Открытый урок в 5-м классе по теме "The World of imagination"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Вид занятия: актуализация и систематизация знаний учащихся

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цель урока: практическое применение полученных знаний по теме

Задачи урока:

1) Образовательные:

  • автоматизировать навыки использования лексических единиц по теме “The World of Imagination” в устной речи;
  • совершенствовать навыки чтения, аудирования, письма и монологической речи;

2) Развивающие:

  • развивать умения работать в группе;
  • развивать чувство языка, память и внимание;

3) Воспитательные:

  • содействовать воспитанию культуры общения, чувства ответственности, сотрудничества, добра и соучастия.

Учащиеся должны знать:

- основные лексические единицы по теме;

- образование видо-временных форм глагола в Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Future Simple;

- содержание текста, прочитанного на предыдущих уроках;

Учащиеся должны уметь:

- составлять предложения с предложенной лексикой;

- высказываться по прочитанному тексту;

- владеть навыками монологического высказывания;

- уметь работать в команде;

Оснащение урока:

- аудиоматериалы к УМК;

- раздаточный материал (карточки с различными видами заданий)

Оснащение доски:

- карточки с лексикой;

- словосочетания для игры “Bingo”;

- предложения для спряжения;

- поле для игры в “х-о”;


1. Revising lexics: -speech drill

- word – puzzles

- “Bingo” (a game)

- Best-speller (an oral quiz)

2. Revising grammar: - signal words (a quick quiz)

- open the brackets (a written task)

3. Working with the text:

- listening

- reading

- checking the understanding (x-o)

4. Story-telling:

- unscramble the story

- tell the story

5. Home task:

- make up 5 questions to the text

1. Revising lexics

1.1. Students repeat active words after the teacher: to imagine, imagination, fantastic, free, quiet, noise, noisy, alone, lonely, usual, unusual, curious, to appear, to disappear, strange, an interest. to dream, a dream, to pretend, magic, real, really, to stay, to believe, make-believe, to wait.

1.2. Students are “teachers” and repeat the words after each other

1.3. We play “Associations” (the teacher whispers the word “magic” to the first student, he gives his association to this word “story”, the second student gives his word “interesting” to the second word and so on. When the last word is given, the teacher writes the first and the last words on the board: “magic – xxxx” and the students are to make up their own sentences, using both words in one sentence)

1.4. The group is divided into 3 teams and their task is to do the puzzle (The teacher creates the puzzle, using active lexics)

1.5. We play “Bingo” (word combinations are written on the board? The students copy any 2 of them, the teacher pronounces them in any order he wants and the pupils cross out the combinations they have. When they cross out both, they say “Bingo”. The first pupil, who crosses out his word combinations, is the winner)

1.6. The best – speller (quiz: the students in turn spell the words, the teacher tells them. If they have no mistakes, they come up to the blackboard and spell the word combinations, which they are given)

2. Revising grammar

2.1. The teacher names the grammar tense and the students are to remember the signal words, e.g. T. Past Simple, P. yesterday. (We work in chain and the winners are those who have no mistakes. This activity must be held very quickly.)

2.2. The group is divided into 3 teams and on the board they are to write the sentences in all tense forms they know: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, and Future Simple. (each team is given a different sentence)

2.3. The students are to open the brackets in a proper tense form. (each pupil does the task individually and each student is given his own card)

3. Working with the text “Under the Carpet” by D. Bisset

3.1. Listening to the passage from the text on the CD

3.2. Pupils read the passage in chain

3.3. Pupils read the text (if they have a mistake they stop reading. The marks get the pupils who manage to read the whole passage.)

3.4. We play “x – o” to check the understanding of the text (the teams are given true and false statements)

4. Story-telling:

4.1. The group is divided into 4 teams and their task is to unscramble the story: Peter and Daphne were alone at home. Everything was quiet in the room and they were drawing. Suddenly the children heard a strange noise. A fairy appeared in the room. She gave them a magic pebble and disappeared.

4.2. Now the pupils are to tell the story in turn and we decide which group is the best.

5. Home task.