Урок английского языка в 8-м классе по теме "What are the British like?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тема: «What Are the British Like?»

Цели урока:

  • Образовательные:
    • формирование лексических, грамматических навыков говорения, активизация лексики по теме, грамматических структур… is said to…
  • Развивающие цели:
    • развитие способности к антиципации, сравнению, анализу и синтезу, формулированию выводов;
    • развитие способности к оценке людей.
  • Воспитательные цели:
    • создание условий для формирования у учащихся уважения к британской культуре;
    • формирование способности должным образом реагировать на принятые в стране изучаемого языка образ жизни и поведение.


  • Учебник «Английский язык» 8 класс Кузовлев В.П. и др.
  • Презентация PowerPoint «The British and the Russians: Are We Different or Alike?» (Приложение 2)
  • Карточки с предложениями (Warming up activity)
  • Карточки с предложениями для трансформации (Activity 2)
  • Картинка (Приложение 1 – Activity 3)


I. Introduction

Hello, dear friends! I am glad to see you. Today we continue speaking about Great Britain and British people. Look at the blackboard and read the title of the lesson (на доске «The British and the Russians: Are We Different or Alike?». Any ideas about what the topic of our discussion is? (Запись идей, которые подают ученики, на доске: describe the British character, the Russian character, compare them, find similar and opposite traits of character.)

II. Warming up Activity: describing people

Teacher: Do you remember the words which help you to describe people? Answer the question: What does your name mean? Find the adjectives characterizing yourselves which start with the letters of your name.

(Ученики записывают на листах бумаги свое имя и подбирают прилагательные на каждую букву имени, например:

N – nice
A – active
T – talented
A – attractive
L – lazy
I – inventive
E – energetic)

Student 1: My name is Natalie. I am nice, active, talented, attractive, lazy, inventive and energetic.

S 2: My name is Denis. I am disciplined, emotional, neat, interesting and sociable.

T: What other words can you use to describe a person? Take cards, read the description of a person and replace it with an adjective.

  1. He is a person who does everything carefully and sensibly without any risk. – He is prudent.
  2. He is a person who is against great or sudden changes. – He is conservative.
  3. He is a person who likes the company of others. – He is sociable.
  4. He is a person who doesn’t say all he knows or feels. – He is a reticent person.
  5. He is a person who doesn’t laugh or make jokes very often. – He is serious.
  6. He is a person who dislikes people of a lower social class. – He is a snobbish person.
  7. He is a person who creates or designs something not existing before. He is inventive.
  8. He is a person who works a lot and tries to do his best. – He is a hard-working person.

III. Activity 2

T: We have already been learning what to say if you are not sure you are right or not. Let’s revise this piece of grammar material. What verbs do we need to make up such sentences?

 Ss: think, believe, know, suppose, say, consider…

T: Translate some sentences from English into Russian:

He is known to be hypocritical.
The English are said to like fish and chips.
The Welsh are considered to be emotional.
They are supposed to be prudent.
Americans are thought to be self-confident.

T: The next task for you is to transform the following sentences using the construction …is said (considered, thought, believed, known, etc) to… (Раздаются карточки с предложениями).

  1. People say that the English like animals very much. (The English are said to like animals very much.)
  2. We know that English people have fireplaces in their houses. (English are known to have fireplaces in their houses).
  3. Some people consider that the Japanese are inventive and hard-working. (The Japanese are considered to be inventive and hard-working).
  4. They say that the Italian people are very emotional. (The Italian people are said to be very emotional).
  5. People know that most English like to live in houses rather than in flats. (Most English are known to like living in houses rather than in flats).

IV. Activity 3. Now we’ll describe the British character with the help of this picture (Приложение 1) What can this picture tell us about the British? (Учащиеся высказывают предположения о характере британцев)

S 1: The British like living in a cottage.
S 2: The British like living in a countryside.
S 3: They are tea drinkers.
S4: The British are careful and neat.

V. T: Let’s decide what traits of character are typical for the British. (с использованием презентации PowerPoint – Приложение 2) Answer the question: What do you think about the British? (cлайд 2).

S 1: The British are considered to be prudent. (cлайды 3, 4).
S 2, 3: …etc.

T: Look at the photo of this person (cлайд 5). What can you say about her? Personally, I think she is respectable. And what do you think?

S 1: I think she is well-mannered
S 2: I think she is clever.
S 3: I think she is hospitable, etc.

T: Let’s decide what traits of character are typical for the Russians. Answer the question: What are the Russians like? (cлайд 6).

S 1: The Russians are believed to be kind-hearted. (cлайд 7)
S 2, 3 …etc.

T: Look at the photo of this Russian man. (cлайд 8) What is he like? As for me, I think he is hard-working. And what do you think?

S 1: I think he is polite.
S 2: I think he is intelligent …etc.

VI. Activity 4.

T: Now we’ll compare the British and the Russian character. What is different in their characteristics? Do these nations differ much?

S 1: The British are said to be reserved and the Russians are considered to be open-hearted.
S 2: The British are considered to be conservative and the Russians are believed to be inventive… etc.

T: What is similar in the characteristics of the British and Russian people? Do they have much in common?

S 1: I think they are great tea drinkers.
S 2: I think they are country people.
S 3: I think they have a good sense of humour.
S 4: I think they are kind to foreigners.
S 5: I think they are kind-hearted and generous.
S 6: I think we both like old traditions and follow them.

T: Do you think we differ very much? (Ученики делают вывод о том, что общего в характере гораздо больше, чем различий).

Ss: We have much more in common. Both the British and the Russians are …. . They have… They like …

VII. Activity 5.

T: I think we have one more thing that unites our two nations: we want to have peaceful life. What should people be to make our life peaceful? Give your ideas.

Ss: People should be kind-hearted and generous. They should be polite and hospitable,…etc.

T: I should add that there is one more feature of character which can unites all the people in the world – it is tolerance. If people are tolerant they can understand each other better and there will be no wars on our planet.

VIII. Summing up.  What was the title of our lesson? Did we try to answer this question? You’ve worked very well today. Thank you for the lesson.

Список литературы:

  1. Английский язык. Учебник для 8 класса. Кузовлев В.П. и др.
  2. Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику английского языка для 8 класса. Кузовлев В.П. и др.
  3. Г.С. Макарова. Дидактические карточки-задания по английскому языку. Москва, 2003.