got into close contact with the antique civilization in the same way as Skythians had done before them. The neighbourhood with the Bosporus cities gave bright antique coloring to the culture of nomads, a great number of rich Sarmation barrows near the Kuban being the best evidence of this.

By that time Skythian population could be found in the Crimea and the lower part of the Dnieper where there existed the state Malaya (Minor) Skythia (3 century B.C. - 3 century A.D.). Skythian, Sarmation and antique elements are combined in the culture of this state.

  1. Sarmats situated on the Volga and in the Urals side. 4 century B.C. -3 sentury A.D.
  2. Sarmats on the Kuban side. 2 century B.C. -2 century
  3. Sarmats in the Northern part of the Black sea. 2 century B.C. - 2 century
  4. The Crimea in 3 century B.C. - 3 century
  5. Zarubinetskaya culture. 2 century B.C. - 2 century
  6. Andreevsky barrow. 1-2 centuries
  7. Scythia in 4 century B.C.
  8. The tribes of the forest-steppe in 4 century B.C.
  9. The Kuban side in 4-2 centuries B.C.
  10. Kamenskoe ancient settlement. 4 century B.C.

(3-8 centuries).

Hall 7

The exposition of the hall is devoted to the crucial in the native and world history, period of passing from the ancient to the medieval time when many present peoples were formed, an important role in this process was played by the tribes that did not leave direct descendants.

This period begins with the events of Great migration of peoples. In 3-4 centuries the Chernyakhovskaya culture is formed in the foreststeppe zone on the territory of Ukraine and Moldavia that is probably connected with the advancement of Goth tribes from the Baltic shores to the South. At the end of 4 century Huns invaded the steppes of South Russia and Ukraine, their supremacy continued there in 5 century as well.

Then nomads whose ethnic belonging is questionable resided in the steppes of Eastern Europe for several centuries. Starting with 7 century tribes belonging to the same ethnic group having Turkic language (Khazars, Bulgarians and others) begin to prevail.

The first early medievaji'state Khazar khaganat arises in 7 century.

Particular ethnic and cultural regions are the Crimea and the Northern Caucasus. They were also affected by the Great migration of peoples. At the same time there was population fully formed during the previous historical period.

The forest zone of the European part of Russia was not involved in the process of the Great migration of peoples. Baltic and Finno - Ugrian tribes continued to live here with their peculiar culture without being isolated however from the surrounding world. The earliest reliable testimonies of Slavs existence on the territory of future Kievan Rus refer to 6—7 centuries.

Thus the culture of the tribes creating in future Old Russian state and taking part in the formation of the Russian people and also the culture of the tribes and peoples that became the neighbors of this state is shown in the exposition of this hall.

Early medieval history of the territories of Siberia and Asia Minor is also shown in this hall. Much later in 17-19 centuries these territories became part of the Russian State.

  1. Chernyakhovskaya culture. 3-4 centuries.
  2. The population of the upper stream of the Oka river and the Moskva river in 3-4 centuries.
  3. Finnish and situated on the Volga population of the middle stream of the Oka in 3-7 centuries.
  4. The tribes of the Kama side in 3-7 centuries. Byzantine and Central Asian finds on the territory
    of the Kama side.
  5. The population of the Urals, the Kama side, the middle part of the Volga, the South Urals
  6. in 4-8 centuries.
  7. Altai in the early Middle ages. 4-7 centuries.
  8. The state of the Yenisei Kirghizes. 7-13 centuries.
  9. The tribes of the Aral side in 4-7 centuries.
  10. Early Slavs tribes. Korchak. 6-7 centuries.
  11. The population of the forest-steppe in 3-7 centuries.
  12. The Crimea and Taman at the beginning of the Middle Ages. 4-7 centuries.
  13. The Northern Caucasus in 4-7 centuries.

(9 - the beginning of 12 centuries)

Hall 8

Old Russian state was formed in 9 century as a result of the unification of Northern lands round Novgorod and Southern lands with the center in Kiev. Kiev, the mother of Russian cities, became the capital of the state. Not only Eastern Slavs but neighboring with them Finno-Ugrian and Bait tribes did form part of this state.

Being supported by the well armed forces where Varangian mercenaries also served, Russian princes waged aggressive wars directed to extend the territories of the. state, gathered contribution, defended Russia from nomads. Fighting with Pechenegs became one of the aims of the foreign policy of the young state. Functioning of important trade routes and the appearance of new cities in Russia was connected with armed forces. Originally the countries of the East attracted the interests of Russian merchants. The Volga way was the main trade route. The merchants of Khazar khanat were the middle-men in these relations. Then the Dnieper route from "Varangians to Greeks" became the main one. It connected the states of the North of Europe with Byzantine Empire and Mediterranean world via Russia. Taking Christianity as a state religion in 988 became one of the most important events in Russia. It gave powerful rise to the development of old Russian culture.

At the beginning of 12 century Old Russian State reached the highest prosperity. The next stage of its history was the appearance of independent principalities with common culture, language, national character.

1. Finno - Ugrians and Baits.
2-5. Eastern Slavs during the state formation.
6. Khazars.
7-10. Old Russian armed force.
11-12.Eastern Slavonic tribes in 9-at the beginning of 13 centuries.
13. Russian village in 9 - the first half of 13 centuries.
14. Rus and Pechenegs.
15. Internal policy of the state.
16. Heathenism and taking Christianity.

It was an interesting excursion. Our excursion was devoted to the 65th anniversary in the battle for Moscow.

Now Moscow is one of the largest cities in Europe. Its total area is about nine hundred square. The population of the city is over 9 million.

Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The heart of Moscow is Red Square. It has more historic associations than any other place in Moscow. The main Kremlin tower, the Spasskaya Tower, has become the symbol of the country.

There are a lot of beautiful palaces, old mansions, cathedrals, churches and monuments in Moscow.

There are more than 100 museums in Moscow.

Moscow is famous for its theatres.

Moscow is a city of students. There are over 100 higher educational institutions in it.

Moscow is the seat of the Russian Parliament (the Duma) and the centre of political life of the country.

We shall always remember the Veterans of the Great Patriotic War. All Soviet people took part in the war because they did not want to live under the yoke of any foreign invader. They fought for their socialist country, for a happy present and a still brighter future. By fighting against fascism, the Soviet people at the same time demonstrated their international solidarity and proletarian internationalism. They saved the people of many countries from fascism.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers showed the greatest heroism on the battlefields, very many lost their lives.


  1. “Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в ВУЗы” авт. Цветкова И.В., изд. “Глосса”. 2001г.
  2. Материал из исторического музея г. Москвы. 2006г.
  3. “English”. Верещагина И.И. изд. “Просвещение”. 1995г.
  4. Газетный материал (О ветеране ВОВ Бондареве И.Т.)
  5. Личный архив ветерана Бондарева И.Т.
  6. Фотоматериал (г. Москва 2006 г.)
