Урок по теме "Городская лингвистическая игра"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели лингвистической игры:

  • организовать досуг детей в оригинальной форме;
  • предоставить возможность школьникам проявить не только знание английского языка, но и географии;
  • развивать творческие способности детей, их коммуникативные навыки в живом неформальном общении.

Тема игры – “Английский язык открывает мир” (“English Opens the World”).

Участники игры: учащиеся 6 классов.

лингвистической игры на английском языке

10.00 - 10.15 - сбор участников в актовом зале на I этаже, регистрация, комплектование команд (1 команда – 2 школы)

10.15-10.30- знакомство участников и членов команд, выбор капитана, традиционное хоровое исполнение песни "Hello!" (слова песни заранее разложены на столах), краткая информация о программе дня, составление программы концерта учащихся разных школ

10.30 - 12.00 - лингвистическая игра “Английский открывает мир” (6 станций)

12.00 - 13.00 - подведение итогов, выставка творческих работ участников, концерт учащихся разных школ, обмен мнениями

13.00 - 13.30 - завершение программы

Описание станции "Palm Beach"


  1. 4 бумажные пальмы для оборудования стен
  2. бумажная “река” на полу и бумажное “бревно”
  3. крокодил и “заросли тростника”
  4. 7 “кокосовых орехов” с буквами Н О L I D А Y
  5. “магнитофон”
  6. кассета с песней "I want to go on holiday"
  7. мяч
  8. повязка на глаза

Время пребывания на станции 10 минут.

Если команда не укладывается в данный отрезок времени - минус один балл.

Общее количество баллов - 10: 1 задание - 3 балла, 2 задание - 5 б, 3 задание - 2 б.

I Задание. Чтобы попасть на пальмовый пляж, члены команды должны “переправиться” через реку по “бревну” при условии, если каждый скажет 1предложение на тему: “Что вы сможете делать на пляже”.

II Задание. Участники должны собрать “Кокосовые орехи” с закрытыми глазами под команды: иди прямо, поверни на лево, иди, стой, ищи и т.д.

Из букв на орехах должны составить слово "Holiday"

III Задание. Члены команды слушают песню "I want to go no holiday" и смотрят на слова песни, записанные на доске. Затем исполняют песню дружно, весело и правильно.

Описание станции “Discovery”

Задание: Члены команды задают вопросы о трех странах: России, Великобритании и США.

За правильно построенный и грамматически правильный вопрос команда получает 1 балл и часть картинки с изображением ключа – символа игры. Если команда правильно задает 10 вопросов, она получает не только 10 баллов, но и может составить картинку с изображением ключа и сладкий приз.

Greeting. The leader starts the game:

- Good morning, pupils! I’m glad to meet you at our "Discovery" station! Here you must become too curious and ask as many questions about 3 countries as you can. The countries are: Russia, Great Britain and America. There are 5 types of questions. Don't forget about it. Your questions must be different. And mind grammar rules! Also you must pronounce the words correctly! I wish you good luck! Each correct question gives you 1 mark and 1 part of the picture of the key. You should ask 10 questions and get 10 marks and 10 parts of the picture of the key. What is the key? It is the symbol of our game: "English is the key to the world!"

Then when you get 10 parts of the key you should get the whole pictures of it. And those who get the key will receive a sweet prize! I wish you success! Let us start!

Описание станции "Treasure Island"

Задание: Выполнив 3 задания правильно, команда получает сокровище - 10 баллов (10 штук монеток, которые они могут обменять на дополнительный балл на другой станции).

- Do the following tasks and you will find your treasure.

I Find the words (Плакат c изображением букв)

  1. We can use a b…to cross a river.
  2. (рисунок моря на фоне суши) What is it?
  3. We can travel on the sea by s…
  4. At 0°c, water becomes i…
  5. (рисунок с изображением пирамиды Египта).

II What are the questions?

I'm fine, thanks.

I'm going to the shop.

A new pair of shoes.

III Make up the sentences.

1. arrived America in 40 000 the people first ago years about

2. crossed bridge a between Asia America and they land.

3. was then lower level the sea of the ice because.



  1. bridge
  2. sea
  3. ship
  4. pyramid


  1. Hello! How are you?
  2. Where are you going?
  3. What are you going to buy?


  1. The first people arrived in America about 40 000 years ago.
  2. They crossed a land bridge between Asia and America.
  3. Because of the ice the sea level was lower then.

Описание станции “Log – book”

Task: During your voyage you have found a log - book. You should read it to continue your travelling.

Fill in the gaps with the correct word for each gap from the list given below. Use each word only once. There are five extra words you do not need to use.

Words: after, over, was, dark, her, do, in, same, tiger, ready, travelling, on, at, into, to, were, the, my, could, welcome, open, there, day, eyes, of, place, very, saw, forest.

A Traveller's Tale.

In the autumn ... (1) 1935, when I ... (2) a young man, I was ... (3) in India. One evening, ... (4) hunting ... (5) the forest all... (6) I was returning alone to the ... (7) where I had put up ... (8) tent. It was getting ... (9). On my right was a wide river; ... (10) my left a thick, dark ... (11). Suddenly I ... (12) two green eyes looking ... (13) me from among the trees. A man-eating ... (14) was getting ... (15) to jump on me. What... (16) I do? Should I jump ... (17) the river and hope to save my life by swimming? I looked ... (18) the right. In the river... (19) was a large crocodile waiting to ... (20) me with its mouth wide ... (21). I closed my eyes. I heard branches moving as the tiger  jumped. I opened my ... (22). What... (23) you think had happened? The tiger had jumped right ... (24) me and was now in the crocodile's mouth? That's a true story, believe it or not?


1. - of; 2. - was; 3. - travelling; 4. - after; 5. - in; 6. - day; 7. - place; 8. - my; 9. -dark; 10.-on;

11.-forest; 12. -saw; 13. -at; 14. -tiger; 15. -ready; 16. -could; 17. -into; 18.-to; 19. -there; 20.-welcome; 21. -open; 22.-eyes; 23. - do; 24. - over.

Extra words

Her, same, were, the, very.

Описание станции “Unknown Land”

Задание: Команда рисует картинку места, где живет Робинзон Крузо, согласно следующим указаниям.

Оценивается точность рисунка с образцом.

Task: Draw a picture of the place where Robinson Crusoe's house is situated according to the directions given below.

  1. There is a long road to the place where Robinson Crusoe's house is.
  2. There is a lake on the left of the road.
  3. There is a meadow with beautiful bright flowers on the right of the road.
  4. Behind the meadow there is a forest where different animals live. They are tigers, giraffes, lions.
  5. This place is very nice. The sky is blue, the sun is shining brightly, there are two or three clouds in the sky.
  6. There is a little port on the shore of the lake.
  7. A little boat is floating near the shore.
  8. Not far from the port there is a large field.
  9. In the middle of the field there is Robinson's house. It is of different colours.
  10. There is a garden with many fruit trees and vegetables behind the house and a sports ground on the right and a swimming-pool on the left.


Описание станции “Welcome to the UK”

Task: You should do some tests to be welcomed to the UK. You may use the map given to you.

Test 1

What do you know about Great Britain? Answer the questions:

  1. What do the letters UK mean?
  2. Where is the UK?
  3. What is the capital of Great Britain?
  4. How many countries are there in the UK? Name them.
  5. What is Big Ben?
  6. What places of interest in London do you know?
  7. Who is the Queen of England?
  8. What money have they got in Great Britain?
  9. What river does London stand on?
  10. What famous people do you know?

Test 2

London is full of parks. Here are the mixed names of some of them. Try to guess.

  1. EYHD
  4. NREGE

Test 3

Read the texts and name the sights of London which are described there.

  1. It is the official residence of Her Majesty the Queen and her family. It has 600 hundred rooms, a swimming pool, a cinema, a ballroom and a garden. The first monarch who took residence there was Queen Victoria.
  2. It is a very famous square. There is a very famous statue "Nelson's Column" in the middle of the square. People celebrate New Year there. At midnight they jump into the fountains fully clothed and enjoy themselves.
  3. It is a very old building, - nine hundred years old! It was a palace, a prison. Now it is a museum. Black ravens live here. It has dark stone halls with small windows and thick doors.
  4. Once a royal palace, it is now the seat of the Government. In 1834 it was destroyed by fire. It is a long grey building with towers. It stands near the Thames.
  5. It was built by Sir Christopher Wren. It is not far from the Tower of London. This building has many columns and towers. It is one of the greatest English churches.



What do you know about Great Britain? Answer the questions:

  1. The United Kingdom
  2. It is situated in the British Isles.
  3. It is London.
  4. There are 4 countries in the UK. They are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
  5. It is the name of the clock and the bell of the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament.
  6. Hyde Park, Trafalgar Square, the National Gallery, the Tower of London, St. Paul's Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, the Thames, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament...
  7. Elizabeth II is.
  8. They have pence and pounds.
  9. It stands on the river Thames.
  10. William Shakespeare, Sir Christopher Wren, Admiral Nelson, Robert Burns, Sir Benjamin

 Hall, Charles Dickens, Queen Victoria...

Test 2

  1. Hyde Park
  2. Regent's Park
  3. Richmond Park
  4. Green Park
  5. St. James's Park

Test 3

  1. Buckingham Palace
  2. Trafalgar Square
  3. The Tower of London
  4. The Houses of Parliament
  5. St. Paul's Cathedral