Возможности использования технологии "Gist" (суть) на уроках английского языка в старших класах

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

Познавательный аспект:

  • -знакомство учащихся с фактами, касающимися благотворительной программы “Дом Роналда Макдоналда”;

Учебный аспект:

  • развитие и совершенствование умения читать с целью общего охвата содержания;
  • развитие умения излагать прочитанное в письменном виде, делая сжатое обобщение;

Развивающий аспект:

  • развитие умения анализировать (выделение главных фактов и деталей);
  • развитие умения к краткому (не более 33 слов) изложению основной мысли (сути), содержания прочитанного;
  • развитие умения интерпретировать, перефразировать, сжимать информацию;
  • развитие умения предвосхищать содержание;

Воспитательный аспект:

  • формирование гуманитарного мировоззрения (воспитание чувства милосердия, сострадания и помощи серьёзно больным детям);
  • развитие умения работать в группах (умение отстаивать своё мнение и быть толерантным к мнению одноклассников, находя компромиссное решение).

Технология урока:

Обучение через сотрудничество. Объединение в группы учащихся (по желанию) с разным уровнем языковой подготовки способствует тому, что все учащиеся обучаются сообща. У учащихся развивается чувство товарищества и взаимопомощи. Они видят важность помощи друг другу, поскольку работа организована таким образом, что выполнение задания достигается только в том случае, если учащиеся работают вместе и сотрудничают.

Учащиеся осознают важность помощи друг другу, внося свой вклад в общее дело.

Lesson plan:


T: We’ve already discussed a lot about the System of Social Welfare Fair. At our lesson today we’ll discuss some more facts. Perhaps, some of them will be unusual for you. Let’s start.

Show the sign of McDonald’s and make sure that pupils recognize it. <Рисунок 1>

T: What is McDonald’s for you? What do you associate it with?

Pupils brainstorm the question and suggest at least any 3 ideas, give their ideas, and the teacher writes them on the blackboard.(the following suggestions can be given: fast food restaurants, cheeseburgers, hamburgers, clowns, etc.)

T: At our lesson we’ll work with the text “Ronald McDonald House Program”. Do you know anything about such a program? What do you think the text is going to be about? (make sure that pupils understand the title of the text correctly)

Give pupils cards (Приложение 1)

T: If you know anything or think what the text can be about, please, fill in the left column. (Give pupils 30-40 seconds to do the task). If you have no ideas, there will be an opportunity to learn some facts today.

T: We’ll work with the text. What can we do with the text? How can we organize our work?

P: answers may be like these: we can read the text, ask and answer some questions, make a plan, discuss the text, write down the main facts, etc.

T: So, let’s do only three things at our today’s lesson: reading, discussing the text and writing in English. They’ll be our goals for the lesson, let me write them on the blackboard.

Teacher writes on the blackboard: “Goals: reading, discussing, writing”.

T: We’ll practise in them and learn some facts about Ronald McDonald House Program.

T: Please, rearrange yourselves into small groups of 3 or 4 pupils each, as you like.

(It’s better if there’re not less than 4 small groups, because pupils will vote for the 2 best summaries at the end of the lesson). (Приложение 2 - описание технологии “Gist”)

Give pupils the text (Приложение 3).

T: Read the first paragraph silently, please.(Tell pupils that it’s not always necessary to understand every single word.)

Pupils read the first paragraph.

T: Please, discuss briefly what you’ve read in your groups. Try to speak English only.

Pupils discuss the first paragraph briefly.

T: Now, please, read the second paragraph silently. Discuss this reading into your groups too. If you have questions or unknown words, which you need to understand the text, you can ask me.

Pupils read and discuss the second paragraph briefly.

T: You’ve already read and discussed the text. What haven’t we done yet? (point to the goals of the lesson)

P: We haven’t written yet. or We haven’t done writing yet.

T: Let’s write a summary of the first two paragraphs in 33 words or less. (write “33” on the blackboard)

T: What ideas or things will you choose for your summary?

Pupils brainstorm the question and suggest their ideas. Teacher helps them to realize that only the important facts and main things should be chosen for a summary.

T: Perhaps, there’re 2 or 3 things that you should say about. The best way is to work together, so that you can help each other, because you’ll have one summary for the whole group. Decide who’ll be the group writer, who will suggest ideas, who will help.

Groups work for 5-6 minutes.

T: You have 15 seconds to count the number of all the words in your summary. Is it hard to write in 33 words? Why?

Brainstorming. Teacher can write pupils’ answers on the blackboard in the form of Word Web. Answers may be different; everything depends upon pupils’ knowledge of the technique if they’re familiar with it (Gist) or it happens for the first time.

P: can suggest the following: there’re many ideas, some of them are important and some are details, the sentences are very long and we must paraphrase them, etc.

T: You’re right. In 33 words you can say only about the most important facts and should say very briefly. I have small prizes (stickers, rubbers, sweets, etc.) for the group who can do it better than the others. Now let’s finish with the reading. Only the last paragraph is left.

Pupils read and discuss the last paragraph briefly.

T: Are there any other important facts here? What are they?

Pupils mention some facts.

T: Do you want to have some more ideas in your summaries?

You should include the information from the last paragraph into your summaries, but it shouldn’t be longer than 33 words.

Groups work for 4-5 minutes.

T: We’re going to compete among your groups. When you’re ready with your summaries design them.

Teacher gives every group a large piece of paper and markers. Groups copy their finished summaries onto large pieces of paper.

T: Let’s vote for the best summary. You can vote only for two, which you think are the best. (because pupils usually like their own work the most, and it’s quite normal for a child).

Teacher writes a number in the corner of each poster, so that pupils know what summary they are voting for and hangs them all on the blackboard. Give pupils small pieces of paper to vote

Pupils walk from poster to poster reading each summary, choose the two summaries that they think are the best and vote.

Teacher counts the votes and tells them who the winners are.(gives these pupils small prizes)

T: Let’s read the winning poster to the class.

Winners read their summary.

T: Why is this summary the best?

Brainstorming. Possible answers: Only the main ideas are expressed. There’re no details. There’re 33 words in it. The sentences are combined in a good way.

T: Have you learnt anything new today? What is it?

Ask pupils to fill in the right column in their cards. (Приложение 2)

T: Please, look at the blackboard again and read our goals for today’s lesson. Have we achieved them? Did you like your own work at the lesson?

Pupils’ comments.

T: Should such houses appear in different countries? If “yes”, why? If “no”, why?


T: Do you know if there’re such Houses in Russia? Let’s find the answer to this question in the Internet www.rmhc.com, www.rmhc.org. Please, be ready with any examples of RMH in Russia, if there’re some, for the next lesson. (or the teacher can ask:” If there’re such Houses in the place where you live how you would make a difference, or how you would try to change the world to the better place to live in”).

T: Thanks a lot for such a nice work at the lesson. I’ve got a real pleasure working with you.