Русские зимние праздники

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: Углубить объем знаний учащихся о своей культуре на примере традиционных русских праздников.


  • практическая – совершенствование навыков монологической речи учащихся по теме: «Русские зимние праздники»;
  • образовательная – расширение познавательных знаний обучающихся о своей стране, пополнение кругозора о ее традициях и обычаях;
  • развивающая – развитие чувства национальной самобытности, логики мышления, памяти воображения, самостоятельности, творческих личностных способностей в процессе интеграции языка с литературой, музыкой, искусством и историей, русским языком;
  • воспитательная – более глубокое осознание своей родной культуры, ее традиций, воспитание положительного, уважительного и толерантного отношения к британской культуре.


  • звуковое приложение;
  • картины русских художников о зиме;
  • атрибуты Масленицы (кукла, самовар, блины).

Тип урока: Обобщающий.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

T: Good morning, dear friends! I am glad to see you here. I am fine. And you?

P1: Excellent! I am in a good mood.

P2: I am o `key.

P3: Great. It `s English now. I like it very much.

P4: I am fine, too. The weather is good. I like winter best of all.

II. Введение в сюжет.

T: I like winter very much, too. I `d like to invite you to speak about one of the best seasons of the year. Russian winter! These words to Russian are like a call to fun. The Russian winter is full of poetry and magic. There are the ways the Russian winter is described. Singing songs is an old tradition. Songs about winter are very popular, they are numerous. Listen to the Russian song. Very shortly give the main idea of the following song. Listening for the main idea. (учащиеся слушают русскую народную песню).

P1: I think this song is about hope, love and optimism of Russian people.

T: Many famous poets such as: Tyutchev, Bloch, Pushkin, Fet described winter colored epithets as the beautiful season of the year. Let` s listen to poems:


Through obcure both wary, misty,
Silver moon is making way,
On the saddened glader of crystal
Sadly pours her light in spray.
Down the winter road much boring.
Our troika swiftly runs, sparkling,
Little bell unchanged in calling.
Peals my heath with constant stuns.


Neath lucid skies of cleanest azure.
The winter` s rich and dazzling treasure,
Her gorgeous rugs of snow are spread.
The wood is etched against them darkly
The firs, rime – starred, are green and
In shiny mail the stream is clad.

T: Do you know the author of these beautiful poems?

P4: Yes, I do. The author of «Winter morning» and «Winter road» is Pushkin A.S., the great Russian poet.

T: There are many fairy – tales, connected with winter. Name them:

P1: Grandfather Frost  P4: …
P2: Snow Maiden P5: …
P3: Twelve Months  P6: …

T: Winter is connected with many Russian proverbs. What are they?

  1. Зимой солнце, что мачеха: светит, да не греет.
  2. Мороз не велик, да стоять не велит.
  3. Зима красна снегом, а осень – хлебом.
  4. Без воды зима не станет.
  5. Береги нас большой мороз.
  6. Придет зима – будет и лето.
  7. Декабрь год кончает, а зиму начинает.
  8. У зимы брюхо велико.
  9. Зима без снега – лето без хлеба.
  10. Зимой льдом не дорожат.
  11. Холодная зима – жаркое лето.
  12. Шубка – зимой не шутка.
  13. Как снег на голову.
  14. В зимний холод – всякий молод.

T: I ` d like to attract your attention to these landscape paintings. They are painted by Russian artists: Kustodiev and Abakumov, belonging to the realistic school. What can you say about the great masterpieces of Russian Art? (Учащиеся рассказывают о своем впечатлении от зимних пейзажей художников-реалистов).

III. Представление русских праздников.

T: Russian winter is rich in festivals. It`s a time to celebrate though it`s cold, frosty and snowy.

T: Now what Russian winter festivals would you suggest to visit?

P1: I`d suggest to visit New Year`s Day.

T: Let`s begin! Dear guests! Welcome to our journey!

P1: Happy New Year.

New Year is one of the favourite holidays in our country. This day is always connected with our news hopes and dreams. It is a pleasant moment to get presents on the New Year`s Eve. Everyone hopes that next year will be better that the last one. It is a tradition to celebrate New Year`s Day on the first of January. Each family prepares for this holiday beforehand. My father buys and brings home a beautiful New Year`s Tree at the end of December. I like to decorate it with toys, coloured lights, sweets and a big star on the top. My mother prepares our holiday supper, my grandmother makes a tasty cake. We like to see the New Year in at home with our relatives. They come to see us at 11 in the evening. At 12 o `clock we are sitting at the table and we are glad to see the New Year in. We say «Best wishes for the New Year». I like this happy and gay holiday.

T: Natasha, what about your family?

P2: (Ученица рассказывает о праздновании Нового Года в своей семье).

T: In Britain the New Year is not as widely celebrated as in Russia. Some people ignore it completely and go to bed at usual time. Others have a New Year`s party.

P3: I `d like to add that the favourite song at a New Year` s Eve party in Britain is «Auld Lang Syne». It was written by Robert Burns, the famous Scottish folk poem. The song is popular with all people who speak English as a native tongue, and the singing of it at the beginning of the New Year is an established custom in the United States.

T: Let` s listen to the song. What do you think about the melody? (учащиеся слушают традиционную песню в канун Нового Года).

P1: I think the melody is tendy, softy and very pleasant.

P2: It seems to me, it` s a very friendly song.

T: What is the main idea?

P3: On my opinion, the main idea of the song is love and kindness to each other.

T: Our next tradition is not only connected with our childhood.

P1: A good time is coming, I wish it were here. The very best time in the whole of the year.

I heard the bells on Christmas Day,
Their old familiar carols play.
And wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on Earth, good will to men.

P2: On December,24, Christmas Eve, Santa hitches his eight reindeers to a sleigh and loads it is with presents. The reindeers pull him and his sleigh through the sky to deliver presents to children all the world. Christmas is a season of giving and receiving presents. Santa – Claus is represented as a kindly man with a red cloak and a long white beard. He visited houses and left gifts, bringing people happiness in the coldest months of the year. The native land of Santa – Claus is Laplandia. The Russian Grand Father Frost lives in Veliki Ustyug. Every year thousands of children write the letters to Laplandia and Veliki Ustyug, because they want to get a present from Santa – Claus and Grand Father Frost.

P3: Christmas has a very long history. It`s a joyful religious holiday when Christians celebrate the birth

of Jesus Christ. The Christmas story comes from the Bible.

An angel appeared to shephends and told them that a Savior had been born by Mary and Joseph in stable in Bethlehem. Three Wise Men from the East (The Magi) followed a wondrous star which led them to the baby Jesus to whom they paid homage and presented gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

P4: I `d like to recite the poem: «Baby Jesus».

Born this night in Bethlehem,
Baby Jesus, tiny Child,
Alleluia, praise the King,
Baby Jesus born today.

Kneel before Him as He sleeps,
Baby Jesus, tiny child,
Al-le-lu-ia, praise the King
Baby Jesus born today.

Worship Him, our Savior`s come,
Baby Jesus, tiny child,
Al-le-lu-ia, praise the King,
Baby Jesus born today.

T: What is Christmas day today?

P5: Christmas day is connected with Russian special food «кутья»- cereal with race, raisins and honey. In the afternoon many children visit their relatives, friends, grandpa and receive many sweets, gifts and money.

T: What is your attitude towards Christmas?

P6: (Рассказ ученика о праздновании Рождества).

T: It `s a time for «Christmas Quiz». Let `s do it.

«Christmas Quiz»

1. How many Sunday are there in Advent in Britain?

  • a) four;
  • b) three;
  • c) five.

2. What was the gift «my true love sent to me» on the fifth day?

  • a) a partridge in a pear tree;
  • b) eight maids a – milking;
  • c) five gold rings.

3. Christmas Day is on...

  • a) December 24th;
  • b) December 25th;
  • c) December 26th.

4. In England and America Santa-Claus comes...

  • a) through the window;
  • b) through the back door;
  • c) down the chimney.

5. What is Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer famous for?

  • a) his long tail;
  • b) his big red nose;
  • c) his charming smile.

6. What do British people traditionally eat for Christmas dinner?

  • a) roast beef;
  • b) turkey;
  • c) fish.

7. Which date did Good King Wenceslas look out?

  • a) 24th December;
  • b) 25th December;
  • c) 6th January.

8. Why is the 26th of December also called Boxing Day? Because on Boxing Day…

  • a) … there are boxing fights on TV;
  • b) … all Christmas gifts must be put away in boxes;
  • c) …in the past the church alms box (poor box) was opened.

9. How many reindeers pull Santa`s sleigh?

  • a) six;
  • b) nine;
  • c) eight.

10. What is another word for Christmas?

  • a) Twelfth Day;
  • b) Candlemas;
  • c) Yule.

11. What do people in Britain traditionally have for dessert at Christmas dinner?

  • a) Yule logs;
  • b) Jelly sandwiches;
  • c) Christmas pudding.

12. When do people in England put up their Christmas trees and decorations?

  • a) about 10 days before Christmas;
  • b) on Christmas Eve;
  • c) on Boxing Day.

Check yourself

What is your score? Who is the best today? (Учитель называет имя победителя).

T: Christmas – tide continuous Russian winter.

P1: Christmas – tide is the period from January 7, till January 19 (the Epiphany). It was establishes by the Church in honour of the birth and baptism of Jesus Christ. At this period people used to walk wearing fancy costumes and singing carols, they went from house to house giving and receiving gifts and treats.


Пришла Коляда, накануне Рождества,
Дайте коровку, масляну головку!
На окне стоит, на меня глядит
Подайте блины, будет печь гладка.
Коляда, Коляда, подай пирога!
Блин да лепешку в заднее окошко!

А кто в этом дому – дай Бог тому!
Ему с колоса – осьмина.
Из зерна ему – коврига.
Из полузерна – пирог.
Награди вас Господь
И житьем и бытьем!

T: Shrovetide is another winter festival. It has deep roots.


There are many holidays and traditions in our country. One of them is Maslenitsa. This holidays lasts for a week. Russian people celebrate it at the end of February or at the beginning of March. They say «good-bye» to winter in these days. During «Maslenitsa week» we always cook pancakes. It is a tradition to cook pancakes and eat them with fish, sour cream, caviar, honey, sugar, butter. Our family likes to invite our friends to come to see us. We buy cakes, fruit, cook pancakes for our guests. It is pleasure to eat pancakes and to talk with each other. During this holiday we celebrate the beginning of spring. Usually this holiday is celebrated in parks. It is a time of fun during the «cheese week».

T: What Russian doesn`t like a fast ride in a «troika» on Maslenitsa? Let `s sing a traditional song

«Jungle Bells». (Учащиеся исполняют песню).

T: On Sunday the people had a carnival, played different games. Let `s play games, too!

1. «Snowballs».


P2: Winter, funny
P3: Winter, funny, tradition
P4: Winter, funny, tradition, holiday
P5: Winter, funny, tradition, holiday, troika
P6: Winter, funny, tradition, holiday, troika, festival
P7: Winter, funny, tradition, holiday, troika, festival, pancake
P8:Winter, funny, tradition, holiday, troika, festival, pancake, spring
P9: Winter, funny, tradition, holiday, troika, festival, pancake, spring, Maslenitsa.

2. «Tongue twister».

Can you say these three times fast?

  1. Seven Santas sang silly songs.
  2. Santa `s sleigh slides on slick snow.
  3. Bobby brings bright bells.
  4. Running reindeer romp round red wreaths.
  5. Tiny Timmy trims the tall tree with tinsel.
  6. Chilly chipper children cheerfully chant.
  7. Two trains travel together to Toyland.
  8. Eleven elves licked eleven little licorice lollipops.
  9. Santa `s sack sags slightly.
  10. Ten tiny tin trains toot ten times.
  11. Santa stuffs Stephie `s striped stocking.
  12. Comet cuddles cute Christmas kittens carefully.

3. Sh! It `s a secret.

Directions: Use the following code to learn the secret.

Write the letters on the correct lines.

Key: Don `t forget to leave a plate of pancakes for Maslenitsa.

It`s a traditional Russian Shrovetide`s Fun.

T: Who is the best of our games? (Учитель называет победителя игр).

After that the people prepare fires and burn straw scarecrows of winter.


Ты прощай, прощай наша Масленица,
Ты прощай, наша хорошая.
Ты пришла с добром,
С сыром, маслом, калачом,
Со блинами, пирогами,
Да оладьями,
Блины масляные,
Шаньки мазаные.

А сегодня – в воскресенье.
Наше кончилось веселье.
Ты прощай, прощай,
Наша Масленица!
Укатила Масленица,
Добрая красавица,
До будущего года,
До сырной недели.

VI. Заключительный этап урока.

T: Russian winter festivals are over. We say «good-bye» to winter and welcome spring.

Cl: Whenever the weather is good or whenever the weather is bad.

We `ll be together whatever the weather. Weather we are happy or sad.

T: Thank you for our lesson. You were the best today. Your homework: to write a letter to your British pen – friend about one of the Russian winter festival.