Урок английского языка по теме "Do you care what you wear?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  1. Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по данной теме в монологической и диалогической форме.
  2. Учить учащихся размышлять по теме, выражать свою точку зрения и обмениваться мнениями, используя речевой этикет.
  3. Разбираться в стилях и направлениях современной моды, быть активными, изобретательными.
  4. Воспитывать культуру внешнего вида.

Оборудование урока:

Картинки, фотографии, набор лексических единиц в таблицах.

Ход урока

I. Сообщение темы и задач урока.

Teacher( T) : Dear friends! Today we are going to talk about fashion.

Do you care what you wear? Have you ever asked yourself this question? What kind of clothes do you wear? What is your favourite style? How can clothes effect our mood and what can influence our choice of clothes? Today we'll discuss these questions.

II. Оргмомент.

Teacher ( T) :Read the poem “ Fashion”. It is written by a teenager.

Read it and say if the topic of the poem is expressed in the title, (identifying the topic)


I dye my hair bright green,
Unless I shave it clean.
I wear a wig upon my nose
And bright earrings on my toes
And though I know my legs are pylons
I wear such pretty nylons
Every day upon my shirt
I dab a little grease and dirt.
When people stop and say,
"Why do you have that on?"
I smooth down my little dress and say,
"It is the latest fashion."
All the girls adore me,
They do not think I'm a fool.Is it
They smile and say, "Our Billy's a boy? Wow!
The best-dressed boy in school.”

III. Выполнение упражнений на развитие и закрепление лексического материала по теме “ Do you care what you wear?” Основная часть урока

Ex. 1. Each of you has your own preferences in clothing. What kind of clothes do you prefer? Do you adhere to one style? What style suits you?

( Поставив вопрос , учитель читает слова каждого блока с вопросительной интонацией. Можно задавать аналогичные вопросы о родителях, друзьях и знакомых.)

Ex. 2 Our choice of clothes depends on different things. What does your choice depend on?

Ex. 3. Some people prefer silk, others prefer cotton. What fabrics do you like /dislike?

Ex. 4. What do you usually/seldom/from time to time/often wear?

Ex. 5. People buy clothes in different places; the choice of where to buy clothes depends on many, things ... Where do you prefer to buy clothes?

Ex. 6. Some people are simply crazy about different accessories. They think that accesories make them more attractive. What in your opinion is (not) nice to have as an addition to clothes?

Ex, 7. Sometimes people can look repulsive because of their clothes. How would you continue: "Clothes shouldn't be..." Ex. 8. Our profession, the way of life can greatly influence our choice of clothes. Have a look at the descriptions of 4 persons and say what you think we might find in their wardrobe.

40 years old
teaches mathematics at the University
lives in a big city.
Student (Mary)
20 years old.
studies Art
favourite music - punk rock.
A housewife
35 years old
lives in a mansion
travels a lot.
A school student
14 years old
is fond of going to the disco
enjoys trendy clothes

Ex. 9. Unfortunately we often make mistakes. It's wrong not to take care of clothes or to pay too much attention to it. Have a look at the following statements and comment on them according to your taste.

  • A person in extravagant clothes always looks superb.
  • If you are plump, it's OK to wear short dresses.
  • You can wear jeans everywhere: at a party, in a theatre, in a restaurant, at a picnic ...
  • A fashionable man looks like he is full of dollars.
  • Pierced ears add charm to a man.
  • If a woman does not wear make-up, she cannot be called attractive.

Ex. 10. A girl wants to date with a boy, but she does not know how to attract his attention. Her classmates give her pieces of advice. Have a look at them and say if you agree or disagree with them.

Change them according to your vision of the role of clothing in the process of communication. Give your own advice.

Ex. 11. Many men, many minds. Comment on the following statements concerning clothes.

... says that..., because ... besides he believes ... As to me .,.

1) In fact, I do not care what I wear. I never judge people by the way they look. Clothes do not matter much for me! What is really Important is - the kind of person you are. If you've got brains you should be smart enough to understand it. If a person judges me by my clothes, I simply do not communicate with him.

2) Everyone must care what he/she wears. I can say everything about the person after I've just looked at him: his habits, education, social status, his character ... everything! Clothes reveal the inner world of a person. If there is no balance between what a person has got inside and what he wears, there is a big problem.

3) Of course I care what I wear. But I can't say that I follow fashion. I adhere to the style which suits me. And if new tendencies in fashion do not coincide with my style I ignore them. What is important for me is to feel comfortable. If a person is not fashionable it's OK, one should be neat and well-dressed.

Ex. 12. Choose a partner from your group. Ask each other the following questions. Be ready to share the results with other groupmates.

  1. How much time do you spend in front of the mirror? Why?
  2. How much money do you spend on clothes?
  3. Where do you buy clothes? Explain your choice.
  4. Do your parents help you?
  5. Do you find make-up necessary for everyone? Why?
  6. Do you follow fashion?
  7. Do you buy fashion magazines? What for?
  8. Can you call yourself stylish? Give proofs.
  9. Name 3 things you like to wear most of all.
  10. Are you satisfied with your wardrobe?

Ex. 13. What does "to be up with fashion" mean?

Ex. 14, Are fashionable clothes always expensive?

Ex. 15. What does "to look smashing" mean?

IV. Подведение итогов урока.

Teacher ( T) : Today we have talked about your personal attitude to fashion. We have all worked hard. You will have 5s and 4s. I hope you’ve enjoyed our lesson. Good luck.

Ex. 16. Look at the pictures. What can you say about these people according to the way they are dressed

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